I believe my vision may be worsening as I get older, (or it could be a result of me switching to this new drawing tablet with an oled screen, tis hard to say) I was born with bad eyes to begin with s...
Just wanted to make a little thing to wish you guys a Happy New Year's and may your future be better than it is right now. If you're struggling with something in your life or going through a tough tim...
Pointless rambling journal don’t read lol. I get lost sometimes in something I make to the point that where I find it difficult to continue working on it. This isn’t a bad thing least I don’t think it...
A collection of my own artwork and of redrawn artwork that I’ve done, (OG Artist’s Are Always Credited) This set includes NSFW Content and A Variety of Fetishes and SFW Content as well. Please Enjoy!💙
Artwork I have drawn but haven't originally created meanin there's usually a rough by another artist, I've just finished it by re-lining coloring and or shadin it. All artists are always credited! ^-^
Hello! I'm a twenty something fur who loves to draw cute and naughty things mostly cartoon characters. My favorites to draw are Bluey currently love this lil puppy! I have also been known to draw a ridiculous amount of Gumball I still love this blue fuzzball! You'd think with all the blue characters I love that blue would be my favorite color but no it's purple, then orange! I am open and accepting commissions feel free to peruse my commission sheet for prices and examples. I'm not really opposed to drawing anything so long as you’re paying for it I don't think I have no qualms with it. Though I will say perhaps play to my strengths I'm all for drawing new stuff new kinks new characters but you can see what I've made and what you may want. I am sorry I am not really interested in doing role playing at the moment this could change in the future, but not right now I just don't have the time not with how focused I've been on my health and other aspects of my life. I am single hehe *wink wink* not really in a hurry to tie down any knots but I wouldn't mind a boi I could smooch and cuddle with hehe..... Anyway, I hope you will enjoy my art. I've been drawing and writing and just generally creating stuff since I was like 8. Been gay since I was 10ish, been a fur since I was like 15 god MLP what an awakening, it was such a good show. I was designated the Pinkie Pie of my friend group even though I love Rainbow Dash haha I know another blue character. Blue is just such a comforting and bright color it really should be my favorite. Kinda crazy I wonder how many of my friends are secretly furries but just don't want to admit it, at one point we legit went to all the McDonald's to get every MLP toy we just simply had to have them at the time, heck I still got mine freshly sealed in their lil baggies. I am unfortunately a closeted fur and gay tis secrets I keep from my family and some of my friends, well I did tell my mom a decision I never regretted she was the best mom I miss her so much! I don't really want to get into that too deep I try to keep that in the past really messed me up for two years. I'm sure there's more I could put here but I'll leave it at that if you have any questions that are me related or art related just shoot me a DM! ^-^