Dvorak, be kind to your hands.
If your hands/wrists feel tired or sore, switch to the Dvorak keyboard layout. Any qwerty keyboard can be Dvorak with a simple settings change in your operating system. You can even use both Qwerty and Dvorak at the same time. It is Free and Easy and can save your arms!
An easy going fur who is generally nice. I draw pretty much anything. From straight sex to cubs to grannies to castration and beyond, it's all good. I write, I draw, I'm a jackoff of all trades!
I am still working out my pricing structure and how much is fair for what I do.
If you have ideas about fair pricing, well, leave a comment about it : )
My current story prices
$9.00 per page* for a normal story at 12 point Times New Roman font single spaced lines.
*I am occasionally willing to give up to a full page extra if required for the end, this is not a guarantied extra. I reserve the right to do more but that is purely my choice and is NOT a promised addition.
A normal story is not based on any particular picture and/or is more than one page long. A story can be about pretty much Anything. I don't limit the content that can be commissioned. You got a kink, great, I'll probably do it. If I WON'T do it, congratulations, you sick demented furry, you.
$9 for one page Picture Description Stories.
Picture Description Stories are what the name suggests. They are stories that describe the action in the picture OR are a story that includes the scene in the picture. You MAY buy more than one page if you want more.
$?.?? for art sketches
$?.?? for inked sketches
$?.?? for colored, I don't color much.
I don't know how much I will charge for pictures yet. Nobody has asked, so this is not, currently, a priority. If you want something, ask, we can talk : )
A single page takes about 1 hour when inspired. So at best I earn $9.00 an hour, not much, but hey, I'm slow.
*PDS* next to a submission means that it is a Picture Description Story. It is a story that is associated with a picture. Usually the one posted directly before it but there is a link to the picture in the submission details.
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