Yeah, so after a burst of activity last October I kinda dropped off the map again. I was hoping to make a major announcement in time for my birthday next week, but I may need a bit longer to think be...
Glad that's over. Probably the worst Christmas I've ever had, but I'll spare you the details. Here's something that cheered me up courtesy of a new YouTuber who deserves more love than he's getting....
I just realized that I've passed 15,000 comments on FA. Plus 2,000 on IB. That's not 17K comments received, that's how many I've written. Holy cow. I though that was impossible. It's hard for me...
Hi there! I like funny stuff, so if you want a chuckle, you've come to the right place. I've been in this fandom for about 30 years, and I'll probably never leave... or change my fan name. I like funny, cute, and mushy topics, and draw predominantly with markers. Comics strips are a major favorite of mine. I have a love/hate relationship with porn, so don't be surprised if I'm inconsistent and even a bit hypocritical about it. I'm also notoriously slow when it comes to replies and commenting, even though I'm here almost every day... but feel free to say hi!
I don't do commissions. However, I love getting them, as I rarely draw for myself. I never know what I want, so I love grab-bag style and themed commissions. Surprises are welcome, and all quality levels are appreciated! If you did a commission for me, feel free to repost it anywhere you like, even to some bizarre site I don't know about, as I don't upload guest art to my FA/IB galleries.
I now have F-Lists for Waccoon and Tawny. Tawny is highly experimental and available for all kinds of playful naughties with your characters. Permission not required, so click here for refs and go nuts! I'm tough to offend and will readily overlook non-canon stuff. Wac prefers to just watch, but can be tempted on occasion, especially by reptiles. Ask me anything, and lots more references and info available upon request.
My other sites: My gallery on NineChime, which includes guest art and commissions. It's HUGE. The Wacintosh Files, my current comic strip. Backing Out, my previous and now inactive comic strip. My Homepage, a hub for all my stuff and where to find me on the web.
i wanna thank you more directly, you were correct it was window's not shutting down properly :b that hybrid sleep mode shutdown for some reason causing the crashes =T as i mentioned over on :b so far no crashes since 7/28
i wanna thank you more directly, you were correct it was window's not shutting down properly :b that