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Previously known as Cres and totodice.
Stats joined 9 years ago s 384 j 15 v 156,120 v:s 155,145 v:j 975 f 9,363 w 895 c:g 458 c:r 728
Edarel hunter race, The Anki by PrincessCres
Edarel hunter race, The Anki
Keeping it updated + musings
Partly doing this to make sure I keep the journal updated, but still kinda matters anyway. Ye, uploading has been quite...slow. Can be weeks between them. I apologize for that. There actually is quit...
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Easter mistake
So like...I completely forgot about easter. Like..."bitch you have a rabbit sona, who's also a girl! You even love ovi and forced impreg themes! How could you forget about a holiday all about bunnies ...
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Pokémon Day~
Haven't made a new journal in awhile. I suppose this is also coming a tad late-ish as well. But hey, pokémon day! That was fun~ No PMD titles, but what else is new. And with that out of the way...hm...
1 year ago
show original thumbnails
Edarel hunter race, The Anki by PrincessCres
Edarel hunter race, The Anki
Cres! Now with more emotions! by PrincessCres
Cres! Now with more emotions!
Pearl dragons (updated) by PrincessCres
Pearl dragons (updated)
An uninvited guest by PrincessCres
An uninvited guest
Christmas surprise box by PrincessCres
Christmas surprise box
Arch demon Borez by PrincessCres
Arch demon Borez
Archdemon Fenrir! by PrincessCres
Archdemon Fenrir!
Bringing forth an era of magical domination! by PrincessCres
Bringing forth an era of magic...
Dark Lord Ixen~ by PrincessCres
Dark Lord Ixen~
No rodents allowed! by PrincessCres
No rodents allowed!
A villains inevitable defeat by PrincessCres
A villains inevitable defeat
Even a bonfire starts as just a spark by PrincessCres
Even a bonfire starts as just ...
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PoolsSubmissions grouped togetherSee All
Hug~ by PrincessCres
Magical excursion by PrincessCres
Magic focus training by PrincessCres
Ixen is Yori's husband and a garnet dragon. Far more competent in combat ability compared to his wife. Dominant, but with a hidden submissive side.
32 submissions
The Rising Dragon Festival by PrincessCres
No rodents allowed! by PrincessCres
Pearl dragons (updated) by PrincessCres
A folder for anything based around Yori's world setting. Be it monsters and other things.
6 submissions
The little witch goddess by PrincessCres
Samurai Cres by PrincessCres
Cres being cute by PrincessCres
Goddess Cres
Decided to make a separate folder/pool for this version. For those that prefer to see Cres, but minus the cub part. Basically all the ones here will be my main OC version of her goddess form.
31 submissions
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sprigatito by DAGASI
Info dump by CoffeeFly
Info dump
by CoffeeFly
0004-0006: Charmander family by pichu90
0004-0006: Charmander family
by pichu90
Commission - stickers by LKIWS
Commission - stickers
Mystery Box ☆ Commission by lovespell
Mystery Box ☆ Commission
by lovespell
Craftsman by LKIWS
Too much Milk! 🥛 by Wyverness
Too much Milk! 🥛
by Wyverness
Mooooom! I'm Here! by Wyverness
Mooooom! I'm Here!
by Wyverness
Maid 625 by LKIWS
Maid 625
Smolder's realm by LKIWS
Smolder's realm
A Heart Shaped Tail - Chapter 7 by Olemgar
A Heart Shaped Tail - Chapter ...
by Olemgar
Glorious Servant by Undeadkitty13
Glorious Servant
See More in Favorites

U-um...thank you for visiting my page here on Inkbunny!
For those who visit, here is where most of the images pertaining to Cres and Toto will be posted. So to those wishing to see more of them, here is the place for it.

Also, um, I was forced to admit it here by a friend... I'm a silly little frog who eats penises. I'm super-dumb and goofy, and afraid of basically anything, and I eat lots of penises as a result of being such a tiny little weakling frog. Also, I am like suuuper-stupid.

For those interested, I am still active on my Furaffinity account
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/totodice1/, however, I am looking into making this something of a main account, as there are a few things here not posted on FA. This account is the only place aside from e621 that will have NSFW of Toto and Cres. So if you wish to see art of them being ravaged, here is the place. If my FA goes down for whatever reason, this will be where my new home is.


Pokemon OC's
All my pokemon characters exist within the same world setting, Aderon.

Toto the Cubone - Toto is a normal cubone, but with a longer tail, a pink caplet and a blue messenger bag. He also has no back spikes unlike normal cubone. Toto is a cubone that travels alone in the large world of Aderon, the PMD like setting of which all my pokemon characters exist in. Thus, he has no knowledge of humans or things like pokeballs and all that. Toto is 11 inches tall, or about 0.279 meters or 27.94 centimeters.

Seval the Meganium - Seval is odd, as said in the post, she is my first OC technically, but was replaced by Toto and then became a standalone character that interacted with Toto in my own canon. Seval is different than I am in a couple ways though, hence being made as a standalone character, but in some ways is the same. Seval is pretty straightforward, being a merchant and selling items she would find as well as selling herself for more private services. Despite her openly honest practices, Seval also works within the black market and will often attempt to trick customers into spending more than they need to for her wares. The latter however almost always ends up with Seval being unwillingly used and unpaid by most. Seval wears saddle bags around her body to carry goods and items, and has a traveling pouch and a bandanna on her head to protect from the heat. She's headstrong, but also very kind and generous to others most of the time. Seval is open to any SFW and NSFW content that one wishes at the moment. Seval is a sub like the others.

Thadius the Slowking - Thadius is another of my older OC characters that has been finally realized into a ref sheet. He's a character that similarly has been changed a couple times, but not nearly as much as Seval has. He still remains about the same as he started out though. Thadius though, is an overweight slowking that similarly loves to travel around. Unlike Toto who wanders more aimlessly, Thadius actively searches for things of interest such as unique items or odd and mythical trinkets and other items. Since his focus is mostly on archaeological research and more academic pursuits, it leaves him little time to train or get in shape, causing his rounded appearance and less than adequate battling abilities. So, he typically hires bodyguards to protect him for more dangerous expeditions. This of course comes with its own issues as not all can be trusted, and there are times that he's been robbed or raped by the ones he hires. Thadius is similarly gay and submissive, but is not inclined towards most sexual activities, so more often than not will need to be guided into them.

Ryme - Ryme is the last, but biggest of my pokemon OC's that I have, and my main here on FA. Ryme was a male salazzle that, thanks to much of his parents help, managed to evolve, but due to the amount of time without them, regressed and caused a deformed and unfinished evolution. Despite being male, Ryme is typically referred to using female pronouns in most cases. Ryme is an assassin in name, but mostly focuses on spy and thief work, rather than actual assassinations. This is due much in part to her simply being bad at them, but also that she's much better at the former by comparison. Ryme is a member of a criminal organization that simply refer to themselves as the frost demons. After a very long and unwanted past, Ryme eventually seeks to join the group in order to get revenge on exploration teams as a whole for killing her parents as part of a mission long ago. After joining them, she is put under Hippil to be watched over, eventually ballooning into a relationship with him. After some time, thanks to certain other worldly magic, Ryme is made fully female based on her own desires. She later on has a son named Azul, who carries on her and Hippil’s lineage as a fully male salazzle. Ryme is actually a character meant for NSFW and Mature art, so unlike the others, Ryme should mostly be drawn in one of the two ways listed. SFW of her should not be drawn or made much if at all.

Non-pokemon OC's

Cres - Cres is my newest OC designed by
, and permanent main going forward. Cres represents myself, and I try to refer to her in the first person where possible. Cres is a frog that works as a priestess in her village. Being born a mage, Cres, much like her father, is locked to the age she found out about her magic abilities and thus cannot age. Tasked with protecting the village from creatures that roam the forests outside their village, Cres and her father exist to have their mana drained every now and again to sate the monsters via perverse actions that typically involve being being physically taken advantage of. Cres herself is a soft spoken and fairy timid individual due to being born and having to work as a priestess for her village early on in her life. Lacking any understanding of the world around her, she comes in with a curiosity of anything new she sees, but lacks a sense of danger and understanding of how to avoid it, causing her to be raped quite often by the various creatures inhabiting the world. Overall, Cres is someone completely reliant on others to keep her safe, sticking to them as best she can wherever she goes. Cres is a complete sub, being unable to be anything else due to her anatomy.

Stormy - Stormy is my Leviathan OC and was made by :linkFurikake: as an adopt. Stormy is a female leviathan, originally an effeminate male. Despite Stormy's gender, due to his upbringing, being called and referred to as female feels more natural to her than being seen as male. Shee has Pebble-like scales and a horn on her head that symbolizes her status. Her chest underneath the neck bulges out more compared to any others of her species. Her claws are soft and rounded at the tips, making them ill suited for scratching or rending anything. Personality wise, Stormy tends to be pretty shy and hates confrontation and fighting, refusing to do so even to defend herself. She does however enjoy talking to others, just takes some time to open up. After she does she is quite friendly and does what she can to make sure her new friends are happy. Because of these traits, she always ends up being a huge doormat and will buckle and listen to anyone that shows any degree of dominance or aggression towards her. She usually sticks to a cave she found at the bottom of a ravine, but will on occasion travel out to sea and to land, leading to quite a few misadventures that always see her getting used in some capacity. Stormy measures a bit smaller compared to other Leviathan, at about 12 feet long. Or roughly 365.76 centimeters, or 3.6576 meters. Stormy is straight, and is almost exclusively a sub, preferring rough and dominant partners who take complete control and take her against her will.

Yori the Raunikayle- Yori is rude, condescending, mean, extremely cocky and has a severely over inflated opinion of himself, believing herself to more or less be the center of the universe. Despite having been male before, due a spell gone wrong, Yori has since altered himself to being female. Despite being female now, she’s still an extreme misogynist and will always treat others as less than herself while constantly putting himself above them at any given moment. Likewise, her interests very rarely extend past how they can best benefit her, being willing to put others in danger in exchange for her own self indulgence and gratification. This causes Yori to be completely ignorant of the seriousness of a given situation or how completely outmatched she might be against someone, which always leads her to getting beaten up and needing to be saved. In actuality, Yori is extremely weak and incapable of doing practically anything on her own, with her life basically being a guide on how to fail. All in all, Yori is little more than a cocky loser, who does little more than get put in her place by everyone around her, never really learning from her constantly growing list of failures. Yori is a bottom, and a diehard masochist that vastly prefers being completely dominated by others larger than herself. She is also very Misogynistic, so any NSFW art of her with a female is not allowed.
Links and Contact Details
Fur Affinity
1 year, 2 months ago
Oh, wow. Thanks for the fave. And sorry it took so long to say anything, I’ve been kinda busy
1 year, 9 months ago
Love your Salandit profile picture here :3
1 year, 9 months ago
Thanks for the watch
4 years, 2 months ago
thank you for watch!
4 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the faves! c:
4 years, 3 months ago
Love some of your characters. I'd definitely wanna interact with them someway. X3
4 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for the watch! 🐾
4 years, 11 months ago
thanks for the fave~
4 years, 11 months ago
Thanks a lot 4 watching , really appreciated :D
5 years ago
Thank you kindly for the fave
6 years, 3 months ago
6 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the watch !
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