Sorry I haven't exactly posted in...*looks* over a year now...but life's been suckin' for that last year. :/ Having a job sucks, like...REALLY sucks. I'm lucky I've got one that won't fire me for m...
It's exactly as it says on the tin-- I've got myself a normal ass job now. @.@ No, this doesn't mean I won't be doing art anymore or taking commissions anymore, it just means I'm in a *transitional p...
HOI. Name's Amu, or Zen...depending on preference. I don't care about pronouns, so fuck it, use whatever ya think works. I'm a weird, friendly, and sometimes overly open dweeb-- I mean Zeeb (zebra) who loves a lot and has very odd tendencies. I try to stay consistent, but it almost never works out that way. I'm too all over the place for that shit.
As I like to sum myself up-- "I game, I draw, I derp." :3
Don't be afraid to message me, I don't bite.....hard. >w> (Unless ya like it rough hurr hurr)
There's roughly less than two weeks left for the below contest. Please let me know if you're still interested and if so if more time will be required to make your entry. Be realistic in your reply in letting me know if you really can make the deadline so I can situate the prize money. Thanks I'll look for your reply via my page or in the journal below.