I'm actually late getting this out, no thanks to a severe bout of depression. :( I don't really discuss it much, as I don't think I need to lay my depression on anyone. :( This whole month actually has been a series of depressions, which all started when the State of California decreased my SSI by a further $15 in the name of budget cuts, leaving me less than $50 per month after bills. Or to put it in 5 words, I really hate being disabled. :(
That out of the way, it's time for another Writing Challenge! As with most of my Writing Challenges, calendar events they're tied to are only for my sake of posting them-- In this case, the 42nd anniversary of the Moon landing of Apollo XI, and the footsteps of Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, as well as the final landing of the Space Shuttle program, as of this morning- The last American manned space mission. :(
So, without further ado, here are the three keywords:
The species this time is EAGLE (or any bird of prey), in honour of the lunar lander 42 years ago... The other two? SUN, as Apollo was the Greek god of the Sun, and... SEA, as the Eagle lander landed at the Sea of Tranquility.
So this Challenge's keywords are EAGLE, SUN and SEA.
As usual, stories can be any length, any genre, serious or funny (or both), tame or naughty-- All I ask is to just be creative with the keywords, and have fun-- And that I don't necessarily expect the obvious. :) These Challenges never expire, and you can go to one of my previous Challenges, which I've listed below, if this one's not to your liking, or just can't think of anything specific to this Challenge. I would like to know if there is a submission in the works, as it gives me hope to continue these Challenges- and right now, I could use alot of hope (especially since I'm really not worth donating to... And I do know some can't or won't, for their own reasons, though they've been supporting by other means, which I'm grateful for)...
Below is a list of past and current Challenges, with links to all submissions for each.
Plus, I've had other things piling up as well, such as that Souther picture, although that's only a minor thing overall. When one gets a lot of things one feels they've got to do, one sort of loses interest in doing anything.
Plus, I've had other things piling up as well, such as that Souther picture, although that's only a
Been there, done that... Been perusing infrared videos (like the ones I linked to previously), instead of writing, which I should do. :P That, and catch up on my backload of submissions and comments... :P
Been there, done that... Been perusing infrared videos (like the ones I linked to previously), inste
Fortunately, with my connection, videos tend to be out, so I can't do too many of them. On the other hand, I do still have a lot of old magazines of mine (some dating from the '70s) stored away. I've found my old GAMES magazines and have been looking through for stuff I might want to scan or type into the computer. I found a calendar page from 2003 that I intend to send to DOtter (I've already sent him a list of dates I copied out of those old magazines) once I've cleaned it up, seeing as how I wrote on it years ago. Fortunately, he doesn't know of it (until he reads this; hello, DOtter ;p ), so no rush yet.
Plus, there's trying to figure out the new version of Blender. Dr. McCoy's lament on how engineers love to change things applies to software programmers to. :\
Fortunately, with my connection, videos tend to be out, so I can't do too many of them. On the othe
"The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." ~ Montgomery Scott, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
I think Scotty was referring to complex plumbing than advanced plumbing. Still, if you're used to a toilet that stops up a lot and a cranky sink, it takes a while to get used to a new, more efficient toilet and a better sink, especially if they've been moved around on you to make the pipes less bendy. The big problem with my relearning Blender is that the program itself doesn't come with instructions, so I have to go online for it. Unfortunately, with so many tutorials in video form, I can't do much with my current dial-up. And that's not counting trying to figure out how to make 3D models with screenshots from Star Trek on top of that (as I want to replicate the TOS sets in 3D someday).
Well, at least being unfamiliar with the new Blender opens up more time for doing other things. :p Like, maybe, Moon Rabbit.
"The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." ~ Montgomery Scott,
Here's a thought. From now until your birthday, for every story one of us posts, the other must match it. So, if you want to encourage me to get to finish off "Moon Rabbit", here's your chance, here's your chance. Plus, I can then encourage you to write about lepti culture, such as Ilene's coming of age ceremony. :o My thoughts are that we need some sort of constructive pressure to prod us into getting these stories done.
If you think this is worth a try, the guidelines are simple. If one of us posts a story during the period specified, the other should try to match it. The stories need not be equal, but they must be more than a couple haikus or limericks to qualify. Stories already uploaded or published somewhere don't qualify; for example, when I post the five parts of "Do Unto Me" here, they don't count towards stories "owed". Also, pictures and journal don't count either.
Your birthday isn't the deadline for posting anything, just the cut-off point for this period of matching stories. After your birthday, whoever "owes" any stories has until the beginning of November to catch up (I'd say until my birthday, but it's smack dab in the middle of NaNoWriMo and I don't want to interfere with our creativity during that month), although there's nothing stopping us from moving it to the end of the year.
In the end, this is about encouraging us to get something done rather than embarrassing anyone.
Here's a thought. From now until your birthday, for every story one of us posts, the other must mat
I do have a few things I need to get through, like Ileni's world prior to being blasted into Amy's present, but I've been battling nasty emotional crashes of late, which have been slowing me down. :(
I have, as you might've noticed, managed to get my eighth story of the year, in spite depression, which if I continue at this pace (one a month), I will have written as much, if not more, than the previous 30 years. No guarantee that it'll stay at that pace, but I haven't stopped writing, either-- There may be even more than that, if the muse is willing.
I've never had the stamina to do NaNoWriMo, so I never participate in it, but I don't think it isn't worthwhile, either.
Like I said, I haven't stopped writing- When it hits, it hits-- I may even get in one or two more stories in this particular month, being it's still early in the month! :P
As for more of "Moon Rabbit"..... Well, I'm waiting! ;)
I do have a few things I need to get through, like Ileni's world prior to being blasted into Amy's p
Second, my proposal was, I hoped, a way for motivating the both of us. I may not have been depressed the past couple of months, but I've been going through another "I don't want to" phase brought on by various overwhelming things. I had hoped that we could prod each other into finishing/starting our stories is all.
Third, oddly enough, I am looking forward to Ilene's coming of age ceremony.
First off, I owe a story now. :p Second, my proposal was, I hoped, a way for motivating the both of
I never said one couldn't do more than one challenge in a submission... ;) Should make things interesting and worth looking forward to... :) Of course, I also have yet to see a cub submission to my Challenges, either- Surprising, considering the cub-friendly nature of this site, which I've been half-expecting... ;) (The Challenges are there for writers to exercise their writing skills with a bit of fun, not just to please me... :) )
I look forward to the new story- I could use a pick-me-up, since I've been emotionally crashing lately... :(
I never said one couldn't do more than one challenge in a submission... ;) Should make things intere
I read it not long after it was posted....then I got busy, or been out of town..... It's only been just in the last few days I've gotten some breathing time so I can get things done, here... :P
I read it not long after it was posted....then I got busy, or been out of town..... It's only been j
Added, now- Sorry for the delay! :( Only a third of the way through (been busy, only just now getting to it), and so far, worth the read... :) Looking forward to your next story... :) (Maybe more squirrels again? ;) )
Added, now- Sorry for the delay! :( Only a third of the way through (been busy, only just now gettin