Eliza Carcharodon is the only child of globetrotting wildlife conservationist duo, Buck and Radhi Carcharodon. While Eliza's existence was unplanned (Radhi and Buck lead a pretty dangerous life- capturing and re-homing vicious predators, fighting poachers, working to combat disease and famine....not very child-friendly activities), she was a very, very happy surprise for her parents. (thanks again, Cascayd! News by Cascayd)
Eliza inherited both the Carcharodon family eyebrows and family resting bitch face. Seriously, this brat hardly ever cracks a smile. But underneath her cold, stern exterior, she's actually a very nice zony. She cares deeply for the important folk in her life- just not in a way that's especially warm or sweet. Eliza is the type to dump a towel on your head after you've been caught in the rain, or offer half her sandwich after you forgot your lunch....all while calmly reminding you that you are, in fact, an idiot. Idiots don't last long out in the Marengeti, you know- so don't expect her to stick her neck out for you again. Hmph.
Pragmatic, opinionated, and intelligent, Eliza is every bit the conservationist her parents are. Her calm demeanor lends itself perfectly to her work- Eliza has no problem staring down a rampaging elephant to reunite her with her lost calf, or needing to send a well-aimed kick at the local lion pride to remind them that zebras are friends, not food. Despite all this, Eliza is still very much a teenager, and not at all immune to being occasionally mortified by her parents (especially when they smooch obnoxiously in front of her, or god forbid, dance- it's like her father was born without a sense of rhythm- For Sun's sake, Dad, you're embarrassing me!!)
Eliza has traveled to Equestria with her parents, but she feels much more at home with her zebra herd in the Marengeti, or out simply roughing it in the wilderness. Eliza says she doesn't much care for Equestrian society and finds the little ponies to be frivolous, indolent creatures....but perhaps she simply doesn't like the way they stare at her. A Zebra-Pony crossbreed is a rather uncommon sight. Eliza wonders if that's why ponies seem intimidated by her....well, that and her constant glare.
fun facts
-Even though they love to tease her, Eliza really does enjoy a close relationship with her parents. Her mom and dad were often her only constant as she spent her childhood traveling all over the world, and she secretly also views them as very dear friends, even (gasp!) allowing a nuzzle or two, when nopony's watching. She's especially close to her mother, and as a foal, she would dive for shelter under Radhi's legs whenever she got spooked.
-Eliza was home-schooled growing up, which has made her standoffish and awkward around ponies her own age. She's very out of the loop when it comes to pony pop culture, and has outdated tastes in music and clothes (gee, thanks Mom and Dad!). She doesn't have much of a sense of humor, but when she does laugh....she giggle-snorts.
-Eliza gets especially grumpy when ponies assume she can't speak English (Ponish?), and subsequently whisper rude or ignorant things right in front of her. Eliza speaks three languages, thank you very much, and quite enjoys ponies' looks of horror when they realize that she can, in fact, understand them.
-Although Eliza is very familiar with Radhi's herd back home, she's never met her father's side of the family. Her father always looks a little sad whenever she brings it up.
-Eliza is cousins with Bruce, and is a good decade younger than he is, so she'd still be a teenager when he'd be an adult, settled down with Stormy and raising his little trouble-making ankle-biters, Wave Rider and Finn. Someday the cousins will meet, and to everyone's surprise, the surly duo will get along pretty much right away. She's basically the bratty little sister Bruce never had- seriously Buck, where've you been hiding her all this time, ya bastard? (Buck will reply that he's been hiding her in the exact same place that Bruce hid Buck's invitation to his and Stormy's wedding. Two can play this game, Bruce.)
-Wave Rider and Finn will squabble like floofy idiots over who cousin Eliza likes best and could she please tell them the story about wrestling that lion again, pretty pretty please??
5 years, 9 months ago
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