I have gotten MANY REQUESTS for the Surge stickers to go back on sale. I have an extra box of supplies that I can sell, but once they're gone, these are done for good before I move on to my next thing...
These are SUPER LIMITED. I am only taking 10 more orders, and then they are gone. Finito. Done. ⚡️⚡️GET YOURS, OR BE SORRY!!!⚡️⚡️ http://forms.gle/DLuw692s5KoXfghU6 ( http://forms.gle/DLuw692s5KoXf...
holy crap thank you so much for the watch!!!!!!!!! really love your pixel art and getting to make them look authentic in an actual console is just really awesome!!!!!! thank you :,,,,)))
holy crap thank you so much for the watch!!!!!!!!! really love your pixel art and getting to make th
servedasiS is one of- if not, my single favorite artist on inkbunny. Loved their art even before I had an account here (this one of zero especially stands out in my mind), and I love seeing them continue to push themselves: making 3D models, pixel art, and an entire game for pete's sake! The only true downside is maybe a lack of consistency, but it's hard to complain because, when they do good work, it borders iconic. And, I'm not one who is normally fond of OCs, but Rock the Bull's design fits right in with the mainline cast with how unique yet simplistic he is.
servedasiS is one of- if not, my single favorite artist on inkbunny. Loved their art even before I h
You have my sincerest condolences. I had no idea that the person you were talking about was such a toxic snake. Such a waste of talent and skill honestly....but it's worse that it's happened to someone like you.
You have my sincerest condolences. I had no idea that the person you were talking about was such a t