It seems to me that I have been making a lot of audio content that is not particularly smutty. Like a lot of what I've been doing has been lore-based dramatic stuff based on my canon material. And thi...
"Pure Potential" is the newest erotic novel by :iconBuddyTippet: It is available right now at Amazon. It is available in paperback and Kindle. The story includes a stunning number of kinks and fetish...
If you like all the dirty, nasty stuff we do on this site, consider dropping me some money for a coffee. I wonder if they have one that's city trash flavor. A rat needs his coffee.
Hello there. I am Buddy Tippet. I am a published novelist who focuses on weird furry erotica. You can find my books on Kindle or on paperback through the following link:
Some of my books may be dangerous to your health. Please read responsibility.
This site is also home to my erotic audio drama group known as "Furries Did It." It is a partnership between me and Nuke. Here you will have the privilege of listening to some high quality sex stories. Here is a link to the general pool:
COMMISSION INFO: Furries Did It is only taking paid commissions right now. We listen to requests, but we can't promise we'll do any of them. When not getting commissions, we usually just make our own stuff. We go where the inspiration takes us. If you are interested in commissioning us, click HERE!
Hey thanks so much for the fave! Been looking for a reason to express my appreciation for what you guys are doing too, the unsighted and sight-challenged need their porn too and audio groups like yours are definitely doing good work for that!
Hey thanks so much for the fave! Been looking for a reason to express my appreciation for what you
Hi nice to meet you^^ I'll definitely give you a watch. I'm starting out with storytelling. I would love to get some tips if you have any. I'm currently big on the Care Bear and have a few OCS as well as a couple incomplete stories. It's always nice if I'm other writers that do the same. I don't know if you only do erotic stuff but I would be so grateful for any kind of tips^^
Hi nice to meet you^^ I'll definitely give you a watch. I'm starting out with storytelling. I would