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National Underwear Day by moyomongoose
National Underwear Day
A Beautiful Doo-wop Song from 1960
Here is a song from 1960 I decided to share. It is titled, Oh Jina, by Jeff Dana. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pBoTE2vCL3M&pp=ygUOSmVmZiBkYW5hIDE5NjA%3D
3 weeks, 4 days ago
Merry Christmas
Here is wishing everyone a **‌Merry ‌Christmas**. ~ https://inkbunny.net/s/2888297 ~
2 months, 1 week ago
Removing Thermostats from Cars is a Bad Move
Some people think removing the thermostat from their car is a good idea. Many years ago, I've heard young guys say, "Your car doesn't need a thermostat. It'd run so much cooler without one. I run my c...
2 months, 3 weeks ago
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Gift Drawing of my Fursona in the Early 20th Century by moyomongoose
Gift Drawing of my Fursona in ...
1914 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost by moyomongoose
1914 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost
Moyo's Classic Car by moyomongoose
Moyo's Classic Car
Beings of Another Planet make a Curious Find by moyomongoose
Beings of Another Planet make ...
National Underwear Day by moyomongoose
National Underwear Day
Mongoose and Genet Crosses Tracks with Distant Train Approaching by moyomongoose
Mongoose and Genet Crosses Tra...
Boarding the Train by moyomongoose
Boarding the Train
Hauling Tobacco by moyomongoose
Hauling Tobacco
Moyo's 1959 Cadillac by moyomongoose
Moyo's 1959 Cadillac
Gift Drawing - Moyomongoose and 1954 Chrysler by moyomongoose
Gift Drawing - Moyomongoose an...
Car Hops are Cute and Friendly - Gift Drawing by moyomongoose
Car Hops are Cute and Friendly...
Total Eclipse, April 8th, 2024 by moyomongoose
Total Eclipse, April 8th, 2024
See More in Gallery

PoolsSubmissions grouped togetherSee All
Nico and Pancho #3 Nico Picking Bananas by moyomongoose
Nico and Pancho #4 Pancho Bagging Bananas by moyomongoose
Nico and Pancho #5 A New Friend by moyomongoose
Nico & Pancho Meet a Friend From Far Away
This is a story I created in 1995, in which the African theme
was inspired by the Disney movie, The Lion King.
45 submissions
Hey, Get Back in the Car - Secret Santa 2016 - From Harkrun by moyomongoose
Art Trade Drawing of Ajamu Genet by moyomongoose
Make a Birthday Wish and Blow Out the Candle by moyomongoose
Artwork Received From Others
This is works received from others, including my participation in the Secret Santa event.
44 submissions
Rue Steps Out for a Break by moyomongoose
Secret Santa 2016 - Christmas Eve Fishing Trip - For  LykaanDorianWylder by moyomongoose
OliverOshawott on a Motorcycle by moyomongoose
Artwork Given to Others
These are works I've done for others, including those from my participation in the Secret Santa events.
10 submissions
See More in Pools
ZeRo SiN - Cover Page by Duzt
ZeRo SiN - Cover Page
by Duzt
[Commission] Fluffing Her Ears by Veemonsito
[Commission] Fluffing Her Ears
Scary Movie Night -By NazzNikoNanuke- by DanielMania123
Scary Movie Night -By NazzNiko...
Thank you - 500 watches! by zoleth
Thank you - 500 watches!
by zoleth
Second Chance - chapter 20 (collab w/mythicwolf) by Jackburned
Second Chance - chapter 20 (co...
Colorless night by Giru
Colorless night
by Giru
Nothing by Giru
by Giru
[Comm 290] Struggle within by Giru
[Comm 290] Struggle within
by Giru
[Comm 288] Left Fur Dead by Giru
[Comm 288] Left Fur Dead
by Giru
Sui Zai by Shyryp
Sui Zai
by Shyryp
[c] fine dining by leglegleg
[c] fine dining
by leglegleg
Mistlettoe smoochings by chonkyburr
Mistlettoe smoochings
See More in Favorites
I've been into furry artwork since the summer of 2012...The summer of 2022 makes 10 years.
My fursona is a result of inspiration I got from the Disney movie, The Lion King, back in 1994.
Though my fursona was not an actual character in the movie, The Lion King was an influential factor which inspired my creation of moyomongoose back in the year 1994.

As might be apparent, I'm not very fast at doing artwork. In fact, I never was really quick at it.
To add to that, I would rather take the time to produce good quality artwork, rather than to crank out a high volume of junk...To put it another way, it is the same reason why car makers like Mercedes, BMW and Jaguar would never even dream of cranking out high volumes of Yugo and Pinto replica automobiles.

I occasionally do NSFW art, though that is not the main focus of my gallery.

Many of my drawings have a story to them, or they go with an already existing story.
Only a small percentage of my drawings are simply random.

As for any of my drawings and stories that contain gore and death, that is in the form of things like; automobile crashes, plane crashes, train wrecks, construction accidents, house fires, assaults, war, terrorist attacks, suicide, natural disaster, etc.
Any gore art I do does not contain things like; characters being bar-b-qued, degutted, having brains removed, being skined alive, in torture chambers, etc.

I don't draw anal sex.
And any scat drawing I might do would be limited to situations having a comedy value to it.

In my sexual drawings, I draw the genitalia anatomically correct to the best of my knowledge for the species of animal I am drawing...In short, I don't simply stick human dicks on my anthro-animal characters...Other artists do it, thats fine. That's just not the way I click and roll.

9-25-2024  5597

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Watching5627 usersSee All
3 days, 7 hrs ago
Thank you for the fave! :D
3 days, 23 hrs ago
Thank you for the fave!
5 days, 2 hrs ago
Thanks for the fave! :D  
1 week, 2 days ago
No problem!
1 week, 2 days ago
Thank you for watching!
1 week, 3 days ago
Thanks for the fav! 😊
1 week, 3 days ago
thanks for the faves
1 week, 3 days ago
No problem! It was that anti-circumcision story I found myself swiftly looking through the lore of. Poor family just needed to deal with his pneumonia, but went to the wrong doctor.
1 week, 5 days ago
Thanks for the fave!
2 weeks, 2 days ago
You know your account is old when you still have an AOL Instant Messenger screen name as your main contact, lol...

That's a blast from the past for sure.... like Live Journal or Myspace.
2 weeks, 3 days ago
Thanks for the fave nwn
3 weeks ago
Thanks for the favin'.
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