Donors can choose to have a sponsor icon appear next to their name and be listed on this page.
Diamond - $1000 in the last three months, $2000 in the last six months, or $4000 in the last year
Ruby - $500 in the last three months, $1000 in the last six months, or $2000 in the last year
Emerald - $250 in the last three months, $500 in the last six months, or $1000 in the last year
Gold - $100 in the last three months, $250 in the last six months, or $500 in the last year
Silver - $50 in the last three months, $100 in the last six months, or $250 in the last year
Bronze - Any amount in the last three months, $50 in the last six months, or $100 in the last year
Past Sponsor - Any amount at any time
If you've donated and want to turn the icon and listing on or off, please see
Donation Settings.
Inkbunny is a trading name of Laurence Parry, Twin Gables, Lancelot Road, Welling, Kent, England DA16 2HX