[The dopple is on the floor, still recovering from his ordeal.]
Dopple: <Wheezing softly, 10 seconds.>
Voice: [Sing-songy, gentle.] Ferros... Ferros~
Dopple: <Wheezing breaths that become steadier.> [Uncertain.] Muh--Master?
Voice: My sweet little ferret.
Dopple: [Groggy.] Master. [pause] Where are you?
Voice: I am so sorry to disappoint you, Ferros, but I am not real.
Dopple: [A little disappointed.] Oh?
Voice: Yes. I am afraid that you have gone quite mad.
Dopple: Oh. [Pause.] Why did you do that to me, Master?
Voice: Why do you think I did it?
Dopple: [Pause.] Because I was bad. I'm a bad ferret. [self-deprecating] I don't deserve to be your ferret. I'm awful.
Voice: What makes you say that?
Dopple: Because I--<chokes a bit on shame.> I just wanted to build my death ray. I never did anything you wanted me to.
Voice: What do you want now, Ferros?
Dopple: [Wretched, nearly sobbing.] I just want to serve you, Master--Not that I even deserve it. You were right to do what you did.
Voice: And the death ray?
Dopple: <Wails at the traumatic memory of the pain when the death ray went off.>
Dopple: [Angry, sad.] Fuck the death ray! I'll destroy it! I'll destroy anything that would distract me from my master!
Voice: And what about you, Ferros?
Dopple: [Meek.] Me?
Voice: What do you want in return?
Dopple: [Pauses.] <Sniffles, tearing up.> I don't want to feel this way anymore. All I can think about is... is... how much it hurt. It feels like it's still happening. <Whimper of pain.>
Voice: You want it to end.
[Long pause.]
Dopple: [Pathetic.] Pleaaase...
Voice: Then you must go and make your pennance, sweet little ferret. It is the only chance you have at your freedom.
Dopple: <Sniffles, rubs face.> Okay.
Voice: Get up, now.
Dopple: <sniffles again, tiny grunt of standing up.> Wh-where am I?