It seems to me that I have been making a lot of audio content that is not particularly smutty. Like a lot of what I've been doing has been lore-based dramatic stuff based on my canon material. And this rather had me scratching my muzzle. I do enjoy a good porn. I love working on the NSFW content. I feel like all the SWF stuff is happening by accident. Like... it feels like I am making porn, but then I trip over a brick, fall on my face, and somehow that turns everything into not-porn.
As I push myself up from the floor, I look upon the SWF audio I created and feel genuinely confused. I ask myself, "Why did I just do that?" And the audio looks back at me and says, "WTF is wrong with you? I was supposed to be porn!" and I reply, "It's true! Why did I not make porn?!" and then the audio replied, "Maybe you're just stupid or something."
Maybe he's right. Maybe I am just stupid or something. But I think I've been stupid for a long time now. My mama said I was stupid when she was done hitting me over the head with the cheese wheel. But I dunno why I should be so down about it. Some of my best work came from my stupidity. I think that if I was entirely not-stupid, people might get a little bored around here. I've made porn with Care Bears, for goodness sake. But I like it. I like all these things.
I've never really tried to please anyone other than myself and Nuke. Nearly everything I make here is really just me trying to give my ratty stupidity to the world, whether they understand it or not. I hope they enjoy it, but I know that some of the stuff I post is really just me expressing weird stuff inside my head. And some of those weird things are porn-type things. Actually a huge amount of stuff inside my head is porn related.
Anyways, I'll try and stop tripping so much and accidently making SWF content... but let's be honest... it's gonna keep happening here and there. Why? Because I'm stupid. I'm a stupid rat. Squeak.
I'd love to voice in at least one of your audios ^^. But dont call yourself stupid. Youre an amazing audio artist, I wish there were more who focused on audio as well, beit sfw or nsfw. Still, I dont think you're stupid. I love the care bear audios too they're one of my favorite audio lores. And I love all the characters you brought to life too. You've come a long way and im proud of you ^^. (P.s. im sorry for my terrible grammar and sentence structure but im typing on phone so its hard to keep track of the words as I type them on my moving screen ;w; ) ^^ <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
I'd love to voice in at least one of your audios ^^. But dont call yourself stupid. Youre an amazing
But I like calling myself stupid. It makes me feel better! XD It's kind of a submissive thing. I actually get horny when people call me a dumb rat. lol Also, if you are interested in being a VA for us, contact me over notes/private messages. We can't guarantee we'd accept you, but if everything checks out, we'd love to have new voice actors.
But I like calling myself stupid. It makes me feel better! XD It's kind of a submissive thing. I act