Well, here we are, just 1- days to go before Christmas Day (that's 9 more shopping days, for what it's worth), and only 5 days before the first day of Hanukkah, so once again, I'm early.... Still a shocker that I'm early at all... :P Hope your excuse for being quiet was not a colonoscopy as I just had a bit over a week ago. :P
ANYHOO.... Onto this month's Challenge, shall we?
The holidays. This is that time of year that at least 6 separate major holidays coincide, all with a gift-giving theme: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's, Eastern Orthodox Christmas, and various festivities that surround the Winter Solstice.
So what shall we do, here? Well, we have GIFTS and HOLIDAYS, but what of species? (Rein)DEER, of course. :) (What, you thought it would be a Christmas Mouse... or even a squirrel? Maybe next time. :) )
As it is, I'm 5 stories behind in my goal of 13 stories in 12 months- Think I can squeeze 5 stories out in 2 weeks? Gonna try, at least. :P Might even do something with Helia again-- I think I've fallen in love with my newest character... :)
So, this is how the 17th Writing Challenge looks: DEER GIFTS HOLIDAYS
Rules? What rules? ;) Just use the three keywords offered in this Challenge creatively. Length doesn't matter. Neither does genre or rating. As usual, I don't expect the obvious-- I like seeing creativity. :) Oh, and most importantly, HAVE FUN with the Challenge. :) Part of the whole point of this is to have fun writing stories, and hopefully some others here (and anywhere else they're posted) will get comments and +faves.
If you can't think of anything for this Challenge, there are 16 other Challenges you could go back to-- There is no espiry date on any of these Challenges. I would, at least, like to know if something's coming up, of course. :) (Why? Because I often feel like my Challenges might be just a waste of time. :( )
Below is a list of past and current Challenges, with links to all submissions for each.
~ reindeer and caribou are the same species of deer? ~ that reindeer are the only species of deer in which the females grow antlers? ~ that pregnant female reindeer keep their antlers until early spring so as to better compete with all the other reindeer while adult males have already lost their antlers by now? Now is about the time of year when juvenile reindeer and castrated males shed their antlers. ~ that the now obsolete constellation of Rangifer (also Tarandus) was supposed to represent a reindeer? French astronomer Pierre Charles Le Monnier put it near Polaris, using faint stars now in Camelopardalis, Cassiopeia, and Cepheus.
Also, don't forget to celebrate Christmas Adam on the 23rd.
Did you know: ~ reindeer and caribou are the same species of deer? ~ that reindeer are the only spe
As I hinted above, Part 9 will use #12's keywords, technically putting it out of order with Part 8 if one goes by the chronology of your Challenges. However, Part 10 will use #18's keywords. Counting those two parts, this means I will have answered 13½ of 18 Challenges, leaving 4½ entries left to go.
As I hinted above, Part 9 will use #12's keywords, technically putting it out of order with Part 8 i