This is me! Here you'll find pictures of me spending time with my angel boyfriend Jez and my mortal partner Kyris, and performing my holy duties by servicing the gods.
These pictures are safe for work, nothing lewd here. Not that I necessarily recommend viewing them at work - that might earn you a few quizzical looks from your co-workers.
A mortal friend of mine, this spunky young British blue cat, rarely found clad in aught more attire than his trademark white shirt, finds himself on numerous escapades, usually sexual in nature.
During your travels through cyberspace, you pause for a moment, noting that you can feel an ethereal presence nearby. Turning around to see if you can ascertain the cause of it, you're greeted with a blinding celestial light! You squint and shield your eyes with your arm until the light dissipates, at which point you see an angel catboy standing there, his fur a mix of light blue and white and his body sporting nothing but a ceremonial loincloth, large gold bangles around his arms and legs and a brightly glowing halo floating around one of his ears. He turns to look at you, a warm smile adorning his face whilst he raises his paw to wave to you, and you descry that the pupils of his eyes appear to be a solid green colour, unlike those of any person you've seen before.
"Hey there, mya!" he greets you in a bubbly fashion with a soothing voice, waving to you. "I'm Tenshi Cat! You seem to have stumbled across my Inkbunny profile - welcome! Here I post artwork that I've commissioned or has been gifted to me. Some of it stars me, some of it stars another cat named Collision and a few pictures even feature a lalafell. I hope that you enjoy perusing it, and please feel free to message me - I'm always eager to converse with mortals!"
The divine feline speaks joyously, clearly very happy to meet you as he pads forward, holding his paw out to you to offer a handshake. "By the way, my avatar is by Fiuefey." Glancing to the right, you notice quite a few contact details and links to his presences elsewhere on the internet.
"""""Hello SLFC! Nice, I'll use it! Does my old account still exist there?""""
I am honestly not sure.... Pawsie stepped down / left and some new person named "Lucky Dragonite" (also called "BattleFennec" & BattleFennecAD" on Twitter) took over and tried to rebuild WildCritters and bring it back to its former glory, but then they just kinda went quiet and never came back.... it still has web hosting, and it still "functions" but it seems to be about as forgotten and abandoned as Fchan is (that place also still exists, to my surprise)......