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Amending Inkbunny's Philosophy of Acceptance

We're adding to the Inkbunny Philosophy to address a rise in undesired behaviour in recent years.

The section on Acceptance has been amended as follows:

" Acceptance
No one has the right to harass anyone for their tastes or the content of artwork they post on Inkbunny. Inkbunny encourages a community where people of all artistic interests can co-exist, focused on furry art and fiction. The community attitude is one of acceptance of the widest possible range of views and ideas, as long as they do not encourage hate and intolerance.

Advocacy of real-life paedophilia is not allowed, and such content will be removed.

Our interpretation of such content includes overt or covert means to identify as a paedophile, as well as attempts to solicit off-site discussion that a reasonable person would assume relates to it.

Inkbunny is first and foremost a community dedicated to works of furry art and fiction. Over the years we've tried to allow as much other content as we can without detracting from that underlying purpose, or putting the site or its members at legal risk. However, a rise in the disruptive use of the site for networking by a small subset of users has led to a need to clarify where we stand on this topic.

Why have you taken this long to act?

Simply put, existing measures seemed sufficient to prevent harm. Unlike many art sites, we forbid underage users, and ban them if discovered – this won't change, but it's a reason we've held back.

Staff already have the power to remove any individual or content where appropriate; and we've examined interactions by such users and acted where necessary, where their interactions violate existing policy and precedent – primarily, where it involves imminent illegal activity.

Beyond that, we're conscious of the intersection between fictional content and real-world interests, and we sought to ensure that the policy was laid out in such a way that art and fiction won't be impacted.

Is this change is a response to a specific member or incident?

No. We've been thinking about this for a while.

This policy change has been in discussion since last year. Circumstances have lead us to focus on other policy and technical matters since then. At the same time, we have actively engaged with the most egregious instances of such behaviour in the intervening period, in preparation for this change.

Our target is advocacy and identification as a proponent of real-life sex acts, resulting in networking to distribute related content. Prohibiting self-identification lets staff act where a reasonable person would conclude such contact is happening, while limiting the need to invade members' privacy.

Who/What does this change primarily impact?

Low-presence accounts which appear to exist primarily to network for illicit reasons

These are people we've seen more of in recent years, who seek to discuss and share illegal content off-site, and believe that Inkbunny is a convenient place to find like-minded individuals – advertising themselves more-or-less openly via username, profiles, icons, journals, comments and shouts.

Until now this was hard to justify acting on, unless the site itself was used for the distribution of illegal content; something few sought to do. Now it will no longer be acceptable for members to indicate that they're paedophiles, on the grounds that doing so encourages illicit communications on that topic.

Members who openly solicit/advocate for sexual acts involving real-life children

A few members are proponents of the philosophical ideal that children should be able to have sex with adults, and look to bring this about through argument or other forms of advocacy. We don't seek to restrain their democratic ambitions, but we also don't want them abusing social features of our platform to promote real-life activity that is outlawed essentially everywhere – activity unrelated to our goals, that drives away a non-trivial number of fans – or to arrange events or groups for this purpose.

Will you ban these members?

As always, we will act in a graduated manner based on the severity of the problem and issue warnings, restrictions of account privileges – and yes, in some cases, bans – to the extent necessary. Many of our actions may not be visible, because we do not generally publish staff actions against members.

We have always tried to treat members as adults and allow users the autonomy to avoid things that they don't want to associate with. Likewise, avoiding staff action in this case should be possible for all, by not engaging in the kinds of advocacy and promotional/self-identifying activity described above.
Viewed: 22,345 times
Added: 1 year, 6 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you. <3
1 year, 6 months ago
Love this change, a massive step in the right direction <3
1 year, 6 months ago
At last!!
1 year, 6 months ago
thank God they won't ban cub art and or diapered pokemon like furafinity did
1 year, 5 months ago
I know.   Almost had a heart attack.  
1 year, 5 months ago
Glad for this as well.  
1 year, 5 months ago
It was a lot to read and understand but I happy of this to!
1 year, 6 months ago
Very needed! Thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good job!
1 year, 6 months ago
Thanks! About time those people get weeded out from here, Inkbunny should be a platform intended for fictional content and interaction only.
1 year, 6 months ago
For 8 years I have been unable to not read your name as Sirloin
1 year, 6 months ago
...god damn it.. now Im seeing it DX stop that!
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Sorry, he has a point! :D
1 year, 5 months ago
Try to read it as 'Sell Iron' He sells iron, he's a smith!
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Ah, that's about those goddamn pics with the pedophilia flag,isn'it ? I wasn't sure if those people were trolling, just wanted to be edgy or something else.
1 year, 6 months ago
Believe it or not, They are people who want to legalize raping kids. Thinking about it makes me question humanity as a whole. I am glad IB stand up for what's right.
1 year, 6 months ago
I never doubted that for a second. But we're on the Internet where any 4chan fucker can open an account on any platform of its choice and shitpost about freebleeding or #Cutting4Bieber
So anytime i'm coming across a,let's say, larger than life character hogging attention to himself by acting outrageously,i always keep an healthy dose of skepticism in the back of the mind to remind myself that it may be a bit by an ebin troll with too much time on his hand
1 year, 6 months ago
I was probably still in school when 4chan launched one of their pedoflag operations with the idea to promote this to troll social justice warriors.
I thought it was stupid but it got caught on and lives to this day and whats worse some people began to believe its a real thing and become a member of them...WTF?!?!
1 year, 6 months ago
Unfortunately, it turns out that Internet culture have the uncanny ability to ressurect and legitimize (through its unparalleled reach and capacity of amplification) the most outdated ideas. In more civilized times, like 20 30 years ago, flat earth theory was rightfully laughed at and you could spent entire years without having blatant racist content shoved in your face. 4chan merely weaponized that aforementioned capacity of Internet for amplification of anything obscure. And worse they eschewed their initial libertarian ideals to bow down to the far right and gave them that power of amplification
1 year, 6 months ago
When a message wants to go viral, it tends to happen. Before the internet, there was the "talk of the town". Popular racism spreads perfectly fine by word of mouth. Admittedly, it is often much easier to be anonymous on the internet, and that is a two-edge sword. The internet can also help spread actual truth, such as the true power of social democracy.
1 year, 5 months ago
You realize that you talk about same 4chan that used to expose many child groomers that FBI refused to do, huh? This is why SUDDENLY the latest years 4chan has been raided by feds, bots, spammers etc. since they hated the idea of 4chan exposing child groomers.
1 year, 5 months ago
(Deleted that comment because in retrospect i dont want to be dragged in a long pointless internet fight)
1 year, 5 months ago
And you actually believe them.
1 year, 5 months ago
There are lots of valid proofs, unlike #MeToo false accusations at social media.
1 year, 5 months ago
4chan was always a collection of various groups with various interest. You had animal protectors on one site then someone sharing torture zoophilia on the other, people talking about games here and the latest racist circle jerk there.

It was a lawless wasteland that caused a lot of harms thanks to the trolls they had.
1 year, 5 months ago
"It was a lawless wasteland that caused a lot of harms thanks to the trolls they had."

Oh, you mean like most big sites that actually allow that shit while they ban you over "offensive" memes?
1 year, 5 months ago
Not so hard to believe. There are already laws in first world countries that not only legalize child grooming but also punish you for being against it. Not to mention country leaders, politicians, organizations like UN etc that openly support this shit.
1 year, 5 months ago
Can you give examples?
1 year, 5 months ago
It's safe to assume that it's propaganda of this sort:

1. All gays are child groomers
2. Sex-ed at schools is child grooming
3. Letting trans people use toilets of preferred sex is child grooming
4. Puberty blockers are child grooming
5. Letting people use preferred pronouns is child grooming
6. Teaching Darwin's theory is child grooming

It's "think of children" excuse on steroids. There's no point in arguing with this people, it's lost cause.
1 year, 5 months ago
Heh. He blocked me. I coulda sworn those like him were the ones complaining about people doing that.
1 year, 5 months ago
That guy has stonetoss profile avatar. It is not hard to see where they stand on the issues.
1 year, 5 months ago
Updates are needed here.. I know what it looks like, but this is Marks on Paper, people. Where did you get his all gays' thing? Explain your reasoning for this Run on Diatribe??
1 year, 5 months ago
You're making a lot of wild claims without a shred of evidence. I don't know what you think will come of spreading false information, but in the interest of everyone here, I'd advise you to stop.
1 year, 5 months ago
"Wild claims"? There are lots of examples everywhere! Are you living under a rock or something? Or are you too lazy to do a proper search? Besides even if I show you proof, you'll be like "Nah uh! This source isn't valid! You're a right wing conspiracist!".
1 year, 5 months ago
I literally logged back into my old account just to say you still failed to provide anything. You made the claim, it is your responsibility to back that claim. It's not their job to prove your claim for you. So as the old Internet saying goes, "TITS or GTFO."
1 year, 5 months ago
"I'm too lazy to eat, so it's your job to shove the spoon in my mouth!"

That's exactly how people like you sound.
1 year, 5 months ago
last I checked the one that makes the claim has the burden of proof lmao
1 year, 6 months ago
🙏 Finally. This is very good news.
1 year, 6 months ago
So very glad to hear that.
1 year, 6 months ago
Ayyyy hell yes.
1 year, 6 months ago
I can only applaud this!
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally. Thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
LOL? I read it at the beginning and it's obvious that real pedophilia or encouragement leads to cases of JAIL! And not to mention that in some countries in Europe and even in the United States, they prohibit sexual content involving people under 18, including LOLI and SHOTA, even if they are cartoons. Imagine then an incentive for real practice, with the FBI and CIA following these people
1 year, 6 months ago
Pedophilia isn't a crime… harming kids is. We can't and shouldn't punish thought crimes.

This is a great change to InkBunny and should stop the creepy comments saying wish that was me irl.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you so much for understanding this, I was legitimately starting to think I was the only one. Fantasies are separate from reality, but people tend to get so bent out of shape when pedophilia is even mentioned that they assume that every single person who is one is just out to hurt children. It really sucks to constantly see it (and moreover, it makes it damn near impossible for anyone to get help for it), but it's at least good to know that someone else out there understands that not all pedophiles are just monsters, so thank you for that. 😃
1 year, 6 months ago
Here's hoping it does.  Really get squicked out by those comments.
1 year, 6 months ago
and once again we AGREE completely the fuck is this weird track the world is on!

*high fives*

Seriously even if it's skeevy as hell I dont want to live in a world penned by Gorge Orwell XD punishing thoughts no matter how bad, so long as they remain thoughts, is a bridge to far!

I think Inkbunnies changes are good and will do good.
1 year, 6 months ago
The world is broken. And if a MAP seeks help in the US, the therapist just reports them. Even though it's not technically a mandated report, some therapists do anyways.

There are anonymous help communities out there which I recommend to anyone who thinks they might act out.

Might be a good idea for InkBunny to list some secular resources as part of their philosophy for people who do need help and want it.

The one I can think of https://www.b4uact.org/
1 year, 5 months ago
even the resources that are objectively positive still have to report if they feel like there has been or if there might be a risk of abuse. so... it's no great shock to me that most no contact maps get far more support from other maps then they ever could professional help.
1 year, 5 months ago
This is actually an interesting topic. How exactly do you help a pedophile who thinks that having sexual relations with children should be permitted? It's like trying to help a rapist who argues thst, actually, rape is fine. I reckon it's tantamount to psychopathic behavior and a complete disregard of empathy for other human beings.
1 year, 5 months ago
we have several methods of assistance generously provided to us by society for helping these individuals.

Due Process and Incarceration being the two that jump out at me.

there's also your second amendment and a wood chipper if you live in the Rural US =p this works for pro rapists' or any other individual married to violent crimes for the sake of there enjoyment.

Now I don't advocate for violence, witch hunts or lynch mobs but if somebody crosses the line, you go right ahead and defend yourself and your family.
1 year, 5 months ago
Attraction to minors is simply that .. an attraction. Wanting to rape them is night and day from that.

Don't join the mob in equating thoughts to action.
1 year, 5 months ago
Not what I suggested. My comment was in regards on how we deal with pro-contact pedophiles who argue(but not necessarily act on) that children can consent to sexual/romantic relationships with adults.
1 year, 5 months ago
Careful or you start punishing speech. Rather you agree or not, advocating for changing law isn't a crime. Doing a crime is a crime.

While we can all agree that kids aren't ready for sexual and romantic relationships with adults, the vast majority of convicted cases involved a much smaller age gap, such as 20 and 16. Age of consent laws need improvement and they shouldn't be specific per state.

Also did you know child marriage is still legal in a few states? A 14 yo girl can be married to a man and then the man can legally have sex with her.

That's fucked. The laws need fixing.
1 year, 5 months ago
Speech already is punishable, that's why you can't yell that there's a fire at the mall if there is no fire, or make death threats against the president. I'm not sure why people think that freedom of speech equates to freedom from consequences; it doesn't. Ages of consent are a whole different can of worms that is debatable, but more in the realm of psychology and biology. I am neither, so I typically leave that one to the experts, which is demonstrably not the government due to the aforementioned child marriages, thanks to the republican parties in the US who for some reason are adamant about having child wives and forcing children to give birth if they are impregnated by their rapist "spouses".
The fact that laws are dependent on states is simply because of how the overarching government in the US works, being a democratic republic. If you want to be super technical, the age of consent on a federal level is 18 across the entire US, but your case would need to be picked up in federal court rather than state court.
1 year, 5 months ago
Pedophilia is a crime and you get killer in jail. Kids should never be sexualized not even cub etc. its still disgusting.
1 year, 5 months ago
Citation for pedophilia being a crime please.
1 year, 5 months ago
No you touch a child or anything you go straight to jail. Just like raping an adult. You cause trauma to that child.
1 year, 5 months ago
Haha I didn't think you had any citations.

Sexual intimacy with a child is a crime. Pedophilia is not.
1 year, 5 months ago
Pedophilia is a crime and drawing underage kids etc is disgusting and its illegal it’s considered child pornography.
1 year, 5 months ago
Literally everything you just said was wrong. Every word.

According to your warped sense of logic, this site is filled with child porn and by having an account here, you support it. Delete your account and go away
1 year, 5 months ago
This shit is so creepy. Fuck even posts with adult content where people reply with those kinds of comments makes my skin crawl. Leave fantasy as fantasy please.
1 year, 6 months ago
You're pretty naive to think that clearly drawn images of shota or loli are anywhere close to illegal. Countries banning clearly fantasy creations are a small minority, afaik.
1 year, 6 months ago
Minority, yes, but there are some that do ban it that you wouldn't expect (at least, I didn't), like Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, and the UK.
1 year, 6 months ago
Australia is famous for the scandal around porn of the Simpsons. Canada is famous for Toumal. UK is famous... in general.

Didn't know about France.

Also I'd be cautious about saying drawing are illegal as in quite a few of countries there's a huge difference between law and practice. Lists like this tend to ignore nuance. For example, my country is listed on Wikipedia as "illegal", yet I know there's been zero people arrested for drawn porn.
1 year, 6 months ago
I don't think I really need to be cautious about that. Worst case, someone gets worried and checks their country's laws, right? I'd be more cautious claiming it's all fine.

" KinkyRomance wrote:
... yet I know there's been zero people arrested for drawn porn.

And I'd be cautious with anecdotal evidence.

However, this is drifting into much more of a political discussion than I intended. I'll fact-check better next time. (though that does not mean I am incorrect)

But I am curious about Toumal. I get no results searching for info about it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Toumal is SoFurry's owner. He migrated to Canada and nuked cub porn on SoFurry.
1 year, 6 months ago
I do know for sure Canada's laws prohibit cub porn.
How I know that is, the very first furry site I've opened an account on in June of 2012 was Yiffy International.
That was the first furry site I've ever been on, and for a while was my main site until I got active on Inkbunny a month later.

Yiffy prohibited cub porn and was hosted in Canada. The reason the site gave for prohibiting cub porn was that it is illegal in Canada, and allowing it would get the site owner and admins in trouble.  
Yiffy's admins went on to say if anyone residing in Canada posted cub porn in their site, they would contact the RCMP.
As for anyone outside of Canada posting it on Yiffy, they admitted the worse they could do is ban the user from their site, being that said user's actions were not done within Canada's jurisdiction.  
1 year, 6 months ago
Just look at Harmarist for example. He's a Canadian artist who's drawing cub on a regular basis. Canada's laws are merky as fuck and I also know of an Austrailan artist who draws cub/lolisho. Stop looking at everything through flimsy laws, they're irrationally ruled.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yeah yeah, I'm wrong as fuck. I would've deleted the comment already if that was possible.
1 year, 5 months ago
Canad and Australia's laws on pretty much anything sexuality/obscenity related have always just been used to prosecute political dissidents.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
I mean the french just gone and put a cease and desist order on Bunnybits for drawing their cub chars as "its real children".
1 year, 5 months ago
I think they were facing possible jail time, but their lawyer prevented that.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yep i heard about it, i was already a watcher of Bunnybits when it happened.
Its such a stupid law, out of everything they can do to keep the disgusting criminals from harming kids they decided to ban pictures of imaginary animals that are too young.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is true, here in Brazil where I live, the police would NOT care if your PC or cell phone was full of loli and shota, but they would call the jail if they had real jurisdictions. Wow, this topic is really sensitive :O
1 year, 5 months ago
" KinkyRomance wrote:
Countries banning clearly fantasy creations are a small minority, afaik.
Unfortunately laws of some countries are worded in such a vague way that "seemly underage" fictional characters and things could also be counted in as illegal.

It's up to the judge to draw the line in the sand. And unfortunately there aren't many legal cases (released in public) to give a clear view on that. So most websites are "rather safe than sorry" and disallow porn of "seemly underage" fictional characters and things as well.
1 year, 6 months ago
Loli and shota are not illegal in America. No clearly fictional drawn content is. Actual lawyers and even the FBI have confirmed this, and somehow people still don't get it.

And contrary to popular belief, it really isn't in Canada either. I live in Canada and could literally go to my local mall's bookstore right now and legally purchase any number of manga sexualizing characters whose arbitrary age number is under 18, including such things as Goblin Slayer (if you know, you know), right before going to Gamestop to pick up a Senran Kagura game. I've been able to purchase stuff related to Kodomo no Jikan that others had previously legally obtained. If there is any sort of law, it's about as strictly adhered to as our former laws against weed, probably because the authorities aren't schizos who think cartoons have rights.
1 year, 6 months ago
Small correction, while lolisho isn't explicitly illegal, lolisho art can, and sometimes is, prosecuted via Obscenity Laws. People actually have gone to jail for loli art, though most of the time it's because they either downloaded it on public computers, got ratted out by their spouses or purchased it from overseas. It's extremely rare because the police usually have better stuff to do, but it can, and does, happen. For that reason the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund exists.
1 year, 5 months ago
I very much appreciate this comment because I find it to be honest and realistic. First Amendment and some logic will usually shred any prosecution of drawings that do not exploit/harm actual people, but yes, people have been prosecuted and jailed for it.

But there's a reason IB has been around as long as it has in as many countries as it has- it doesn't really run afoul for its premise, even if some content naturally will cross the line and need to be dealt with (ie coming close enough that it may be seen as a way to exploit RL minors). Greenreaper and IB drew the line in the sand a long time ago on humans (even if I have wished fondly it go for 'human minors', but I think even that, and I don't mean to put any words in your mouth GR, it may cause worry that an adult human might be seen as a predator to a minor cub and that will be enough). That was how they tackled it - to create enough distance so that such would not possibly happen.

Western nations usually have protections on speech/expression that accompany a lot of what constitutes penstrokes and don't target anyone. But no system of protections is so perfect that attempts aren't made to circumvent what's protected.
1 year, 5 months ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that IB disallows humans because they want it to be focused on furry and thus only allow furry images, or sufficiently censored humans? IIRC a couple months ago there was even a discussion about kekitopu drawing floaty human bits and if that's allowed lol.
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't believe they're forbidden, but if naughty bits are in them they're supposed to be censored. Even if that's overbroad in distancing IMO.
1 year, 6 months ago
you cna absolutley go to jail in canada for lolisho or even cub art yeah...it's really up to weather or not they want to nail you for it but primaraly the laws in question mostly cover import and export. SO dont cross the border with that material or order it from outside the country and your..probobly ok...maybe?

1 year, 5 months ago
Amusingly I seem to recall Softpaw being printed in Canada, which perhaps isn't that surprising given how many trees they have up there.
1 year, 5 months ago
also when it was printed it might not have been illegal hard to say I dont remember eprsonaly.. also SPM was never containg loli and shota but it did have cubs...

Also canada is becomeing progressively more fucked >.>

but arnt we all

yeha it's a weird situation
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm 99% certain that this isn't true for art that doesn't feature humans. Hell, even Inkbunny has a server in Quebec - I assume they would've never launched it unless they knew exactly what they could and couldn't do.
1 year, 5 months ago
Ayyy fellow Canada gang!
1 year, 6 months ago
~drawings~ are not real.

Just like how ~plushies~ are not real.

But we live in the Twitter Era, where someone who runs a Plushie Modding Business will be harassed and sent death threats simply because they modded a Bluey Plush for a paying customer.

Bluey isn't a Real Person.

Just as Tails - Buster Bunny - Kit Cloud Kicker etc -- are not Real People.

And then you've got the "Feral Art Is Diet Zoophilia" side of Twitter too.

Did anyone give a damn 20 or 30 years ago when the O.G. furry artists were drawing R34 of Balto, Scooby, Lion King, etc??? No, of course not. Because back then people understood that it was FAKE.

You have people nowadays who are absolutely incapable of separating Fiction from Reality. And most of those types congregate on Twitter.

(Tumblr died, and it was like shutting off the Containment Unit in Ghostbusters).

If you think that the ~current~ U.S. legal system makes DRAWN ARTWORK illegal on the grounds that the art is legally the same as actual CSEM, you are sorely mistaken. USA has no such laws, perhaps you have either confused us with Canada, France, UK, Australia --- which DO have laws that treat fictional art as being no different from CSEM, or you are still acting like George Dubya Bush's "Protect Act Of 2003" is still in effect.

Buddy, that thing was ruled Unconstitutional -- on the grounds that it violates the 1st Amendment rights of the Artist. Art is Free Speech.

Art is not REAL.


Drawing something on paper with a pencil doesn't magically make it Real.

CSEM is ~not~ a Drawing.

That's a ~REAL Person~ whose life was ruined.

Bestiality is ~not~ a Drawing.

That's a ~REAL ANIMAL~ who was harmed.

To equate either of these to 2D Art is honestly insane. It's Tumblr / Twitter thinking. To me it's like, Jack Thompson freaking out over Grand Theft Auto, or Tipper Gore freaking out over Rock & Rap lyrics. Or the many many many Religious Nuts freaking out over Dungeons N' Dragons.

Every generation needs its easy scapegoat, apparently....

And these days, you will be harassed over Twitter for having "the wrong stance" on Fictional Artwork. If you aren't constantly screaming into the wind about the evils of 2D Feral & 2D Cub and Virtue Signaling non-stop, your peers on Furry Twitter will assume the worst about you.

But being vocally against Cub Art is not at all a guarantee of purity -- did y'all forget about Frank Gembeck?

That guy never drew a single piece of artwork that could be counted as "Cub."

And yet -- Frank still got caught with CSEM.

It's absolutely moronic to act like the artists who DON'T draw Cub Art are some kind of bastion of Moral Purity.

It's like saying "Uncle Ted is a GOOD CHRISTIAN MAN, he would never ever ever do something bad!"

Riiiiight... Surrre.

So what about Joshua Duggar?

What about Ted Haggard?

What about the countless other "Good Christian Men" who get caught doing something very un-Jesus-like?

And I'm not attacking Religion, I'm saying that it doesn't make you perfect or immune to criticism.

Being vocally Anti-Cub & vocally Anti-Feral is not a guarantee of Moral Purity.

The voice that shouts the loudest is usually hiding the most secrets....

Anyway --- I like Inkbunny and I don't want to see this place become like FurAffinity, where the rules are constantly being changed based on whatever new thing Twitter is angry about.

"Oops, Riolu is short -- and Short = Child Coded! So now Short Pokemon Fursonas are banned!"

F.A. will just keep destroying itself with more and more rules -- and I would rather not see that happen here at Inkbunny....

Yes, Furry Fandom does need to weed out the bad people. By all means, get rid of the Kero The Wolf & SnakeThing types. But in the process, don't attack regular law abiding Furries without substantial evidence that they committed a crime.

2D Art is not evidence of a crime.

Hearsay is not evidence of a crime.
1 year, 6 months ago
Small correction, Canada doesn't actually treat loli and such as though it's the same thing as CP, contrary to popular belief, though according to someone above, convictions have (very rarely) happened via obscenity laws and usually involved people buying up obvious loli hentai and the like from overseas, but it's happened so rarely because the police know they have better shit to deal with than someone jerking off to a cartoon facsimilie of what vaguely appears to be a kid. Kinda like how once upon a time, you COULD get jailed for having a particular amount of weed in your possession, but ultimately people just weren't and it was in a semi-decriminalized state before it was made fully legal in the mid-2010s.

And yeah, FA's new rules are unbelievably stupid, and it's no surprise people still aren't abiding by them. Especially when it's known that FA staff plans to implement a height requirement at some point that literally states any character below 5' 1" is a child, and since they seem especially biased against particular characters and franchises.
1 year, 6 months ago
Fellow Canadian backing that this is true.
1 year, 5 months ago
how... exactly... does one apply a HIGHT  measurement to DRAWINGS XD

Can i just upload an alt version of anything next to an arbitrary line that says there 15ft tall then XD fucking Ludacris XD I wish that site would die allready.
1 year, 5 months ago
Uh, I sure don't, considering it's where my audience is, where many of my friends and favourite artists are, etc. How about a call for new management instead of the site's total death?
1 year, 5 months ago
after all the crap all the bad management all the bad press?

If you completely removed the entire staff, replaced it with more intelligent more experienced individuals when it came to moderation and site design and maybe gave the place  a rebrand?

ok then sure maybe but they just keep tripping over there own stupid choices...a fresh face and a new staff might save it in my eyes but then again it's been dead to me for years...

Well...it has served the usefull perpose of being a kind of containment room for most, though sadly not ALL of the typical Drama and BS you tend to deal with in furry fan sites and forums XD

Venom set to the side for one moment, I really dont wish I'll on you your primary customers your friends or even Some of the FA staff at large...though I cant truly say I wouldn't replace the entire staff if given a chance since I cant really tell who the problems are vs the ones who are ok...but they did me real dirty a while back and have consistently been terrible for YEARS so my..sympathy for the place ran dry a long time ago.
1 year, 6 months ago
See I like this position but it's so hard to sell it because it's seen as a concession to perverts by saying you take this stance so no one's ever willing to stick up for it.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's because people lack nuance, and they WANT to lack nuance so they can stand on a higher moral ground. But as this user said... it's usually those that hide the biggest (and grimmest) secrets.
My uncle is like this... you don't wanna know what I know about him. xD
1 year, 6 months ago
That's a good take, thank you for that.

This is the sort of thing that if it were just said and accepted we'd never have an issue again but, again, the whole "concession to perverts" shadow hangs over anyone who wants to take that stance.
1 year, 6 months ago
No problem! ^w^
1 year, 6 months ago
oops edit, accidently replied to someone, wasnt my intention @w@
1 year, 6 months ago
"Protect Act Of 2003" ruled Unconstitutional? When? Where? I was under the impression that law still stood.
1 year, 5 months ago
It was ruled unconstitutional like three years later. The google result people like to pull up as a pathetic "gotcha" is from a .com site run by antis. And actual, literal lawyers, judges and THE FBI have confirmed that the Protect Act is long dead. Christ, the co-founder of Wikipedia once reported a loli image made for the site's lolicon article to the FBI and they straight-up told him to piss off and stop wasting their time and resources crying about cartoons.
1 year, 5 months ago
I am SO late to this party lmao. I did not know that. Thank you. XD
1 year, 5 months ago
SCOTUS 2008 though I forget the names. Someone dig up the case
1 year, 5 months ago
I would be interested if someone knew the details.
1 year, 6 months ago
You are wasting your keystrokes, buddy.  The moral crusade is on, and reason only falls upon deaf ears.
1 year, 5 months ago
Also, we're not based in the USA!
1 year, 5 months ago
It doesn't honestly matter.  In the U.S. private companies are not obligated to respect the notion of freeze peach, and guess who controls every practical method of communication that is not simply speaking face-to-face.
1 year, 5 months ago
Well, I can see where they are coming from, but selling blow up dolls with Anatomical Holes and Fake Penises is acceptable? But modifying a Plushie designed for Children?that's a Little Too much Kink..  But this is an Open Forum that has Users Under 14.. Even though they say they are Adults.. Do you know where I heard about Inkbunnmy from? A 10-year-old kid, but all he was viewing was G Images of 101 Dalmatians.. Hey, anything on this forum would be Classified R or XXX  in the 1970s when I was a Kid.. Even the Baby Fur stuff.
1 year, 5 months ago
So is Plushophilia basically just "Diet Zoophilia?" No. Is liking cartoon Furry Art "Diet Zoophilia?" No.

And as for "Hey, that's a plushie from a kid's show" -- ok, so is that like some kind of Voo-Doo Doll???? If some guy screws a Simba Plush, is he having magical voo-doo sex with Jonathan Taylor Thomas?

Lol. I would say -- No.

Because the Simba Plush is an INANIMATE OBJECT. And Voo-Doo isn't real, so whatever you do to the Plush does not happen to the voice actor associated with that Plush. That's just not how things work in reality.

I get that ~Twitter Furries~ have a tendency to get bent outta shape over crap like "This person modified a Bluey Plushie" but I'm not a Twitter Furry and I honestly couldn't give a damn less about what someone does to an INANIMATE OBJECT...... (Unless it's KITT from Knight Rider, YOU BETTER LEAVE POOR KITT ALONE, YOU SICKOS!!!!!!)


(I'm joking, I don't actually care).
1 year, 6 months ago
" Caluuu wrote:
.....And not to mention that in some countries in Europe and even in the United States, they prohibit sexual content involving people under 18, including LOLI and SHOTA, even if they are cartoons. Imagine then an incentive for real practice, with the FBI and CIA following these people



 ..... Cornell Law, 18 U.S. Code 2256.


"Section 9" & "Section 11."

Ironically, Dragoneer quoted this exact same piece of law back in 2006 or something, back when FurAffinity was first considering a site-wide Cub Ban.

Doubly Ironic is that Dragoneer had art of his own Cub Fursona (Preyfar) in the old Softpaw Magazines.

Dragoneer used to be logical, until he started to drink Twitter Kool-Aid by the barrel.




1 year, 6 months ago
Hell yeah, I like how you think...the internet is already a hard place for a mature artist. Let's not make it harder just because of angry mobs on twitter/x when those are some of the dumbest people on the friggin planet.
1 year, 6 months ago
I have seen the silliest crap on Twitter / X --- like there was an artist who had drawn a Tall Twink Goth Ralsei and some dipshit was like "REEEE!!! RALSEI IS A CHYYYYULD AND YOU JUST AGED HIM UP SO YOU COULD JERK OFF TO HIM!!!"

It's a fictional character.

Calm down there, buddy.
1 year, 5 months ago
I literally got cancelled TWICE for my Sun and Moon porn. Like....really? Claiming because he TAKES CARE OF kids, he can't be sexualized. Plenty of adults take care of children...by that logic, you can't fuck someone who is a teacher? A kindergarten teacher even, just because they work with kids? They are still an adult Lol These people.
1 year, 6 months ago
I think being with Sciggles (ie. the one who came up with that ludicrous how-to guide for drawing aged-up Sonic characters and proudly had a hand in the recent anti-Eevee agenda going on at FA) warped the poor guy's mind.
1 year, 6 months ago
Eevee is now banned from FA too???

HAHAHA.... wow.

They really are just trying to sink their own ship over there, aren't they....

This is hilarious.

It's Twitter-Brained B.S.


1 year, 5 months ago
All dat damned poki-racism >.>; *short and proud* DX<  
1 year, 5 months ago
My only criticism is the implit conflation this wording creates between "paedophilia" and "child molestation". My opinion is that the shared line we don't want crossed is "Minors being harmed." "Paedophilia" is defined only as "sexual feelings directed towards children." That includes child molestors, yes; but it also includes people who have not, nor will do such harm. This arguably does, in fact, include everyone who sexually engages with cub art; as well as anyone who engages with shota/loli art that can distinguish between fantasy and reality.

I believe the wording of this rules revision is sloppy  in this way and predict that it will result in persecution of the undeserving.
1 year, 5 months ago
I agree with your assessment -- it's good on paper & in theory, but this could easily lead to witch hunting & mudslinging -- and then gradually the whole website would turn into "FurAffinity Two: Twitter Furry Boogaloo."

By all means, get rid of the Kero The Wolf & SnakeThing types, but let's also try not to persecute and attack others who haven't done anything to deserve it......

Hopefully the new policy is enforced through logic & evidence -- not emotions & hearsay.

Let's not turn this into a Purity Contest like it is at Twitter, where people will kill you (a Real Person) just to protect a Fictional Character, or threaten to feed you into a Wood Chipper for modding a Bluey Plush.

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you IB!
1 year, 6 months ago
Sounds reasonable to me.
1 year, 6 months ago
humans are gross anyway
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
a big thank you IB
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Sounds good to me! Thanks, IB
1 year, 6 months ago
About time.
1 year, 6 months ago
I think this is an understandable and healthy decision on the site's part.
I'm 100% pro paraphilia and anti abuse and that also means I do not condone real life abuse of any beings. I have been uncomfortable, not with the anti abuse paraphiles here (I mean heck, IB is an adult art site, we are all freaky here) but due to the fact that people seem to be misusing the context of pro fiction spaces. In the end it puts everyone in danger of losing awesome places like this because someone is proliferating harm. Everyone should feel encouraged to explore all matter of sexuality, kink and fantasy with art but trying to 'network' for abusive reasons is pretty anti theoretical to what pro fiction art and pro kink places really are for all of us.
Thanks for talking about this and taking a tolerant and understandable stance!
1 year, 6 months ago
Rereading through this I realized some things - I do want to clarify that I believe chastising people for their identity is a little concerning... Identity as paraphilic shouldn't immediately constitute irl abuse. Although I support the decisions of reducing any sort of harm and advocacy of harm, I can't say I feel totally on board with policing other's identities. I also hope this doesn't effect underage/cub nsfw art in this space.
1 year, 6 months ago
if your identity is that you think real life sex with real life children should be an ok thing, then im all for casting out such individuals

this isnt about banning certain kinks or identities that cause no one harm, its about people that shared real life child porn with each other on this platform, promoted the idea that it should be ok to have real life sex with real life children, promoted places where said content can be found and networking with other individuals with that same mindset

nothing art related changes, no bans of fetishes happened, evryone is still welcome to post whatever fictional furry content they want here
only that "map" people are explicitely no longer welcome here
1 year, 6 months ago
You're mixing up a few things here. Pedophilia isn't about whether or not one thinks having sexual relationships with children is okay, pedophilia is merely the attraction towards (prepubescent) children. What they were arguing for is whether or not it makes sense for punitive action against people merely identifying as pedophiles, as simple identification isn't exactly harming anyone. The staff members explicitly said that a person using imagery associated with pedophilia on their profileay lead to punitive action, users are simply discussing whether simply having a flag on your profile or in your bio would warrant any action.
1 year, 6 months ago
there is a difference between pedophiles and MAP people, im talking explicitely about MAP people, not pedophiles in general
you can be a pedophile and never act it out, you might search therapy to help with that, again not the ones of anyones concern, really
then there are child rapists, the most extreme form, i think we can all agree that those people are just scum
and finaly you have MAP people, they may or may not live out theyr sexuality, but also actively advertise that a pedophilic "lifestyle" should be acceptable by society, it should be ok to have sex with children (mainly preteens), they want cp to be legal and advertise platforms with that content with likeminded persons, or worse, publicy

its that third group that are a major concern for the platform and well evryone, especialy the first group, because for the majority of people in the world, there is no distinction between those 3 groups
1 year, 6 months ago
No idea where you got that distinction from. MAP and pedophile are exactly synonymous, it's just that MAP is more used in modern academic and clinical settings since it sounds more professional minus social stigma since science is sometimes subject to stigma. Regardless of what you call them though, sure, fine. You simply restated my point, albeit with different wording. Yes, as long as you don't advocate for pedophilia and/or child abuse or harbor a community that indulges in such, I don't see why we ought to care about what people identify as. I see where the staff are coming from because they don't want those people to be a beacon for such communities, I just think that their mindset may lead to weird slippery slopes and thought crimes.
1 year, 6 months ago
the sheer fact that most of these people use the term map to identify themself and even have a map pride flag, makes me distinct them as theyr own group

maybe map started out as scientific term, but it became a synonym for that group of people
sometimes words change theyr original meaning, or symbols, or colors
1 year, 6 months ago
Sure, but words are descriptive, not prescriptive. As long as everyone involved knows what the other person is talking about when they're using certain terminology, it's fine.
1 year, 6 months ago
As far as I understand, not only did it start out as a scientific term because in the popular consciousness, 'pedophile' is vilified, it was used by at least one legal body as a 'You can use this term to say you have a problem and ask for help.'

The media at large got their hands on this and misrepresented it for attention, leading to a huge 'X is pro-pedophilia' backlash.  The result was a frantic backpedaling on the part of any vaguely related authority, and a void into which the pro-contact(actual correct term) mob stepped and claimed 'MAP' as their own.

It's really, really sad.  Now people who actually feel urges to harm children still have no equivalent of 'I'm addict' or 'I'm an alcoholic' that signals immediately that they both need and want help, but two words that if used, just signal that they're someone for whom nobody will bat an eye if they're persecuted or harmed.
1 year, 6 months ago
MAP got started as a "soft" term for pedophiles because of the strong negative stigma associated with the word pedophile, as it has become synonymous with Abusers or molesters and not all pedophiles ARE

point of fact most are NOT, the majority of child abusers Don't actually have a sexual attraction it's a power thing, much like rape. though meny ARE still pedophiles.

the inkbunny ToS Change is not a BAN on people who have an attraction to minors it's here to cut down on people useing IB as a place to Signal to others who and were they are so they can support or engage in illegal activities wich IB is very much against.

but yeah MAP and Pedo Ect are the same thing.

amoung those groups there are Pro contact and Anti Contact. Pro Contact is exactly as it sounds people with pedophila who belive a child can, and there for advocate for, sexual contact with minors.

Anti Contact pedophiles or Maps Recognize this is a Horrible fucking idea and for a pleathera of Reason it's not healthy and completely immoral to engage in sexual activity with children, and there fore even though they have an attraction they refrain from any contact with children, for Anti contacts this often extends to not consuming any media that abuses children.

the whole... MAP PRIDE flag thing... is a gross attempt to normalize pedophila int he much the same way other sexualities ARE but it is not a sexualaity it is a paraphilia and really should not be recagnized as "normal" so I agree the flags are pretty damn cringe.
1 year, 6 months ago
I personally don't want to see people be attacked -- IF THEY HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG.

I say, get evidence OF A CRIME before you whip out the torches & pitchforks & lynching ropes.

Is it wise to weed out the "bad people" from the Furry Fandom? Obviously yes. But just make sure that your Witch is really a Witch before you burn them at the stake.




It might just be some poor schmuck with a carrot nose glued to their face.

1 year, 6 months ago
And of course, I have to throw in the obligatory Monkey Dust sketch!!!!




1 year, 6 months ago
this is unfortunatly an example of bad apples spoiling it for the whole bunch.

I cant speak the entireity of IB mod staff as I am not a mod but it has been my IMPRESSION that they dont hold any particuler Ill will twords Maps/Pedos Idetifying as much, as outlined in there post the majority of MAP/PEDO accounts that were openly advertiseing as Such would join IB Signul theyw ere into IRL kiddies and then wait for OTHER map/pedos to contact them were they would chat about some creepy stuff, drop a few Phrases and terms to make sure they were both what they thought they were then trade Encrypted chat information like Tox ect

the fuck do you think happends next =p

I am also 100% against going after people for NOT doing a crime, but I cant blame the IB mod staff for takeing protective messures so there platform is not being used as a Meeting ground for people who want to trade CP or drugs, or anything else thats illegal.

it's not about the maps..

it's about the people signulling so they could meet up and trade, ive seen this done on other sites it's not exlcusively an IB thing ive had people try to trade me shit ont elegrame for example, they get blocked for doing so.

People see CUB and they assume Pedophile! allready wich is why I ocationaly get trade requests.

it's a lagit problem.
1 year, 6 months ago
Actually, we do NOT encourage witch-hunting, and people with torches and pitchforks, so to speak.
Harassment is harassment, and will be dealt with accordingly. We will also NOT pull out the guns immediately. As described in the journal, depending on each case, in many instances we will only remove the infringing content, not the actual account.

" Will you ban these members?

As always, we will act in a graduated manner based on the severity of the problem and issue warnings, restrictions of account privileges – and yes, in some cases, bans – to the extent necessary. Many of our actions may not be visible, because we do not generally publish staff actions against members.

We have always tried to treat members as adults and allow users the autonomy to avoid things that they don't want to associate with. Likewise, avoiding staff action in this case should be possible for all, by not engaging in the kinds of advocacy and promotional/self-identifying activity described above.
1 year, 6 months ago

Hey! Hi! Psych major here as well as CSA/CSEM survivor and researcher in sexology and paraphilias. Just wanted to voice some correction here if you’d kindly listen.

MAP is not synonymous with being ‘pro abuse’ in any sort of means. MAP is an acronym for Minor Attracted Person which is an umbrella term for any chronophilia that would fit under a minor attraction. Pedophilia is a specific age range of chronophilia, but MAP is all encompassing of the subject. It’s not a word for ‘watered down’ pedophilia or a term to ‘normalize irl abuse’ in any way, it’s actually used by mental health professionals (for example - both of my own own therapists) as well as it being a psychologically recognized term. Paraphilias are unchosen traits of sexuality, as once described they are like ‘sexual neurodivergencies’.

Assumptions about non contact/anti abuse paraphiles is very harmful to people who are trying to find safe, non abusive spaces to be themselves. I know this isn’t a ‘MAP support site’ as someone else said but a lot of us (including ourself) are abuse survivors who are pro kink and have paraphilias and wish not to be demonized. We can’t control how other people view others but that is simply the concern we personally have with banning paraphiles outright. It’s obvious all good faith users are in support of people promoting harmful ideologies or soliciting abusive materials being outright removed from the site for both Inkbunny’s best interest as well as upholding a safe and welcoming community, but for the policy to effect every other anti abuse paraphile who wants to make art/self identify I find to be punitive and unfair. Us drawing ‘paraphilia art’ should not be seen as us promoting irl abuse or harm. If you read anything about us and our art I’m sure you would (hopefully) understand our stance on that.

We are always more than happy to help provide information about these subjects, but we will no longer comment on this post as fear it turning hostile and exhaustive. We hope this post is informative on why this is important for us and hope that the moderation team considers these things.

Thanks for reading if you do!
1 year, 6 months ago
you completely ignored evrything i wrote and i wont repeat myself

art with underage characters will not be banned, thats not what the rule is about
people being non-contact, non-abuse pedophiles will not be banned, thats not what the rule is about
1 year, 6 months ago
INKBUNNY what fur affinity will never be.


one step closer for me to move my entire operation here. i mean it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Didn't FurAffinity implement similar rules to much greater degree? I won't be surprised to see mentioning alt-right, antivax or anything of that sort being listed in FA rules as a reason for instant ban.
1 year, 6 months ago
Furaffinity already bans right leaning and right of center and center people already for posting their political ideals. They can make what ever bullshit excuse they want but in reality they are stil doing it because of opposing political opinions. Personally I am not political ans don't give a fuck what old rich person runs what country since they do nothing to help me in the end but if people wanna make that their whole identity who am I to stop them lol
1 year, 6 months ago
When I was in the closet for being trans and because I'm pansexual I made a dumb porn art of me making love to various trans people through them insulting me and that got taken down and I got a warning that if I post it again, or use the porn category names for trans people, I will be banned Lol
1 year, 6 months ago
Classic FA, taking something out of context and makng it a bad thing :U the mods there are shit, I have reported so much cubporn there that was labeled cub here and chibi there only for them to not doing anything until recently. I don't care if people on IB post cub stuff, its explicitly allowed here but I can block the keyword its what ever, but I don't want to see it in my FA submissions where I am unwittingly subjected to it
1 year, 6 months ago
fur affinity sent me a warning because i commented i had to stop working for a while because of venezuela situation thanks to nicolas maduro...so, yeah, if you talk about about anything left wing on fur affinity, you get banned. those guys are super left oriented.

they are more dedicated to ban your opinion than to actually make the site better and safer for artists. i mean, they wont even create a system to upload multiple pages or sequential art like here. they just dont care.

I LOVE FUR AFFINITY, MOST OF MY CUSTOMERS ARE FROM THERE, but, their actual administration is a sad joke nobody finds funny anymore.
1 year, 6 months ago
Furaffinity users are better than the site itself, I been there since 09, and watched the site slowly die, I'm amazed its still active.
1 year, 6 months ago
i  have been there over 10 years, and yes, THE USERS ARE AMONG THE BEST AND KINDEST POEPLE ON THE COMMUNITY. ALWAYS. but man, the admins are such selfish jerks.  and they love being that.
1 year, 5 months ago
Oh 100%, I remember going round and round with one set of mods/admins about some dude who stole and photoshopped a professional cosplayers photos and even provided proof and everything and they not only admitted that the photos were stolen but also told me that the cosplayer had to come to them and tell them to remove it. Like what the fuck is that?? Thew knew this dude was catfishing people using stolen photos and yet they would want a person who has an IMDB page to come to their crusty old site to tell them to take it down instead of removing it themselves??

The person eventually was forced to take down the photos when the site got hit with a DMCA over multiple stolen photos of people pretending to not be who they were, and I fucking bet that a lot of them were reported as stolen as well.
1 year, 5 months ago
They took down a bunch of my journals that I wrote to just vent with and let people know what's going on with me and my life. Saying because some things were too sexual or something but...its a porn site???? They confuse tf out of me.
1 year, 5 months ago
fur affinity is penthouse...with a disney channel moral code, it makes no sense.  if they created a FUR AFFINITY KIDS page, that'd be perfect. but....nope, they wanna be all ages and adult oriented at the same time.
1 year, 6 months ago
Somehow I suspect this won't be seen as 'good enough' of a response by some around here, lol. But excellent work Inkbunny, tackling a problem I and probably 90% of most users didn't even know existed until some folks got real vocal about it. We aaaall know who, of course. XD
1 year, 6 months ago
It’s definitely good enough for now. I expect people will try to get creative and find some loophole and I hope that the mods are able to react quickly to that but I think drawing a clear line in the sand that this place is ONLY for fiction is a good first step.
1 year, 6 months ago
In the past people would post obviously pedo material and pixelate it, then link to the material on other websites.

That is now against the rules.

Now what they'll do instead is post a link to another website that has the pixelated content, and that website will in turn link to the illegal content, because that is technically not against the rules.

If you make that against the rules, then they'll link to a site which links to a site which links to a site which has the content.

And so on, and so on. It's like squashing cockroaches. Once you've seen one cockroach it's far too late.
1 year, 6 months ago
True, that's why I say its good enough for a start. We don't know what loopholes they will come up with to get around this but I think this initial policy update is vague enough that the mods can interpret it loosely enough to stuff like changing terminology and stuff like that. I would have a problem with this if it explicitly only targeted maps / pro-contact people but the way it worded it lets them go after any other code words that crop up and will make it significantly harder to abuse this platform for networking.
1 year, 5 months ago
It's actually not about content, for the most part. It's the people who say [some variant of] "hi, I'm a MAP/pedo, feel free to hit me up for some 🍕" Regrettably, this has been happening more frequently, although it's most visible if you're an artist.
1 year, 5 months ago
Ahh. Now I see the crux.

Gonna be honest, that's far enough along I would alert authorities- say a week after this announcement once reasonable time has been allowed to get people to notice the clear signal where no 'I didn't know' can suffice. Even now, I think that's a week too many.

You as a series of mods have to be comfortable with what you decide. But were that me, I'd turn that over. Cheese pizza's blatant and specific enough that it's hard for someone to claim they didn't know.
1 year, 5 months ago
I love pizza, though. Especially pepperoni!
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't know about others, but it's always been obvious to me that users who act this way are either trolling or inordinately stupid (as would be anyone who "takes them up on the offer"), apathetic, or just assholes.

Proclaiming a sexual orientation does not change this. Someone could say "I'm a straight dude, hit me up for 🍕" and it wouldn't change the act of solicitation. Anything they say cannot be trusted.

Now that I know this is the behavior to be prevented, it's clear to me that what's needed is actual community, the traditional fandom way. If spamming, trolling and solicitation is definitely becoming a problem, it can be fixed with some coding.

Prevent commenting until either:

A) they've reached a certain age (pun not intended)
B) have posted content and/or interacted in some manner, such as a fully-fleshed out profile, upvoting others' posts, etc.
C) create up-voting/down-voting. (I can see this being abused in drama situations, potentially, so it would not be preferred.

If someone wants to just lurk and fap, they're more than welcome to do so, but, you want to retain the philosophy we've built—not stifle it, so just filter the assholes ruining it for actual furs in this community.
1 year, 6 months ago
finally! It won't change much right away, but it's a great leap forward now and for later!
1 year, 6 months ago
Glad to see that consideration has been made when specifying the difference between reality and fiction. That could be pretty muddy to work around otherwise
1 year, 6 months ago
its sad that this was even necessary , but good to have offically
1 year, 6 months ago
This is a good change, but it's worrisome that Inkbunny staff don't seem to be unanimous in it.

In the linked comment tree, GreenReaper states:
" If Inkbunny's staff had been on one mind on this issue, it'd be easy. Actually there's a wide spectrum of opinions [on such factors as] whether it matters if it does [cause harm to children] or not

Yeeaah it kinda does, that isn't a question. Art is not a weapon and no art site can permit using it as one. There is nothing noble or respectable about allowing evil to masquerade as innocent
1 year, 6 months ago
" fibs wrote:
This is a good change, but it's worrisome that Inkbunny staff don't seem to be unanimous in it.
We're rarely unanimous as to all specifics in anything, which is probably a good thing. 😼

As I recall, that specific comment was in part about whether merely identifying as a paedophile on IB had a significant chance of leading to harm or criminal activity - it has to be read in context with the preceding paragraph. I was running low on characters so had to condense the comment a lot.

All staff have had the opportunity to review this policy and - I believe - approve of it.
1 year, 5 months ago
I know I ain't staff, but when have I ever been shy about giving my take?

Identifying as one gives a means for surreptitious activity that could harm a minor and thus that door shouldn't be opened. In a case like that I agree with the stance of deleting the material and, say, warning the user.

Active attempts to exploit/harm any minor *should be reported to authorities*. You may save someone.
1 year, 6 months ago
I think it's about the difference between "Hello. I'm a registered sex offender, but I've overcome my psychological issues" and "I've raped a chick and I have a paper to prove it! Send me a message and I'll show you the photos!" in a user profile.

Ideally, the first should be fine. But sometimes reality transforms 1st into 2nd no matter how you phrase it.
1 year, 6 months ago
There’s also a third option which is “I am attracted to children, but I have never harmed a real child and don’t intend to, and I use art as a substitute.” Harmless, but this policy forbids it.
1 year, 6 months ago
yep but it does so because bad actors were using it to signal to one another.

so the rules have to be set so that they cant signal to other bad actors.
1 year, 6 months ago
I just don't understand the willingness of people to come out as pedophiles when it's easily the most hated group on the planet.
1 year, 5 months ago
That’s exactly why— to find other people who don’t think you’re a monster just for an attraction you didn’t choose. There may also be the hope of changing the public view back to recognizing the difference. There used to be a distinction between “pedo” and “chomo,” but the latter has fallen out of use, and most people use the former to mean child molesters.
1 year, 6 months ago
I couldn`t care less about the laws/interpretation and its not much better with what led to this but in any case from what you described, the intent would still be clearly non-practical then, and I believe that would translate to fictitious considering the nature of a website. My two cents. Thought it might help avoid some confusion maybe.
1 year, 6 months ago
harmless couldn't be further from accurate here. If you're a pedophile then viewing the art isn't 'substituting'. It's indulging your paraphilia. That's gonna make it worse, not better. While I'm sure that this hypothetical pedophile is perfectly comfortable saying that they never intend to hurt a child now, once they've indulged their paraphilia enough they're going to need a lot more willpower to resist.
1 year, 5 months ago
Licensed therapists say otherwise. Just like people who look at rape porn don’t become more likely to rape people.
1 year, 5 months ago
THANK YOU!!! I loooooove a good rape porn, does that make me a rapist? NO!
1 year, 5 months ago
Because in all of these examples it doesn't overlook the one thing that matters.

Conscience. Conscience makes the difference.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you, i made the same point about people who like vore becoming cannibals
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't like the side i have to take on this but i take it anyway because in my opinion your reasoning is flawed and will lead to problems if expanded.
By your definition violent movies and violent video games or some harder fetishes would also be a problem negatively affecting all people who like them driving them towards realizing them in rl, in this case we would have utter mayhem in our society on a worldwide scale.
Things like this may affect psychically ill and weak minded individuals but not everyone, most people are able to distinguish pretty well between a fantasy and reality and they draw hard lines when it comes to that.

I can absolutely understand Inkbunnies decision to act on this specific matter though since its a never ending rabbit hole (phun semi intended) that just leads deeper and deeper, with people dancing on that line of what is allowed on the site and what isn't while having pretty clear intentions, hiding behind the 'its not against the rules though' bs behavior so i can absolutely see IB being fed up with this and drawing a line without compromising the premise of the freedom of artistic expression they have on the site and therefore not going against fantasies and thought crimes like certain other platforms did.
They simply just want specific group of people that come here for a certain not site related content and activity to be gone so they won't get dragged into some kind of questionable network.
1 year, 5 months ago
That doesn't follow in the slightest. It's the 'gateway' slippery slope and based upon bunk.
1 year, 6 months ago
Ayy, good news. Was quite a worrying trend.
1 year, 6 months ago
Clear and concise. It couldn't have been worded any better. :)
1 year, 6 months ago
Rare InkBunny W right here.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is a massive W right here
1 year, 6 months ago
so does this mean that the map flag is also banned on here? and will the same apply to those whome put that they are a map in there profile

but this is something that needed to happen
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm surprised that wasn't addressed at all, I thought that was the main issue... but yf you look at the link he posted and read his comment the last bit says

"IB has never been about doing the expedient thing, else we'd ban a lot more. Nonetheless, we plan to act on promotion of MAP identity/chats - on the grounds that a reasonable person may believe it facilitates criminal acts"

I'm guuuuuueeeessssssing that applies to the flag? I was actually looking in the comments wondering if I was the only one thinking that.
1 year, 6 months ago
This comes under "advertising themselves more-or-less openly via username, profiles, icons, journals, comments and shouts." We don't want to be overly specific about what is considered an advertisement as it changes over time and sometimes in context (e.g. enthusiasm for 'cheese pizza').
1 year, 6 months ago
You do realize that not being "overly specific" IS a two-edged sword that WILL definitely be used against the site?

Remember, this is the internet. XD
1 year, 6 months ago
Being vague is exactly what will give the mods freedom of discretion to make decisions when the context either isn't entirely clear (e.g. dogwhistling) or attempts to sidestep the policy by publishing content that is not specifically mentioned in the policy. Good call, imo.
1 year, 6 months ago
Extremely rare and belated W from IB mods, but a W none the less.
1 year, 6 months ago
It depends on how being non specific is used. If they were specific then everyone this policy was targeting would go right up to the line and be as uncomfortable as ever. Leaving it vague will keep people father away from the line and more towards the direction the site was intended.

In general I feel this policy covers most everything and gives the team flexibility in changing what they respond to as the maps try to get around this policy. If the policy was specific to maps they would just call themselves something else and we would need further amendments to the policy to go after the new name.
1 year, 6 months ago
the more specific you are, the more ground are you giving people to stand on
its called "rule lawyer" and its a real thing
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm just trying to understand, so what you're saying is the flag (and cheeky things sharing said pattern of colors) is banned. You didn't specifically name it in a list of (X Y Z) is so prohibited so that in the future people can't be like "uhm actually it's not on the list here so actually you're wrong!!!" Because I thought the journal's new rules were written quite vague.... however my hot take is vague rules are actually good for companies that aren't on the evil side of the alignment chart.
1 year, 6 months ago
I appreciate the big step to the right direction.
1 year, 6 months ago
Woohoo, good move guys!
1 year, 6 months ago
Hope one day humanity will create a real virtual reality. So all people, who can't hold themselves and don't want to ask for help - jail themselves in this virtual worlds, where they will not be able to do harm to anybody IRL.
1 year, 6 months ago
Then reality would be the only place that isn't free.
1 year, 6 months ago
Will Good
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you so much for this.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank fuck. Those people are just making everything worse, and they were making this place worse too.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good Job
1 year, 6 months ago
This is the way.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you so much! 💖
1 year, 6 months ago
great news
1 year, 6 months ago
Good. Glad to see an actual good policy change- and thank you for continuing to give us a place for loli/shota work in an era plagued by puriteens and idiots with power.
1 year, 6 months ago
Hell yeah!
1 year, 6 months ago
Good, as long as we can keep the undesirables out of the community, we can all enjoy our activites better than before!
1 year, 6 months ago
While I agree with the changes to the rules, comments like this come off as general intolerance.
1 year, 5 months ago
" nyasukitty wrote:
While I agree with the changes to the rules, comments like this come off as general intolerance.

1 year, 5 months ago
Words like "undesirables" could refer to gays, jews, trans, blacks, communists, etc.  It's best to avoid saying things like that if you don't wanna sound like a nazi.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you for this!
1 year, 6 months ago
Awesome. Thank you!
1 year, 6 months ago
thank you so so so much, This site means so much to me and my wife, we would never be where we are today without you guys. Hey! lucky I didn't make an ass of my self throwing a tantrum.. and being toxic.. and throwing accusations *sigh* Just, thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
Should be retroactive too so any who ever advocated real-life pedo can still be punished even if they stopped a long time ago.
1 year, 6 months ago
Past activity may be reviewed and removed where appropriate, but the focus is not punitive but corrective. If people keep expressing themselves in this manner, that's more of a problem.
1 year, 6 months ago
"If people keep expressing themselves in this manner, that's more of a problem."

If I may ask a question about my specific case: Would that mean that my account would not need to be banned as long as I never post anything there again with a MAP flag or any other symbols or hints in drawing and/or journals? Or would keeping my past journals and drawings on my account instead of deleting them be seen as me keeping expressing myself in this manner?
1 year, 6 months ago
I would be glad to review your case after dinner, but essentially public identification cannot persist. We won't be all gung-ho about punishing people for past posts, but like a content policy change it may require them to be modified or removed.
1 year, 6 months ago
thx for the quick response! take your time, no need to hurry, ha ha^^
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
I FINALLY have a good reason to insult and tell everyone using flags and leaving codes to p2p apps to gtfouttahere
1 year, 6 months ago
A fantastic decision. I can only imagine how gut-wrenching it's been for survivors of CSA coming here to channel their trauma through artwork and having to see people advocating for the very thing that caused it. This is a welcome change -- thank you, IB.
1 year, 6 months ago
I cannot express how happy I am to see this change. I'm sure you know I've been quite vocal about it and found the prior policy on the matter a bit lacking and not very in-tune with the communities desires or particularly workable within the context of the growth IB has seen in the recent years. This is a really nice and positive step to make this platform safer and better. Thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
Nice. One person immediately came to mind and they've pretty much purged everything, going into hiding, basically. Still worried about what they get up to on their own site, which they do still advertise, but it's good that they don't have a platform here. I was genuinely worried.
1 year, 6 months ago
That might be sensible on their part.

What people do on their own site is largely their own business, except inasmuch as it applies to their activities here (e.g. we have in the past taken action when people coordinated or boasted of harassment on Inkbunny via social media).

It is not quite the same as, say, being underage, because the policy is not about what people are or feel, but how they act on those feelings and present themselves on Inkbunny.
1 year, 6 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
...What people do on their own site is largely their own business, except inasmuch as it applies to their activities here (e.g. we have in the past taken action when people coordinated or boasted of harassment on Inkbunny via social media).

Fair. Wouldn't want to pull a Patreon.

" GreenReaper wrote:
... because the policy is not about what people are or feel, but how they act on those feelings and present themselves on Inkbunny.

This is the perfect response. "You don't decide what you are. You decide what you do." kind of thing. It makes me even more confident in the people running this site. And more appreciative of the work and discussion that goes on behind the scenes.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you
1 year, 6 months ago
now about AI art..
1 year, 6 months ago
They already did. It's covered in fact in the section they posted as amended: "Inkbunny encourages a community where people of all artistic interests can co-exist, focused on furry art and fiction. The community attitude is one of acceptance of the widest possible range of views and ideas, as long as they do not encourage hate and intolerance."

Please quit encouraging hate, specifically of AI art.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
except you tell a script to frakenstein art from stolen work that other artists put real effort into, so you're stealing
1 year, 6 months ago
I didn't even know this was going on. Jesus Fuck.
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally~  Thanks for this 👍‍
1 year, 6 months ago
Are you telling me there're people whose IQ is low enough to declare they identify as pedos in public? Like, seriously? Are people this dumb? 😐
1 year, 6 months ago
The old adage is "God gave man a brain, a dick, and enough blood for one or the other". Sex addicts are not known for their good decisions
1 year, 6 months ago
" KinkyRomance wrote:
Are you telling me there are people whose IQ is low enough to declare they identify as pedos in public? Like, seriously? Are people this dumb? 😐

as someone who has met many people both on and offline i can say, with the utmost certainty

1 year, 6 months ago
If you somehow managed to miss them these past few years, you've been blessed.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm learning so many things today. I've never heard about "MAP" before. 😆
1 year, 6 months ago
Honestly why do we let them call themselves maps. They shouldn’t get to rename themselves to sound more appealing.
1 year, 6 months ago
Technically, there's a logically valid reason for the term. The colloquial word "pedophile" refers to anyone sexually attracted to humans under the age of consent in a country of one's liking. The scientific word "pedophile" refers specifically to sexual attraction to prepubescent humans.

I have no idea how the term is used (wikitionary says it's a controversial signifier of support), but having an umbrella term seems useful.

Of course, proudly slapping a "map" tattoo on a forehead, coming up with some LGBT-like flag and spamming InkBunny with pro-pedophilia images is a different matter, but logically the term is in line with hundreds of euphemisms psychologists invent every decade.
1 year, 6 months ago
Plus there's the fact that 'MAP' was originally for scientific discourse to have a non-inflammatory acronym to use, and for people who genuinely wanted help to have a term they can use without getting hunted down by people don't understand the difference between inclination and action.  Certain authority figures just acted incredibly irresponsibly and gave the pro-contact element opportunity to co-opt the term for their own use.

... I really need to leave this dead horse alone.
1 year, 6 months ago
I am of the mindset that these people should be helped and rehabilitated, not locked away. I am however against the idea of trying to sugar coat their disposition or make them seem more appealing. They should feel shame for their disposition because an appropriate level of shame keeps them in check.

There are many things that you can be a fan of or identify as that can give you love and acceptance. Being a map is and should only be a part of who you are as a person. When people throw away their shame and go all in on the map aspect of their personality is when I worry cause A) it leads to a certain "I can't change it so I should embrace it" mentality that leads to it becoming a bigger part of their identity than it needs to be and can lead to them becoming adversarial to those who wish to help them, and B) it leads them to coming in contact with other people who would encourage this behavior and lead them to think that any of their desires are OK.

Shame is not a bad thing.
1 year, 6 months ago
While I guess I get that... there's a difference between shame and persecution.

By this logic, 'I'm an alcoholic' is appropriate.  The individual feels shame enough that they have to use the word indicates they have a problem and feel they need assistance, and an accompanying disinclination to drink.

But someone with an attraction to minors that they want help with... doesn't have that.  All they have are words that if they use them to say 'I have a problem and I need help'... they can at best expect to be shunned and arguably just as likely become a target.

There is a difference between making someone feel loved and accepted, and giving them a word that they can use to label a problem.  All denying someone a non-inflammatory term for their problem does is disenfranchise them and leave them feeling helpless, potentially driving them into the clutches of those same people you fear would encourage them.
1 year, 5 months ago
Replacing old scientific terms, which became purely derogatory in colloquial sense, with band-aid euphemisms is the thing that psychologists do every day since the inception of psychology. In practical sense, beginning a therapy session with "Hello, sick fuck, how can I help you?" is not a great start.

I agree on your point (A) though. Turning an undesirable aspect of personality into something that defines a person must be avoided.
1 year, 6 months ago
As an artist myself, I only learn about this topic here myself.
thou I also try to stay out of the cub stuff as much as possible. It's even on my blacklist. (I barely tollerate late teens thou)
1 year, 5 months ago
Until now, this was a relatively safe space for some of them to do that, so it's no surprise some had a courage to do so. Some for harmful purposes, others for harmless self-expression. I suspect that a substantial portion of cub artists on the site feel some degree of attraction to underaged irl, and either hide it from everyone due to the risks it presents, or even from themselves, because of how badly this issue is addressed in society.
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm inclined to believe this is true. In every fetish, there's a whole range of feeling attraction, starting with "I find idealistic representation of the concept aesthetically pleasing in artistic sense" and ending with "I can't control my urges to put my penis inside every real-life representation of the concept". In case of nude prepubescent humans, the beginning of the spectrum is widely represented in ancient and classic art, yet somehow in the modern days, the mere idea of a cupid being naked is considered propaganda of pedophilia by some.

I wonder whether nudism/naturism survived this shift to puritanical hostility towards naked body. 😆
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm really glad actual change has been enacted. IB is the only furry-centric place left to post art containing 'extreme' themes & the presence of these groups has been driving artists away & causing so much mental anguish.
1 year, 6 months ago
Well good job
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally. Thank you. About damn time those scum are gone. Hopefully good changes / actions come in the near future. They don't have a place here
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Fix blocking next.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yep, two-way blocking, and the ability of hiding morons' comments from sight. Especially the kind that try to slander others with all kinds of bullshit, while they definitely are the kind I would never entrust not even adults with, lol.
1 year, 5 months ago
What's broken with blocking?
1 year, 5 months ago
Leaving the offtopic aside, blocking works as intended, actually. Should you want to keep a user out of your personal space (which includes your profile, submissions and journals), the function is pretty much flawless. Have you had any problems with it?
1 year, 5 months ago
I just want it to work like 90% of other social media websites.

If I block someone back, I don’t want to see their comments period.
1 year, 5 months ago
I once again agree with

I definitely don't want to see crap from all the prejudice individuals that blocked me for talking to somebody they don't like.
I personally had little to no people to block on my own, so it's them, who's the problem and not me. They literally pull bullshit claims out of their asses.

It also goes too far when they do passive labeling and insults, which essentially are defamation.

I also got blackmailed in comments.

A report I made against a criminal, got ignored so far.
1 year, 6 months ago
Hear, hear!
1 year, 6 months ago
Awww, why can't I favorite this or give stars?  It deserves it! :3
1 year, 6 months ago
Perhaps you might find something to +fav in this Inktubre roundup or the content from last year.
1 year, 6 months ago
The P3D0/map community sure are getting bolder as time goes on... Thank you IB!
1 year, 6 months ago
That's echo chambers for ya
1 year, 6 months ago
This has been happening!? WTF! Geeebus... Thank you for addressing this issue, hopefully it starts to deter these bad actors
1 year, 6 months ago
Took awhile but hey nice work
1 year, 6 months ago
This is great news!
1 year, 6 months ago
Best thing ever. Seriously. It felt downright scummy posting fantasies with the existence of that on the platform.
1 year, 6 months ago
Great stuff XP.
1 year, 6 months ago
thank you for addressing and correcting this issue, the presence of "members [who] are proponents of the philosophical ideal that children should be able to have sex with adults" is something that's bothered me about the site since i first became a user here.
with this change i feel much better about openly aligning with the values of & being an active community member of inkbunny, not that i didn't feel good about that before but i feel even better about it now x3
it seems like y'all have been thinking pretty hard about this for a while and i appreciate that, thanks again! ^_^
1 year, 6 months ago
Great idea!
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank God. This was one of my few reservations about this site so I'm very glad this is being addressed. pro contact and proud pedophiles are getting fewer and fewer places to network and I am very glad that inkbunny has left the rankings of places they can go. I assume, of course, people will still be making attempts, but it is nice to know that they can be reported more easily now.
1 year, 6 months ago

Excellent decision. I was really pissed about this. It's been very clear that people came here just for that at this point. Thank you for addressing it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Great move! I hope IB will get rid of those people.
1 year, 6 months ago
This seems like one of those "If you have no idea what we're talking about, then it doesn't affect you." changes. But it does sound like some shady stuff was going on and you're acting to stop it, so that's always good!
1 year, 6 months ago
Essentially, yes. Staff saw more of it than the average user, because we get all the reports. 😼
1 year, 6 months ago
Ban AI art.
1 year, 6 months ago
this too
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
I really don't get what's so hard about this for these folks. IB already made a clarification on AI art. Like  at the very top of this post is the actual policy: inclusion of the widest possible range of views and ideas. IB is one of the only places I can post my art. Hell, it's one of the only places cub art can exist in general, and these people want even that taken away as if that isn't diametrically opposed to the very purpose of IB.

You get all kinds of armchair philosophers weighing in when the fact is that unless someone actually did the work of learning how AI and ML works and how AI art actually functions, they are really just talking out their asses, especially when they can block it and not see it, as you point out.
1 year, 6 months ago
I just assume they don't know a blacklist exists yet... took me more time than I want to admit to find it
(then I blacklisted female and this became the gayest knottest site online.)
1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah. Personally, I'm the only one posting the art I actually want to see: cute playful naked cubs without testicles doing whatever cute playful naked cubs without testicles do, so that anyone can fantasize about whatever they want to do to those cute playful naked little cubs without testicles, as presented in a context where they absolutely want you to do whatever-it-is to them.

1 year, 6 months ago
I'm trying to get better with SD myself but it's the painting and refining process that's killing me, but man, it's just the porn, it's the fact that you can just type a few words in and get porn generated in your face. Around the same time I've been watching lots of silly AI presidents videos on youtube and getting into VR I feel like the cyberpunk future is meow
1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah. I very much like the availability of porn where I can get exactly what I want without being exposed to a wall of CBT. I get some people like CBT and genital gore and all that, but there are vanishingly few people with an apparent interest in the result rather than the act, and these vastly outnumber my representation.
1 year, 6 months ago
I love you Gat
1 year, 6 months ago
For real! AI art really is a blight :(
1 year, 6 months ago
Why? It's a tool. Don't be old man yells at clouds.

I talked to one AI director who has a disability and could no longer art due to bad tremors and AI let's them continue writing.

Just block it if you hate it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Agreed! It’s wrecking this whole site!
1 year, 6 months ago
Block it
1 year, 6 months ago
First of all: THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! As someone who likes to indulge in all sorts of dark fantasies, Inkbunny so far has been the only 'safe-haven' for me to post my more darker art / comics and stories without being judged simply for indulging in (extreme) fiction.

So I'm glad that Inkbunny is finally making a clear divide between Fantasy and Reality... as things should be, I might add. :3

Hopefully this change will not only keep people (and children) safe but also inspire more artists to join whilst keeping the bad actors out. Great job. ;3
1 year, 6 months ago
Honestly, I'm glad this happened! I really only fave work here because my main site is FA, but this makes me a bit more comfortable to be here.
1 year, 6 months ago
What about flags and stuff? Just an open flag by itself or relating to real-life context is obviously horrible, but, what if it's for in-world in-character stuff?
1 year, 6 months ago
That is likely to be the sticking point, especially because characters can act as avatars, but we will look at the context of how and in what contexts such flags and symbols are used. If it is part of a story where it is a trivial part of the plot, and not used in a particularly approving manner, that might be rather different to "this is a pinup of my avatar wearing a badge and waving a flag".

95% of what we have seen so far is the latter, and the proof will ultimately be in whether the end result is or appears to be people contacting the poster in relation to the topic.
1 year, 6 months ago
That seems completely fair. An OC waving around a flag seems like a red flag 100%. Does this mean canon characters are allowed? I'll admit as much as I despise the actual signalling from your examples, I do sort of like the 'guilt/shame' theme when it's used with an established character, in a setting, and no relation to real life. Just hopin' to keep that around, but if not, oh well.
1 year, 6 months ago
My instinct is that this might still be a problem, but it would require looking at the actual work or at least a sketch version to be sure. If you are uncertain you can upload something hidden or elsewhere with a link and file a support ticket requesting review of it.

You might also consider whether there is a way to convey the same concept without using a symbol associated with RL paedophile movements/groups. Like, maybe they are quickly hiding an image of a cub on their screen, etc?

has a reasonable example which on the face of it presents an in-universe "boy love" equivalent in association with a furry character, although to be honest the large number of more specific symbols later on such as the 🔼 is a concern.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thanks for clarifying this! I do have concern for banning self expression or imagery if it isn't promoting irl harm
1 year, 6 months ago
Appreciate this clarification.
1 year, 6 months ago
Basically like Greenreaper said, for example: I used the 'boy-love' flag in a comic of mine: https://inkbunny.net/s/1650776 It's clearly part of the background and for the set-up / joke of the story that I set up within the comic, so it's fine.
It would be an entirely differrent story if I were to post (for example) a pic with my fursona and the map-flag in the background with the description saying: "This is who I am / what I identify as!".

In other words: The context in which it is used matters.
1 year, 6 months ago
This place always felt like a safe space for everyone, no matter your identity. I'm sad hate had to ruin it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Aint an identity, its a sickness. And props to IB for addressing this issue, feel a lot more comfortable saying I have an account here for sure.
1 year, 6 months ago
Being a MAP/Pedophile is a sex orientation just not a healthy one.

People can't help it. It's not a choice what you're attracted to.
1 year, 6 months ago
This rhetoric where enforcement of anti-contact stances is equated to being anti-paraphilia poisons the entire conversation, and will make life harder for anti-contact paraphiles who genuinely do not want to offend or abuse anyone.

I hope to see genuine anti-contact paraphiles push against this kind of rhetoric in the future, because this makes advocacy harder for them.

This also happened on Aethy, where bad actors intentionally equated Aethy's hardline anti-contact enforcement with them being anti-paraphilia, which made paraphilia seem inherently bad to outside observers and alienated genuine anti-contact paraphiles.

I am not a paraphile myself, I just support people knowing the nuanced reality rather than falling back on simple, fake worlds.
1 year, 6 months ago
What happened on Aethy? I've always known them as weird SJWs that allow non-contact paraphilia advocacy but ban you for off-site behavior and saying re****.
1 year, 5 months ago
It's supposed to be a safe space for LGBT people and other minorities who support fiction, so they do ban people for being bigoted off-site yeah. There's lots of other places for people to bigoted, so Aethy not pandering to them shouldn't be a problem.

They also made a policy change that strictly forbids pro-contact paraphile advocacy, including fraternizing with pro-contact paraphiles off-site, as that was deemed an admission of lying of being anti-contact. Use of certain symbols were also banned - however Aethy is a bit more lenient than Inkbunny in this case, as people are allowed to indicate that they're anti-contact paraphiles on their profiles and to discuss prevention, therapy and other things.

People who were on Aethy at the time who claimed to be anti-contact took issue with mainly the fraternizing and symbols aspect, claiming that these policies were anti-paraphilia - a lot of these people then went on to fraternize with pro-contact paraphiles on other instances, creating doubt as to whether they argued in good faith in the first place.

Pro-contact paraphiles intentionally muddy the waters, saying that fiction and reality is the same (cub porn = CSAM), calling prevention therapy "conversion therapy" and that enforcing anti-contact policies is the same as being anti-paraphilia. This poisons the well for everyone, including people who genuinely seek a better world for all people, meaning they support therapy for paraphiles to prevent potential abuse.

This is, as you can figure, bad - and is also why I hope to see genuine anti-contact paraphiles start to push against this kind of rhetoric, as it genuinely makes life harder for them and reverses progress that they try to make.
1 year, 5 months ago
It's less about being bigoted off-site and more about block-evading/'harassment', because that's vague and it doesn't seem like a community that allows people the chance to move on from old drama or keep complicated situations between involved parties. What if someone is block evading to gather evidence about a baddie, stand up for themselves, or ask for a second chance one last time? Even 'being bigoted' is vague. I know a trans person who misgenders CWC because they said they transitioned to get women and doesn't support youth transition. Would that literal trans person fall under Aethy's definition of a transphobic bigot? I also have other questions about Aethy's nuance, because it sounds to me like an excuse for the mods to ban anybody that uses microaggressions. I don't know how far they expect to get by being as strict, vague, and #woke when they're advocating for the potentially dangerous and unstudied open expression of feelings that the world might not even need or be ready to know. The only remotely popular and trustworthy sites non-contact paraphiles have to express themselves are 4chan and Aethy, and those two sites are extremes of the opposite ends. Aethy's lack of transparency and turbo SJW "y-you can't use the r word off-site!!1" Orwellian ruling is just as bad as 4chan's open-ended and largely unfiltered toxic environment.
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't know what to tell you, it's really not that bad.
1 year, 5 months ago
I suppose I could give Aethy another chance, but if they terminate me because an old friend exposes that I used the r word in our private chat, I respectfully question the safety of youth transition off-site, or my old enemies talk about me behind my back and get me banned from Aethy because I had a bumpy road trying to reach closure with them months ago, then good riddance.
1 year, 6 months ago
Veri good change! Well done :3

....we could think about ai now...maybe

But really, good job ^^
1 year, 6 months ago
I hope it would not turn into witch hunt...
1 year, 6 months ago
Not particularly. As
mentioned previously, we're not looking to punish, especially retroactively, but to correct, wherever necessary.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is a great thing to say and be assured for every member of the platform, thank you so much. 💕
1 year, 6 months ago
Drawing the line at advocating illegal activity seems sensible.
I can't say the same for not allowing people to identify as what they are.  
1 year, 6 months ago
While I understand wanting people to be true to themselves in a safe space, as they said, it's also a calling card for people to contact them about illegal content/activities.
1 year, 6 months ago
The bad thing that we're ostensibly trying to prevent is not happening in the vast majority of circumstances.  Of course they want to network with each other, their existence is universally reviled and they want to find people who won't hate them just for breathing.  
1 year, 6 months ago
I 100% get that and think it would be great for people to be able to express themselves properly. I can also see where they're coming from, and I think that is also why this has taken so long to come down. People don't agree on just how to handle it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Don't ask: don't tell. It's common for people to have intrusive thoughts, a craving to be violent or abusive (the popularity of the consensual non-consent fetish and some memes suggest this), or embarrassing or hard-to-explain details about themselves they wish to keep hidden from strangers, but only paraphiles open up about these kinds of things. If you're truly a non-contact pedophile, you'll understand child abuse and NEVER hurt a child (even if you're soaking in ice water on LSD in a foreign war), so what's the point of looking for an accountability partner or social validation from other pro-para individuals?
1 year, 6 months ago
Why does anyone seek a community of like-minded people? But you have a point. I'll assume that's the royal you, I don't have a dog in this race.
1 year, 6 months ago
Honestly, really glad to hear this, I've seen one or two low-level accounts with rather disturbing symbology so I will be glad to see them gone.  Thank you for getting down to brass tacks on this stuff.
1 year, 6 months ago
Great to see this change happen.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you for this well-thought and well-worded amendment.
1 year, 6 months ago
" Our interpretation of such content includes the use of overt or covert means to identify as a paedophile

I don’t understand this portion of the decision. Why does mere self-identification as paraphilic constitute a violation of the rule? It sounds to me like a harmful conflation of attraction and action. It also seems willfully naive to pretend that those paraphilic attractions aren’t responsible for the vast majority of content on this site.
1 year, 6 months ago
From what I understand that part refers to specifically the advocacy of pedophilia by using weasel words such as "MAP" and whatnot, or by trying to move the advocacy off-site.
1 year, 6 months ago
The term MAP is an appropriately used clinical term, it's not a dog whistle since it is a recognized umbrella term used by psychologists and mental health professionals. Just clarifying this!
1 year, 6 months ago
Sure, but IB isn't exactly a clinical or academic setting so the normal layperson may not be familiar with the terminology, I reckon I just wants to cover all their bases, hence the mention of "overt and covert language".
1 year, 6 months ago
That is fair, I just worry about the 'banning of identities' slope and I believe that perpetuating the stigma of attraction = actions is pretty detrimental in these spaces. The vagueness is the concern. I absolutely don't disagree with enforcing abuse prevention, but it's the stigma like this that causes a lot of harm for everybody. I just hope this wordage doesn't have negative effects in the future here.
1 year, 6 months ago
I agree, as someone else mentioned before, the new ruling is a bit half-baked. Though, that's for the staff members to iron out the kinks and put their noggins together to figure out what they want to allow and what they don't. As far as I'm concerned there's plenty of pedophiles on the website who are -very- open about their advocacy and that should be the top priority for now.
1 year, 6 months ago
It is a clinical term relating to a sexual attraction to real-life children, which is not a topic of art that this art site seeks to host.

If you mention it, the assumption is that you want others to know this fact about you for a reason, and some of those reasons lead to uses of the site that we don't want to enable - most notably, networking to exchange content about child sexual abuse.
1 year, 6 months ago
If someone is soliciting actual abuse material via your site, why not just ban them instead of banning a whole identity?
1 year, 6 months ago

I see why you're concerned about certain identities being red-flagged.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes, of course. I am a zoophile and have made no effort to hide that about myself lmao. I have friends who are MAPs. This isn't the gotcha you think it is. :p
1 year, 6 months ago
It seems to be more in relation that to have the MAP flag or to openly state theyre a pedophile on their profile allows less ethical folk of those groups to identify and network with one another. It seems less about the idea that those who are one are automatically bad, and more to make it harder for those who *are* bad actors to connect and network and advertise towards sus chats and servers where they can promote actual criminal things.

It also just protects the ethical ones from having to deal with people trying to tempt them towards less fictional things.
1 year, 6 months ago
" penikka wrote:
Why does mere self-identification as paraphilic constitute a violation of the rule? It sounds to me like a harmful conflation of attraction and action.
Because it is this act of self-identification which encourages further acts such as people contacting the poster with the understanding that it may be to trade illicit content. Which feeds into...
" It also seems willfully naive to pretend that those paraphilic attractions aren’t responsible for the vast majority of content on this site.
A significant number of furry fans are only interested in fictional fantasy animals, not real-life humans (research suggests over half of furs see human pornography in a negative light).

The former group posting art involving fictional animals isn't a problem - except inasmuch as elements of that art deliberately indicate the affinity of a person behind the character for real-life activities, which is something symbols and coded phrases tend to be used for - you don't have to use them for the work we host, you just say you like cubs, which are non-human by definition.
1 year, 6 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
Because it is this act of self-identification which encourages further acts such as people contacting the poster with the understanding that it may be to trade illicit content.

Where is the evidence of that? Do you believe preventing this so-called “encouragement” is worth harming those simply seeking community, support, love, acceptance for who they are by identifying openly?

Identification is not an act. It is speech.

" GreenReaper wrote:
A significant number of furry fans are only interested in fictional fantasy animals, not real-life humans (research suggests over half of furs see human pornography in a negative light).

Pedophile does not equal someone who views human pornography in a positive light, so I don’t see what that statistic has to do with anything. My point is that the majority of artwork on this website is drawn pornography intentionally depicting underage characters, which is inherently pedophilic.

Your point about them being furry animals and not humans only adds another paraphilia to the mix, which is zoophilia.
1 year, 6 months ago
It is the private platform’s free speech to remove speech they disagree with much in the same way it is your free speech to remove signs from your lawn promoting things you personally disagree with. Other people do not have the right to use your lawn to promote their beliefs unless they get your permission.

While there is value to your argument that it is not inherently harmful, IB is stating that they have decided that this is not the place to do so or to discuss this subject in general.

The mission statement of IB in why cub is allowed is that because it is fictional it isn’t harmful and should be allowed. As long as I have been here IB has held firm on this idea even when the world around has moved to ban cub. First FA banned it, then furrynetwork banned it, discord banned it, and the. FA banned it again but more controversially this time. Through all of this IB has stood firm.

IB cannot continue to say that “cub is harmless because it’s fiction” if the platform becomes a place where people network to discuss and engage in illicit non-fictional acts. I have seen a growing number of artists complain about getting contacted about this stuff and I agree that this site needs to get back to being about the fiction.
1 year, 6 months ago
" penikka wrote:
Where is the evidence of that? Do you believe preventing this so-called “encouragement” is worth harming those simply seeking community, support, love, acceptance for who they are by identifying openly?

Identification is not an act. It is speech.

They literally have the moderation logs for what (from other comments by mods in this tread) is hundreds of bad actors they've already dealt with. When they say 48/50 are bad actors, then the action of removing the way they identify eachother is the correct thing to do. Will it hurt the 2/50 that are GOOD actors? Yeah but that's fucking worth it to stop the spread of hurtful content and behavior that might in the long run hurt the platform (and users).
1 year, 6 months ago
Most of the evidence for this is, as you might expect, in PMs. At a certain point you have to trust that yes, we have seen this and it is a problem - in some cases quite a big problem, notwithstanding that there is a certain amount of connecting the dots about why people are all suddenly requesting to share someone's cheese pizza over Signal.

It is true that there are some who have other reasons for disclosing their interests or urges and who have treated Inkbunny as a "safe space" to talk about it without any intention of violating the law. Unfortunately others have taken advantage of that permissiveness; and if we, say, limited it to "proud pedos" we would likely soon find a bunch of "regretful pedos".
1 year, 5 months ago
This “connecting the dots” language is precisely what concerns me. Based on your and other staff’s statements, I’m led to believe there may not be a proven connection between the political speech you have now banned and the illegal activity that was already against the rules.

Regardless, does this not simply increase the amount of moderation work necessary, allowing actual illegal activity to further propagate by tying up the resources in moderating political speech? And if it does not bear out that the illegal activity is reduced, will the rule be reversed?

I have also seen the gauntlet begin to fall on many people who are clearly expressing speech and NOT involved in illegal activity in any way, which makes me concerned that the previous explanations about who exactly is being targeted here may be false. To be blunt, I have begun to believe that the new rule was purely intended to make IB look less “bad” by throwing innocent people under the bus. Baffling that staff here wouldn’t realize that the artwork allowed here already does that.
1 year, 5 months ago
(to clarify: “already does that” meaning “already makes this site look ‘bad’ to everyone outside of its own user base.”)
1 year, 5 months ago
"I'm a MAP" is not political speech. Most of those advertising themselves as such were indeed interested in networking with other paedophiles; we saw plenty of evidence of that along the lines of "I like the flag in your icon, got a Signal?" (repeat for tens of PMs). Moreover, the topic of real-life humans in sexual situations is off-topic for a furry art site.

Prior to the rule change we were still getting plenty of reports of such accounts but could not take action without having one of the few staff who actually have access to read PMs review the account for further evidence. Now, any staff member can simply say "you're not allowed to promote yourself as a paedophile" and remove the relevant text/icon/etc.

The change was not about "making IB look better" or there would likely have been many other changes. It was about taking a reasonable step to stop our site being used by paedophiles to network with the goal of trading illicit content.
1 year, 5 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
"I'm a MAP" is not political speech.

I disagree strongly.
- The personal is political. What is seen as "individual identity" has political power when those who claim it join together in solidarity. To silence them is to stifle their political power.
- Are you familiar with National Coming Out Day? The entire purpose of that, and the project to get people to "come out" publicly, is explicitly a political project to counter oppression. How do you think LGBTQ rights were won?

" GreenReaper wrote:
Most of those advertising themselves as such were indeed interested in networking with other paedophiles; we saw plenty of evidence of that along the lines of "I like the flag in your icon, got a Signal?" (repeat for tens of PMs).

Again, awaiting any sort of number here. This new "tens" I think is the closest I've seen, though this of course doesn't take into account the proportion of people simply expressing their sexual identity without any illegal intent.

" GreenReaper wrote:
Moreover, the topic of real-life humans in sexual situations is off-topic for a furry art site.

A few things here: first, off-topic doesn't mean against the rules. Second, nothing about pedophile/MAP is inherently about "real-life humans in sexual situations." It is an expression of sexual identity and attraction, which could just as easily be applied to fictional characters or anthropomorphic animals. We don't have different words for attractions to those things, at least none I've seen put forward, because nobody except you and your staff makes such a distinction. The point is this: if a person writes a journal expressing gay pride, that would be equally off-topic by this logic. Why isn't that banned?

" GreenReaper wrote:
Prior to the rule change we were still getting plenty of reports of such accounts but could not take action without having one of the few staff who actually have access to read PMs review the account for further evidence. Now, any staff member can simply say "you're not allowed to promote yourself as a paedophile" and remove the relevant text/icon/etc.

Again, that seems like a roundabout way of dealing with the actual problem, which is people soliciting illegal content. If the problem is that not enough staff had access to PMs, couldn't the change have instead been an announcement that more staff have been given PM-reading privileges in order to take on an increase in illegal activity? I'm pretty sure most users of the site have no idea that there is a distinction between staff who can and can't read PMs. Along with a simple reiteration of the existing rules and any hard numbers about the increase of illegal activity, I feel like that would have been received perfectly fine by the users. Instead you've created this mess... why?

" GreenReaper wrote:
The change was not about "making IB look better" or there would likely have been many other changes.

Would love to hear what those would be.
1 year, 6 months ago
There are likely more infiltrators in lolicon communities than non-contact pro-para communities (as suggested by 'send me anything: legal or illegal' challenges often having loli pictures attached to them), and many furries are interested in human pornography or hentai (as plushophilia is popular, many furries are nudists, and pokephilia is huge), so these arguments don't hold much ground. A better argument would be that the potential benefits of allowing non-contact pro-para individuals to congregate are outweighed by the potential consequences, these communities aren't proven safe by a meta-analysis, and discussing real-world attraction muddies the waters of a site built for taboo fiction (NOT non-contact pro-paraphilia discussions).
1 year, 5 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
" penikka wrote:
Why does mere self-identification as paraphilic constitute a violation of the rule? It sounds to me like a harmful conflation of attraction and action.
Because it is this act of self-identification which encourages further acts such as people contacting the poster with the understanding that it may be to trade illicit content. Which feeds into...
" It also seems willfully naive to pretend that those paraphilic attractions aren’t responsible for the vast majority of content on this site.
A significant number of furry fans are only interested in fictional fantasy animals, not real-life humans (research suggests over half of furs see human pornography in a negative light).

The former group posting art involving fictional animals isn't a problem - except inasmuch as elements of that art deliberately indicate the affinity of a person behind the character for real-life activities, which is something symbols and coded phrases tend to be used for - you don't have to use them for the work we host, you just say you like cubs, which are non-human by definition.
Isn't it also true that identifying as a zoophile promotes the same kind of thing?
1 year, 6 months ago
I understand what you're doing and you're doing the right thing, but please please don't remove all cub art from here in the future because of this.
1 year, 6 months ago
I kinda dun think this site is suicidal, cause that would probably kill IB
1 year, 6 months ago
Some sites have gone on and nuked cub content knowing full well they would die because of that.
1 year, 6 months ago
Knowing IB, that's not gonna happen here
Sure, you can never say never, still
1 year, 6 months ago
That is not the purpose or intent of this policy, as cubs do not exist in real life. Indeed, part of the problem is that the people this policy is targeted towards wilfully conflate fantasy and reality to further their goals - in the very same way that anti-cub campaigners do.
1 year, 6 months ago
I hadn’t even thought of that but you’re right. The people trying to use this site to network better IRL pedos are making the EXACT same arguments that the anti-cub activists do. Because we like cub that “Obviously” makes us pedophiles. It’s just as sick and twisted as the people trying to ban cub.
1 year, 6 months ago
There is no way they would do that. They have been one of the only safe havens for cub art for YEARS. This move is about protecting cub art by not allowing people to abuse the platform for IRL activities.

Cub art is only safe if people can distinguish between fiction and reality and given the rise of people who try to blur that line in recent years they need to draw a firm line in the sand that this place is for fiction to protect what the majority of people here care about.
1 year, 6 months ago
not happening.
1 year, 6 months ago
I think this is a good move for the site! Glad this sort of thing will be dealt with here.
1 year, 6 months ago
Very good news.
Thank you, IB! 🤗💙
1 year, 6 months ago
this is much appreciated and i think it will be an overall positive change for the site!

so, just to clarify: does this include things like simply identifying oneself as a pedophile, pedophilia-related pride flags / symbols, etc., or is the focus more on stopping potentially illegal activity? for example, if someone openly calls themself a pedophile or MAP or whatever, but is simply referring to their experience of attraction rather than implying or outright stating advocacy for "pro-contact" ideals, is that acceptable? or is pedophilia as a whole generally encouraged to stay a purely fictional topic on this site?

i know GreenReaper said in another comment that you guys don't want to get overly specific, though, since context often changes things, and i can definitely understand and respect that it's probably tough to draw an exact line in the sand here.
1 year, 6 months ago
It has to be 'purely fictional' because otherwise we will get a whole bunch of people going "oh, woe is me, I'm a paedophile, whatever will I do?" Basically, it is off-topic for the site - don't ask, don't tell. Otherwise we will have a lot of questions about exactly what your goal is in saying that you want to have sex with real-life children, on a site where such content isn't allowed.
1 year, 6 months ago
I know this wasn't in response to me but thank you for this comment. It clarifies things greatly. I wasn't sure what was actionable and what wasn't based on the journal itself and really didn't want to waste the mods precious time sending in unworkable tickets.

You have my respect and gratitude, I know this is going to create a lot of work for you guys.
1 year, 6 months ago
Very happy and pleased to see this. Today is a good day.
1 year, 6 months ago
Did you guys implent the rule that it is the user's responsibility what others comment on their picture, shout, or journal?
1 year, 6 months ago
That isn't envisaged as part of the rule - what people write is largely their own business, not yours, except that if you do not control your space, we may do so. Accusing others of paedophilia tends to be viewed as a form of harassment and something that attracts comment bans or more from staff.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes, I know about the second part of your reply. That's how Katzesmeow, aka. MissMolly aka LittleMissMolly, then some 3rd account, etc got banned, I think (although I offered going legal against her, but whatever). Or partly, cause she tried shitting that label on me. She's definitely still lurking on yet another account.

But I wanted to ask about this. When do these people get punished that put these slandering labels on their profiles, and then blocked others? (For example: "I block you if you are this and that") That's what Kadm would call a "cute" solution to provoke others and indirectly call them any  kind of filthy things.

Looking around here, IzzySable did this, ComfyTail did this, RexSatou did this.

Thanks to such slander-ers, I faced heavy canceling. I'm pretty sure
did, too.

I hope you will at least consider doing something about these people, since they irreversably ruined my reputation (as well as others') in the eyes of a lot of naive fools.
1 year, 5 months ago
That seems like something different. On the face of it, being called a paedophile would not itself cause you to violate this policy, because it is not you saying it, but rather them. Bear in mind that slander has to not be true; harassment may be an easier bar to prove, given how much human art with young characters you seem to have in your +favs. But I'm not seeing many cases of this on your account - one case by another user that applied directly to you seems to have been resolved by Kadm.

People are entitled to block you and can call you names in their own space, this isn't anything new.
1 year, 5 months ago
So faving art becomes a problem now, and it suddenly isn't fiction anymore? If this is the new mentality, then Inkbunny isn't a safe place anymore. Besides, what I faved, are all drawings, or cartooney 3D models. If you deem that content a problem, then why allow linking to it? Your response seems like a double standard this time. Okay for people you like, not okay for those you dislike.
But for example, France banned cub content. A user that commented here, is on probation for it.
Don't you think you should warn French people site-wise?
Anyway, why spit poison at me? I don't have any faves of Sumatsuki's child-drugging rape propaganda or any of IzzySable's creepy pedo-writing-"art" for example - and THAT is definitely a thing. I have mild and hardcore violence entirely off.
And what about when Tarot posted rapey "art" and he and his friends discussed in comments, how hot they found the rapist pedo that he drew? Are these people really normal in your eyes?
So yeah, pointing fingers at what I fave is pretty weak and low.

Okay, then I'll put that "I block/ban individuals that I subjectively deem any of the following, reserving the right to be mistaken in case the mentioned individual states otherwise to me, directly: racist, bigoted, actual predators, or active sex offenders against any age or specie." I'll also list them, give examples of the offenses if I feel like it and I add that I do so with all of the Inkbunny Staff's approval, agreement and especially the Site Owner's aka GreenReaper, if that's okay with you guys. Are you willing to officially grant me permission for that? Don't worry, I will have a lawyer review the text, so it's not legally attackable.
1 year, 5 months ago
Community Notes: Tayferret is a known pedophile. They are open about their attraction and have drawn human art depicting two different symbols, one representing boy love, the second girl love. I recommend not hanging with known, open pedophiles if you wish to not be called one yourself.
1 year, 5 months ago
Zsarolás Btk. 367. § (1) Aki jogtalan haszonszerzés végett mást erőszakkal vagy fenyegetéssel arra kényszerít, hogy valamit tegyen, ne tegyen vagy eltűrjön, és ezzel vagyoni hátrányt okoz, bűntett miatt egy évtől öt évig terjedő szabadságvesztéssel büntetendő.
1 year, 6 months ago
oh delightful, things have been getting rather uncomfortable as of late with how much stuff has been cropping up.
really strange what people think is acceptable, sometimes.
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally man, thank you so much for doing this, i really feel unconfortable when anybody says that is open to RL pedo stuff, many tried to commission me after that. I ve banned some individual that said that are openly pedos too.
To those wgo are pedos RL, those can f*ck themselves.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
Wonderful news.
1 year, 6 months ago
Great Job, we knew we can count on you IB
1 year, 6 months ago
Good.MAPs, pedos, and the like don't belong here
1 year, 6 months ago
Oh thank you! about time! No MAPs!
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank heck for this change. Get em outta here!
1 year, 6 months ago
based inkbunny❤️
1 year, 6 months ago
very cool
1 year, 6 months ago
This will also limit the risk of IB being shut down! Great news all around, i'm really happy with the neutral take on it too!
1 year, 6 months ago
Brilliant policy change. Big props!
1 year, 6 months ago
When actual child molesters use platforms like ours to practice their craft, it's at the expense of innocent people, as furry cub artists are stigmatized by the public as if they were part of the problem. I heard that an actual child molester ran an artist's twitter on their behalf, as well as reposting artwork on E621. Of course the artist did not find out about the child molester part of this person until the incidents started happening.

In the end we must step up against child molesters, for their actions have severe consequences, damage children, and make us, fantasy doodlers, a bad name!
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Awesome news! :D
Thank you! Better late than never
1 year, 6 months ago
Exxxxxxxxxxcellent!!!!!!  :-3
1 year, 6 months ago
Top tier blessed post, thank you for this. <3
1 year, 6 months ago
✋🏿{ÛwÛ}👌🏿 safe
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm glad this change is about "real-life paedophilia" and not some knee-jerk reaction to cub art/RP/comments.
Hopefully this will provide just enough that's needed to help get rid of the worst offenders, but not go overboard.
1 year, 6 months ago
Fancy seeing you here right now :p
1 year, 6 months ago
Heya! I think all of IB is going to be here soon enough, a news post is our collective community meeting point :P
1 year, 6 months ago
Im buying pints this time for whoever wants one :p
1 year, 6 months ago
At least this I can 100% agree with. I still think this is slightly questionable as it may open the doors to slippery slopes... but if this was the stance everyone in the world had including platforms like FA / Patreon and governments in allegedly democratic nations, I wouldn't have a phobia and sheer disgust of anything "child safety" which I perceive as a lunacy meant to shut down free expression.
1 year, 6 months ago
I think what's important is looking at what the change is, the intention behind the choice and how it fits in with past actions.

Inkbunny has been very open in allowing cub art when that hasn't been allowed on many sites for a long time.
But Inkbunny has for as long as I remember, never allowed anything to do with human characters which is lewd (loli/shota), you'll find blurs and censors for that here.

So really, if you look at it that way, this is more an extension upon that preexisting established rule. That IB is a furry site, and cub-based fiction and art is a core part of culture here. But underage human content isn't part of this site's culture. The rule directly states real-life paedophilia, not cub art. So in some ways, nothing really is changing.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm less worried thinking about it like that yeah. It's the precedent happening on the entire internet that worries me: Everything is getting more absurdly strict, places like Furaffinity or Patreon have completely lost their minds to it banning content and creators for the stupidest reasons imaginable. When it's reaching even some governments I have a phobia of seeing things like this even when it's harmless, part of me wishes it could all just stop.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
That not something i'd ever do to anyone unless I had a serious problem with them and even then i'd probably do it indirectly (Hinting it in my art) I have seen themes I don't like but users have the right to be into what they're into, I haven't received much hate for what im into so its only fair I do the same
1 year, 6 months ago
Oh thank god, this is great news! I had been growing increasingly more and more uncomfortable with the growing amount of MAPs/pedos identifying themselves proudly on this site so I'm very glad a stance is being taken against them.
1 year, 6 months ago
So, with this change, can someone be banned simply for identifying as a MAP? For using the flag?

One's identity does not mean someone is an abuser. I don't think MAPs should be punished for clarifying that they have a real life attraction, especially when looking at NSFW cub art is one of the healthiest options for them.
1 year, 6 months ago
Not necessarily, from what I'm understanding it depends on the context and is subject to staff discretion based on the severity. The ruling basically states that IB will take administrative action against people advocating for pedophilia. Basically the difference between saying "I'm a pedophile" and "Actually pedophilia is pretty based". One cannot choose their identity, but one can choose what course of action they take in regards to their identity. And currently the main problem are people who justify child abuse, condone or even endorse child abuse, or use IBs services to create on- or off-site communities for those things.
1 year, 6 months ago
To be clear, our position is that you don't really need to tell everyone you're a paedophile on a furry art site involving fictional animals, and if you do, that's a problem because it facilitates networking between people who enjoy illicit real-life content.

I know some people are like "oh, I have to get this out of my system" and think Inkbunny's audience will be sympathetic, but in the general case it causes problems and we would like to maintain a bright line between fiction and real life in this area.
1 year, 6 months ago
Unsure if I personally agree with that since the mere open identification doesn't necessitate abuse. On the other hand I also understand how open identification can lead to communities. Dunno, yall seem to have your work cut out for you, I honestly don't envy yall lmao.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes thank you! there is legit no reason to mention this, im sure there are places out there people can get support from others struggling with similar issues. but there is no justifiable reason to announce that on a website filled with nsfw.
like what are you expecting?
seems a bit weird to me. as from experience i can say that putting things like you sexual orientation that into profiles/images does elicit people contacting u about rping, or if ur into certain things surrounding that.
so i don't know what they expect from it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah - like, if you want to say you like underage characters in RP, you can go ahead and do that on F-list too; this is something rather more specific (and we don't want 'cub' turned into 'any underage character, including humans').
1 year, 6 months ago
This is the sort of thing I didn't quite understand either and that concerns me. Never forget what destroyed FA (again) just a few months ago? Someone felt that the platform's war on cub art, which was already pretty darn extreme, wasn't extreme enough... so they amended the rules to essentially allow any moderator to ban an artist if they personally dislike their art style because they could claim it feels like cub even when it's not, now we literally have entire Pokemon evolutions people can't draw NSFW art of! While the changes here aren't by far as absurd or extreme, it's the same concept of "we generally don't like something and it's up to our discretion what we feel to be the case". When any rule has to rely on unclear elements or someone's personal interpretation, anyone can be targeted if one of countless team members is having a bad day... you can't be asked to know what others think or rely on the way they may perceive something that isn't empirical.
1 year, 6 months ago
I would argue that FA's decision was stupid because art of fictional characters doesn't hurt any real person. But what we're talking about here very much concerns real, existing people. I understand your concern, but I don't think that this is a good analogy to what happened to FA.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah like I said it's not as extreme thank goodness, if anything FA should take lessons from this after what they did. I'm mainly concerned the vast majority of platforms appear to be going in this direction at different paces, and it's leading to a less free internet and more people being persecuted often times wrongfully. Inkbunny definitely has the judgment to know when to stop, but after everything I've seen in recent years I pretty much have a phobia of the whole thing... even when I see real MAP's being persecuted, as I'm aware that in a radicalized and divided and irrational world like this whatever is done to them can be done against anyone if the wrong trigger or association arises.
1 year, 6 months ago
As I understand it, not banned, unless they refuse to remove such identification. The problem is it's a calling card for those that deal with illegal content to contact them, whether that person intends it to be or not. And they can't even just review DMs to deal with that, as they list external contact methods on the site as well.
1 year, 6 months ago
Having a paraphilia isn’t a choice, but parading around a flag most people around you use to say “I’m a proud predator, dm me on my private telegram and ask about my AoA *wink wink*“ most definitely is.
Plenty of people (especially on this site) have paraphilias and use fiction to express themselves, but way too many people are getting way too comfortable trying to dogwhistle for CP.
1 year, 6 months ago
Not to mention this change will actively make it harder for people who do not wish to see/interact with MAPs (for various reasons) to identify and avoid them on this platform.  It’s very disappointing that inkbunny staff seem to think self-identification is synonymous with “promoting abuse.”
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes, definitely. I am not a MAP, but I do try to make it clear that I am a zoo and am pro-paraphilia so that people can choose to block / not interact with me if they wish.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
I am not the most active person and had no idea people were really...doing this kind of thing. cub art and fiction is where it should end at full stop I think you can go nuts with your kinks as long as you are keeping it at what it should be, anything past that seeking ill are not welcome here or anywhere.
1 year, 6 months ago
This comes off a bit half-baked.  Comments and interactions soliciting illegal material on inkbunny should be banned.  Identities should not.
1 year, 6 months ago
This 100%
1 year, 6 months ago
Well said ^
1 year, 6 months ago
This! It's the slippery slope that concerns me. Are we already forgetting how Furaffinity was destroyed, to the point of being a place we're afraid to say or upload anything on because everything can get you banned for reasons you wouldn't even imagine? I don't understand why any platform needs to care either way and make a big deal about social issues that concern only individuals personally not strangers running websites.
1 year, 6 months ago
The issue is that the identification as a paedophile tends to invite discussion on the topic of underage human characters in sexual situations; one which we don't support, and which content relating to is illegal in many of the jurisdictions we operate from and serve to - in some cases including artwork.

As mentioned, the volume of such discussions makes it infeasible to say 'we will check the PMs of every person identifying as a MAP to see what their goals are' and in any case it tends to be of the variety of "here's my Tox/Signal" - which is not in and of itself a violation, but which a reasonable person would find troubling given the overall context and volume.
1 year, 6 months ago
I sympathize with your struggle to keep disruptive behavior to a minimum on IB, especially considering the jurisdiction it is operated in, and I recognize that this change primarily serves as a procedural framework for staff to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.  I just worry that the rest of the community will misinterpret your statements here as support for the harassment and oppression of paraphiles.
1 year, 5 months ago
" rooshoes wrote:
I just worry that the rest of the community will misinterpret your statements here as support for the harassment and oppression of paraphiles.
Hopefully not. I mean, where would it end? (I think we saw that with FurryLife Online.)
1 year, 6 months ago
While you're not wrong,
Identifying as LGBTQ is acceptable
Identifying as a MAP is not acceptable
1 year, 6 months ago
GOOD!! I'm glad this is being addressed. Show no leniency to these people!

Thank you, IB.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you. There needed to be a clearer line in the sand drawn and this is it. It’s straightfoward, to the point, and leaves little room for interpretation.

I was becoming severely uncomfortable by the rise of the map movement but the worst part is I hadn’t considered them using this site to network. I probably should have anticipated that, especially with all the artists complaining about it who were probably contacted about it. But who knows how much illegal content has been distributed because people were allowed to network on this site.

I hope that we as a community are able to put a stop to this because I like cub content and I don’t think cub content is harmful, but that argument only works if people aren’t using the platform to promote or engage in the real thing.
1 year, 6 months ago
Regardless of the impression my gallery's content might give you, I am 100% for this policy. Real child absue advocates have no business here.
1 year, 6 months ago
does your rule include shota/loli and cub content?
and if i make an animations with chipmunks(gore+some nsfw with organs) - does they include to rule?
1 year, 6 months ago
From what i enterpret, im pretty sure that the bans are being directed at the map/zoo pride ppl and the throwaway gooner “send me “anything” accounts with no site activity.
1 year, 6 months ago
oh! thank u all!

  I was a little scared of the context and didn’t understand, but thanks for clearing it up for me! ( ´ ꒳ ` )
1 year, 5 months ago
You're making up the part about zoophiles pride tho.
1 year, 5 months ago
1. wtf do you think the zeta symbol shit is?
2. why tf are you all over this comment section trying to argue down people who are against criminal action?
1 year, 5 months ago
" 888g888 wrote:
1. wtf do you think the zeta symbol shit is?

No one cares but you.
1 year, 5 months ago
No, people do care. But as the mods stated, pedophilia is illegal everywhere, while zoophilia is criminalized only in certain parts of the world. IB could take a firm stance against zoophiles, but that would be based on subjective ethics, rather than criminal law,hence why they don't. Of course, a lot of users are still very concerned about zoophilia.
1 year, 6 months ago
What no this doesnt affect that at all. Draw whatever you want
This only affects people promoting map activities or using the site for that. There were some using art to just say they were proud maps is all about context
1 year, 6 months ago
No. It's essentially not about submissions at all, except those which seem to relate to the identity of real people. Like, this piece in your gallery might be an issue under the content policy if it had revealed any more, but it doesn't amount to you saying "as invenTOR I like to have sex with underage humans in the bathtub" (notwithstanding the fact that this character isn't identified as underage, but you get the idea).
1 year, 5 months ago
about my link - i need to delete my submission?
1 year, 6 months ago
This is a positive change, I approve!
1 year, 6 months ago
THANK FUCK, im so tired of block map/zoo pride pfp pics 😭😭😭😭😭
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Good work, this is exactly what we need. I think this falls right in line with how most of the fluffs here feel already, and it's the right way to address a tricky and ugly situation.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm glad the Inkbunny staff took their time and carefully crafted this instead of jumping to make a rushed policy. I just hope the indistinct wording of some of this proves to be beneficial for moderating case by case, and not a way to punish people for their  (law abiding and ethical) identity.
1 year, 6 months ago
You are doing what you feel you need to do, but for specific information for those that need to know, what age constitutes as children in the staff's opinion. I see no mention of the exact age. I do see the mention of real-life children. How would you differentiate between real-life and fictional or is none of it allowed between the species?

I apologize for addressing this in this particular manner, as I don't do it myself, but you are being a little vague.
1 year, 6 months ago
Fictional content is unaffected and the rest of our policies remain unaffected as well.
Drawn Humans of any age in sexual situations are not permitted on the site.
"Cub" artwork is permitted on the site.

All this new policy change does is make it clear that we will no longer tolerate people advocating for real world harm towards real children.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you for clearing that up.
1 year, 6 months ago
I approve this change!
1 year, 6 months ago
Slippery slope. It's good in essence but going down this road is precisely what destroyed Furaffinity and countless other places! Ideally platforms shouldn't have any involvement or stances on any moral or social issues, just let everyone say what they want if they aren't committing actual clear undeniable crimes. Really hope this won't spill too far as a precedent here...
1 year, 6 months ago
I can understand what your saying.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is terrible news! These oppressed MAPs and safe-child-sex advocates need to feel safe and have an open platform to freely express their views! A nice big wide open platform, where say, a sniper might have an easy clear shot at them :^)

But y'know, that's just a metaphor.
1 year, 6 months ago
"Who/What does this change primarily impact?

• Low-presence accounts which appear to exist primarily to network for illicit reasons

These are people we've seen more of in recent years, who seek to discuss and share illegal content off-site, and believe that Inkbunny is a convenient place to find like-minded individuals – advertising themselves more-or-less openly via username, profiles, icons, journals, comments and shouts."

I've been on this site for multiple years and haven't seen this type of activity, but then again, I use this site as intended, for posting my music and looking at art.

I'm glad IB knows about this and is taking action against it <3
1 year, 6 months ago
tysm for handling this kind of stuff well, rare to see as of recent lol
1 year, 6 months ago
Hopefully this means less people dming me asking if I'm a MAP and then getting mad or upset for some reason when I say no
1 year, 6 months ago
I didnt expect that to happen but I suppose it comes with having a character like y ours. I am sorry that you have to deal with that
1 year, 6 months ago
Thumbs up for safety!!!
1 year, 6 months ago
Safety from what: Words that hurt people's feelings through a screen? There exists a place called Furaffinity for those who need that.
1 year, 6 months ago
Oh yeah, it's absolutely about hurt feelings and not the thousands of people suddenly joining with the same avatar and sharing wickr, sessions, matrix accounts lmao. Get a grip.
1 year, 6 months ago
Didn't know that's a thing that happened here. I guess I can see it at least. My response was over the fact that well... the concept of needing safety on the internet is so overblown these days and has destroyed too much: Only thing I need safety from is hackers or getting doxxed, all else I think we can each take care of individually.
1 year, 6 months ago
ok, to be fair with you, a lot of people are saying they didn't see it either.
I think I know why some like me kept seeing it, and some others didn't even know it was a problem - I'm an artist and I get a few dozen watchers per picture I post. Out of those people, every time, a few are very recent account with a MAP pride flag and handles with invitations to trades. And it's always stuff like matrix, sessions, etc... for obvious reasons :I

We were actually witnessing pedo rings being formed and IB constituted a public entry point for that.
1 year, 6 months ago
Interesting. Likely reason why I'm not noticing it is I don't look at accounts: I only look at new submissions from artists I watch, sometimes I use search and that's it... presumably it shows up on the home page or other places.
1 year, 6 months ago
It is largely (though not entirely) people who are not actually "contributing" in the sense of submitting furry content, but rather have found Inkbunny a convenient venue to host a contact page.

A large proportion of the reports we have gotten are from cub artists who are concerned about the people following them, commenting, or in some cases PMing them directly.
1 year, 6 months ago
You guys better keep your word about this move, and don't screw it up like the other websites.

I'm getting tired of website owners making pathetic mistakes because they had their fragile feelings hurt by Twitter Freaks for the 1000th time in a month.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah, the best I can do is stay vigilant about this content. Will there be actions taken against those who are openly for real zoo as well?
1 year, 6 months ago
We considered this but for reasons outlined in the comment thread linked in the journal, we don't see this as something that we need to form a policy on at this time. To extract a quote:
" [some] don't see zoos and MAPs as appropriate to lump together; the former is not universally criminalized, and often has lighter penalties
Those are not the only reasons; the scale of accounts and reports involved is also a factor. If there is a specific case of "X is sharing RL bestiality content and it's squicking people out" then it might be dealt with in a ticket on more general grounds.
1 year, 6 months ago
Seconding BetLa here!
If it does happen, please reconsider and put a policy in place banning that behavior too!
And echoing the general consensus of this new policy is a "W" - great job IB staff! ^^
1 year, 6 months ago
This is awesome, thanks for handling this properly IB <3
1 year, 6 months ago
A wise decision. Thanks inkbunny!
1 year, 6 months ago
While I'm not necessarily against this change and can see the logic behind it, it also feels too close for comfort to the concept of "going woke" and infringing on speech. Whatever the subject matter is, I really don't like seeing concepts like "you aren't allowed to identify as"... who cares how someone "identifies", why are we criminalizing identifications and advocacies now? What comes next... banning words, shapes and symbols over historical meanings, all else till it's like the rest of the internet?

Please understand I simply don't even want this place to ever become what Furaffinity has because of this moral shit: Platforms getting involved in personal and societal issues to this degree has been destroying the internet over the past years. While the stance itself is understandable, try to be careful on how you word it and have it be as limited and lax as possible, so we don't open the gates to a morality police judging people's thoughts persecuting them for who they are and everything else the "tolerant liberals" have been promoting to persecute anyone normality doesn't like.

I may seem exaggerated at first but believe me, the danger is real: See every other platform and how this starts... first it's a few seemingly common sense changes like this, then before we know it it's just another digital North Korea. Patreon is a great example for those of us who were with them since the beginning: A fantastic and liberal place in 2015, a strict hell by 2020 to the point I'm inevitably about to be forced off them soon... all because somebody had to care and be "socially involved" or other cultist Communist crap like that. We don't want any more of that elsewhere! Peace and good luck ❤️
1 year, 6 months ago
No one is forcing you to stay here :)
You're allowed to leave if you don't like this change :)
1 year, 6 months ago
Having a simple disagreement with parts of this change is nowhere near me wanting to leave, and it's silly that is the assumption some would default to upon the slightest critique. Only place I want to leave is Furaffinity, am only there as well because of stubborn artists insisting to stay there exclusively instead of at least setting up a mirror here too.
1 year, 6 months ago
You should leave both sites. I think it would really show them who’s boss and make them sorry they messed with you.
1 year, 5 months ago
Ah yes. Toilet is broke? Just keep it broke. House is ruined and dirty? Just not clean it and be homeless. Same logic as "Don't like the country then leave" when it's damn near impossible for most people to leave.
1 year, 6 months ago
" Mircea wrote:
I really don't like seeing concepts like "you aren't allowed to identify as"...
Your concern is why we didn't publish a kneejerk policy on this last year when the issue became particularly apparent. At the end of the day, it's not so much about personal identification, but what expressing that identity can lead to.

I don't like any restriction of speech, personally, but there have been people who seem to be abusing such freedom to further what is likely illegal distribution of content involving minors, and we don't want to be a part of that, especially given our desire to maintain a bright line between legal fictional content involving animals vs. illegal content involving humans - which are off-topic here.
1 year, 6 months ago
Can definitely see that at very least. I'm mostly worried about slippery slopes, seeing what paranoia about this sort of thing has done to nearly all platforms on the internet. Though as this ultimately balanced announcement shows, Inkbunny is able to stay balanced and be rational about it... the global trend concerns me is all.

Thanks for the responses and clarification also: That's one way to tell how different this is from Furaffinity, where the first thing the mods do when making any announcement at all is shutting off the comments so they don't have to face even the slightest potential criticism. If one concretely positive thing may come out of this, it's one argument less for certain people not to switch to IB and leave FA behind: You got your dose of precious internet safety, now move here so I can stop having to use that place just for a few artists 😆

BTW: I'd still like to donate a little if I could. I think last time I opened a ticket about it long ago I got no response. But I can only send through Paypal or Payoneer directly if there's any way.
1 year, 6 months ago
Might be able to do Payoneer but haven't looked into it yet TBH. PayPal doesn't like Inkbunny and ultimately that's their choice, we worked around it before by direct invoicing to our hosts but they changed their invoicing system which inadvertently made that harder for arbitrary invoice amounts.

More generally, it's not you, it's me - all the donation stuff goes through me and I have had technical things to focus on (and still do, at least until the end of the year), as well as medical issues limiting my activity. At some point we will likely figure something out and do a drive to keep the accounts vaguely balanced. Until then, your support of fellow Inkbunny members is welcome!
1 year, 6 months ago
This is to take a very strong  stance against people promoting very real crime, nothing against free speech. I understand you are coming from a good place of concern, but this just seems like healthy thinking from the website.

You could argue it's good and useful to see people with bad intentions voice themselves online so they can be held accountable in the future, however it is more than reasonable to not provide a platform for those individuals to reinforce dangerous ideas or find ways to  fetishize or distribute very real and horrific material.  Inkbunny will not be that place that looks the other way and that is commendable.

This is also to ensure many ways of creative freedom are in fact, protected AND very clearly distinguished from things that overstep the boundary between fiction and reality that causes real suffering.
1 year, 6 months ago
I fully interoperate this as IB taking a defensive measure it's not even anti map really it's Anti people shining lights to signal there here and you can contact them for illegal activity.

you could remove the MAP shit ENTIRELY and do the same with with cocaine or Mail Order Sex slaves.

it's unfortunate it's skirting an uncomfortable line with excluding peoples publicly identifying but at the end of the day this is an art community not a "support my paraphilia" comunity.
1 year, 6 months ago
If I think about it that way I can see what you mean. Though if you're a drug user and just say "I do drugs" somewhere, that's not considered a signal to get drug dealers to contact you. Of course these days it's always something different when it's fear of sexual stuff and kids, people seem to use use a completely parallel logic for that alone, which is one thing I never understood compared to all other concerns and potential bad things that exist in the world.
1 year, 6 months ago
and I am 100% sure that if IB has a continious outbreak of people putting "I GET SUPER HIGH ON ILLEGAL STUFF" in there profiles and making journals about how awesome selling cocaine inside baby forumla bottles is and they ntoice these accounts, NOT participating in IB outside of doing this weird light shineing shit and privite DM;s to other accounts with similure signuls, to trade encrypted chat information safely, they might realize there platform is being used for the tradeing of illegal contraband wich could land IB in hot water XD and will do something similar there as well.

this was not an attack on Maps, this was  a response to a problem.

there never gonna BAN people identifying as GAY and then DMIng each other there grindr info  beocuse Hooking up for concentual gay sex is not illegal =p

there is sadly a very real difference here in the context behind that Identity sigulling.

pro contact maps are also openly advocating for illegal activity and harm of a child. so another reason to ban it

If i was in all seriously publicly advocating for the Abuse of I donno lets use the above example and say gay people... and I made journals about curb stomping gays I would be in violation of inkbunnies polcies. as they allready exist. that journal would be removed and I might be looking at a suspension or a ban for being a total ass hole.

And I would deserve it!

im quite sure aprt of the reason the deliberation on this action took as long as it did was they diddent nessasaraly want to attack people for BEING maps and identifying as such but since part of that advocates for and in meny cases uses IB as a platform for the offsite participation in, illegal activity they had to make a call.

Im sorry if this makes Anti contact Maps feel less welcome but My gut tells me if your a moral enough human being to be a map and still recognize you should remain anti contact, then you probobly WONT be bothered to much by this choice, because you likely wernt advertising to begin with! there are other websites and forums for people who need  support in there struggle with there paraphilia.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you for this! Good change
1 year, 6 months ago
I haven't really noticed a lot of MAP related stuff going on personally, but now knowing there WAS a lot makes me feel kinda gross.

However, I'm glad this change and clarification is here now! I love art, ALL art, and letting people explore fantasy and the very edges of their imagination, no matter how dark (so long as it stays fictional) is the very foundation of what makes art so impactful and wonderful.

But hurting real people, real children, is something I'll never ever stand for, so I'm glad y'all are doing this now. Its been a long time coming, and hopefully this'll also help the site last much longer.
1 year, 6 months ago
Many of them tended to keep to certain networks of accounts and not be particularly involved in contributing furry content, which was part of the problem. I don't want to get all "no true furry" and the like, but some weren't here for anthropomorphic animals, just to find others like them.
1 year, 6 months ago
Please remove the scat, fart and diaper fetish. Because it's nasty.
1 year, 6 months ago
I don't like it myself but I feel like that's unnecessary. There's a blacklist feature you can use and if they removed those fetishes, I feel a lot of people would probably be angry.
1 year, 6 months ago
Not your thing? Use the block system and block the keywords and move along. There, that's it
1 year, 6 months ago
Please use the "Block Keyword" feature, if that's content you do not wish to see.
1 year, 6 months ago
I don’t like those kind of arts either, but some people have fetishes for that. If you don’t like it, you can blacklist them.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's actually the most-blocked content on the site, despite being far less popular than, say, 'cub'. If we ever did go wild banning stuff, I'm sure that shit would be first against the wall - but that's not really Inkbunny's style. 😼
1 year, 6 months ago
Will the new Inkbunny change have any affect on cub art? Just curious.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's been clarified many times already that this is only in regards to real life stuff, the AUP is the same in regards to fiction.
1 year, 6 months ago
Only potentially inasmuch as such art contains some kind of clear communication aimed at real-life paedophiles, identifying RL people (such as through a personal avatar that happens to be a cub waving certain flags or wearing a related symbol, etc.). So the issue isn't really about the age of the character so much as the intent of the art, which I know is vague but so is "intended to harass anyone".
1 year, 6 months ago
Not surprising since there's not exactly any cute SFW kind of that stuff, and it's very black or white in terms of what people think of it, so either it will make a person looking for fap material hard or make their dick retreat back into their bodies at first sight :P

Personally I think scat was the first thing I blocked when I joined this site xD

Cub on the other hand can be SFW and fully wholesome as well so people might block other keywords to not see the NSFW stuff.
1 year, 6 months ago
Well if that is true as you said, so better swotch to another places then? i mean i don`t want being cornered like FA did to me.
please be specific about what kind of keywords are the most banned please.
I dont like fart and scat stuff, but my content is about diapers so, please be specific
1 year, 6 months ago
'Diaper' is in second place. I mean, I don't see how it matters much, the majority of members don't have keyword blocks at all. Rather than thinking "it's not worth posting because nobody will see it", you should probably be thinking "thank goodness all these people who would probably say nasty things don't even see it!"

Keyword blocks are why we don't have to sitewise ban a lot of stuff.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you for the clarification, i was thinking in what you said to the anon guy first, so if "diaper" are the most blocked search you will be at ban my content if something happens, i just dont want be the main target from admins to focus on my content only which is 80% of it in diapers related, i just dont want to be the focus from anybody to ban my stuff for one reason to another, not just for gain more watchers.
But if the keyword arent so banned as i though, so i will be more relaxed, thanks for clarify me.
1 year, 5 months ago
those who don`t want see my drawings, thank for your keywords blocking feature, i dont care them anyways.
1 year, 5 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
I'm sure that shit would be first against the wall
1 year, 6 months ago
Just filter it out. It's not hard.
1 year, 6 months ago
Excuse me but pooping is different from scat.
1 year, 6 months ago
Please remove boobs ,cub porn please because its so gross too
1 year, 6 months ago
can’t you just blacklist those tags in your settings?
1 year, 6 months ago
REALLY glad about this update. I only recently made a Session and Telegram because I found that most people that enjoy cub content use that as well and wanted to find like-minded people into the art and artists to see if I could commussion. It never really struck me that there were these kinds of people on the site until recently, but I'm glad I haven't run into them myself. Hopefully this does something
1 year, 6 months ago
i dont get ppl in the comments saying "identities should not be banned"... you should not be "identifying" as a pedophile or a map or what have you... using a "map pride flag" you should not be proud of pedophilia. i dont understand how ppl can pretend that advocating for "pedophile identities" is acceptable or normal :/ if someone has a paraphile like this they should be seeking professional help, not gathering on a porn site to proudly indulge in what they see as the thing they have a paraphile of and feeding into their mental illness

amazing change all around, im proud to see ib finally making a huge statement on this.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's because one cannot choose their attraction, including pedophiles. A pedophile just happens to be attracted to children, and they identify as a pedophile whether they like it or not. A pedophile can't just stop identifying as one on a whim, that's not how attraction works. Hence why people have a problem with punitive actions against people who didn't even chose their identity. It's a bit of an overkill, in my opinion.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's astonishing to me how many people in the comments are giving backlash to this policy update.
Like bro you should never be proud to be a MAP
You're not welcome here
Get some help.
1 year, 5 months ago
Bro, you get off to cubs. What the fuck are you talking about?
1 year, 5 months ago
Lol, Jeremy's MtF trans girlfriend, ComfyTail (aka. ComfortHoodies on baraag) got shunned for "being a pedophile" according to haters, that cancelled them. The result? Individuals like ComfyTail and JeremyFrostpaw try to point fingers at anyone they can, within this fandom, labeling them as all kinds of filthy things.
Why do they do this? So that they look a bit less like the pedophiles, their haters dubbed them as.

In a way, it's understandable. After all, it's easier to point fingers at- and cyber bully harmless people, than fighting back against their true enemies. Of course, it's cowardly as shit, and some might have enough and fight back. Legally, if needed. Their decision.

Meanwhile the true enemies laugh their asses off, at how easy it is to poison this community against one-other.

That said, guys like Jeremy Frostpaw DO make themselves suspicious.

(P.s. whomever tried labeling me directly with any filthy thing, got banned instantly.)
1 year, 6 months ago
yeah this excatly! i get the argument that they can't help it. but its a sexual preference that can do serious damage, and can potentially hurt or mess people up.
not saying that is their intention. but the premise still stands.
being related to something like that, or announcing that you are part of that is not something u should be proud of. and u should be striving to get mentally well. not being prideful in a mental illness that can severely affect not only the person struggling with it but anyone else that's on the receiving end.
??? honestly its a bit sickening to me people want to promote that...
1 year, 6 months ago
" lockhearts wrote:
if someone has a paraphile like this they should be seeking professional help, not gathering on a porn site to proudly indulge in what they see as the thing they have a paraphile of and feeding into their mental illness

A lot of people love to spout this kind of stuff like they have any idea what they're talking about. Do you even know what "professional help" looks like for a MAP? Do you perhaps think we go into a therapist's office and walk away cured? Why do you assume none of us have sought such help? Why do you assume "getting help" is completely incompatible with being open about it online?

The reality is you don't actually know how this attraction works and m treat it like it's the same thing as having PTSD or something, without having talked to anyone who actually has this attraction or even an actual professional who has worked with us. "Help" for a MAP isn't telling them how fucked up they are. They already see plenty of that in the real world. "Help" means helping them come to terms with that attraction and accepting it. For many, talking about it online indeed helps as we often have to go through our lives with that part of us completely locked away, not being able to trust anyone to open up about it. That does much more psychological harm than watching some cub porn on Inkbunny. I don't even know why people seem to think that completely repressing our sexual desires even with fictional content is going to help, as if that's ever helped anyone with "unwanted attractions."

As it stands, it is extremely hard for people like us to find professional help as many therapists are simply not trained to work with such an issue, not to mention confidentiality problems due to mandatory report laws. It leads to a lot of people being afraid to even talk to a therapist. This is on top of the fact that mental health in places like the US is a complete joke and often prohibitly expensive for a lot of people. I was lucky enough to find someone who was able to help me, but that can't be said of a lot of MAPs. If you really wanted to "help" us, you would support movements to make getting help easier, as well as have a rudimentary understanding of what "help" even is and how our attraction actually works instead of just saying "they should get help" and proceed to kick us from the Internet and pretend the issue is solved.
1 year, 5 months ago
i'm so glad you got banned
1 year, 5 months ago
why? he was a cool guy.
1 year, 5 months ago
very true words, honestly.
1 year, 5 months ago
cannot believe people are actually responding to me defending identifying as a pedophile and comparing it to lgbt people. dude, if you whole entire identify as a pedophile, you deserve to be outcasted. find your own kind or keep it to yourself. it is NOT something you should be advertising !!!!!! why do you want people to know you are attracted to children so bad!?
1 year, 5 months ago
...to find understanding friends to keep us company?

i don't think it's even "most of the identity" of most people. sounds like a myth except for the ones misusing inkbunny.
1 year, 6 months ago
i think it is time to start moving my business here.  quoting founding fathers...

WHEN YOU CANT FIND GREEN PASTURES ANYMORE...MOVE TO INKBUNNY...or something like that, i suck at history...and quoting.

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
I feel stupid, because after reading this a couple of times, I am still a bit confused. Could someone please paraphrase this whole thing, and maybe give me a bottom line that explains this?

I feel like a total dumbbutt for getting confused over this.
1 year, 6 months ago
"There are people with flags, symbols and journals and the like indicating they are paedophiles and thus would like to have sex with real-life children, and that behaviour isn't allowed anymore."
1 year, 6 months ago
So then what's going to happen to the "cub/Furry loli" art on this site? Including written stories posted here featuring fictional cub characters?
1 year, 6 months ago
Fictional content is not impacted.
1 year, 6 months ago
Alright, got it. Thanks a bunch. I am so sorry if this makes me look stupid, because sometimes, I just don't get things right away.
1 year, 6 months ago
From one sufferer to another, reading comprehension is fucking hard for some of us.
1 year, 6 months ago
"Members who openly solicit/advocate for sexual acts involving real-life children"
1 year, 6 months ago
Tl;Dr Advocacy and/or promotion of pedophilia or pedophilic activities pertaining to real children on-site or off-site is officially not permitted anymore. That means everyone who openly advocates for pedophilia, either through imagery and/or vocalization or attempts to create communities relating to pedophilia will be subject to punitive action.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thanks a million! :) Bless!
1 year, 6 months ago
good plan
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you so so much for putting your foot down over this subject!  It's very comforting to see this new change, the online landscape has been getting more and more crazy as of late..
1 year, 6 months ago
Marvelous job!
1 year, 6 months ago
I have a question about my profile, I have on there that I have this

╭━━▀▄▀▄▀▄ Dɪsʟɪᴋᴇs▀▄▀▄▀▄ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮

☹ 𝘔𝘰𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘦𝘴 ☹ 𝘍𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 ☹ 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘴 ☹ 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘴 ☹ 𝘓𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘴 ☹ 𝘏𝘺𝘱𝘰𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 ☹
☹ 𝘗𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 ☹ 𝘌𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘴
☹ 𝘝𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴 ☹ 𝘗𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘴 ☹ 𝘍𝘗𝘚 𝘎𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 ☹ 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘋𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘴 ☹ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘥 ☹
☹ 𝘊𝘶𝘣 𝘗𝘰𝘳𝘯 ☹ 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘺 ☹ 𝘞𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 ☹ "𝘡𝘰𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘦" 𝘉𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 ☹

Its a personal preference thing to let others know some basics about me, I had implemented the non-striked through text about 3-4 years ago, this has been a persistent problem for a while, does this mean I have to remove the fact that I dislike self identifying pedos/maps/nomaps from my profile?
1 year, 6 months ago
You will not be impacted as you are not advocating for such content.
1 year, 6 months ago
>disliking "Zombie" by The Cranberries
THIS should be a bannable offense.
1 year, 5 months ago
I just really hate that song, its soooo awful the composition is bad, rhe lyrics are bad, her voice is nails on a chalk board bad. Its a personal preference but I get viscerally angry hearing that song.
1 year, 5 months ago
>the composition is bad
I think the composition is mediocre at worst, but that's simply compared to other mainstream music. Cult classics like Budgie probably compose rock better than The Cranberries, and I totally get the shoegaze rock fusion not being appealing to all. So I can neither justify or criticize this point, as I have a neutral response to the composition.

>the lyrics are bad
You're SO wrong about this point. If we're talking about "ooh, ooh, oh oh oh..." and poetic structure, The Cranberries aren't as good as Queen or Pink Floyd, but the metaphoric imagery surrounding war-torn soldiers and the empowerment of a female singing about such things in the mainstream is a feat few others have accomplished: even in the modern age of many female singers. Maybe you just lack the empathy, experience, or context to feel them.

>her voice is like nails on chalkboard
This is the one point I can shake hands on (somewhat). Dolores has vocal inflections that piss off my friend who likes Death Grips (which are truly bottom-of-the-barrel vocals), so it's probably their weakest quality. I put up with them, but it made me put The Cranberries on the back-burner for years because they were so jarring, and I only somewhat like them in her later albums. In her early albums, though, they're rough and take away from the experience somewhat.
1 year, 5 months ago
" Its a personal preference but I get viscerally angry hearing that song.
1 year, 6 months ago
Nice, pedophilia should be kept away as far as possible.

But I do have to ask, is this also a response to preserve inkbunny against the Chat Control (mandatory mass surveillance of all EU citizens' online communication in order to catch podophiles) act which is going to be greenlit soon within EU?
1 year, 6 months ago
Inkbunny is not a service "normally provided for renumeration" (unlike those which are paid or ad-supported, like FA or e621), and so I believe we are outside the scope of the EU provisions.

We may be subject to upcoming UK legislation and this change is very lightly oriented towards that, inasmuch as we are curtailing what purposes we exist for and thus what content we should be expected to allow (their concern is over-moderation).
1 year, 6 months ago
All I can say is YES, FINALLY
1 year, 6 months ago
This stance has been needed for a long time
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you!!!
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you, glad to see you guys working on what the community is talking about.
Let's hope some more restrictions on AI art comes next.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good change. It's wild to me that people think it's a good thing to want to fuck kids, and openly share it on public/semi-public websites.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Very good news!
1 year, 6 months ago
Thanks for the update and new changes!!
1 year, 6 months ago
Good on ya Mods!
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm impressed! Cheers for the good call.  :3

Furry stuff in general involves a lot of imagination. It's something we all share in common, so let's stick to that. :P
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Tayferret btfo
1 year, 6 months ago
Good, good move on this! Thank you for it!
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally. I've been waiting for years for this.
1 year, 6 months ago
In my profile, it said all characters in my gallery are fictional.
1 year, 6 months ago
...but some are more fictional than others? 😼

Don't worry, this is more about real-life presentation of you as a person.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm extremely happy to hear about this.
1 year, 6 months ago
i'm glad this is being put in place. when i was more active, i kept getting bombarded by said dogwhistling low-presence accounts on my notices, hundreds of them. it was concerning to see, because it felt like they were, slowly, coloring inkbunny to be Yet Another CP Sharing site, potentially putting every other user (and IB staff!) at risk.
1 year, 6 months ago
disappointing and confusing. if there's an issue with illegal content, you can just ban the users sharing it without making a big deal out of it. what happens off-site is not your business, people who identify a certain way aren't all rapists in hiding, and promoting bigotry towards them in an attempt to be heroic is more harmful than you think it is. you don't need to make your moderation issues and insecurities everyone else's problem by changing the site ethos.

it's literally the same rhetoric as transphobia, homophobia, etc. even hatred of furries, because people think we are all secretly animal rapists. thinking this way is ridiculous and paranoid. thinking certain flags and symbols and people automatically equal harm and abuse is reductive and bigoted.
1 year, 6 months ago
Except it very much is part of there business, there's been clear as day accounts that are just on here to hook up and share CP, plenty of map accounts with "here's my session etc, here's my wickr". It's not just a moral issue, it's a massive legal risk too, at the end of the day if the site allows people to make accounts that are based of that and doesn't take action it going to open itself up to being shut down.
At the end of the day IB is a furry site, mostly aimed at cub content. It's not some kind of map support site.
1 year, 6 months ago
Then Inkbunny should target those account specifically, not all MAP accounts even if they're not advocating for that. Some of us are just happy to have a place where we can express that part of themselves and are not interested in illicit activities.
1 year, 6 months ago
" shocu wrote:
Then Inkbunny should target those account specifically, not all MAP accounts even if they're not advocating for that.

However it's pretty damn clear that a significant amount are advocating pro-c, sharing session IDs etc.

" shocu wrote:
Some of us are just happy to have a place where we can express that part of themselves and are not interested in illicit activities.

Have a read of the room, it's clear from the majority of members that this isn't the place to express that. It's a furry art website, not a paedophile networking site, I don't get how that's hard to grasp.
1 year, 6 months ago
Then again, target those accounts, make rules staring "no advocacy of illicit activity or networking allowed" rather than "if you say you like kids we'll ban you."

As for your second point, I would have an easier time seeing that if I didn't also see people identifying as all sorts of other things on this site.
1 year, 6 months ago
" shocu wrote:
Then again, target those accounts, make rules staring "no advocacy of illicit activity or networking allowed" rather than "if you say you like kids we'll ban you."

Except how would you enforce that no networking? Say the rules where changed to "no pro-c, no networking" What would stop someone from making an account, finding a bunch of accounts that say "map" or have map pride flags etc and PMing them with a simple message of "session?" It simply put wouldn't stop it, the only real way to stop it is to say no identifying as a paedophile.

" shocu wrote:
As for your second point, I would have an easier time seeing that if I didn't also see people identifying as all sorts of other things on this site.
Sure there's plenty of other issues, but it was clear as day this was the one that was causing the most issues in the IB community.
1 year, 6 months ago
What's stopping someone from messing you with a message like that right now? Especially if they believe that liking cub = liking CP? Just because someone has "MAP" on their profile doesn't mean they're interested in CP. If someone tries to message them about that despite that, that's on them, not the person with "MAP." They would also risk getting reported to the moderators if the MAP in question did not appreciate the gesture.
1 year, 6 months ago
Tbf I never said that just because someone has map in there profile they look at cp, sure plenty won't. However let's be realistic someone sending targeted PMs is going to have significant more success.
1 year, 6 months ago
Our experience is unfortunately that a large proportion of 'MAP's are, in fact, attracted to minors in real life, as the plain wording suggests, and are interested in talking about that elsewhere. It is not a good term to use if you are not.

Fictional furry characters of that age would be cubs, not minors, which is an inherently human/real-world term linked to legal terminology for the age of majority.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes, all MAPs are, in fact, attracted to minors. That is what the term means. I was indeed talking about them. What I'm saying is that that doesn't mean they're interested in abuse or engaging in illegal activity. Attraction ≠ desire to harm.
1 year, 5 months ago
[user above was banned for repeatedly adding 'MAP' to profile]
1 year, 6 months ago
What happens off-site is absolutely none of our business indeed, it's up to the communication platforms to deal with it.
However, we do not wish to encourage and facilitate networking between people advocating for pedophilia, sharing details regarding encrypted services and so on.
Any reasonable person, given the context, would find this concerning.
1 year, 6 months ago
Inkbunny is a furry oriented art site that happens to permit cub-content. It's not a place intended for you to express your sexual identity nor are they under any obligation to host your opinions or beliefs, especially if they find them to be problematic for the platform as a whole.

At present they've found that current community sentiment is such that the platform would be a better and safer place to be without allowing people to publicly label themselves as MAPs (or similar) as several people are proactively using MAP and MAP imagery (particularly self proclaimed pro-contact maps) as a means to network and trade illicit material off site.

Inkbunny doesn't want to facilitate that, nor should they. It does nothing to further the sites goals of growing as a furry art-platform and infact, from what they've described, has actively hindered engagement and fostered hesitancy among several high profile users many of whom make the site what it is.

Frankly, it's a liability for Inkbunny to allow things to continue as they are and it's best for everyone, staff and users, if this issue is addressed and the sites status as a art site first and foremost is reaffirmed.

The whole term MAP is frankly rather disturbing anyway. It's just a poorly disguised attempt at rebranding the sexual disorder / paraphillia that is pedophilia in an effort to normalise and legitimate adult-child relationships and group it under the very different and broader LGBTQ+ umbrella which damages their very important movement. (- we've seen it ad nauseum homosexual or trans individuals being accused of grooming children.)
1 year, 6 months ago
"It's just a poorly disguised attempt at rebranding the sexual disorder / paraphillia that is pedophilia in an effort to normalise and legitimate adult-child relationships and group it under the very different and broader LGBTQ+ umbrella which damages their very important movement. (- we've seen it ad nauseum homosexual or trans individuals being accused of grooming children.)"

The term "MAP" was created as an umbrella term to encompass nepiophiles, pedophiles, hebephiles, and ephebophiles, as "pedophilia" only refers to pre-pubescent children. It was not created to "normalize" adult-child relationships, as many MAPs are in fact against that, including the creators and original users of the term itself. There are indeed MAPs who do advocate for that, but the term itself does not inherently communicate that. All of means is "attracted to minors."

And regarding "damaging the very important movement" of LGBT+, while I can agree that they are separate movements, you're implying that we do not consider our own struggles as important, or that we deserve to be ostracized for the sake of other "more important" people. I don't have anything against LGBT+ people, but I'm not going to put their worth above mine.
1 year, 5 months ago
As I understand it the term is believed to date back to at least the 1990's (possibly further) and is believed to have been conceived in online child-lover chatrooms, not a clinical setting.

At the time It was considered by many of its users as a nicer and more discreet way to self identify due to the internalised shame and stigma associated with the existing terms such as paedophile which was/is conflated heavily with real-life child-abusers. Some of its original advocates were of the misguided belief that it could be used to destigmatise pedophilia so that adult conversations could be had about helping the individuals who suffer from this debilitating paraphilia however since its very inception it has been co-opted by pro-contact individuals not looking for help (i.e those looking to abuse children) and framed as a legitimate sexuality when it is not, it is merely a paraphilia and a recognised sexual disorder that requires self-discipline and possibly therapy to manage.

These individuals with the creation of symbols, and flags, and special-terms have sought to attach MAP(Pedophilia) to the LGBTQ movement for years. Doing irreparable harm to it in the process. They have been using the term to network (not just here on Inkbunny) in an effort to trade and discuss illicit CSAM- and possibly worse.

The reality is the vast majority of medical and clinical professionals to my knowledge do not recognise the term. Likewise, it is not prevalent in any judicial or legal setting. Several child-protection charities are opposed to its usage do to the inherent danger it's normalisation brings.

That's the last I'll be saying on the matter and I applaud Inkbunny for drawing their line on the right side of the sand so that this platform is no longer a safe harbour for those looking to trade and discuss real life child exploitation.
1 year, 6 months ago
I share your sentiment. I only wish this is a case of a poorly worded rule rather then a blanket ban on all pedophiles/MAPs regardless of what they actually do.
1 year, 6 months ago
"what happens offsite is not your business"

You know who's business is? FBI
let's check that hard drive, shall we?
1 year, 6 months ago

1 year, 6 months ago
I'm glad about this. Fantasy should stay in fantasy and not real life.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good choice!
1 year, 6 months ago
👍YAY 💖💖
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
Does this mean we're keeping cub art and not humans? If it is true, then not only it's a relief, but is a miracle, too.
1 year, 6 months ago
Human in nsfw scenario was always prohibited on Inkbunny. This change of ruling has nothing to do with fictional content.
1 year, 6 months ago
Humans in sexual situations have never been permitted on Inkbunny.
"Cub" art is unimpacted by this change
1 year, 6 months ago
Would using certain symbols, such as the (NO)MAP pride flag for instance, fall under this rule if it is used in a purely fictional context?
1 year, 6 months ago
"That is likely to be the sticking point, especially because characters can act as avatars, but we will look at the context of how and in what contexts such flags and symbols are used. If it is part of a story where it is a trivial part of the plot, and not used in a particularly approving manner, that might be rather different to "this is a pinup of my avatar wearing a badge and waving a flag".

95% of what we have seen so far is the latter, and the proof will ultimately be in whether the end result is or appears to be people contacting the poster in relation to the topic."
1 year, 6 months ago
That's great news! Thanks a lot! 💜💜💜
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
As someone who was groomed and molested as a kid and uses cub art to cope with the results I was very scared when I started to see MAP flags around... I'm so glad actions are being taken against them, though, because that's just gross. One thing is art and another is wishing it was real. People like that are just... nope, nope.
1 year, 6 months ago
Man, you really know how to make this really unpleasant.
1 year, 6 months ago
Unpleasant for who...? If MAPS/NOMAPS can't see the difference between fiction and reality they have a problem and they shouldn't have to make it a problem for the rest of us, you know...? This amendment is a perfect way to let the rest of us continue to make art while weeding out those... ppl.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm saying I feel bad for your plight and the sort of thing that I indulge in doesn't feel right when someone could really claim to have had that happen to them.

I mean look at the shit I keep in my Favorites. Some of that is pretty grim and I've always felt sort of leery of why I like it.

I guess what I'm saying is I really hate the juxtaposition of real abuse coming up in discussions on a site that I've resorted to for escapism.
1 year, 6 months ago
I see! I'm sorry if I came out as nippy. I just had an unpleasant experience with someone in this thread. x__x I apologise.

I understand where you come from, but my experiences shouldn't taint yours with what you like. Are you a MAP/NOMAP? No? Then meh, we all have weird fetishes, I have them, too. But art is just art, and regardless of why someone makes it you can still enjoy it. Introspection and critical thinking is good, though, that keeps us from being complete monsters. Consent is an important thing, it keeps people from getting terribly hurt, and real children can't consent, so as long as we all remember that...

As for my art and what it depicts, if you enjoy it go ahead! I don't mind at all. I draw what I draw and write what I write so it leaves my system and stops festering. But that's me, that's MY reasonings behind it... What others do with (not talking about copyright here) or think of it is not my problem so I don't really care. So long as they don't use it to condone and justify fantasizing about or actually doing to others what was done to me? Favourite anything you like!

I think that's the difference between people who make/enjoy cub art and MAPS/NOMAPS, and that's the nuance most people who are displeased at the amendment don't get. The latter usually uses this art to condone, justify, and get ideas from it and extrapolates it to real life, as such sometimes revictimizing people. The former realizes it's just fiction and can be used to explore fetishes that hurt nobody or like in my case to work through trauma and find empowerment. I dunno if it makes sense? I haven't had my coffee yet so I dunno if I'm making sense, please let me know if it does or doesn't.

So, don't feel bad for your favourites folder, just don't. It's not real, it's fiction, you're not condoning nor justifying anything, right? So... there's no problem at all!

Of course this is ME and only me talking about my art and experience, okay? It can differ from artist to artist, so just be mindful of that. But fi they post here and let people favourite their work, it's safe to say they don't mind either. ^w^
1 year, 6 months ago
I caught this while scrolling and...I'm really sorry to hear that happened. I hope life has improved for you since.

I also think I understand your coping-mechanism point. I also had an unfortunately-abusive past and kinda also use fictional media as sort of an outlet for that. In particular, to re-capture some of the youthful years I didn't get to properly-experience in my life.
1 year, 6 months ago
In my case it's for empowerment, something like "What if babyTwi could've taken control of the situation??" and then other times it's just to let it all out so it doesn't fester. And life goes on, I'm happier now than I've ever been, and I hope it stays that way.

I hope life has improved for you as well!

We deserve good things and to be good to ourselves. ^w^
1 year, 5 months ago
Glad to hear it works for you!
1 year, 5 months ago
That makes sense: Using fiction to create a new outcome to an old situation to help yourself cope and move forward, or just to vent something in a way that doesn't cause more harm. Honestly, even when it doesn't come to abuse, that is always one of the great values of fiction, to allow us to interpret and work through complicated things that exist both in the world and in ourselves. I'm glad you've found ways that help.

Thank you as well. <3 Life has both improved and gained more hardships as I've gone through it. I've lost some things very special to me but also gained things special to me too. I'm just trying to keep moving forward. I think I can get to a good place, in time.

I agree. So long as nobody is getting hurt, we all deserve respect and consideration and happiness.
1 year, 5 months ago
I feel sorry for you. I hope you will be healing with art therapy or something else.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank fuck
1 year, 6 months ago
Thanks for the platitude, now we can all get back to appreciating artwork that still manages to be terrible despite being created by a computer
1 year, 6 months ago
Fucking finally
1 year, 6 months ago
❤️ Thank You Inkbunny! ❤️
1 year, 6 months ago
So, what about tagging, or content in stories/art that doesn't have the modern word or those flags, but instead just openly says pedo?

I remember when cubophile was the general tag/term for the furry fiction of it, but the pedo thing features in a bunch of art, stories and as a tag
1 year, 6 months ago
Paedophilia in a fictional setting is separate from members identifying as paedophiles. Where the term is accurate for a work it might be used, although I would personally tend to use it only where that is a particular theme of a work, not just "cub and adult fur in a sexual situation" (not all of which would constitute it, e.g. babysitter being taken advantage of, etc).
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you for clarifying that.
1 year, 6 months ago
Just wanted to come by to say "good"
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
W. This was long needing to be addressed for the people causing genuine problems on the site. Lots of artists stopped posting entirely because of the discomfort. Thank you :)
1 year, 6 months ago
a good change
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm a bit confused on the wording of this. Is simply identifying as a pedophile not allowed anymore, or is it specifically encouraging others to engage in ilegal trades off-site? I have no problem with the latter, but banning pedos and MAPs outright would be rather unfortunate, as this is one of the few sites where they don't have to hide that part of themselves. I really do hope it's not that, as that's going to affect a lot of innocent people, and in my opinion would go against Inkbunny's philosophy of being accepting to as wide a range of views and ideas (not to mention sexualities) as possible. If someone is not doing something illegal or encouraging others to engage in ilegal activity, I think they should be allowed to identify as whatever they want, and they should certainly be allowed to create art of any subject they want.

As it stands, "advocacy of real-life pedophilia" is a bit ambiguous. Is "real-life pedophilia" referring to actual acts with children, or the merely being a pedophile/MAP?
1 year, 6 months ago
"To be clear, our position is that you don't really need to tell everyone you're a paedophile on a furry art site involving fictional animals, and if you do, that's a problem because it facilitates networking between people who enjoy illicit real-life content.

I know some people are like "oh, I have to get this out of my system" and think Inkbunny's audience will be sympathetic, but in the general case it causes problems and we would like to maintain a bright line between fiction and real life in this area. "
1 year, 6 months ago
With all due respect, people have been able to identify as many things on this site, from being gay to trans to even more overtly political and hateful things like Nazis and anti-trans people even though they don't "have to." I don't think it's very fair to have a site that allows art depicting just about any idea, but then draw the line on what they identify as on their bio, especially when it targets one specific group of people.

As for "facilitating networking," I do not think it's fair to hold all pedophiles/MAPs accountable for the illicit deeds of others. It is perfectly possible to be a pedophile/MAP while also refusing to participate in abusive and/or illegal activity. If someone is not explicitly saying "please contact me on Telegram for trades," I don't think it's fair to treat them as criminals. I think you can easily put rules that target this behavior specifically rather than target all pedos. For example, "advocating for the real life-abuse of children and/or committing illegal acts is strictly prohibited."
1 year, 6 months ago
I suppose I understand where the logic about facilitating networking comes from, being openly pedophile ought to attract other pedophiles from all works of life, some of which may be child abusers, so the staff members wish to stop that before it happens. Though, personally I think it goes a bit too much into the realm of though crimes and is a bit of an overkill. It's an extremely complicated topic for everyone involved and I don't envy the staff members one bit.
1 year, 6 months ago
I think it's perfectly possible to target abusive people without targeting everyone. To me, this is a bit like saying we shouldn't allow people to say they like women on this site because that could attract people who want to trade videos of women being raped. I think people actually looking for that content are going to be looking for people explicitly in favor of it, not just message any pedo they see and risk getting reported.
1 year, 6 months ago
I liked the analogy with biastophiles better, but yes. I get that the staff want to be on the safe side, but I also think they may be shooting cannons at pigeons.
1 year, 6 months ago
What is a biastophile?
1 year, 6 months ago
In short, a person who becomes sexually aroused by rape.
1 year, 6 months ago
Ah, I see. Well, something tells me even that is perfectly fine to say on this site, yet the lone is drawn with us.
1 year, 6 months ago
Hence my opposition to that part of the ruling, even if I get the rationale behind it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Fact is that mods have in this thread said that an overwhelming majority of accounts that label themselves as such are bad actors. If 48/50 accounts that label themselves are bad, then the other 2/50 accounts will just have to deal with the response.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's understandable from a moderation perspective, but this is the kind of bad faith argument that's used to suppress minority groups all the time.
1 year, 5 months ago
So, late response because I didn't check notifs but uuuh...

That's a ridiculously false take.

A close analogy would be something like the discussion about cops in america, sure, there's good apples but holy fucking shit most of them are bad and the system needs a reform.

It's not about suppressing a nicely playing minority here (maps), but maps/pedo's who are adamant to keep labeling themselves as such for some reason, as it turns out that reason is overwhelmingly often for shady reasons on the site.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm glad you guys are taking action on this, thank you
1 year, 6 months ago
yup sounds good to me
1 year, 6 months ago
well done finally,about time <3
1 year, 6 months ago
Based. We gotta remind them that small critters are not a gateway for CP. Something we can't say of other sites, thinking especially of Pixiv, which makes a business of that.

...For the rest, be like Gary !
1 year, 6 months ago
took you long enough
1 year, 6 months ago
An excellent move by the administration. It is important to protect those who follow the rules by ensuring that those who do not are appropriately seen to.
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally! An art website that doesn't turn fiction into real life and instead focuses on the REAL problem with REAL children. Thank you for being intelligent
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Not happy bout it but can’t say it will affect me so I don’t care🤷‍♂️
1 year, 6 months ago
This website is now officially less of a pedoid website than 4chan.
1 year, 6 months ago
Does that upset you?
1 year, 5 months ago
Nope 👍
1 year, 5 months ago
Mind you I spend a lot of time there but I don't really think they're any worse than here, at least nowadays.

Maybe they were more pedo'd before but back then I didn't consider myself a consumer of the sort of thing that puts me in close contact with that line now.
1 year, 6 months ago
The measures they just put in place seem good to me. This way we will promote a healthy coexistence and everyone can give their opinions and points of view about art and many other things.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you for speaking out against the MAP stuff~
1 year, 6 months ago
I appreciate the changes and the caution that went into making them.
1 year, 6 months ago
i had no idea this was going on, D: so happy it's being dealt with. thank you!
i know you aren't going to ban everyone unless they are doing something obviously thats an issue but seeing some people try to defend being a MAP or having a flag for it is disgusting imma be honest if it was me id of banned anyone doing that. lmfao.
1 year, 6 months ago
Sadly staff tend to see more of the less-enjoyable side of things, because people don't file support tickets about how someone was great to them or is a perfect contributor to the community.
1 year, 6 months ago
As I'm also running my own community, I really felt this one when you said this, lol.

Wish it could be all fun and games to moderate a place, but alas!
1 year, 5 months ago
" people don't file support tickets about how someone was great to them or is a perfect contributor to the community.

I can do that, since I know someone, who's great to me, and is a perfect contributor to the community. :3c :3c :3c
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you inkbunny staff for drawing a hard line in the sand, I will eagerly report any rule offenders I notice :3
1 year, 6 months ago
Good! Thank goodness.

It's really aggravating that pro-contact bastards decided to muddy the waters and appropriate terms that didn't belong to them. However disappointing it might be not to be able to use those terms to elicit reactions in works for fetish purposes, it's more important to not give those jackasses a platform.
1 year, 6 months ago
There is no difference between pedophiles and cub lovers. “Cub art” is the equivalent of creating and distributing ch old porn so no matter what loopholes you attempt to take, you’re still enabling problematic and dangerous behaviors.
1 year, 6 months ago
Friend. Buddy. Pal.
Your favorites are public.
1 year, 6 months ago
Just peeked through your favorites and--you're either not internally consistent or you just advertised yourself as a pedophile.
1 year, 6 months ago
Oh look, a Virtue Signaling hypocrite.

I've seen these on Twitter.

I'll get the popcorn.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is why I love Inkbunny: Twitter doesn't go well here. If anyone wants furry Twitter it's called Furaffinity... sorry, I meant Furaffinity BLM, as they were last officially named on there.
1 year, 6 months ago
nigga you literally have a Hardyboy in your faves
stop the cap
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes, finally! Ban people who are into actual pedophilia! Luckily, I haven't seen anything regarding actual pedo stuff, but my thoughts would be the same either way.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is good to hear. I didn't even know it was happening, but was made aware of it from an "X" post a few days ago. After not seeing a response from IB staff, I was fully ready to nuke my account this morning. Then this post appeared, and now I feel more comfortable staying here.

But to take it a step further, I honestly think there should be no advocating for anything real world on this site. It was built as an outlet for purely fictional art. There should be no real world elements involved at all.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Im happy Inkbunny is taking a nessessary step in the right direction. This should have been posted a long time ago and its a shame it's taken so many instances of people advocating for IRL contact with children in order for Inkbunny to realize that hey, maybe this is a bigger problem than we thought. But regardless its a good change. I hope that they actually enforce their new policy and its not just for show.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yet another of the MANY reasons I chose InkBunny over FA; staff that actually care about their user's safety.
Thank you! 💙
1 year, 6 months ago
- Furaffinity: Desperately destroying itself and its community over fictional characters in drawings.
- Inkbunny: Calmly and rationally takes an ultimately common sense step exclusively in relation to actual real children.

Guess who wins and who's still going completely down the drain?
1 year, 6 months ago
This ☝️
1 year, 6 months ago
I felt like this was needed to be said for a long time. Thank you for posting this.
1 year, 6 months ago
This has been necessarily for a LONG time now. Thank you for finally taking the necessary actions to keep this site out of for sure legal crosshairs.
1 year, 6 months ago
OMG! Awesome news! Ty InkBunnt staff!
1 year, 6 months ago
This is great news, now add the actual zoophiles to the list
1 year, 6 months ago
About time!
1 year, 6 months ago
Awesome! Glad to see action is being taken.
1 year, 6 months ago
Exactly its people abusing the free expression of the site by encouraging acting on some of the fictional content here, who grant fuel to the notion cub content is for pedophiles and many cons and governments license to make otherwise harmless content illegal. This in turn makes many content creators turn from it. I hate humanity so much when it comes to this. Thank You Inkbunny for standing against these bad actors who seek to give us all a bad name. I understand the importance of clear and reasoned approaches to things, so I cast no blame for the time it took to approach the matter rationally. As a writer I appreciate inkbunny as both a place to enjoy visual art, but also post some of my favorite writings that may never see the light of day in novel form. In the process of writing some stories just do not make the cut for a book but are still fine as fanfiction or test concept stories that shed insight into the mind of a creator. With that said this comment is not intended to promote anything I do but express gratitude for the platdorm provided here. I will keep creating for the platform knowing my content has a good home here.
1 year, 6 months ago
I am happy to see this addressed, but this is something that should have been addressed and acted on a long time ago.

Harboring people who openly support sexually abusing children harms the site and the entire userbase as a whole.

When outsiders look at our site and see pedo flags flying around and people shamelessly advertising their desires and looking to share material, they look at all of us with the same scorn, and it makes it look like the staff here endorses those interests due to lack of action.

Good and innocent users here have been harassed because of it

Artists have left never to return because of it

This site, though beloved to many, will forever be scarred because it

I understand you, the admins and staff, like to do a hands-off approach to policing the site, but like it or not, you have a duty to protect and look out for the wellbeing of the users/community that formed under you, and I hope you understand how the delayed action in these regards was a monumental failure on this front and will be more quick to take action against blatant threats to everyone and everything this site stands for.

Before anyone pulls the "WELL I GUESS YOU ALL JUST WANT US TO BE STRICT AND PUNISH EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING" nonsense; No, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm not asking or expecting the admin staff to crack down on every little thing all the time, that would be silly. What I am asking for is that monumental threats to our home's well being is dealt with swiftly and appropriately instead of being left to fester.

I realize I'm being incredibly harsh but I feel it is warranted in this situation. I do it out of love for this site, my fellow artists, the people who follow me, the admin team (I still love you I promise ♥), and most of all, the children who were sexually abused on behalf of these flag toting cunts.

I hope this situation is seen as an opportunity for improvement instead of a chest-beating victory.

1 year, 6 months ago
Well why did you stay?
1 year, 6 months ago
Because this place and the people in it are important to me.
1 year, 6 months ago
" Smolfoks wrote:
I understand you, the admins and staff, like to do a hands-off approach to policing the site, but like it or not, you have a duty to protect and look out for the wellbeing of the users/community that formed under you, and I hope you understand how the delayed action in these regards was a monumental failure on this front and will be more quick to take action against blatant threats to everyone and everything this site stands for.
You can blame me for this - I am the site owner and am ultimately responsible for policy decisions.

But you should understand that my goal for Inkbunny has never been to provide "the best site for the most artists/fans" or even "the most healthy community" but rather the one that meets the policies expressed in the site philosophy as it was entrusted to me a decade ago, and which I agreed with, as I understood them, i.e. until a few hours (my emphasis):
" No one has the right to harass anyone for their tastes or the content of artwork they post on Inkbunny. Inkbunny encourages a community where people of all different interests can co-exist. The community attitude is one of acceptance of the widest possible range of views and ideas, as long as they do not encourage hate and intolerance.
What a lot of people were saying to argue for removal of these members or curtail their posting essentially boiled down to "I find their tastes/interests offensive" and "I don't accept their views [which are not hateful or intolerant towards others]" - which is counter to the above policy. It did not say it was restricted to artistic interests; the wording covered sexual interests, political interests, etc. From a policy perspective, there was no case to answer - rather, it is the complainants who might be in violation of expressing intolerance towards them, depending on their actions.

I regret the "Artists [who] have left never to return because of it" - indeed, I know some of them, even invited a few here and was sorry when they left - but that personal sorrow was largely irrelevant; their departure was, to me, an indication that they did not truly understand the implications of the policies which they agreed to upon joining . (This is a 'trap' some cub fans have also fallen into, thinking the freedoms they enjoy here are especially for them; rather, they happen to be beneficiaries of a place "where freedom of expression reigns" due to widespread persecution elsewhere.)

This change was made not because of moral arguments, or the departure of artists and fans, but rather because I felt there was a justified concern that the networking of paedophiles that in some cases resulted from self-identification had the purpose of facilitating what was likely criminal activity in the jurisdictions we operate in, i.e. trading of illicit content. Legal action relating to this (which we have not seen) might threaten the site and its members, and staff (including myself) as its operators.

Perhaps more importantly, such activity did not relate to "the furry community" because by definition it involves humans, not anthropomorphic animals; thus, like sexual human art, such expression was expendable - to the extent necessary to resolve the problem in a way that could be implemented.

The "widest possible range of views and ideas" section remains, as does the overall intent to provide freedom of expression, albeit more focused on artwork (and not, say, political or social podcasts or music unrelated to furry fandom other than who happens to have created them).
1 year, 5 months ago
Heyo thanks for responding. I would like to preface my reply with a bit of an apology because I'm going to be a bit harsh and I mean no disrespect to you or IB as a whole, this is my favorite site and my home as an artist and my goals are purely to see this place improved.

"You can blame me for this - I am the site owner and am ultimately responsible for policy decisions.

But you should understand that my goal for Inkbunny has never been to provide "the best site for the most artists/fans" or even "the most healthy community" but rather the one that meets the policies expressed in the site philosophy as it was entrusted to me a decade ago, and which I agreed with, as I understood them, i.e. until a few hours (my emphasis):

" No one has the right to harass anyone for their tastes or the content of artwork they post on Inkbunny. Inkbunny encourages a community where people of all different interests can co-exist. The community attitude is one of acceptance of the widest possible range of views and ideas, as long as they do not encourage hate and intolerance."

I am in 10000% agreeance that people should not harass and attack each other over their art tastes and that IB is a platform for all drawn furry content to have a platform, but that is where the problem lies today; we aren't talking about drawn content.

We're talking about people openly sharing actual child pornography on this site for a long time with no decisive action from the staff. It doesn't matter what your philosophy is or how you want to word it, this was a large and very real problem for a multitude of reasons I shouldn't have to explain.

The rest of your response tells a tale of someone who really didn't want to care about this problem until his hand was forced, and that saddens me to think about. Even if you want to maintain some form of moral neutrality regarding artwork, this is your site. It's a beautiful place full of so many great people sharing and appreciating things with each other. You should want to take care of this place.

I am by no means campaigning for you to take away that artistic freedom that makes inkbunny the great place it is. What I am hoping is that you realize the difference between defending artistic freedom of expression and giving people a safe haven to share real life child pornography, and not be swayed into inaction against actual problems under the auspices of adhering to a code.

I have seen many a good websites die due to admins/owners being stubborn and refusing to acknowledge or learn from mistakes. I would be very sad to see IB go down a similar path.

I realize leadership isn't the easiest thing and its very easy to see views different than your own as an insult or challenge, but I hope you don't perceive any of what I've said here as such. I care a lot about this place, and I care about doing the right thing, and this is right in my eyes. I hope you took no offense to my words, and that at the very least I left you with something to think  about.

Thank you for all that you do, and have a good night.

1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you for doing this. I feel much more comfortable on this site now that this amendment has been added.
1 year, 6 months ago
This subject is always going to be a hot button because there's always someone out there who feels the need to be defensive, even if they aren't getting swept up in the crackdown, because they can't be sure what they've said or done in the past.

I kind of wish the language used here was more frank because this sort of thing feels like it's dancing around what actually needs to be said. Let's not mince words: based on stuff I've seen in the comments on various pics around here people are definitely saying some creepy shit that absolutely would not go over well with those outside this community were to look at it in the context of what's being responding to (like I can't spin that, there's no "appreciation" of the artwork on display as anything more than a satisfaction of a taboo lust). I accept that as I...kind of "get it" but we shouldn't lie to ourselves and say that we gather here as a community of art lovers with a slant to the anthropomorphic and creatures of sapience. That's just skirting the matter yourselves by not coming clean about what you really like. I'll cop to it since it's not like I didn't get to this point by spending time around loli hentai but maybe some of the more zealous individuals should ease off the fervor because at the end of the day this site does cater to an indulgence that is easily frowned-upon beyond these walls (and in ways considerably moreso than just being a community of fur-lovers).

I'm not accusing anyone of being a full-fledged child molester but conversely acting like well-meaning people with only the purest of motivations are suffering under the weight of bad-faith users who don't know how to keep it in their pants is a glib assessment.

I guess to summarize be mindful that the line that divides the people who should and shouldn't be here can get fuzzy and take care not to alienate those who don't deserve it just because they tread closer to that line than you do. I'm speaking to the respondents to this message less so the message itself.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm a total  believer that art is a free form of expression and nobody should be judged for what they draw. But if you are a kid toucher. I'm all for capital punishment.

One of the best changes this site could add!
Thank you
1 year, 6 months ago
Well, better late than never! Thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
What if I'm writing a story or commissioning a series of illustrations about a character that identifies as a pedophile/MAP and is attracted/couples with cubs in their own fictive world? Would that be against aup?

This is a confusing and puzzling update, because you are seemingly punishing an entire clade of people merely for existing because of a small fraction of bad actors within it.

Counter example: The church is one of the largest and oldest perpetuators of child abuse in human history both ancient and modern; with god-approved incest and statutory rape of minors enshrined in the Bible itself. Will you ban any user from displaying a cross in their profile or identifying as a Christian?

Most self-identified MAPs are firmly anti-contact and seek friends and fantasy to sympathize with, and you should probably let them have it, because by allowing cub art and stories at all, you are aiding and supporting those outlets. If you are getting cold feet about it now, you should just ban all such content now, because that's invariably where slippery slopes like this lead.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Fiction (Art and Writing)

Not Permitted:
Using IB to advertise that you're a paedophile and looking to network with other paedophiles.

What we are not doing:
Banning fictional cub content from being uploaded to Inkbunny
1 year, 6 months ago
A very sensible change that I can't see any real value in contesting.

I'll always hold that Art is Art and Fiction is Fiction. Anything within in the realm of that is fine. Real life on the other hand is very different.

I've seen a number of people upset by the change because they can't "identify" as themselves, and I can understand what they mean on a base level. The terms regarding that content has been forever tainted by how they're used in news media.
Sure, not all paraphiles (or whatever we wanna refer to them as) are bad people and I'm sure many of them are simply trying to get through life as best they can, not harming anyone or anything. But, in the end this is an art site, not a place intended as a meeting spot for that stuff.
So if the side effect of making sure the illegal activity is kept from the site is that they can't publicly post the flags and signs anymore I'd say that's a small price to pay in the long run.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank goodness, the amount of open creeps on this site was wild. I would never know until some prominent people pointed it out. Good riddance, those monsters need to stay in whatever hole they came from.  
1 year, 6 months ago
This is wonderful news! I've always been of the philosophy that 'anything goes' in fiction--key word being fiction. So I'm glad to see the stance against real-life promotion is becoming more strict. Remember, everyone: drawings and characters can NOT be harmed. Real children can.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you. <3
1 year, 6 months ago
please take that "we don't want to restrain your democratic ambitions" part out, i get we need to stop literal cp but that IS still what you're doing, you saw a price and you were willing to make other people pay it...

also is this only going to impact pro-contact people or anyone who says they'e a pedo at all? i'm getting mixed signals on that especially when a decent part of the userbase seems to want "anyone at all". which i didn't expect from a cub porn site, yall do realize the rest of the world thinks we're exactly the same, right? pedo welfare is your welfare.

i'm just concerned cause regardless of how awful child abuse is, we ARE in a "pedo panic" right now similar to the satanic panic of the 80s and the terrorist panic of the 00s (in the US). it's hard to trust that people are acting rationally and not just being swept up in the wave or acting out of fear.
1 year, 6 months ago
I used to think the pedo panic ended in the 90's alongside the war on drugs and gays; Seems humanity is officially incapable of evolving past a certain step, the same ridiculous episodes in history are bound to repeat over and over again... like you could drop the highest technology in the universe onto this planet and humanity would still be living in the dark ages even with holograms and flying cars. Wonder if anyone will be any wiser 10 or 30 or 100 years from now... won't be around to know so it will always remain a fun and morbid curiosity.
1 year, 6 months ago
Reminded me of this Monkey Dust sketch.


Also, Chris Morris' "Brass Eye" comedy news program.

1 year, 6 months ago
Ironic how back then you could at least make humor about the subject, with all the Pedobear memes and what not... today it's like a trigger that turns people into brainless zombies. Like there's many bad or questionable things out in the world, from murder to (adult) rape to drugs to even the whole COVID shit which I'd rather not have to speak my opinions of... yet on all such matters you can at least still have a discussion and people can control themselves and no one bats an eye at fiction about it! Sexual paranoia around anything children though, nope... they literally go savage in full Zootopia fashion like it's a chip in their brains, even the stupidest and silliest thing is some conspiracy to come for their children.
1 year, 5 months ago
"Three saw that I threw no stone. Perhaps there are others; let them speak."

It struck a kind of panic into them, and, although no one answered him, many began to violently accuse one another, saying, "You said he didn't throw," and getting for reply, "It is a lie, and I will make you eat it!" And so in a moment they were in a raging and noisy turmoil, and beating and banging one another; and in the midst was the only indifferent one --the dead lady hanging from her rope, her troubles forgotten, her spirit at peace.

So we walked away, and I was not at ease, but was saying to myself, "He told them he was laughing at them, but it was a lie--he was laughing at me."

That made him laugh again, and he said, "Yes, I was laughing at you, because, in fear of what others might report about you, you stoned the woman when your heart revolted at the act--but I was laughing at the others, too."


"Because their case was yours."

"How is that?"

"Well, there were sixty-eight people there, and sixty-two of them had no more desire to throw a stone than you had."

---- Mark Twain --- The Mysterious Stranger
1 year, 6 months ago
Pedo panic is one of the best way of controlling people:

I don't see this going away anytime soon, unless Putin decides to nuke Europe or something. There're just no real threats left which people can agree on.
1 year, 6 months ago
I still remember it, so very true! 7 years later in 2023, only thing that changed from that image is "anti-terrorism" is gone: Child (over)protection paranoia is the main pretext being used to push for Chinese style internet censorship across America, terrorism being replaced with "hate speech" or "misinformation" as a still secondary excuse.
1 year, 6 months ago
I want people to be safe, but I also don't want everyone to freak out like this is some kind of Twilight Zone episode where everyone in the entire neighborhood starts beating each other to death because they can't figure out who the "real alien" is.

("The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street / Quick To Kill")



1 year, 5 months ago
The good news: Everyone is safe on the internet since no one can do like in the horror films and reach out through your monitor to grab, punch, stab, etc you... anything you see or hear is a projection that can be avoided with a click.

The bad news: Today in the age of alleged science and reason, the vast majority of people hasn't been informed of this yet.
1 year, 6 months ago
That is my concern as well. The language as it stands is somewhat vague.

And I agree with you on the cub thing. In fact, I think a lot of people like to forget that a lot of cub artists are in fact MAPs themselves. Not all of them, of course, and many aren't open about it, but quite a few of them are simply expressing their own fantasies through art. Wanting a blanket ban for all MAPs kind of means you'd be against a lot of cub art depending on what the artist was drawing inspiration from.

I find it very strange when people are all for jerking off to cub art but then get mad if someone is jerking off to it "for the wrong reasons." Like, do people really expect pedos not to watch that kind of art at all?
1 year, 6 months ago
i'm concerned (with no firm evidence, i don't know the mods) they're leaving themselves that loophole so they can tighten the policy later if they have to.
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes, the intention is anyone at all, on Inkbunny. This is (as I mentioned elsewhere) somewhat similar to our content policy on humans - in an ideal world, we might not do this, but we are, because in practice the cost outweighs the benefit from a furry art site perspective.

Saying you are a paedophile (or MAP, etc) indicates to the vast majority of people that you enjoy sexual content involving real children, which I think is not the case for most cub fans. For those who do, there is still little to be gained that relates to furry art for their non-furry interests in this area to be known, and the cost is that people start to use Inkbunny to connect with like-minded people and share content related to that topic, which is not something that we want to enable.

I can see quite well the benefit to you to conflate the two types of content, but the fact remains that furry content is legally distinct and we would quite like it to remain that way.
1 year, 5 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
Saying you are a paedophile (or MAP, etc) indicates to the vast majority of people that you enjoy sexual content involving real children.
maybe most people think that way but that doesn't mean that it's true. just because kids turn you on doesn't mean that you consume or have any interesting in consuming that sort of content. cub porn is more than fine enough imo.

" GreenReaper wrote:
For those who do, there is still little to be gained that relates to furry art for their non-furry interests in this area to be known, and the cost is that people start to use Inkbunny to connect with like-minded people and share content related to that topic, which is not something that we want to enable.
that risk is pretty important to keep in mind and i don't mind the policy with respect to preventing sharing abusive material and respect that you do not want to enable such sharing on here. makes sense, since it's just not that kind of site.

in saying that, while it is a relatively minor part of someone and most often only tangentially relates to furry art (in a similar vein to how someone's sexual orientation would) at most and thus would indeed be little gain for the site or the individual opening up about it, i see little cost nor risk if the person is only really talking about it in artwork about themselves, kinda like how foxoqyl did.

maybe it was just my circle of friends but i primarily saw people opening up as a MAP to find others like themselves so as to not feel so isolated since they'd know that there were other people who felt the same way as them as opposed to find others to trade illegal materials with (though i did notice some accounts that were pretty bare and pretty much solely had contact information, those do seem kinda sus in hindsight).
1 year, 6 months ago

One's problem with fictional content is their own problem. This is a furry site after all
But there's ethical standards inbred and embedded in us from antiquity that need to be upheld in the real world. Attempting to physically or psychologically harm the vulnerable (children or animals) is one such breach of ethics.
1 year, 6 months ago
A needed measure to be taken. Godspeed IB!
1 year, 6 months ago
It's rare to see sites come out with reasonable and positive changes these days, but this is a much needed one when dealing with cub/shota/loli content. The distinction is important.

I do hope, with the rise of AI generated-art and the ability to make hyper realistic depictions, that these users would also get pinched. Yes, I know it "may" be fake because an AI generated it but lets not take the chance at all. Keep it artistic, keep it fictional, keep it within reasons even when using AI. That's my view on it.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is one of my biggest concerns with the site and I'm glad it's finally being addressed.
1 year, 6 months ago
this sounds more like we should "shut up" if we see AI art now. i dont think any other "huge" reason was the topic of that change. i mean we all know what ink bunny was used "for" before. AI art is still a topic to tackle.

Im not the one who wanna rise voice for that but im sure a lot people would and still will.
1 year, 6 months ago
Your sentence is a little confusing. I would like to point out though, the FIRST example of AI art generator use in the fandom was LITERALLY to make photo-realistic simulated CP. The exact kind of "art" that is arguably illegal. While traditional art made by humans rarely ventures into this super gray area realm. Especially furry art. When's the last time you saw a talking dog or an 8 year old covered with fur with fox ears and a real tail? Never. I haven't seen it talked about much here but most real life pedos are not satisfied with furry art and the furrier it is, the less satisfied they are. AI art generators are a real issue when it comes to MAPS.
1 year, 5 months ago
i think i did say im not the one whos rising voice. though, Ai art is still Ai "art". its not created by hand but created foremost with an AI - hints the title "AI" art.

Its not really created art by a human being on paper like traditional art nor created on digital paper like digital art or similar.

and im not the only one whos saying similar (if not even more worse) things about ai "art". some people actually count it stealing or worse than tracing which i can somewhat understand. I mean i made myself v e r y clear long ago on DA, just saying.

oh and again, im only talking about the AI art and not for what its used "for". just to be clear, im talking about it in general.
1 year, 5 months ago
It is stealing. I've gone to great lengths explaining the technicalities of exactly why: https://inkbunny.net/j/488300-GreenPika-if-artists-leav...
1 year, 5 months ago
" GreenPika wrote:
I haven't seen it talked about much here but most real life pedos are not satisfied with furry art and the furrier it is, the less satisfied they are. AI art generators are a real issue when it comes to MAPS.
is that actually true and is there evidence for that being the case? i highly doubt it; you can like both real people and furs (and even prefer the latter owo). i think the concern is thus unfounded.
1 year, 5 months ago
lol the evidence is my experience 25 years in the fandom. You will always find exceptions if you look hard enough but generally, from my experience, my statement is true, most of the time.
1 year, 5 months ago
i guess? i dunno, i don't think you'd need to look that hard imo but idk how it is around the whole fandom though, not having that long of experience in it.

in my experience at least, i've found that maps like fur at least about as much as humans (i presume, fairly certain it's not so much of a sliding scale of more human = better, maybe i'm just projecting though lol). perhaps they are the minority? idk, i personally doubt it but who knows?
1 year, 5 months ago
well The more experience one has the more accurately one can speak about such things. NOW I will be the first to point out, that doesn't take into account sudden social changes and resent years have seen a very large shift both in society and in the types of people populating the fandom. So, you could be correct. Though knowing the psychology of the issue, I still stand behind my statement that most people who are real life predators, are not satisfied with furry porn and do not tend to focus much time/attention to it. Especially when they can get material that more suits their interests, whether it be real life or simulated human stuff.
1 year, 5 months ago
it's true that the ones with more experience most often know what they're talking about. i guess i'm doubtful because my experience with MAPs has been noticeably different than yours but then i could be the one not seeing the forest for the trees because of my much shorter experience.

" GreenPika wrote:
NOW I will be the first to point out, that doesn't take into account sudden social changes and resent years have seen a very large shift both in society and in the types of people populating the fandom.
good point, i hadn't realised of potential changes in the fandom over time.

" GreenPika wrote:
Though knowing the psychology of the issue, I still stand behind my statement that most people who are real life predators, are not satisfied with furry porn and do not tend to focus much time/attention to it. Especially when they can get material that more suits their interests, whether it be real life or simulated human stuff.
yeah, if furry porn isn't someone's thing then they aren't going to go for it and are going to instead go for other kinds of porn that would interest them instead.
1 year, 5 months ago
I hope for the sake of me staying in the fandom, that the new influx of Rl maps is a short lived phenomenon. Regardless of how one feels about the issue, it WILL make people flee if a site becomes known for being a RL pedo haven.
1 year, 5 months ago
yeah, pretty unfortunate that such a site would repel others, unless illegal activity was going on, of course.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you!

I'm glad this site is taking a stand against this kind of thing. People who advocate to harm others shouldn't be allowed on this or any platform.
1 year, 6 months ago
A positive change! Thanks, IB.
1 year, 6 months ago
Better then the Furaffinity changes, Great job sticking to fictional content is fictional content, but still amending for curbing of real life pedophile spaces. Love the changes!
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you for finally taking a stance.
1 year, 6 months ago
i see only 1 problem here. IB has not the staff power to enforce this.
for example: when you make a report via ticket needs it often MONTHS before ANYONE replies.
and during this time does that reported account stuff at their will.

but in anycase, does this finally mean that all those loli off-links vanish?
or those pictures which try to exploit the IB rules with just giving a character a furry head but the body is completely human? will they get finally punished? i mean, i reported that one over a year ago and got months later a reply saying that this user is a thorn in our eyes but says "the character is just shaved" ...
1 year, 6 months ago
As I read it now that's not the goal of the rule change no. Animal-headed (and human-headed animal body hybrid) drawings are still fantasy and do not facilitate MAP networking which the change seems to want to combat.
1 year, 6 months ago
This doesn't affect the art on the site unless that art is made and posted to signal or promote actual illegal activity IRL involving real children.
1 year, 6 months ago
Most sites dont have the human staffing to FULLY enforce all rules, but now that this kind of behaviour is on the books (not the kind you are talking about, you are mistaken) , now they CAN get banned, which is a much needed step to curbing this kind of behaviour. The threat of getting banned is often stronger than the actual bans.
1 year, 6 months ago
People say the exact same thing about drawing animal cocks on furry characters being zoophiles.  It just comes off as more witch hunting.
1 year, 6 months ago
Hopefully this gets rid of the scum. Good change that was well-needed and more thought out than FA's updates.
1 year, 6 months ago
This is so.. validating. I've been fighting against these kind of people from the background for a while, been harassed and attacked for it, hell I'm blacklisted from a few high profile accounts here for my stance on it (which, is the totally controversial stance of "Touching children sexually IRL is bad in any situation.") I've had "debates" with them where anything I say goes in one ear and out the other. Hell I'm sure I'll get a message from at least one of them just for posting this here lol.

This is the same system I've been using for my telegram group for years, it works. Thank you to the IB admin team who finally put this in place. With any luck this means that I'll be comfortable on this site once again and soon be posting and writing for it once more. CPTSD is a bitch so we'll see how long it takes for me to get to that point.
1 year, 6 months ago
I have been less active in this but I too was banned from a public map for making what I would consider a relatively level headed an reasonable argument against maps. It's good to see that this is getting addressed cause it was honestly really starting to get to me every time I was reminded that maps exist.

It's one thing if you are touching children. It's another entirely more disgusting thing if you are proud of it.
1 year, 6 months ago
My profile speaks for itself on what my stance on all of this is and I'll likely not change it any time soon, even if these people go into hiding or leave completely I'm still going to ask them to get help and be better people.

Being blacklisted by the ProC MAP community was a badge of honor honestly. Despite many of them talking about how much they valued "free speech" and "welcomed criticism" Being muted and censored from their pages (despite NEVER once commenting on their pages) was a sweet irony.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good thing something is finally being  done.

Hopefully this isn't the start of a slippery slope kinda thing but I seriously doubt it.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Thanks, a good measure
hopefully for the years to come, inkbunny will keep its core values
1 year, 6 months ago
i learn to live with it to be honest, usually the hate is invisible like you comment on a feral pic next thing you know your blocked from someones elses account you never talked to but its your first picture seeing them on the front page. oh well off to smoke a blunt.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
i think they forgot a few words when they were typing.
1 year, 6 months ago
should probably smoke less blunts
1 year, 5 months ago
Bro got zooted off the wrong strain
1 year, 5 months ago
that's fair, still a shame to get hate though.
1 year, 5 months ago
i know, keep  ending up blocked more and more for no reason, wont give any names because that starts drama but i will say that its out of nowhere and most likely because i like feral and comment about it, i had this talk privately with a user about it. gate keeping sucks but you learn to live with it when you dont have power to do anything about it.
1 year, 5 months ago
yeah :/ i get that too. it's slightly unfortunate and super stupid but screw those people honestly, they don't know what they're missing out on uwu.

feels a little worrying that it's increasing but well, it's their loss.
1 year, 5 months ago
you hit the nail on the head of how i feel pretty much.  you either have over sensitive artist blocking you because you give them tips or anti ferals. i can give more detail of what i mean if you PM me, i just dont like to start drama in a open forum. not that the users who block me can see me because i blocked them back but you know, bedside manners i was raised that way, surprisingly the people who blocked me dint learn any, glad i had a waltons like family it taught me alot.
1 year, 5 months ago
nice, good things to have learned.
1 year, 5 months ago
Depends. If you get labeled as filthy things you don't identify as, you can report at least Inkbunny to the police, for starters, when they refuse to take action on offending users. But make sure, you do so with the help of an aquaintace or friend, that's an official.
1 year, 5 months ago
honestly i dont get labeled anything, i just see a pic i like and when i try to click on it then it says "comments are disabled or you do not have permission to comment"  when you see that it most likely means your blocked (well unless its me i disable comments on some stuff because i keep it DM).  ima be honest i do like feral dog pictures on here especially the females, people dont like that. but they dont gotta take it out on me by blocking me like what does that do? i wanna know that logic asap.  i wont report them for blocking me, it is what it is but it sucks.
1 year, 5 months ago
Their logic is to use people as a scapegoat. Many do passive labeling. They put out a disclaimer, and then block people.

The irony? They probably actually commit IRL, what they try to label others as. There are signs of that. If you want one super funny case, send me a PM.
1 year, 5 months ago
sure if you wanted, although PMing is the only way to reach me. i encourage PM because its not as open as comments since that starts drama to begin with, ugh i been on e621 and they are.... best to leave it in the PMs.  

anyways i will be gone for the moment but i can be on tonight to PM you when im free i mostly just wanna talk about it without feeling like eyes are hovering above us if you get what im saying.
1 year, 6 months ago
was afraid because it sounded like youre banning cub content but im glad thats not the case. Good update.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's a start. Next step is rid of inducing pedophilia and zoophilia art in the site. It's gonna be a hard step this one.
1 year, 6 months ago
go back >>>> twitter
1 year, 6 months ago
How about you just rid the site of yourself? The whole point of inkbunny is to recognize the difference between fantasy and reality and be adults about it.

You clearly are having a hard time telling the two apart.
1 year, 6 months ago
At any time you can use the Keyword Blocking function to block tags like "cub" so you do not see content that you find objectionable.
1 year, 6 months ago
You sound like a troll
1 year, 5 months ago
Hey, JW2006, you forgot the "S" on the front of your name...
1 year, 6 months ago
Ah and the lines are being drawn. Good. One question: Is there a reason we're spelling it paedophilia?

I have respect for the even handed, logical approach inkbunny is taking on this issue. Real life pedos are not welcome and we do not want to be associated with them.  
1 year, 6 months ago
It's the correct spelling of the philia.
1 year, 5 months ago
This site is led from the Commonwealth, we do things differently here.
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
that's empire, my friend. all the world is ruled by europe and its colonies. uwu /s
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you.
1 year, 6 months ago
Applause! :3
1 year, 6 months ago
The coyote guild "pet biters" sectional agrees with this initiative.
1 year, 6 months ago
Nothing to really say but W.

The quicker we get rid of these people the quicker IB can get it's name back in a better light. We need to not give the puritans anymore excuse to say that IB is bad because of the Pedos on the site. Good change guys I am happy for you.
1 year, 6 months ago
what puritans assume about us is their problem, not ours.
1 year, 6 months ago
It is indeed good that inkbunny will distance it's self from the MAPS. The puritans however will NEVER stop witch hunting. That hate and hypocrisy is in their blood. That's why the first "criminal" they executed when they landed on America soil, was a little farm boy they "found guilty" of supposedly humping a sheep. :/  They are just as sick as the pedo rapists.
1 year, 6 months ago
true true but at least now once many of these people eventually get kicked off the site Them saying that pedos are on this site (them talking about fictional or IRL) wont hold any weight anymore once the real freaks are gone for good. Yeah the Anti's will Anti and the Puritans will Puritan but at least WE will feel better knowing that Their arguments can no longer be fully valid.
1 year, 6 months ago
Oh absolutely I agree, it will be better with this new rule in place. I just don't expect the witch hunters to go away. If they don't have a legitimate critique of a site, they just make one up.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
awesome and absolutely nice :) thanks! you keep being better than FA as always
1 year, 6 months ago
"Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into sheeps and goats. Not all things are black nor all things white. It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separated pigeon-holes. The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects. The sooner we learn this concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex." - Alfred Kinsey

While I understand the problem you're trying to tackle, Green, I'll be surprised if it works. I see this as a spam problem and nothing more. If attacking those who "identify" as something, on the assumption they're up to no good, well, you're more likely to affect innocent people rather than the few you're actually after.

By banning "identification" you're basically banning a feeling, expressed. Not advocacy.

I'm curious, though, when you say "those who identify," are you also counting any expression of identity on other sites? Or are you limiting such expression to content posted on this site? Keep in mind, fursonas here carry from place to place, so you're liable to receive complaints about furs who say something elsewhere, which means if you do count off-site communication or content, I foresee people baiting and trolling for identifying marks or speech elsewhere and pressuring you to ban them here. I know plenty who would qualify,  including founding members. Moreover, simply expressing sympathy or support for others who identify could also be dragged into this mess.

You sure this is the way to go?
1 year, 6 months ago
I agree with you. Even though this "change" has good intentions it just doesn't sit right with me to limit the speech of users or ban them because they express a particular identity.
1 year, 6 months ago
To me, this doesn't read as a 'change' so much as a reinforcement of pre-existing rules/ideas.

I've always stood for people drawing whatever the hell they want. As long as it's fictional, go nuts. Any healthy-minded person can separate fiction from reality. If you can't, well... get help before you hurt someone.
1 year, 6 months ago
thats probably at what this is aiming.
aka getting rid of those which do not know the difference between reality and fiction/fantasy anymore.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good riddance, I say.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you kindly for cracking down on this RAMPANT issue! 🤘🔥
1 year, 6 months ago
Good update!
1 year, 6 months ago
Just hope this doesn't lead to a slippery slope with no chance to recover, abuses of power, or certain people going after others.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good. While it does suck that this sort of thing must be explicitly defined, (not for what is defined, but that it is not a unanimously understood thing,) I am happy that the stance is shared and there is no wiggle room for misinterpretation of the site purpose as a place that is in no way reality.
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you 🙏 about time. Fictional isn't real life
1 year, 6 months ago
Does that mean you'll ban Tay Ferret? 'Cuz the dude is open about being one.
1 year, 6 months ago
IB to ban or limit the speech of people for being honest about who they are, and for their identity? IB??
1 year, 6 months ago
Yes, FBI? This guy right here.
1 year, 6 months ago
" NekoStar wrote:
Yes, FBI? This guy right here.

Hey there little boy.. @.@ wanna help me look for my lost puppy in those bushes over there?
1 year, 6 months ago
Merely identifying as a pedophile/MAP is not illegal.
1 year, 6 months ago
Go to your local playground and identify as those things. Let me know how it went when they let you out of jail. :)
1 year, 6 months ago
Think he'd openly tell his fellow inmates he's attracted to children?
1 year, 6 months ago
I mean "It's not illegal" so i'm sure he'd be fiiiine.
1 year, 6 months ago

I was not aware Inkbunny was a public park. Or are you saying that you often go to your local park and tell everyone there that you like cub porn?
1 year, 6 months ago
Your argument was that "it's not illegal to identify as a pedophile" and I'M saying, put that to the test in a public space, especially around children and let me know the results.

If you are right, and it's NOT illegal, you'd have nothing to fear. Right? The legality isn't about what you say, it's about what you do, however labling yourself as 'someone who takes part in illegal acts' will get you in trouble. Inkbunny and the rest of the world know this. You can't help what you're attracted to, but you 100% should know it's not okay to be attracted to certain things in our current modern society. Therefore, advertising yourself as such is a stupid thing to do. Any sane person would at the very least keep it to themselves and seek help in private.

If your argument is that you want to foster a community of like-minded people, who are all into the same illegal thing, that's also a stupid thing to want. That will absolutely start someone spreading something they're not supposed to, and again InkBunny very rightly so, with plenty of common sense, wants no part of that.
1 year, 5 months ago
Very weird argument.

Let's say I go to church and tell everyone how I fap to pooping Jesus and that I have a life-size sex doll with Jesus's face. Then I describe every detail of putting my penis into the doll's poop smeared anus. Depending on where I live, I'll either get arrested or kicked out of church and hated by everyone around.

If something is legal, it doesn't mean I get to do that anywhere I want among anyone I want. It may actually be illegal to do in some settings.

For comparison, saying "Kill all members of <minority group>" is illegal and will result in arrest, normally.
1 year, 5 months ago
Before continuing, let's make this clear: Are you arguing on the side of pedophiles? Or merely arguing semantics?

Both are a waste of time, but i'll spare you a little bit of mine.

Identifying yourself as someone who wants to diddle kids is a bad thing. Hopefully we can both agree on that. Whether or not the person acts on it is irrelevant.
"Not that i'd do it, but man I have tons of fantasies of mutilating kittens" is also a bad statement, hopefully we can agree on that as well. Saying either of those things out loud to anyone will get you (rightly so) judged, banned, or ostricized in some form or another.

There's a difference between your own private thoughts, and blurting those thoughts out into the open. No one should be criminilized for private thoughts. However when you put in your profile that you WANT to diddle kids (Even if you don't plan to act on it, nobody knows you, and you're a stranger to them) people will assume you WILL act on it someday or at the very least have some questionable files on your computer.

If you are openly identifying yourself as a criminal, people will criminlize you.
That's the most sound logic ever, and to question it would make any sane person question you and your morals.

If we cannot agree on that, do not bother replying, our convo will go nowhere.
1 year, 5 months ago
Disclaimer: I'm belong of the "debate bro" breed; I try to fully understand all arguments pro and against and aim for consistency of my moral system.

I have several base ideals (for limited freedom of speech, against thought crime, for utilitarian values etc.) which dictate my position on the issue to a large degree. If you want me to be more precise, I'm not against self-identification, however I'm against the practice of abusing the system and waving the flags. I don't have a strong opinion (yet?) on the perfect solution to the problems (self-identification in bad faith, treating the condition etc.), so I'm just collecting the arguments.

" Identifying yourself as someone who wants to diddle kids is a bad thing.

Discussion on this very page includes several arguments against this opinion. The main argument is that making people feel isolated isn't helpful and leads to worse mental state and possibly worse behavior. Also clumping all "MAPs" into "wants to fuck kids" disregards reality.

" "Not that i'd do it, but man I have tons of fantasies of mutilating kittens" is also a bad statement, hopefully we can agree on that as well.

Depends. It's bad to have these thoughts. It's good that the person controls themself. I'd take that over "I love hunting animals for fun" any day, even if hunting is more socially acceptable.

I don't want to pretend I'm on high moral ground and that I've never wished someone suffering in my life. I know that I did and I know that I will. Thus, I'd be a hypocrite to deny someone the right to share their thoughts.

" people will assume you WILL act on it someday or at the very least have some questionable files on your computer

And that's the problem. If I put "I'm an alcoholic" in my profile, will people assume that I'll die at 40 by crashing my car into an innocent family while drunk driving?

" If you are openly identifying yourself as a criminal

1. Wishing someone death is never a crime.
2. Saying you wish someone death can be a crime, but is not always a crime. According to the law, it depends on the context.
3. Murdering someone is (almost) always a crime.

We seem to agree on (1) and (3), however you ignore the nuances of (2). I can't insist on everyone having compassion towards people who are way outside their "nice people" range (and I won't pretend my compassion isn't sometimes dictated purely by logic), but this is just purely legal stuff. All I'm saying is that it's written in the laws this way.
1 year, 5 months ago
" Also clumping all "MAPs" into "wants to fuck kids" disregards reality.

Nope, stopped there, that's all I needed. No need to read the rest. These literally mean the same thing. I have no idea as to what reality you are referring to, but in the actual reality we live in, they mean the same thing. There is no 'debate' to be had. No further investigation or insinuation.

I will not be debating on whether or not it is okay for an adult to be attracted to minors IRL. It is not. The end.
1 year, 5 months ago
It never stops to amuse me how NekoStar draws cubs being raped for fun, yet is easily triggered by fantasies of others and pretends to be on high moral ground compared to someone merely having "illegal thoughts".
1 year, 5 months ago
Reading the entire conversation and I have to say, I agree. Their arguments and views are extremely reductionist and are honestly helping no one, especially their conflation of pedophile and child abuser, despite those two things being demonstrably seperable. I honestly don't think they understand that people don't choose their attraction and that being a pedophile isn't an identity, or an action, but a description.
1 year, 5 months ago
Y'all just mad to be called on your bullshit. You want to fuck kids irl, Yeah we get it. Gross. Go away.
1 year, 5 months ago
Blocked for pointing out that pedophilia is an attraction and not an action, brilliant performance. The ignorance on display is disappointing.
1 year, 5 months ago
I suspect what we're seeing is a consequence of NekoStar being called a pedophile by random people because of drawing abusive cub rape porn, and now desperately trying to clear their conscience by overly aggressive stance towards people they're associated with.

It's sad really. Instead of understanding the cost of arbitrary social stigmatization, they choose to double down on the hatred. All this just to avoid being associated with the group which, in the eyes of society, is probably not too far away from cub rape porn artists.

In some way, it reminds me of Edis Krad's classic comic about "making guilt go away". Some things never change.
1 year, 5 months ago
The difference is I draw fictional cartoons. The same way someone playing GTA isn't a murderer bak robbing rapist. Healthy people can distinguish fiction from reality.

You're saying MAPs shoudl be allowed to be pedophiles, and somehow think you're on the right side. (along with the mong jumping into the convo and agreeing with you. You're agreeing with a child predator you turd.)
1 year, 5 months ago
Is the Jesus a regular boring ~hyooman~ Jesus, or is the Jesus a cute fluffy furry Jesus?????

If it's the first one, I'm out.

Sorry. Ewww, Hyooman Jesus.
1 year, 6 months ago
how is this forbidding freedom of speech. and even IF it is what you say. on the internet doesnt exists freedom of speech.
because every plattform where you register an account has rules set in place to which you have to abide.

for example, if i would insult you here right now heavily would i probably get warned or even getting banned for x days.
with your logic would that be "taking freedom of speech away". because you can not freely speak your opinion of someone else.

but, this counts for LITERARLY ANY ONLINE PLATTFORM. freedom of speech does not exist on the internet, NOWHERE!!! you have to abide ALWAYS to the plattforms ToS. so, dont talk about "my freedom of speech gets taken away" you never had freedom of speech here on IB nor on any other online plattform to begin with... lol.
1 year, 5 months ago
" Chira wrote:
how is this forbidding freedom of speech. and even IF it is what you say. on the internet doesnt exists freedom of speech.
because every plattform where you register an account has rules set in place to which you have to abide.

for example, if i would insult you here right now heavily would i probably get warned or even getting banned for x days.
with your logic would that be "taking freedom of speech away". because you can not freely speak your opinion of someone else.

but, this counts for LITERARLY ANY ONLINE PLATTFORM. freedom of speech does not exist on the internet, NOWHERE!!! you have to abide ALWAYS to the plattforms ToS. so, dont talk about "my freedom of speech gets taken away" you never had freedom of speech here on IB nor on any other online plattform to begin with... lol.

I never said anything about "freedom of speech" or that anyone is entitled to it on the internet. It's funny you made this whole argument against the idea that IB users are entitled to freedom of speech when all I said was I don't agree with limiting speech of or banning individuals for simply identifying how they want to identify.

Are you sure you're replying to the right person?
1 year, 5 months ago
you did, you literarly wrote
" IB to ban or limit the speech of people for being honest about who they are, and for their identity? IB??

do you even read your own posts sometimes? and before you dare to edit it because peoples like you love to do this and then saying "no, i never did"
there, you literarly saying "IB is banning freedom of speech" =D
sorry but you failed there and to this

oh wait edit on my own: the 10 minutes are long over, you cant even edit it if you wanted to =x.

" I like that no one can legally try to stop me if I choose to say I like cubs to random strangers in public. I'm in the US though so your milage may vary.

sure, noone can stop you to do this, thats true. but, you would never do that. but! you missed an essential part i´ve wrote. i wrote "expecially when peoples know you" not "to strangers" because if you would do this to peoples irl which know you will they go literarly to the police and you will get to 100% your PC seized and landing infront of the court and your life is over.
1 year, 5 months ago
btw, to clearify this a bit more. you simply saying "i like cubs" might get you not into trouble. i take that back but, if they find out in which way you like said cubs ... are you done.
1 year, 5 months ago
Sorry about your brain damage, it must make it hard to argue with people on the internet. Now piss off you underaged chihuahua, you're not worth my time bish uwu

" Chira wrote:
you did, you literarly wrote
" IB to ban or limit the speech of people for being honest about who they are, and for their identity? IB??

do you even read your own posts sometimes? and before you dare to edit it because peoples like you love to do this and then saying "no, i never did"
there, you literarly saying "IB is banning freedom of speech" =D
sorry but you failed there and to this

oh wait edit on my own: the 10 minutes are long over, you cant even edit it if you wanted to =x.

" I like that no one can legally try to stop me if I choose to say I like cubs to random strangers in public. I'm in the US though so your milage may vary.

sure, noone can stop you to do this, thats true. but, you would never do that. but! you missed an essential part i´ve wrote. i wrote "expecially when peoples know you" not "to strangers" because if you would do this to peoples irl which know you will they go literarly to the police and you will get to 100% your PC seized and landing infront of the court and your life is over.
1 year, 5 months ago
funny that you talk about underaged but cant have a conversation without resorting to insults and screaming like a little kid which got just scolded by his mom/father and is now crying with big puffed cheeks. it hurts when you get stuff rubbed into your face which you said before but forgotten it already. looks like you are the one with the braindamage, because you cant even remember what you wrote a day ago. you dont even have enough braincells to differ between a chihuahua and rabbit.

you are probably one of those MAP peoples too.
1 year, 5 months ago
next time when you try to troll, dont open yourself so wide for a conter.
1 year, 5 months ago
Chira banned me but they are still messaging and replying even though I can't say anything back, lmao What a lowlife. :)
1 year, 6 months ago
oh yea, not to mentition that i doubt that you would dare to freely speak in public about it that you like cub etc. xD
expecially when peoples know who you are irl.
1 year, 5 months ago
" Chira wrote:
oh yea, not to mentition that i doubt that you would dare to freely speak in public about it that you like cub etc. xD
expecially when peoples know who you are irl.

I like that no one can legally try to stop me if I choose to say I like cubs to random strangers in public. I'm in the US though so your milage may vary.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
So we can finally get rid of tayferret now right?
1 year, 6 months ago
That depends on what he and others do going forwards. As it says:
" ...avoiding staff action in this case should be possible for all, by not engaging in the kinds of advocacy and promotional/self-identifying activity described above.
1 year, 5 months ago
is clever and doesn't cause problems.

P.s. Demesejha tried recommending getting my nudes on Mega.nz when it wasn't clear that I'm above 18. (The staff already knows my age is waaay above that. He didn't.) Mega.nz was blocked in my country cause it probably sucked at screening illegal content back then. Odd file-host suggestion from Demesejha, don't you think?
You probably know, I shadowbanned Demesejha years ago. And you can guess why I did so.

May people point the poopy stink finger at Tay though! Eventually, you'll figure where the smell of shit actually comes from. - or the doggie of the K9 officer will, if people are too dumb, lol.
1 year, 5 months ago
This is late, but if you have an account here, other members may reasonably assume that you are of age, because that's what you assert when you join. If they can't trust you with that, they probably can't trust any other assertion that you are of age.
1 year, 6 months ago
Does this include the satirization of symbols though? Some people here did used symbols in a context where it isn't directly advocating that, but used as a satirization of the issue in drawings.
This is a terrible comparison but use as example the times Stonetoss mocked this problem posting the symbols on his comics
1 year, 6 months ago
Remember this is like the one furry site run by humans who don't act like robots, they'd certainly look at things like that on a case by case basis.
1 year, 6 months ago
As with all moderation decisions we'll handle these things on a case-by-case basis.
Whilst I'm not allowed to talk specifics, I can tell you that our staff chat has been talking about some edge cases already.
Action won't be taken against users immediately until things have been discussed.
1 year, 5 months ago
well, i got told under this journal https://inkbunny.net/j/495553 by a guy named firestar7 that a user named shocu (cause i mentitioned there that his acc was suddenly not longer available) got banned because he had a symbol on his pfp. he said it was on his collar around his neck.
i have to say, i didnt even paid attention what this shocu guy had around his collar, i was focused on telling him that this rule change aims at peoples which looking for likeminded peoples here on IB cause it seemed he missunderstood the whole thing. however, he then was suddenly gone. with other words, if it is true what firestar7 said there are you guys banning peoples which using certain symbols. but then again, i didnt even seen one because i dont look at every detail on peoples profile picture nor do i even know how said symbols look like xD ... it could be that he lie´d to me too =x.
1 year, 5 months ago
Said user was asked to remove "MAP" from their profile and refused to do so.
A moderator removed it and warned the user, the user put it back.
The moderator removed it again and issued a stern warning, the user put it back.
The user was then told that if they didn't remove it, they would be banned.
They told us that they would not remove it, so they were banned.

It wasn't about any content they had uploaded.
1 year, 5 months ago
ai, oki. clears that up if he got like 3 times warned ... lol xD. rhwn irs his own fault to be stubborn and not listening.
1 year, 5 months ago
We don't normally speak about specific actions taken against a user, but in cases like this where misinformation about how we are handling this updated policy is being spread I felt it pertinent to clear the water.
1 year, 5 months ago
count insults to that too? scroll a bit up to this bestbud guy, he just thrown insults around. seems like hes crying.
1 year, 6 months ago
While I do think thought crimes shouldn't be punished, aside from that, I agree with pretty much most of this.
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally :)
1 year, 6 months ago
Now this, is epic.
1 year, 6 months ago
Hi, question. Does this include loli/shota drawings of human characters that otherwise conform to the rules regarding adults of the same species? How about if the art is intended in a non-sexual context?

I just feel it's good to clarify, since some people could get misconceptions about the rules.
1 year, 6 months ago
NSFW content involving humans are forbidden on here, but you can still do sfw content.
1 year, 6 months ago
Whenever I saw the map flag I kinda just chuckled, I was just told it was all a giant 4chan op that went too far like the okay hand sign thing buuuut I can't actually find anything about that so maybe I was led astray. After thinking it was either people horny posting or just trying to be 'extreme I'd just brush it off, I never saw anything brewing under the surface... I think I've seen it like three times, didn't seem to be a big deal. But here's the kicker, I have female blacklisted (and vagina for good measure) to make this place a sausagefest.

So I guess what I'm getting at is I'm curious and wanted to ask the massive massive amount of people who seem to be lurking this post today, are these issues something that someone who's maybe a little too gay would have glossed over? Or is it because I tend to stick to artists people link me to and never really branch out into the recent tab? I'm just wondering if people have a consensus of year when it all went 'wrong' so to speak. I feel so out of the loop.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's probably more noticeable to artists in some areas because their +favs start getting filled with people who have expressed a decided interest in real-life children.

Honestly, some people may have been trying to infiltrate and expose paedophiles via IB, and that's not something we particularly want to enable either (it comes under deceitful or malicious content).
1 year, 6 months ago
" Gat wrote:

So I guess what I'm getting at is I'm curious and wanted to ask the massive massive amount of people who seem to be lurking this post today, are these issues something that someone who's maybe a little too gay would have glossed over? Or is it because I tend to stick to artists people link me to and never really branch out into the recent tab? I'm just wondering if people have a consensus of year when it all went 'wrong' so to speak. I feel so out of the loop.

If I understand your comment correctly (My apologies if I completely misinterpreted 💀)::

 I think it's just a matter of people glossing over it cause, They either don't know or don't wanna worry about that type of thing (and I can't say I blame them.)

Most people do not want to worry about someone, whether it be an artist they have followed for years or someone new on their page, being a Pedophile, especially with the lingering fear of whether or not they have acted on it with someone (Or even how it may be affecting them irl in other ways, whether it be self-loathing or self-isolation without fixing). It's not only stressful to you, cause that type of anxiety can not only extend to online people but to people IRL or even yourself. It can be stressful for that person if you (or anyone for that matter) choose to be accusatory or confrontational about it, even if it's not true.

It's hard to set an exact year for when things "went wrong", but if I had to guesstimate I would say around 2017 - 2021???
That was around the time I started to see a lot of people openly identifying as maps across various platforms (at least in terms of ones actively promoting and  trying to justify acting on these attractions)
1 year, 6 months ago
This is honestly a relief to read. I was mostly all for InkBunny's general policies of acceptance, but I did feel it was too soft. At some points, a line needs to be drawn.

Fictional interests and IRL interests are one place where I think there needs to be a very important line. With a fictional interest, no matter what it is, nobody real is getting harmed. But when you bring fictional interests into reality, they can have much-different effects, much different consequences...people can absolutely be harmed.

The line between fiction and reality should absolutely not be blurred, it should be defined and carefully-considered. People should understand what side they are on of it, and mind the severity of what they do on one side or another.

I'm all for people enjoying fiction, whatever it might be. But to blend those fictional interests into reality or to outright have those interests in reality? That's when it starts getting dangerous. I think it's good to accept people whenever possible, but not if they are hurting other people in some way. That is never worth accepting.

And if people are also feeling like advocating something that can lead to somebody getting hurt, even if they are not directly acting upon it, then that is perpetuating harm all the same. It increases the likelihood that somebody will get hurt by reinforcing a destructive mindset, and that really is not acceptable.

Harm comes in many forms. Abuse is equally-complex. We all need to stay diligent in recognizing the ways those things can happen, or it is easy to slip into self-convincing mindset that everything is okay when it really, definitely isn't.
1 year, 6 months ago
Don't worry, you won't regret it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Good! They have infiltrated certain other fallen websites and are now trying for places like this. Good, block the pedos.
1 year, 6 months ago
I am glad that the staff has a Clear "What we are doing and Why."

It's a welcome thing.
1 year, 6 months ago
Desperately overdue, but thank you. I do not want to see Inkbunny become a "nazi bar". I would support further and more proactive measures.

1 year, 6 months ago
"Now it will no longer be acceptable for members to indicate that they're paedophiles, on the grounds that doing so encourages illicit communications on that topic." this is assuming too much; because the mire act of calling oneself attracted to something is not in anyways illicit. I fear the wording in here is too vague and can be weaponized to target and "cancel" someone for comments or being open with themselves. It also suggests that all those who are, commit crimes, which is of course an unfounded and bigoted way to look at the subject. It would be like someone saying all those who like or show "advocacy" for vore are cannibals and are actively communicating to try to eat people. I fear that authors and artists are going to have to be more careful as their wording could be turned against them when we start to target any sort of one advocacy.  
1 year, 6 months ago
still, theres that big wall which seperates real life and fiction/fantasy.
this rule change aims at peoples which ignore this wall aka they like loli/shota stuff and saying stuff like "it´ll be fine if you do this irl when a kid consents" no, it isnt. it will be NEVER like it is shown in pictures or mangas. you will always hurt the kid. theres no pleasure for the kid etc. those peoples which say otherwise are the targets here. aka they forgotten the difference between reality and fiction/fantasy.

for example: you can like cub/loli/shota all you like, just dont say stuff like "its fine irl too" or similiar stuff or enticing peoples to do said things etc.

in my opinion is a person which likes cub/loli/shota not automaticly a pedophile aswell.
for me (and thats my opinion) turns this person into a pedophile as soon they practice those things in real life or possesing real life material etc.
1 year, 6 months ago
The issue is that this appears to be aiming at all pedophiles/MAPs on site, even ones who are explicitly against abuse or contact.
1 year, 6 months ago
no it doesnt, many here would´ve been banned by now if that would be the case.
like literarly anyone who drawn loli here on IB but linked it or dare´d to fav said stuff would get in an instant banned.
you probably missunderstood something while you was reading the journal. i recomment to you to read it again.
1 year, 6 months ago
I don't remember who it was but someone here clarified that it does indeed include any mention of one being a MAP/pedophile. Though to be clear, they said that they would be removing such content, not necessarily banning people immediately.
1 year, 6 months ago
It was Kadm.
1 year, 6 months ago
yea and? and yet are you perfectly fine with it if you like loli/shota here on IB: noone would ban you for your likes and dislikes.

just dont entice, addvertise and/or talk about it or getting peoples into conversations about loli/shota.
thats simply it. with other words, you are simply prohibited to talk about it, period. if you feel now like your freedom of speech gets affected by this (like that other guy) you never had freedom of speech here on IB. nor have you on any other plattform where you register an account freedom of speech. there are always rules set in place to which you have to abide and restrict your freedom of speech.
1 year, 6 months ago
I was just clarifying that the new rule affects more than just people who say "it'll be fine IRL," like you mentioned in your original reply.
1 year, 6 months ago
i doubt it, because like i wrote already. IB would then need to ban everyone who dare´s to putt a fav on a loli comission because it "could be" that this person is a "pedo" right? no, thats not how it is. it simply aims at peoples which try to get others into "certain" conversations to find out wether they like it aswell or not. aka those peoples which look for "likeminded" peoples.

you dont need to do this here on IB. ya can share ya discord or whatever you use via PM and talk there. it doesnt needs to be here on IB under comissions or in journals ...
1 year, 6 months ago
As I've mentioned, they already said they're not outright banning people immediately. And I'm talking about identifying as a MAP/pedophile, not favoriting loli/shota.
1 year, 6 months ago
for me sounds it more like that you fear to get banned sooner or later o.o
you think too much about it ¬..¬
1 year, 6 months ago
Some vore fetishists are trying to eat people, of course.

As for RL paedophiles, the issue is that the core topic of their interest - sexual activity with underage humans - is illegal to depict, even in artwork, within our operating jurisdiction. It also isn't relevant to the topic of the site, which involves non-human animals. If they're fans of cub art they can choose to describe themselves as such, without having to use a term which is applicable primarily to human children in real life.
1 year, 6 months ago
Illegal to depict? What are you talking about? There are lots of images here of cub characters with adults, and I'm pretty sure furry children fall under the same legal category as drawn human children. Inkbunny is a site focused on furry art, so you don't see much human shota/loli characters here (though there are some human+anthro art here, including shota/loli characters), you can still find plenty of that on other sites like Pixiv.

1 year, 6 months ago
I'm afraid your "pretty sure" is not borne out by the law. Humans are treated as special; this is why zoos don't count as false imprisonment. This law makes some attempt to include non-humans but only to the extent of, say, adding ears or antennae to an otherwise human character, which is why we have our policy on essentially human characters. They are permitted but it must be plausible that they are not in a sexual situation (if you see any examples outside this, you are welcome to file a support ticket).
1 year, 5 months ago
So posts of say, a certain jackal headed human kid character in all sorts of NSFW situations IS completely not ok? Cause I see way too many human and "basically a human with a mask on" stuff being put up despite the rules. Would love to know what is actually justified to report or not since the lack of enforcement makes just the written rules seem insufficient to go by.
1 year, 5 months ago
I am not a mod so I cannot speak for them however my current understanding is if a character looks majority human and is featured in a explicit Artwork then it is not permitted on inkbunny. (For example, think shota cat-boys or loli beast girls which are basically humans with animal ears and tails.) I'm sure the IB staff would be happy to clarify for you if you file a ticket :)
1 year, 5 months ago
i can tell you that you are wrong
for example.
i reported long ago this to the IB staff https://inkbunny.net/s/2664179
story why i did this is readable when you scroll up.
the reply to it was simply
"That character has been a headache since his conception, but the author claims he's just a shaved/hairless wolf, except for the head. Since the head matters, it's allowed."
but if the mods would apply how you said it, i mean you said you arent a mod and cant talk for them tho, would the IB staff remove every single picture from his gallery or ... atleast the majority since his gallery features this character a lot.
a friend of mine did this vice versa aka neko head but from neck down furry, even paws as hands and legs but appereantly "the head matters" and the picture got removed/hidden. ^^
1 year, 5 months ago
i add to this:
if it is just a shaved hairless wolf, why has the character human hands and human feets? think about it.
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm not arguing with you :) I'm merely informing you of the guidelines as I've come to understand them.

As far as I know (which isn't a lot! I'm not a mod) almost everything on this site is handed and determined on a case by case basis using the existing IB Philosophy and Policies as a guide. I'd agree, the character looks rather human to me and would probably fall foul of the rules as I understand them but clearly staff have chosen to apply some of their individual discression and offer some latitude on account of the very much unmistakably anthro animal head.  

It isn't quite the same as a human character with a human head with cat-ears and a cat-tail as I described in my example. The head, as they put it, does matter. Though I would think that it's very much dancing upon the tip of a pin as far as the rules are concerned, I'm sure it could've fallen in either direction and lead to some internal debate.

I'm sure banning people is very much a last resort for staff, especially art-posting users whom otherwise havem't really caused any problems.
1 year, 5 months ago
it wasnt just a neko like you think, the character had only a neko head, everything else was from the neck on with fur, tail, paws etc. like a normal furry character. just imagine it like the character i´ve posted, just the other way around. aka head human but body furry. i mean you could ask now with "was she in a fur suit?" no, then it would´ve been clearly wissible. in anycase.
IB made it back then clear tho "the head matters" theres no arguing needed. btw, tell me the artist of your pfp, i want one too OO
that is if he/she accepts comissions xD.
1 year, 5 months ago
My icon was drawn by the adorable and sweet ComfyTail! I love it :)
1 year, 5 months ago
ohwell, there goes my chance to get an avi like that o.o
cause that dude blocked me after taleir and me pointed "a certain thing" out >_> (aka very slow with comissions but still taking new comissions AND payments in advance without that he even finished his comissions ... iunno if he changed that by now.
i mean, it isnt bad to accept new comissions, the bad part was that he took payments in advance for the new ones before finishing the oldones x3 he really didnt liked that and blocked me and taleir ^^'')
1 year, 5 months ago
I should not comment on the decisions made by other uses to curate their profiles and spaces :)

I can only say they're a good friend of mine and that they've drawn me more than a few times now with no issues and that I would recommend them if they were to open commissions.
1 year, 5 months ago
told you the full thing via PM tho, we probably deserved it x3.
1 year, 5 months ago
Oh heeeey, you got an icon made from that artist as well? :D
1 year, 5 months ago
I did! T'was a trade though!

- and I took WAY too long to fufill my end of the deal >.>
1 year, 5 months ago
Aw :(
Well at least you did it!  I'm pondering on getting me a new one soon~
1 year, 5 months ago
we talk probably about the same character ... i reported thatone löooooooong ago and IB´s clearification was "the head matters" =3 so. that should clear it up, i think. tho in my opinion is theres a rule adjustment needed xD.
1 year, 5 months ago
We had a long, long discussion about that and basically came to the conclusion that it was more than trivial modification of human, and similar to other animal gods that were recognized as non-human. However, one where it was, say, represented as a fursuit head would not be permitted.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yeah that feels entirely not in line with the rules as written. If we are talking about the same guy you know it's literally about the human body for those NSFW "cub" pieces. It feels like a really cheap and obvious way to bypass rules and some future adjustments seem appropriate imo.
1 year, 5 months ago
It is not bypassing the rules, it is at their borderline. That's why the discussion took a long time. We also distinguish between "harpies" that just have feathers over their arms vs. having the entire arm feathered and digitigrade legs, which is somewhat similar to nekos vs. this.

Our policies are not designed to, say, avoid moral hazard, but to help us comply with the law in an efficient way while excluding relatively little furry content. The law we are most concerned about uses the phrase:
" the predominant impression conveyed is that the person shown is a child despite the fact that some of the physical characteristics shown are not those of a child
It is implied that a child must be human. At that point it is a judgment call as to whether this character is sufficiently human to count. People may have differing opinions there. For our defence as a host it is necessary that we are not aware that it is, and remove it if we are told by an authority that it counts. (We have never had such contact from anyone but Russia, a jurisdiction we do not operate in.)
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm assuming we are both well aware of the example character I meant and on the same page, but just to clarify I am talking a complete human with ONLY a jackal head. And one very clearly not meant to be some representation of what are even just some of the takes on depictions of Anubis. If the character is for all intents and purposes human, with the body overwhelming being so from neck to toes, and meant to depict a child body at that then I fail to see how it can even be said its merely at the border of the very rules you linked earlier. Namely "Characters that are essentially human (pixies, faeries, elves, orcs, trolls, etc) or just have ears/tails or other superficial animal features applied are considered human for this rule." Which would completely apply if taken as its written.

There are also a lot of people that also post or link and promote towards other sites where they post art of underage human characters. If a thumbnail or image directing to elsewhere is posted with human characters depicted, censored but obviously NSFW, or even going as far as to just outright say its absolutely NSFW I would think its clearly violating "Censored art involving humans must plausibly depict a non-sexual situation". Those sorts of cases would seem completely reasonable to report and expect to get taken down but as I state above it feels like we can't really go off rules as written if additional talk goes on and mods just decide to not enforce things as written.
1 year, 5 months ago
What im trying to make clear is that just because someone is attracted to something or likes a particular thing doesn't automatically mean they are doing illegal or criminal actions, the post seems to forget that distinction ; and if you decide that the signalling of MAPs as identifying themselves as one means they are advocating for illegal acts or prompting crimes to be committed , then their is several hate groups and nazi furs on here that would like a word with you over genocide
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't assume that. I know there are, shall we say, "gold star paedophiles", although it is hard to prove over the Internet.

Unfortunately it is not just an assumption that the self-identification people have been doing recently leads to people reaching out to make contact off-site about it. And honestly it's been going on for longer than the last year or so, just at a smaller level that was manageable without significant policy changes.
1 year, 5 months ago
so basically you are worried this will be some sort of middle man to facilitate illegal sharing? but you do acknowledge that not all MAPs are by nature criminals?
1 year, 5 months ago
Basically, yes; saying "I am a pedo" acts as a marker that you may be interested in joining a file-sharing network or similar. That isn't always the case, but it's enough that we are no longer allowing it.
1 year, 5 months ago
ok I dont fully agree with the action but i can understand where you are coming from and appreciate you following up
1 year, 5 months ago
i dont know how hard it is to understand that someone saying they like something does not mean they are actively prompting crimes; theres a whole fetish on here for non-consent stuff doesnt make everyone a grapist
1 year, 5 months ago
I appreciate this example as a parallel because this is exactly where my tolerance for cub stuff extends. I know what I like and the difference between me and, say, them, or Dahmer, is simple- I have a conscience. I know any practical application of such fetish leads to harm, grey area of consenting adults be damned. I could never do that to someone.

So must it be with attraction to minors. Wanna doodle art and talk with folks that like the art? Superb. Wanna try to do something to an actual minor who can't legally consent? Enjoy prison.

As blunt as I can be on what I see as a clear, dichotomous difference.
1 year, 6 months ago
Of all who are gone, I just wish tay got the rightful justice they deserve. Unfortunately they are still active, I hope not for long and Im going to report every day to my isp to look into his site under legal means

1 year, 6 months ago
Guess it comes as no surprise if you don't stamp it out.
Good rule change.
1 year, 6 months ago
Based move once again, InkBunny. W
1 year, 6 months ago
That’s great and all but I think the IB owners know that those people are the only ones keeping the lights on for this site lmao
1 year, 6 months ago
Not true - right now I keep the lights on, and my interests are purely for anthropomorphic animals.
I appreciate that some members have their own preferences, but it is this which is the site's focus.
1 year, 6 months ago
The trolls are out in full force in this thread.
1 year, 5 months ago
curious question do you remember when the policy on shota on this site changed? I know it affected artists on here like Aogami but im having the hardest time finding that post
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm not quite sure what you mean, the main change was actually to permit humans. Initially they weren't allowed at all (honestly, it would have saved a lot of work to keep it that way).
1 year, 5 months ago
I just recall shota/loli being on here about 10 or so years ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Look at how many watches various artists have. That will tell who are keeping the lights on.

Many of them with a large following aren't even into porn at all.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
i'm fine with this, so long as:
1. staff keep in mind that pedophilia is an attraction and not necessarily action
2. people don't start thinking telling pedos to kill themselves is ever okay

advocating for real life pedophilic acts is legally dangerous for inkbunny and the users that post it - it simply doesn't belong here. being one, however, is not a choice, and has no bearing on a persons morality whatsoever - it's okay to be a pedophile. it's okay to be you. just be the best you you can be!
1 year, 6 months ago
A lot of people just want to see blood rather than problems being fixed or protecting anyone.

The rule changes make sense, but the witch-hunting I'm seeing in the comments is ironic coming from a bunch of furries who are frequently mistaken as pedos themselves.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's not ironic—it's the whole point. I want everyone to see a hard line between the fantastic and reflective expressions that Inkbunny has always and will still allow, and the provocative messaging disseminated by pedophiles.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm seeing comments like "get the undesirables out".

The comments about reality vs fiction are all on the mark.
1 year, 6 months ago
This also needs to include an amendment that covers hate groups like neo-nazis, they have a long history of incitement of real-world violence and committing real-world crimes.
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally. I've been approached by some creepy individuals, and Inkbunny just shrugged it off and basically told me it's not their problem. Don't expect applause from me, this is the bare minimum you've only just accomplished.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Thank you!
1 year, 6 months ago
I can't believe that needed addressed, it should be a given. Though, things now-a-days are very.. weird.. Peoples views of wanting to accept pedophilia is just... It's scary. Then, there are SOME people who can't distinguish fantasy and reality, a real life scenario/pictures and ART... PIXELS on a screen lol. I'm a firm believer of "it's just art", whether it's movies, music, poems, literature... It's all a FAKE scenario to express ones self, or just make some unhinged shock factor content.

But, I fully agree and stand by this statement. Let art be art... and let the REAL pedos burn in hell...
1 year, 6 months ago
I think this is a good move as i've also seem some pretty unabashed honesty on here about people, uh, tastes...but i hope it stops at that. I can't help but be simultaneously relieved and concerned that this is the start of a censorship death spiral for this site, seeing as it's usually how it starts on other sites as well. It's always something like "well we're only taking action against people who are ACTUALLY harmful" then it's "well this thing this person says IMPLIES they're harmful" and then it's "well if they hold these ideologies/opinions it's adjacent to harm so therefore we should probably act on that" and so on and so on. I think you all are smarter than that, but I always nervously squint at any sort of these policy changes that seem to involve a degree of assumption in the decision making.

Regardless, feels like a good call, trusting your decision making on this one. Y'all clearly have seen enough that it warrants this.
1 year, 6 months ago
thank you christ.
I just want this site too be clean of all the sickos
1 year, 6 months ago
Appreciate y'all taking these steps.
1 year, 6 months ago
este es el mejor enfoque de politica contra la pedo que vi en un sitio de arte, comparado a DA y FA que parecen hasta clasificar tipos de arte adorables y nada sexuales como tal, lo cual es ridiculo, lo ficticio y la realidad son cosas diferentes y abogar por expulsar a los miembros peligrosos de la pagina que claramente no son personas cuerdas, es mejor que expulsara todos los demas solo porque es sospechoso que te guste algo de aspecto tierno
1 year, 6 months ago
This is a wonderful update to the site! I'm so glad you all took the time to think this out and set it in motion. IB is my favorite for a reason, and it just proves itself to me time and time again.
1 year, 6 months ago
While I support this change 100%, I can't help but worry that this is the beginning of a slippery slope.
1 year, 6 months ago
After reading the comments on this change, I felt compelled to speak. I created an anonymous account because what I need to say is too damaging to my reputation to say otherwise. I am a current artist on this platform who is well connected with other creators. I create fairly standard cub art that does not include explicit map imagery. Most of my friends do the same at various levels, from the most popular on the platform to fairly unknown. I have been a part of IB since its inception and an artist for some of that time. I know folks whose time goes all the way back to early Oekaki boards.

While I understand the impetus behind this policy, I want to say a few words on behalf of the many friends I have made here. The way this policy represents maps is incredibly disappointing, treating them as inherently criminal. The explicit assumption is that mere identity should be treated as a threat to this place. Thus, the silence of MAPs is the only option. The mods have claimed that discussion related to MAPs or MAP visibility is antithetical to the goal of this space, of creating furry art.

The problem with this is that, whether the publicly named persons reading this wish to admit or not, MAPs have been a key part of the cub community since the beginning. And not just a little bit. Some of your favorite artists and authors? MAPs. And whether you realize it or not, you have spit in the faces of many who have spread joy and comfort here. MAPs do this knowing full well that this community would be willing to ostracize them if you knew. This is a fresh reminder of the silence and self-loathing they choked down every time they created a new picture for you to enjoy while knowing honesty was not an option. All other identities are welcomed for their contributions, but MAPs are not despite being central contributors to this space.

In a way, nothing has changed. Many of these creators were not signaling before and won’t be now either. But this will be an indelible reminder to many creators here that they are only welcome when they shut up for the sake of your comfort and keep making things you can jack off to. And you wonder why people wipe galleries, disappear from the fandom, or kill themselves. Well, I don't have to wonder why, because I know those people. They are my friends, they are beautiful, kind, and creative people. And I'm sick and tired of watching everyone celebrate every sling and arrow aimed at them. Given how many this community faces regardless of who is a MAP, I am consistently baffled at how eager we are to turn on our own after all they give us.

The only thing I wonder is when we will stop doing the convenient thing and start taking the hard stand to actually care about each other no matter who we are.

Inkbunny is not the home I thought it was.
1 year, 6 months ago
Imo, we're seeing a complete lack of empathy.

I choose my friends based on their actions, not their flaws.

Some of my friends are MAPs.  I still care about them because they are my friends, not because I "support pedophilia".

What I don't support is trading CP and encouraging real life contact with minors.
1 year, 5 months ago
Being someone's friend doesn't change anything. Like it or not, certain life activities DO divide. If your MAP friends aren't diddling kids, maybe they shouldn't ought to associate with people who are. There's a reason LGBTQ is divided about adding the M at the end.  

1 year, 5 months ago
You sure about division? Let's be real, it's probably more like 99.999998% of LGBT is against including M in LGBT, and 98.89994% of MAP is for including M in LGBT. I wouldn't call that division inside LGBT. 😆
1 year, 5 months ago
Yet the LGBTQ political leaders (and the Christians they aim to provoke) are acting as if they are one and the same. :/
1 year, 6 months ago
My comments here are my own, I cannot speak for other staff members in this matter, nor can I speak for anyone other than myself.

This policy was debated over the course of a year and has been significantly toned down from when it was originally drafted.

We understand that paedophilia is a paraphilia, in most cases it can't be helped.
This policy came about as we've recently had an influx of accounts that are being exclusively used to network together and share off-site communication links, apparently for the purposes of sharing illegal content.
Additionally "MAP-Pride" and "Pedo Pride" posts and accounts have also increased in volume and we wanted to make it clear that this kind of content is not acceptable here on Inkbunny.

As the main post says, Inkbunny is a place of and for fantasy. I'd hate to think that anyone here was advocating for harm to come to children, but, the post exists, the rule was written, because people were doing just that.

Not unlike yourself, I too have friends that have such paraphilias, and they agree with the intent behind the updated policy.

The intent of this isn't to remove every person that's ever self-described as a paedophile from Inkbunny, but to make it clear that we do not support people that make it the primary reason they are here on the site. Making it a front-and-centre part of their presence, and using it to network with others for potentially illicit means.

I'm sorry if this policy update makes you, or your friends, uncomfortable.
We have absolutely no intent to change content policy, this is entirely a long overdue social change.


I would like to add that, despite this updated policy, we still will not tolerate threats of violence or abuse targeted at these users. Such actions are also against our Philosophy as it is written and action will be taken if they are reported.
1 year, 5 months ago
Banning identity or expression of identity was not required for mods to address the problem of profiles being made for illicit content. "Pride" is the contemporary cultural antithesis of shame, something many in this community have been trying to use media like artwork to break away from for much of their lives. If you understand the history of sexual minorities using the term "pride", then you know the term is not literal. It is a statement of resistance to cruelty and ostracism. "Pride" is not an analogue for supporting sexual abuse or the trade of illegal images.You are thinking of "pro-contact" messaging, which your policy could have specifically targeted instead of all expression of self.

Fine if you want to eliminate people who are using the platform for "illicit" ends. But no change in policy was needed for that because that was already against the rules. The only real change in policy here is that people cannot in any way signal their sexual attractions in one specific case-- regardless of whether they believe they can or should be acted upon. These statements are, as you yourself admit, about declaring that people who are open about their orientation being told to shut up or get out.

You are right that a good number of MAPs in this community may actually agree with at least the goals of the policy exactly because they share a moral desire not to see the platform devolve into illegal activities, debates over "pro contact" beliefs, and the like. You might be surprised to hear that I am fine with the goals I just outlined. Its just the policy is reaching beyond those goals.

I would caution the mods against assuming that their IB friends who may have revealed themselves as MAPs feel comfortable being honest on this one though. They may be afraid to take any stand publicly or privately with you because doing so could apparently cost them their access to this platform and the friendships they built on it. After all, you just passed a rule that targets them unless they don't keep quiet. Regardless, MAP support for cleaning up the trade of illegal content is not the same as believing that MAPs on this platform should be completely silenced in service of it, especially when doing so is not a requirement to meet those goals.

I say all of this already knowing that IB staff are not going to change the policy. I say it because there are few to no voices here who are and someone should. This policy furthers their silence, makes them less able to even present an argument against it. So, of course it will seem like everybody is onboard. I had to make an alt just to say this and none of my friends are willing to risk their incomes to do so. I don't blame them. I am terrified even on this alt to say anything. I need you all to read it, to know what the effects of this actually are on the parts of this community who cannot come forward to tell you themselves.

As a final note, I just want to pitch to you that even if you disagree with everything I've said, you should still reconsider how you have phrased this rule because it took me reading through this whole post and a bunch of mod comments to actually figure out what the mods consider to fall underneath it. As I read the text of the Philosophy, I did not think that mere identification with a sexuality was enough to "advocate for real life paedophilia". To me, advocacy is making an explicit argument. A pride flag or a sexual identity declared does not mean advocacy to me. That phrase could mean two very different things to me. It could mean making political arguments about people with sexual attractions to children (what I would consider the most accurate reading of the words) or it could mean taking a "pro-contact" stance regarding children and sex (the less accurate based on definitions, but a way people commonly use the word in public discourse). And neither is exactly what this thread suggests the rule is. I think the mods should provide more exact language at a minimum.
1 year, 5 months ago
It's funny how you in particular don't get mass-banned for having friend(s) with "paraphilias". But then again, Moderator status.
1 year, 5 months ago
I didn’t get very far into your comment before I noticed you are perhaps taking this issue way past the scope of inkbunny. Inkbunny doesn’t make your laws, your government does. This rule change is to protect this site from activities that are illegal in real life and lessen REAL LIFE liability on the site. Inkbunny, having waited years to take action on the matter, shows just how much leniency this site has towards alternative life styles. This is not about the broad social issue of your rights/believes or any opposition to them, regardless if they exist out of ignorance or not. I’m going to guess, there isn’t going to be a mass migration from inkbunny because of this rule. Most people know, regardless of their moral standings on the matter, unless you are a politician or banker, you just don’t fuck k!ds in real life in this society. So it’s a non-starter.
1 year, 5 months ago
He's referring to the comments, not anything inkbunny did.
1 year, 5 months ago
I understand where he's coming from. I'm not telling him not to be upset. My point however, still stands. It's beyond the scope of Inkbunny. Hell, it's beyond the scope of most American's intelligence, to be painfully blunt. :/
1 year, 5 months ago
Well, if you don't read it, you don't know what is said. I never said anything about laws, rights, or really anything else you are talking about here. Out of respect for you, I read the entirety of your post. And I mostly agree with you. And I think my post isn't in conflict with yours.
1 year, 5 months ago
Fair enough. I agree. Your comment, point for point then:

When you talk about treating MAPs as criminal, the problem is the MAP movement’s political heads are active child abusers. Making all MAPS guilty by proxy of association. It’s not fair but that’s the sad nonintellectual mentality of the western world. The point though is, yes, because of the politics of the MAP movement and the actions of SOME members, the identity of MAPS can be argued to be a real legal threat to this site. Hence me mentioning laws and politics that inkbunny has no control over.
MAPs being a key part of this fandom: Depends on your definition. If you are speaking of the subconscious phenomenon I go over in this journal: https://inkbunny.net/j/494372-GreenPika-the-elephant-in... then yes, you are correct. If you are speaking of MAPS in the sense of identity politics, then no, I disagree with you. I have been in this fandom for 25 years and can count on one hand the number of people I met who actually wanted to have real intimate relation with real life ch!ldren. That’s even including the wild west days of the internet, when everyone was truly anonymous and NO ONE had to bite their tongue about anything.

Your point though DOES being up a rather screaming bit of hypocrisy IMO. This being, all the furries jackin off to cub porn. I understand the difference between MAPS, fantasy and the gray areas in between. It’s just a little hard to look at inkbunny and not laugh. I would remind though, again, there are laws in real life that effect all of this. You can’t get away from that. I’ll debate the theoreticals and psychology but when it comes down to real life, being a MAP is simply not viable in this society. If people have a problem with that, they’d have to change the fundamentals of society. You’d have to get into some pretty heavy science and some pretty hard to swallow truths, that no body in the western world is going to touch with a ten foot poll. Let alone debate openly. Except for maybe the occasional asshole like me.

 “The only thing I wonder is when we will stop doing the convenient thing and start taking the hard stand to actually care about each other no matter who we are.”

Does this mean I should care about and defend people who think Hitler did no wrong? What if they are nice to me? What if they are my friends? No I am not equating, simply illustrating a point. You’re statement begins with enlightenment but ends dubiously subjective IMO.  

How about this instead:

When are we going to stop over simplifying complicated issues for the sake of satisfying left/right paradigms?

When are we going to stop refusing to identify, by name, the religious/political agents who actually DO harm children?

When are we going to stop ignoring the elephant in the room concerning sexuality in the western world?

When are we going to loose our taste for taking the easy rout of stupid people?

When will we admit, not everyone grows up at the same pace?  

When will we ever do the hard thing and make real progress?

Does society even have the intelligence and self control anymore to tackle these issues?
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you for these good points. If only it was easier to weed out the people who are taking advantage of the site's hospitality. Hopefully the identity part of this ammendment can be modified at a later date if it proves to be unnecessary. Until then, more casual map discrimination :(
1 year, 6 months ago
I didn't understand, does that mean we can draw humans without problems now or whatever?
1 year, 6 months ago
No, this is still a furry site.
NSFW human still isn't and likely will never be allowed.
1 year, 6 months ago
Maybe furtastic.art allows it?
1 year, 5 months ago
Only underage/young humans are disallowed based on UK laws.
1 year, 6 months ago
No, adult artwork depicting humans is still not permitted and likely never will be.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank goodness. Pedos have no place here.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you IB!
1 year, 5 months ago
Truly, this is the update of all time
1 year, 5 months ago
I have to admit, I've not seen any of this but I'm not a particularly visible or popular artist either.  But good on you for adding this.

I would like to make one correction and a suggestion if I may:

"Paedophilia" (or "Pedophilia" as it's spelled in the USA) is the sexual attraction to minors, and that's it.  

While the word is commonly used to describe child molesters, I think it would be a good idea to specify child molestation, grooming, and stuff like that in your update so some bad actor doesn't come along and use the dictionary definition to harass people who aren't doing those things.  Like people who call the police on lolicon art saying it's "Child pornography" and wasting Law Enforcement's time, so too someone with ill intent could do similar stuff here and waste moderators' time with false reports.
1 year, 5 months ago
If a person is describing themselves as a paedophile (or pedo, MAP, waving giant flags associated with them, etc.), that is part of what will no longer be allowed, because such identification aids networking between those interested in illicit images of RL children. If someone else might describe them as a paedophile, that's a different matter and not really relevant to this policy.

In a sense, we don't care if you are, just whether you present yourself as one, because it's that action which triggers the networking that we're trying to avoid. Conversely, you can say "I like cub art" because it doesn't have the same implications (at least here...).
1 year, 5 months ago
As I state elsewhere, the confusion this poster is pointing to has taken a lot of clarification to reveal because the text added to the Philosophy is too simple. I strongly encourage the mods to be more specific because I would have never thought this based on the text written there. I only know it because I read way too much of this thread and the comments section. Can you please clarify the text in the philosophy to specify what "advocate for real life paedophilia" actually means. See my comments above for more detail.
1 year, 5 months ago
I mean we said "Our interpretation of such content includes the use of overt or covert means to identify as a paedophile" - I will admit it's not in the text itself, but right below it in the journal, which we can link I guess.
1 year, 5 months ago
How are you so sure that they're networking specifically to share illicit images and not something more benign like emotional support and community? Do you see it as your divine duty to prevent pedos from finding each other regardless of intent? After finding each other, they'll probably talk to each other off-site on Telegram or Discord anyways, which relieves you of the responsibility of hosting whatever content they share with each other.
1 year, 5 months ago
That has already been laid out in the thread. The mods kept tabs on, say 50 accounts with pedoflags, and 48 were just sharing encrypted chat adresses and speaking in pedo lingo.

So pedoflag accounts, proud MAP accounts, all that, has been shown statistically to be people with bad intent.

These people do not belong on Inkbunny
1 year, 5 months ago
Do you know this statistic first hand, or are you guessing?

Also, I acknowledge that there was a problem, but I strongly disagree with the solution. I'm aware of a few lawful pedo-identifying accounts on here that were trying to be peaceful until now.
1 year, 5 months ago
That is what the mods presented earlier in the thread.

And I have personally noticed a significant uptick in seeing those types of accounts sprouting up over the last couple of years or three, as well as some artists being vocal about how that was driving them away from the site
1 year, 5 months ago
That may be true, but again, there were a number of longtime accounts which identified as pedos. They weren't hurting anyone. Which makes me ask why they couldn't just ban networking for CP. It's not really clear how saying, "I'm sexually attracted to children but I've never had sexual contact with children and I never will" is actually hurting anyone.
1 year, 5 months ago
Because, as the mods have stated earlier in this thread, this gives them an effective tool to prune this stuff.
It is also stated that this does not retroactively affect older accounts and posts.
It is also stated that this is a corrective measure, to manage this kind of issue going forward.

As has also been stated, thought-policing is not the intent, but Inkbunny is also not a platform to discuss Real Life illegal things. The site is for furry art, including cub art, NOT open and blatant calls for either pedo pride stuff or illegal image sharing via encrypted chat programs.

I think that is very sensible
1 year, 5 months ago
They should find a way to stop child abuse networking without continuing to marginalize a community.
1 year, 5 months ago
Everything here is volunteer driven.
The mods Do Not Have The Time to keep a watch out on suspicious accounts and catch them red-handed doing shady stuff.
This new policy tool gives them an effective set of rules to follow and act on, so they can insta-ban this stuff instead of letting it metastasize.

Also... Errr. A "Community" of people who use certain words and flags to identify and mingle with one another about illegal stuff is not something that Inkbunny should cater to. This is an art site, not a political or ethical discussion forum, nor is the site intended for people into Real Life illegal stuff to meet other people into Real Life illegal stuff.
1 year, 5 months ago
Reaper, the problem here is not what the community means, but what bad actors will mean when they use the terms.  This danger is why I suggested (as have others here) that you be more specific in your wording.

You use the term "pedophilia" to refer to actions carried out by certain groups or individuals, but a troll could just as easily use it to mean its dictionary definition and report people for "real life pedophilia" who aren't doing any of the things mentioned, and it'll waste your time, the victim's time, and everybody else's time except for the troll's, who will be happily eating popcorn and being entertained by all the drama they caused.

The idea behind what you're doing is good, but the execution needs work.  "Real life paedophilia" is way too vague and can mean a lot of different things.  If you're not willing to use other words, then at least do what lawmakers do and define what you mean in added notations so bad actors can't say they didn't know what you meant.
1 year, 5 months ago
If they are claiming to be a paedophile on Inkbunny, for whatever reason, that counts.

If someone else calls them a paedophile, it doesn't - unless they're advocating something that equates to real-life paedophilia. We get lots of reports about things that ultimately aren't actionable and we are happy to tell people that - as we have largely done for this, up to this point.
1 year, 5 months ago
I see...

Reaper, I hate to say this, but you're full of shit.  Being vague is NOT the way to go on this and you know it.  You're giving your staff broad powers to do whatever they want, define "real life paedophilia" however they want, and to decide on a whim what counts and what doesn't.  

I used to respect this site because of its professionalism, but this is about as "professional" as Fender making it impossible to comment on new FA policies because people might use logic to prove that the new policy is BS.

I know my respect doesn't mean much, to anybody.  But mark my words: this action will have negative consequences for this website.  The majority of people who will be hurt by this won't be criminals, but upstanding folks who will inadvertantly break the rules because you were too lazy to specify what you meant in the rules.

Vagueness only empowers abusers, Reaper.  
1 year, 5 months ago
Most staff can already ban a member for any reason they deem appropriate, although that would of course be subject to review:
" Inkbunny reserves the right to remove any content or to cancel your account and terminate this agreement at its sole discretion for any reason it deems appropriate.
I will admit that we are broadening the use of these powers. That's because what we were doing wasn't working. We have limited staff time and we can't use it investigating possible networks and prying into everyone's PMs, only to say "well, maybe there's something bad but it's off-site so we can't prove it".

If we are too specific, people will say "you didn't say we couldn't call ourselves abracadabraists!" and use that to argue that their removal was unjustified. As we said at the end:
" As always, we will act in a graduated manner based on the severity of the problem and issue warnings, restrictions of account privileges – and yes, in some cases, bans – to the extent necessary.
It is not usual for established users to be banned without notice or for inadvertent violations and this will continue to be the case.

We will now be able to ban single- or majority-purpose MAP accounts, of which there have been an increasing amount. And most of all, we hope that saying will will will dissuade more of them from being created. Judging by the response from some others in this thread, it is having the desired effect there.
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm likely going to get banned for this, Reaper, but you know what?  I don't care.

AllTheFallen has an all volunteer, unpaid staff, actual "real life paedophiles" who DO advocate for real life child sexual abuse, AND are more stringent in their rules, much more specific... and yet they're highly effective at dealing with this BS, something you say a limited, unpaid staff can't do.

Reaper, this "our staff is limited" trope is a lie.  Limited staff CAN deal with this properly by being more specific, and I just gave you evidence to back that up.

But your last several comments show you're not interested in evidence or facts that contradict you.  Every response is the same tired old canned response, claiming we don't know what we're talking about or that we must have some ill intent.  No, Reaper, we're not the ones with ill intent here.  

The truth is that you people are lazy, you sit on trouble and support tickets for YEARS and never even respond to them.  Shortly after I made this account I made a support ticket asking for zip file upload capability, and that ticket has sat there untouched for over two years.

This isn't about what you "can't" do, it's about what you "won't" do.

A large part of me expects to get banned for saying this, because I used logic and evidence to prove the mighty GreenReaper wrong.  Another large part of me isn't surprised by what the first part expects.  Funny, I used to praise you for your professionalism, but now it's almost as if Dragoneer has taken over your mind or something.
1 year, 5 months ago
I'll have to cut Green some slack here. IB currently has 9 staff members. 3 admins who are most likely busy with development and technical issues regarding IB, 3 supermods who most likely deal with community issues and other things, and 3 community mods who deal with community issues. That is criminally understaffed for a site with such high traffic such as IB. Not sure what the traffic of ATF is and what their moderation team size is, but I would reckon it's more than this.

: Who in your team is responsible for handling tickets and when? I have experience in customer support and service management, so I'd be very interested in how your incident management works.
1 year, 5 months ago
First off, our support system is such that once a ticket is assigned to a staff member, it stays with that account, so you may have been unlucky and they read it but perhaps lost it in a tab while reviewing your gallery to see if it should be enabled, and then fell inactive. I'm sorry about that; you might have had better luck if you refiled a new one.

I have not been a member of ATF so I am not particularly aware of their policies. However, looking at their staff list, they have 20 people helping out. We have nine, officially, roughly half of which are actually active - which is understandable, as most joined the site over a decade ago. That's an improvement on a few years ago, when there was a huge ticket backlog. We're all getting older; personally I have a condition that limits my ability to type as fast as I used to. But it's not just that - we could, in theory, always get more staff. It's about what the site is for.

All The Fallen is about loli/shota. They have rules developed for this purpose and an interest in preserving discussion on related topics - it is their bread and butter - and they are, or appear to be, based in the USA which has laws of freedom of speech which protect them in this. (I read there that what seems to be a similar site, Lolicit, has gone down recently, which may be part of why we have had an influx here.)

Inkbunny is an art community for furry fans, hosted primarily in the EU and UK, and our social tools such as journals, comments and the like are to facilitate that purpose; not to act as a forum to discuss the finer points of paedophilia vs. ephebophilia. Some of our members may be paedophiles, but if so it is not necessary for them to bring it up here.

We are prohibiting it now because the number of accounts bringing this up has increased markedly in recent years, and most of them also appear to have the purpose of soliciting contact with like-minded folk. From an examination of some of the PMs we have access to, we are concerned that this brings legal risk to the site. This means a personal risk to myself and other staff, but also a risk to the continuity of Inkbunny as a whole. It is, as they say, not worth it to us.
1 year, 5 months ago
"AllTheFallen is about loli/shota" "Inkbunny is about furry art" "Totally different things."

That's not true, Reaper, and we both know it.  

Cub porn is furry loli/shota.  The only difference is one is human and the other isn't.

And you're still refusing to acknowledge that the problem is with your wording, and you continue along the same canned response like some automated message from Microsoft explaining why you can't do something in Windows that you always could before and why it's good for you and you will like it, mister, because they said so.

Well, I haven't been banned, but given how you absolutely refuse to even consider defining what you mean so it's clear and people don't abuse it, I see no reason to stay.  I'm done.  

This rule as it stands will enable witch-hunting and other bad behaviors.  You and others say you're against it, but the rule's own wording supports it.

Sorry to have to leave this site in a huff, but I'll be goddamned if I'm going to continue on a site where the staff refuses to prevent bad behavior on the part of bad actors, all while claiming they "can't" or that it's "for the greater good."  

You CAN, but you WON'T, and it's not for the greater good.  If you cared one iota about the greater good, you would specify what you mean when you say certain things.  That you refuse to shows that the main bad actor is you.
1 year, 5 months ago
Furry is the distinguishing thing here; we don't care if people want to share cub porn privately because it's not illegal here, while much of the content that "pedos" like is. If they are not willing to be more specific about what they do and don't like, it's going to lead to people contacting them about the worst of it, especially if they happen to leave their Wickr or Signal account names around. (Also, as I mentioned in another thread Inkbunny isn't just for cub porn/fans, despite what many think. It's just very popular here because other sites banned it, usually to preserve human porn.)

But farewell, then, good luck elsewhere.
1 year, 5 months ago
Isn't cub/shota art also illegal in the UK?
1 year, 5 months ago
There is law that prohibits certain pornographic images involving children (which are people, so implied to be human), and those close enough to be deemed so despite a few features like ears or antennae. That's where our policy on essentially human characters comes from.

To date I am not aware of cub being deemed illegal in the UK, or indeed in, say, France. It's always had shota/loli involved. Dragging cartoon animals in would risk bringing the court system into disrepute and they're well aware of that.
1 year, 5 months ago
Excuse me but exactly which staff members at ATF advocate for "real life sexual abuse"? ATF is a no contact forum specializing in Lolicon work not a place for advocates of sexualizing real children.
1 year, 5 months ago
Have you tried not saying that you’re a pedophile online? That might fix your problems.
1 year, 5 months ago
As I understand from policy (and largely from admin comments here) the admin team didn't wish to limit self identification and expression of anyone who doesn't have ill intent for criminal activities, and is forced to do so and accept collateral losses, because it is impossible to separate bad actors from the crowd. This is very progressive compared to how basically the entire world thinks of these people. Genuine thanks to the admin team. I wish the intent is written into policy as solidly as possible for future generations of users and admins to never get an idea that witch hunts are okay.
1 year, 5 months ago
Ban those sick Mother Fuckers. A few eggs spoil the bunch. Giving us a bad name. I approve greatly of this much needed change.🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻😻😻😻😻😻
1 year, 5 months ago
Well done. Also hilarious seeing these actual pedophiles fill up the butthurt ward with this change.
1 year, 5 months ago
Well at least real life pedophilia isn't tolerated, thats good to know
1 year, 5 months ago
I back this change whole heartedly.
1 year, 5 months ago
Bout time. Can we finally start seeing all the pedo accounts getting nuked? There are way too many with it literally in their usernames or all over their page descriptions trying to normalize and justify their gross beliefs.
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Good work cleaning house. How despicable it is for people to take advantage of freely-given hospitality. Don't let IB turn into a hive of scum and villainy :P
1 year, 5 months ago
thank god, or whatever you believe in, i was terrified this site was gonna go down the shithole like furaffinity and ban cub/cublike content.
1 year, 5 months ago
I've seen a shocking lack of empathy from the comments here. A pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to children. It doesn't mean that they are having sexual contact with minors. Such people are worthy of compassion and judgement based on what they do and not what they say. They are humans/furries just like the rest of us.

Identifying as a pedophile doesn't necessarily mean they want to network for sharing child porn. It could be radical self-acceptance, and using fantasy to cope with their attractions. It signals to other pedos that they are not alone in their afflictions, and they can meet up to each other and talk and share fantasies and emotional support (again not necessarily sharing child porn or abuse tips). They should be able to find each other talk to each other. If some pedos were appearing to network to share child porn or abuse tips off site, why not just ban that, rather than anyone's self-identification?

I know that a ton of people on this site, including many popular artists, are all actually sexually attracted to children, but they've never abused any kids or collected or shared child porn. This is a slap in the face to all of them, although some of them are supporting this policy change out of self-preservation. I wonder how many suicides this policy change will be responsible for.

It's not really clear how saying, "I'm sexually attracted to children but I've never had sexual contact with children and I never will. Cub porn helps me cope with my feelings and accept myself as a person" is actually hurting anyone. It appears their mere existence is offensive to you. Pedophilia is a lifelong condition. It cannot be cured with therapy. The better therapists actually recommend drawn porn and fictional fantasies to cope.

But yes, the site with sexual fantasies of furry children is no place for people sexually attracted to children to share sexual fantasies of furry children.
1 year, 5 months ago
If you commit suicide because you can't be on a furry porn site then I think you are in desperate need of therapy, and not porn. Inkbunny is not responsible for the mental wellbeing of others.
1 year, 5 months ago
You totally made his point about lack of empathy.
1 year, 5 months ago
I think that "get therapy" is a reasonably empathetic stance. Compared to the general consensus on this topic I reckon I am very much on the more lenient side of things. That's all pedophiles will get from me.
1 year, 5 months ago
Therapy is often a dangerous prospect for pedophiles because they're afraid they'll be involuntarily committed for merely having the attractions. I think it's less prevalent then they make it out to be, but the fear is widespread.

InkBunny may not be responsible for the mental well-being of others, but it also doesn't need to go out of its way to keep a group of people who are not a threat marginalized. We should judge people by what they do, not their paraphilia.
1 year, 5 months ago
It's dangerous because of preconceived notions and the equivocation of pedophile being synonymous with child abuser. That is an issue that needs to be addressed on a social level within the psychology community. But that's not necessarily an argument against therapy. Pedophilia, just like any other paraphilia which may cause harm to another, is something that needs to be kept in check.

This ruling isn't about judging the paraphilia, but based on the anecdotes of the staff members who had to deal with a multitude of accounts who used the platform to advocate for and/or create communities of like-minded individuals who indulge in harmful and illegal activities. The staff simply decided to carpet bomb everything because micromanaging every single user who identifies as a pedophile trying to figure out whether or not they harbor harmful intentions would be absolutely insane. Of course you're free to protest against that kind of generalization, I do, but I also understand where the logic comes from.
1 year, 5 months ago
As I understand it, there was a real problem with the creation of accounts to network and share CP. That was already against the rules, was it not? This is punishing a whole group of people for the crimes of a subset.
1 year, 5 months ago
Not only a subset. A subset who is apparently the overwhelming majority of the cases that need to be banned. As such the ruling was simply changed to encompass anyone within that set. Ergo, if you're an open pedophile on the website who doesn't argue for the abuse of children, you can thank the many, many open pedophiles who use their openness as a beacon to advocate for child abuse for this ruling. Whether or not you think this decision is rational is something you need to dice out with staff.
1 year, 5 months ago
i agree with you, thinking or drawing something should never be a crime. only an action can be a crime in my book.
are the latest movie directors and videogame makers criminals for murdering fictional characters for instance? no!
a fantasy is just a fantasy, it has no basis in reality unless you are already seriously disturbed.
i find the notion of art and fiction being a crime frankly revolting.
1 year, 5 months ago
My dude, this is about pedophiles who are attracted to real children, not fantasy.
1 year, 5 months ago
my point is call it 'child molester' if you must.
1 year, 5 months ago
sorry, but the mere possibilty of wrongful accusation makes me very tense.
my apologies.
1 year, 5 months ago
also, isn't that also a fantasy? its only real if the act is done.
1 year, 5 months ago
Forbidding the open identification of "pedophile" isn't about punishing a group of people for the action of a few. It's about stopping a mechanism that was being used as networking for those bad actors. They are also making the case that specifically using pedo type I'd as opposed to cub lover, or the likes, is specifically signifying Irl attraction which is irrelevant to this site as a place about fictitious art, so they don't mind shutting down that expression if it means meaningfully stopping harm as it's not site relevant anyhow.
1 year, 5 months ago
Depends on what you mean by fantasy. Pedophilia is an attraction, but that attraction may accompany the desire to abuse children, or to consume and/or distribute CSEM. What staff simply argue in addition to that is that open identification is used by many pedophiles to harbor such communities, and instead of having to check every account whether or not they advocate for child abuse, they would rather just carpet ban open identification as a whole. Clean and easy. Whether it's fair or rational is what is mostly being discussed here.
1 year, 5 months ago
sorry if i ruffled some feathers... i don't really care too much, but i only care for the victims of any crime, and blaming the right elements. it peeves me a bit when a crime is blamed on the wrong individuals and it's important to know the difference.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yes, no, I agree. The problem here is that it's hard to tell who is innocent and who is not. According to the staff team, 48/50 reports of open MAPs include those people exchanging illegal content. Going through every report and starting an investigation into every person whether or not they host groups exchanging csem requires more manpower than IB has. As such they simply decided to nuke it all. It's an ugly solution with collateral damage, but considering the resources IB has, and the severity of the situation, I think this is logically the right decision. Do I agree with it? No, of course not. Of course there's better solutions. It's just that those solutions just aren't viable in this situation.
1 year, 5 months ago
they commit suicide because they can not afford to go to therapy. think about it. if you were to say "i am a pedophile." no one would ever believe you are not a child molester. so either way, the result is depression, followed by possible jailtime and finally suicide. people are convinced already that pedophile means that you molest children. so, it does not help to admit it.
1 year, 5 months ago
nah man they just do it because it's the easy route to escape consequences, hence why it's also called the "escape plan"
1 year, 5 months ago
suicide is not an 'easy way out' as you say. that is seriously dangerous to say. have you been suicidal? it's very difficult.
1 year, 5 months ago
Hey there, Suicide survivor here ^ ^; You do actually make a good point, depending on what country you are from, Mental health clinics can vairy country to country and I certainly don't envy US citizens, I stand in a very privileged position of the NHS saving my life and putting me into a SOS mental trauma ward. Please understand that I don't want you to use my words as a corner stone, suicide is very selfish, and not getting your way "leads to suicide" to be even more so. I can't stress how much social workers aren't on this planet to "fix you", but more about advising you on how to help your self in a professional setting.
1 year, 5 months ago
sorry about the whole debate here, i only meant to go on for 1 sentence.
1 year, 5 months ago
All the ""child lovers"" getting nervous and agitated by this kind of posts. Means that things are being made right. This site needs and must be CLEANED and SANITIZED of "baby lovers".
1 year, 5 months ago
It's incredible seeing the number of comments from people who (if given the benefit of the doubt) seem to have no idea what is truly going on here. "Oh noes, the evil modz are banning people for merely identifying as paedophiles!" Bullshit. Nobody here are "merely" identifying as paedophiles, they're identifying as paedophiles for the specific (and super-illegal) purpose of connecting with other "mere" self-identified paedophiles to proliferate CSAM. I only just joined recently and I've already seen it, so I assume the problem is even greater in scope than I'm even aware of, and I fully support this much-needed crackdown.
1 year, 5 months ago
I think the mods are doing a great job.  It's the comments that are getting a bit scary.
1 year, 5 months ago
Some people who did nothing got ban, just because they exist, so yeah, IB is officially anti-map

1 year, 5 months ago
Yeah, sure, buddy. By "nothing" do you mean putting "Hi, I'm a paedo, hit me up on Signal if you want to 'talk' about paedo things." or words to that effect on one's profile, on the already tenuous assumption that the mods don't care what happens off-site? Don't pretend you don't know what's really going on with these accounts.
1 year, 5 months ago
Hey wow I've just learn all those things!
Plus a lot of them are against cp so chill out

I'm against irl r*pe of ANY kind, but people who are just born with it must be understood for a better help if they need it
And some live with it without needing help

They are not monsters at all, predators are!
1 year, 5 months ago
>IB is officially anti-map

Y-yes. I sure damn hope they are. This is a good thing.
1 year, 5 months ago
I mean, yes for people who are sending cp, everyone are against it just like maps btw
It just sad for people who have done nothing, that are considered as child predators
1 year, 5 months ago
Dude it's the Maps who are doing that stuff lmao. Why do you think staff came to this decision in the first place? They looked at the accounts of those supposed "innocent maps" and found out the overwhelming majority of them were harboring communities thst advocate for child abuse and exchange illegal material. If those innocent maps were so innocent, they would have spoken up against the Maps in this hear comment section arguing that children can consent to sex. Yet, nothing but crickets and radio silence.
1 year, 5 months ago
Who are truly map, who are not?
That is a good question

But again, just like gays, the sexual preference is not why you'll like to r*pe
What make me mad, are those people who are not even attracted to young people, but r*pe for money, sending cp for the same reason, and even a p*docriminal police exposed the fact 4/5 of them wasn't p*do at all

So sorry to say it, Yes against cp
No against people who are like us, just different
We are already hated really much for liking furry stuff today, can't imagine for arts of l*li and sh*ta

Let's stop hating for our differences, but let's like each other for what we like and have in common

I understand your hate, I have the same as you all about this situation, but alas, a "normal" person could have done that for literally money
1 year, 5 months ago
Not quite sure what you're asking with your rhetoric question. A map is any person who has a sexual and/or romantic attraction towards children. It's not that hard. Yes, there are pedophiles who do horrible things to children and they ought to be brought to justice, but this isn't about them. This ruling specifically expands the already in place ruling towards people on IB who openly identify as pedophiles, and by doing so are beacons of like-minded individuals who perpetuate and advocate for the mindset, and, in worst cases, share illegal materials. There are some who -don't- do that, but according to staff, those people are few and far between. All they had to do was stay quiet and not flock together and everything would've been fine.

But no, I don't hate pedophiles. I think they are sick and mentally ill and need help and therapy to control their urges. I advocate for rehabilitative therapy, not punitive action.
1 year, 5 months ago
yep, i just wanted to be like that, anti MAP/pedo/paedo, whatever you want to change the name, fiction should be always away from RL stuff as the journal states.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yeah... Fiction are fiction, real are real
I never understood people saying fiction is like irl

And, I want to change the name? What?
P*do is for a specific attraction
Map regroupe for all attraction, just like lgbt for all gender attraction
Paedo is just for avoiding the bot censorship I guess, I never used that one
Homosexual was used for people attracted to the same biological gender and for child predators as it was considered an illness, by saying that it given reason to hate homosexuals, which in fact the word homosexual was the ancestors of the word p*dophilie (not joking)
1 year, 5 months ago
Lo digo en español para que sea claro, es mi lenguaje principal, no hay excusa para tocar a un niño real de manera sexual, y eso tiene un nombre, no importa bajo que nombre lo quieran dar, pero se llama pedofilia, o como lo quieren llamar suavemente Persona que se Atrae por Menores o MAP. Si no lo quiere entender es porque usted quiere seguir defendiendo esos actos.
El porno Cub como los llaman lo furros pasa, eso es ficcion, personalmente no me gusta, pero es una libertad, pero si esa libertad se usa para explotar o comercializar productos de consumo con niños Reales, estare al frente en contra de los que quieren defender tal comportamiento, por lo que estoy en pro de esta filosofia que redacto el staff de InkBunny.
Use an translator to translate
1 year, 5 months ago
(El español no es un idioma que yo hable)

Así que, habiendo investigado históricamente, a veces con revistas especializadas en la materia, sé lo que digo, y en ningún momento he dicho que esté a favor de maltratar a nadie, eso es una vez más lo que tú quieres que seamos.

Así que perdón por no hablar como todo el mundo y ser neutral en todas las circunstancias

Pero digo la verdad y sólo la verdad

No, estamos en contra de todo eso, y ya es hora de dejar de negarlo
1 year, 5 months ago
Another InkBunny “W” has been spotted. I back this change a full 100%, no ifs, ands, or butts whatsoever. I may be no furry nor do I upload much, but you guys get a box of cookies from me. Let's clean these disgusting pedophiles off the site! Purge them.

Thank you, InkBunny! Much love! ❤️
1 year, 5 months ago
This is good for the infamous situation of separating art from the artist. Thank you for adressing it.
Fiction is a thing we must definitely keep the way it is: Fiction. And if it helps to weed out the red flags, you've got my support.
1 year, 5 months ago
Twitter would never
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm in full agreement of this. It's 2023 and yet there are so many out there who lack the ability to seperate fiction from reality.if you condone RL pedo stuff then you need to go. period.
1 year, 5 months ago
It's a horrible. I had no idea there were irl pedophiles on this site. I've always been against people like that. But it's scarier when it's regular artists who get hurt for their pictures. In my country, when I was working, for example, I almost got punched in the face at work just for looking at mlp. And it is difficult to explain to such haters that a non-human cartoon character is not a manifestation of pedophilia and does not give the right to think that the artist, for example, has several terabytes of banned pornography. There were also cases when pedophiles asked in the same telegram for banned porn - I always sent them to fuck because I am not a pedophile.  
Similarly, there are strange people in ponyfandom who often sit on servers in NSFM rooms and aggressively accuse those who draw those very cartoon foals of pedophilia. If a person doesn't like folakon or cab-art, they just don't need to look at those pictures, that's all.
1 year, 5 months ago
Finally some good things happening on this website!
1 year, 5 months ago
wait , isnt wasnt the case ? i mean its just fucking obvious to do that
1 year, 5 months ago
One thing I have noticed in this comment section is a shocking amount of people stating that children CAN consent, and those people are... not being contested by anti-c folk (or auto-banned by mods but, yk). Actually, I'm not seeing much acknowledgement of it at all.

I'm a psyche student that specializes in this, and it's deeply worrying. Initially I was rather uncertain if IB banning "all forms of identifying oneself" as a pedophile/NOMAP was the best way to go about it (identification can, at minimum, help people block those folk), but seeing the lack of self-proclaimed "anti-c" folk willing to put their foot down on those users has been... concerning.
1 year, 5 months ago
It looks incredibly bad yeah, especially seeing them in the very same threads but not even acknowledging it.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yup. It's extremely disappointing.
1 year, 5 months ago
I was about to die of a heart attack when I saw the announcement thinking "No way they're going to eliminate cub art and pull an FA, right?" Glad to see it's just getting rid of/making sure no one is posting horrible shit. Keep up the good work Inkbunny, we artists will keep posting content here under your loving protection. ^.^
1 year, 5 months ago
sucks to see inkbunny taking another step towards intolerance. mere weeks after i moved my writings to inkbunny because FA was so intolerant lol. figures.

i don't particularly consider a furry porn sit a great place for like, serious philosophical discussion in the first place, but...map rights are human rights. ban me. i will not stick around anywhere i'm forced to pretend to be a bigot.
1 year, 5 months ago
Bye Felicia.
1 year, 5 months ago
Luckily for yourself, no-one is infringing on your right (or anyone's right) to label themselves as a peadophile.

You're more than welcome to express that about yourself, just not here on Inkbunny anymore. You're welcome to find other platforms or indeed set up your own that caters to that if you wish (- though, I would sincerenly hope you wouldn't want that. Peadophilia is a paraphillia and it's not something to be glorified. It is not a sexuality!) There are also lots of self-help and support fourms aimed at those with pedophilic attractions that you can join if you feel like this affects you negatively because you absolutely need to continue talking about it.

Inkbunny have made the (correct in my opinion) decision to not allow their platform to used as a networking tool by people who seek to harm children. It has no material affect on the content posted and shouldn't matter to anyone coming here for its intended purpose. This is, first and foremost, a furry art site and everything else is ancillary to that. People should remember that. (Myself included at times...)
1 year, 5 months ago
never did i say i personally was a map. though, i'm certain the concept of having empathy when it doesn't benefit you personally is pretty foreign to you, so i get the confusion XD

the weird logical leap of "identifying as map"="looking to network to harm children" is the oldest bigot tactic in the book. this is arbitrarily targeted censorship of a particular group's ability to express their identity proudly. nobody's arguing for illegal networking being allowed, nor was it ever in the first place. if inkbunny had banned pride for all orientations i'd have less of an issue. if the point was to "keep things focused on furry fiction" that'd be what they did.
1 year, 5 months ago
That isn't a logical leap. That's a practical leap based on the experience of the staff team by having to deal with those people. Why do you think they came to this conclusion in the first place? If the pedophiles didn't try to network together, the mods wouldn't need to try to stop them from networking together with this amendment.
1 year, 5 months ago
there are plenty of abusive gay people out there too. guess we should ban gay pride too because maybe they're actually looking to network to abuse people! or maybe, maybe...people are just looking to be able to fucking exist, without you looking for any excuse as to why they're secretly all abusers and should be silenced.

yeah. i'm sure that stuff happens. banning all expression of pride and support is not at all a solution. that's just searching for excuses to punish everyone for the actions of a few. oldest trick in the book with you bigots, and i can easily flip that backwards logic right around on whatever you're into.
1 year, 5 months ago
Except that two things are different between homosexuality and pedophilia:
1. The attraction towards members of your same sex(if both participants are of age and consenting) is not harmful to anyone. The attraction towards children, who cannot consent under any circumstance, is.
2. Abuse is not a prevalent topic in gay spaces and thus doesn't need examination. On the other hand, map spaces on IB have proven to overwhelmingly lead to pedophiles flocking together and advocating for child abuse, and worse.

Your analogy falls apart from the get-go. Again, all pedophiles needed to do was sit down quietly and enjoy furry cubs like everyone else here. Yet they couldn't help themselves from banding together and advocating for child abuse. That is the problem here.
1 year, 5 months ago
"we abuse less often so you don't get to punish us for it" is complete arbitrary bullshit.

the majority of maps are not abusers either. the actual statistics are impossible to get, but are irrelevant. it's either appropriate to ban all expressions of pride because some people in that group are abusive, or it isn't.

you're just fucking hateful, and trying any little tricks you can think of to justify it.
1 year, 5 months ago
The majority of maps ON INKBUNNY are. This isn't debatable, this is a matter of fact literally based on how many people the staff members found doing exactly that. Maybe your statistics are correct, I don't know, I don't care. It's irrelevant, since we're talking about IB specifically here.
1 year, 5 months ago
and we're meant to simply take the mods at their word for it. let's say we do. pride is still not equivalent to a dogwhistle for abuse, even if indeed a majority of people are using it as such. (which i seriously doubt is the case). whether you think kids can consent or not, or indeed whatever you think about map attraction, is irrelevant. the discussion is about faulty logic being used as a reason to blanket-shutdown all advocacy and discussion.

the reasoning they gave is explicitly that some people are networking for illegal activity. your personal moral judgements are not relevant to the point. the entire point is that advocacy does not equal action/networking. thus, their reasoning makes no sense. blanket banning any group from expressing themselves will indeed reduce their potential ability to abuse. there is no reason, if that is the justification behind it, to not ban all manners of pride from the site.
1 year, 5 months ago
No. It's not "some". It's "almost all, except for a few". That is a very understandable reason to want to blanket ban all members associating with that group. The same cannot be said about lgbt members on IB because there isn't a pandemic of abuse within LGBT circles here. If there was, they would address it.
1 year, 5 months ago
not even the mods in their own posts here are claiming almost all maps on the site are trying to network for abuse. you're just making shit up at this point.
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
alright so, reading that, it's become apparent the mods are just full of shit entirely. they in one breath claim that they are banning pride because of bad actors, while in another claim they are banning pride because all pride and advocacy period is abuse in their eyes. so their initial excuse was, as i knew the minute i read it, an excuse. they in reality hate maps fundamentally.

to me this comment serves as confirmation that maps, period, are not welcome here and will be thrown in with actual abusers, no matter the specifics of their advocacy. so thanks for showing it to me lol. i think it's all i need to see.

your argument is still ridiculous code for bigotry of course. but the mods aren't even pretending anymore, i see.
1 year, 5 months ago
Hiding behind it as a label doesn't erase the fact that it can be a very easy tool to get together for surreptitious means. You're not gonna? Great. There are already signals and codewords used given it can be used for coordinating obviously illegal activity.

I fail to see any need to identify as a MAP/pedo or otherwise. I don't see how it diminishes anyone to not be able to on a site like this. You'd have to explain to convince me and that would take some doing. Liking the art doesn't lend to a RL extension of liking minors.
1 year, 5 months ago
pride is important for social progress. your argument is ridiculous. it's the equivalent of pointing out a gay person who was proud and abused somebody, and saying no gay person should be open because it's being used as a dogwhistle for abuse. it's certainly happened. when the majority of the world irrationally hates you for your identity, it's pretty important for it to be something people know about you pretty early. otherwise you'll just waste all of your time talking to people who later turn out to hate you when they discover your orientation.
1 year, 5 months ago
My argument's quite sound, as yours is based upon a value statement.
1 year, 5 months ago
Personally, I'm of the opinion that being a peadophile is not something to structure your identity around but you do you :) I don't think it's something to be proud of but rather something that requires either self-disipline or therapy to manage safely or indeed even both.

There are certainly important adult discussions to be had about peadophilia, it's an extremely difficult to live with paraphilia but Inkbunny is not the place for those discussions and it never has been. It's not Inkbunny's responsibility to continue facilitating them if they don't want to.

And again, I repeat, nobodies rights are infringed with this update. Nobody using the platform as it was intended to be used will see their lives or usage materially changed as a result of this addition and as a result of the change It'll now be much, much harder for problem-users to use Inkbunny to facilitate the illegal exchange of child-explotation material which is an undeniably good thing. It protects users, it protects the platform and it protects the community it hosts.

This isn't a hypothetical either situation and it isn't some off-the-cuff change to a hypothetical problem that has been materialised out of thin air to sew discontent or virtue signal. It's an ongoing issue that's been going on for years. You're very lucky if you missed it but there are/were hundreds of problematic users with ''map-pride" icons trading in high volume encrypted wickr, tox and session ID's with the purpose of sharing CSAM with each other.
1 year, 5 months ago
being open and proud isn't "structuring your whole identity" around it. you sound like a 1970's gay panic republican lmao. when the majority of people hate you irrationally for your orientation it's pretty important that people know about it early before you waste your time talking to bigots.
1 year, 5 months ago
Being a pedophile isn't a sexuality. It's a paraphillia. It's literally in the name. Comparing it to 'gay panic' and 'bigotedness' because people don't want to hear about your real world attraction to children is misguided at best or intentionally ignorant at worst.

You don't need to be 'open' about your kinks and Inkbunny does not have to cater to them. Especially when your kinks are specifically tied to a subset of the population that is by virtue of their undeveloped brain incapable of consent.

I must ask, do you also loudly proclaim in public that you're attracted to children too? Or do you only do it online where you have a veneer of anonymity. Perhaps because you know its not something to be proud of?

But regardless, none of this really gets to the crux of the matter and that is that none of this is Inkbunny's problem. Simply put they've noticed a large trend of users using 'MAP' flags and associated imagery to network with one another largely with the express purpose of sharing encrypted chat ID's so that they can talk about and share illicit CSAM with one another and they don't want to help facilitate that anymore and that's where this discussion ends. It is their platform. Not yours.

They're asking you one thing and that is to keep your fetish for real-world children to yourself. If you're unable to do that then you should leave or face the consequences. I'm not a moderator, so I don't need to mince my words, the handful of people in this thread dissenting to this change reek of entitlement. They're not required to open themselves up to liability for you.

If you want a place to talk about this you can find one that permits it, create your own or If you want my personal opinion find a support group who can explain to you the harm that this sort of behaviour causes and why the reframing of a sexual paraphilia, an abnormal attraction towards children, as a sexuality is bad. Not just for children and society but also for those suffering from the attraction that actually need help and therapy and a place to talk about it so that they don't hurt anyone.
1 year, 5 months ago
keep screeching your bigoted bullshit bro. haven't humored it the first dozen times, not gonna humor it the 13th. i'm not taking the bait. your personal disgust for maps is not at all relevant to this particular argument, nor any of the points i've made. I do not need to make any argument in defense of maps to point out the nonsensical justifications and hypocrisy of this particular policy.

as to your attempt at argument, i realize inkbunny does not morally OWE it to me to do anything i want with their own site. doesn't mean i'm not gonna call out awful behavior when i see it. doesn't mean i'm not calling out obvious lies and deception as to their motives. if they don't like it they're free to ban me. in an ironic twist, it seems the mods are more open to discussion than most of the users. much to your anger i'm sure :(

banning abusers does not necessitate a blanket ban on map pride entirely. it was always against the rules to trade illegal material. they will ignore this new rule just as they did the last. the only new group affected by this rule are legit decent people just trying to exist proudly.

1 year, 5 months ago
If advocating against the spread of child-exploitation material and supporting decisions that protect the community I've been a part of for 10 years is bigotted then I'll gladly be labeled as a bigot among people like yourselves.

I've witnessed the problem inkbunny has faced first hand and and personally filed support tickets against several of the accounts that lead to this very change. It was a real problem and you can be blind to it if it makes you feel better but reality is very much staring back at you.

For what it's worth I hope you find a place to safely talk about your urges towards minors and that you are provided access to the correct educational materials and resources so that you can understand the harm your kind of advocacy has. I also hope you are provided with the resources to safely manage your unhealthy desires if they're something you indeed suffer from.

Have a nice day :)
1 year, 5 months ago
i too hope that you are provided with the resources to manage your unhealthy bigotry. it's truly obsessive at this point, and no doubt damages your social life significantly. not that you'd realize, of course, because most people catch one whiff of it and ignore you immediately. hopefully some day you'll realize the harm your aggressive bigotry causes, and be able to work through whatever the deep-rooted source of it is. likely some sort of self-hate you project onto others.

mock-psych gaslighting so difficult, so complicated. me so smart ^.^

don't forget i wuv yooouuu! while simultaneously pretending you're a disease! i read 1984 as well ya know. doublespeak makes me soooo very sneaky :3
1 year, 5 months ago
lol, seems I struck a nerve.
1 year, 5 months ago
seems you finally got called out on the little passive-aggressive fake sympathy shit you've coming after people with for a day lmao. you're not the emotional abuse prodigy you view yourself as lol. this shit is commonplace in online discourse at this point. you're about a decade late on trying to gaslight people in forum comments dude. hilarious the map-hater is out here trying emotional abuse tactics that are primarily geared towards children. they don't work on adult strangers lol.
1 year, 5 months ago
I just don't think you in particular are worth my effort anymore. I will dignify anyone with a legitimate point to make with a response and hear them out but you've not rebuked a single one of the points I've made. I don't think you don't have a rebuttal. You've resorted to mocking which to be honest, leaves me with little left to say that I haven't already said both here and elsewhere in this thread.

It's clear your responses are coming from an emotional place and not from a realistic and logical one and you know I get it, it's not fun having to accept the fact that you're stuck with a heavily stigmatised paraphilia that you didn't chose that you now have to learn to live with and accomadate for. That's is horrible and it's easier to blame other people and ignore reality.

I do genuinely mean it when I say that I sincerely hope that those with here with these urges who feel that they need it can find an actual safe place for them to talk about it and an outlet that works for them that doesn't hurt anyone.

There are quite large fourms and support groups out there for people with these urges who wish to manage them but right now I don't think you'd like what the people in them would have to say to you. I think your perspective would have to change massively.

This will be my last response in this thread. Good luck.
1 year, 5 months ago
i've not once identified myself as a map. you've been having an imaginary argument this entire time dude. not once have i given you a serious response because not once has anything you've said been worthy of treating as a serious point. you've done nothing but make blind appeal to authority arguments to justify your bigotry, when this discussion isn't even ABOUT your personal opinion on maps. you are unable to seperate yourself from your hate long enough to even have a discussion. obviously i'm just going to mock you. you've not at all engaged with the actual point here, that the justification for their banning all maps makes no logical sense.

the only point related to the actual discussion you've made is to repeat what mods have said, that somehow bad actors means map pride entirely must be banned. i've refuted that, explaining that clearly bad actors didn't listen to rules prior to this, and are not going to be slowed after this, and you've responded by...continuing on your unrelated tirade about why all maps are bad. you've literally ignored the point several times to continue screeching and trying to bait me into unrelated arguing.

you leave me nothing to do but make fun of you, you're not having a discussion. you're talking AT people.
1 year, 5 months ago
I think you may of >__>
Robby, stop being mean to paedophiles!
(please carry on, its funny as hell watching this man child lash out)  
1 year, 5 months ago
I'll compare it to vore as I often do.

I don't have any actual compulsion to eat people IRL. But if I did, I wouldn't use it as an identity label because it would set up the prosthesis of a bridge to illegal, harmful activity. That simple.

Attracted to minors? I don't begrudge you. I've known several people who are in my lifetime. But it doesn't need to be an identity label for you here- because you're here for the art. Right? Not RL hookups with minors. Right? So don't put it on your sleeve, don't act like it's a grievous offense because we're make sure no avenues to illegal activity can be pursued by utilizing this site.

Insistent that you broadcast yourself as a MAP/pedo? Closing time, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. So gather up your jacket, move it to the exit, I hope you haven't found a friend (to pursue any illegal activity).

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Don't sue me Semisonic, it's parody and I cited you.
1 year, 5 months ago
alright bruh, if this site is about fiction and nothing else, cool, that'd be a consistent rule. problem is they're banning map pride specifically. if they wanna ban all pride, sure. but they're not.
1 year, 5 months ago
That's because the "MAP pride" people are engaging in illegal activities and the "lgbt pride" people are not. They're not banning map pride for map pride, they're banning map pride because it's used to trade csem
1 year, 5 months ago
was always against the rules to trade illegal material. a blanket ban of pride does nothing to affect those people. they will ignore the rules anyways. all it does is shut down any potentially legit people. pretty simple.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yes, it was always against the rules to trade illegal material. The only difference is that now we know who is doing the trading, namely 48/50 maps who openly identify as such. The "legitimate" people you're talking about make up 4% of the reported users. It is unfair towards them? Sure, perhaps. But unfortunately the staff team doesn't have the necessary resources to sift though all accounts and check DMs to determine who may be legitimate. I understand where you're coming from, and under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you. But you have to take the entire situation into account. Your proposed solution is simply not possible at the moment.
1 year, 5 months ago
Rare Inkbunny W, but this should've been done a long time ago.
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
My only criticism is the implit conflation this wording creates between "paedophilia" and "child molestation". My opinion is that the shared line we don't want crossed is "Minors being harmed." "Paedophilia" is defined only as "sexual feelings directed towards children." That includes child molestors, yes; but it also includes people who have not, nor will do such harm. This arguably does, in fact, include everyone who sexually engages with cub art; as well as anyone who engages with shota/loli art that can distinguish between fantasy and reality.

I believe the wording of this is sloppy and predict that it will result in persecution of the undeserving.
1 year, 5 months ago
There is no confliction. The policy is such that any non-fictional discussion with respect to pedophilia is now disallowed and that any self identification as a pedophile or map or any adjecent term regardless of your broader stance towards contact etc is no longer allowed on Inkbunny and that is a good thing.

There has been a huge rise in users on Inkbunny using MAP colours, flags and labels to help network and meet up with the express purpose of sharing CSAM using encrypted chat invites on platforms such as session, wickr or tox.

As a relatively small, non-profit website with an even smaller volunteer moderation team operating in a legally, fairly narrow, area this approach is really the only practical way of stopping this problem and preventing the proliferation of users wishing to use Inkbunny for illicit reasons that are outside its intended scope.
1 year, 5 months ago
It's that "regardless of broader stance on contact" part that worries me. Make no mistake: I'm in favor of the update, and of doing what can be done to prevent the circulation of CSAM. My disagreement comes from a recognion that simply being an MAP/paedophile (and thus, accurately describing oneself as such) does not automatically mean that someone engages in child molestation ("child molestation" including CSAM and its spread).

On the one hand, I don't want to do nothing.

On the other hand, I would imagine the simple fact that InkBunny is "a relatively small, non-profit website with an even smaller volunteer moderation team operating in a legally, fairly narrow, area" means that, there isn't a grand-scale amount IB is capable of doing about the issue.

On the third hand though, if I am correct in assuming that data exists to back up the claim of networking and what said networking is being used for, then it stands to reason that IB has the tools to investigate and confirm individual cases. In which case, I would at least want to know that IB will act on this any new policy with a scalpel rather than a shotgun.
1 year, 5 months ago
The "there are pedophiles who harm no children" claim is bullshit. Like all these delusional drug addicts who claim that drugs harm nobody.
1 year, 5 months ago
I mean, drugs -may- harm the person taking drugs. Pedophilia -may- harm children in the same way, but neither is intrinsic to both. What exactly is your point here?
1 year, 5 months ago
"May" harm? They DO harm them. And not only them but other people too one way or another. Like the abusive behavior of drug addicts to their family members or stuff like being forced to do illegal activities like stealing to get money for their dose.
1 year, 5 months ago
Insufficient money for drugs is moreso a problem regarding capitalism and the "war" on drugs. And yes, may. Like with any substance moderation is key. If you cannot moderate your intake, be it drugs, alcohol or food, you suffer negative consequences for it. It's just how indulgence works. Again, I don't understand your point here, none of those things are inherent to drug usage or pedophilia?
1 year, 5 months ago
Part of the problem, as I originally posited it, is the language. By all rights, penicillin is a "drug", but that's not what you mean. Even so, to declare "drugs harm people" is to use sloppy language in your efforts to make your point.
1 year, 5 months ago
Nuance? On my furry porn website??
1 year, 5 months ago
It's like a black swan; easy to assume it doesn't exist until you see it.
1 year, 5 months ago
This is a step in the right direction in my book. Though I believe it should extend specifically to submissions containing map flags and pro-map imagery as well, as these classify as covert advertisement at best.
1 year, 5 months ago
Those will be analyzed by the staff members on a case-by-case basis depending on context and severity.
1 year, 5 months ago
Great we have to worry about flags now... what is this, a football stadium xD
1 year, 5 months ago
Good move Inkbunny!
1 year, 5 months ago
I hope this will not affect drawings of fictional characters like it already happens everywhere else where they go after drawings but give a free pass to actual child groomers.
1 year, 5 months ago
It will not. This rule change only covers non-fictional discussion with respect to real, human children and uncessisary self-identification.

Content-wise nothing will change^^ :)
1 year, 5 months ago
I hope so. Cuz many sites use child grooming as an excuse for draconian censorship. I know that Inkybunny isn't like that but I've seen many sites suddenly changing to the worse.
1 year, 5 months ago
A lot of those sites have a finanical incentive to make the decisions that they do but Inkbunny is a non-profit and is moderated by volunteers and funded via donations.

They have core tenants and philisophical guidelines that they do not like to stray from when making deicisons regarding the sites future and they think things through carefully over long periods of time. I'm confident it will be fine and that you have nothing to worry about.

Being candid, I've witnessed the problematic users that lead to this update and I know first hand it's a serious problem that needed addressing before it jeprodised Inkbunny's future and possibly even opened them up to liability.
1 year, 5 months ago
Good to hear. Also I forgot to point out that many sites and services that go after drawings are guilty for being run by actual child groomers with discord and reddit being famous examples. And of course a certain furry site I won't mention its name that is run by registered child groomers.
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't know where they find the time! I'm stuck on my computer all day dealing with supposed adults acting like children. 😹
1 year, 5 months ago
Also with children crying about "problematic" drawings of "18+ artists, minors will be blocked" artists at a social media site they shouldn't even use in the first place.
1 year, 5 months ago
At last. Thanks to the director of the website we will have more sane fanart across the gallery :)
1 year, 5 months ago
Obviously the only good way to deal with pedophilia is to keep it fictional.
Reading all these comments has also led me to agree with this new policy as well, despite some reasonable counter arguments.
1 year, 5 months ago
Fuck yeah dude, Furaffinity should learn from this approach to artwork of such variety.
1 year, 5 months ago
Good!! At last 👍
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Good to see that intentions (which were assumed from the beginning) are written in stone now.

I hope language barriers (and culture differences) are taken into account when enforcing the "new" rules.

Especially for persons who aren't that fluent in English.

For example, months ago there was a Japanese artist posting a journal on IB worrying about Japanese artists who get harassed by puritan beings on Twitter. In the middle of the journal there was a sentence "I'm a pedo". The rest of the journal makes clear that the artist is not a pedosexual, nor a pedophile.
But the artist likes (to draw) drawn cub and loli artworks.

Anyhow saying "I'm a pedo" without proper context is enough for fireworks.

It's something to keep in mind that not every one has English as mother tongue.
1 year, 5 months ago
Oh yeah, I remember that instance. I've been saying for the longest time that a lot of translation services, looking at you Google, are absolutely horrible at translating, especially from JP > EN. Not that it would have mattered to those people anyway, they used this instance as a cheap gotcha moment.

Also hello MaDrow, haven't seen you since agnph days, hope you're doing okay.
1 year, 5 months ago
Dunno, I wouldn't throw complete sentences about such controversial subjects in any online translator. Because logging policy stays vague and most of the online translators use user input as "training data" . And absolutely not Google's one, who use it obviously to profile you. Looking up word for word with a couple of online translators, dictionaries and thesauruses is the key.

Also hi Mythras~

1 year, 5 months ago
Not a bad solution! Lil brats and hunters of these lil brats have nothing to be on this site. Let them roll on tik tok and other garbage dumps)
1 year, 5 months ago
I'm doing my best to summarize and understand this development.
So self identifying MAPs and Pedophiles aren't necessarily being banned outright, it sounds like mods are taking care with nuance and context. Obviously anything that glorifies these are not allowed (pride flags etc).

I'm not a MAP, but I am sympathetic to their struggles. It sounds like there was some very serious in-bad-faith activities going on via connection rings. I think it's great the situation is being monitored.

As far as my understanding goes, it is not the official stance that all self identifying MAPs are "assumed guilty", so to speak, but are actively discouraged to avoid these labels outside of good faith discussions on the topic?

It also sounds like users shouldn't be encouraged to assume all MAP identifiers are abusers and engage in illegal activity, I'm glad to hear harassment of these people won't be tolerated.
1 year, 5 months ago

This comment may clear up any confusion.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you :)
1 year, 5 months ago
" Our interpretation of such content includes the use of overt or covert means to identify as a paedophile
...so yes, it means you can't call yourself a MAP here. Conversely, you can say "I like cub art!" because that doesn't act as an indication that you would be receptive to the human equivalent.

Such labelling doesn't necessarily mean that abuse and illegal activity is taking place. But it does indicate an interest which is outside the topic area of the site; and many of the people who have done so recently have used Inkbunny's PMs and comments in a way we are not comfortable with and believe poses a risk to the site going forwards.

We believe making it harder to identify 'fellow pedos' will help to dissuade such activity.
1 year, 5 months ago
I appreciate your reply and clarification, thank you :)
1 year, 5 months ago
You're welcome. I have bolded the quote above in the original post, as it seemed it was something a lot of people missed.
1 year, 5 months ago
I wouldnt say you should ban people for saying that or prevent people from saying it. In terms of nature, that is just as valid as saying LGBT. I would use language that say they cant openly advocate for it and make a community for it here. I understand the issue this is causing for you all but these people dont choose to be into this anymore than any other fetish or sexual attraction. We need to be more responsible than this.
1 year, 5 months ago
The trouble is that just saying "I am a MAP" is enough to have other MAPs reach out to you offering their Wickr account. This is a use of the site we are not willing to support.

They might not choose to be MAPs but they choose to raise their status on a furry art site.
1 year, 5 months ago
That I do agree with. Its a hard thing to tackle. Our species simply isnt old enough for this, lol.
1 year, 5 months ago
A step in the right direction, really. It's astounding how much some people confuse fiction with reality.

This statement goes for both sides of the aisle.
1 year, 5 months ago
Finally, action against those "anti-pedophile crusaders."
1 year, 5 months ago
IB doing the right thing, unlike other sites.
1 year, 5 months ago
took you long enough
1 year, 5 months ago
Good move.

Now onto the Ai discussions.
1 year, 5 months ago
Gosh please. Way too much of those fake and stolen "art" uploads. Clearly the AI abusers are completely fine refusing to even tag their posts as such so it can be rightfully blacklisted and just like everyone warned the rules from before are insufficient for preventing spam or letting people filter their site experience.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yeah, and it's not even "art". it's like typing something into google images and then posting the results in your gallery and saying "look at the artwork I MADE!" when you didn't MAKE anything.
1 year, 5 months ago
Users who aren't aware of the tagging rules are almost always newbies. It's like with tagging cub porn — established artists never forget about the "tag" cub, but someone posting for the first time may be unaware of mandatory tagging.

As a responsible citizen, I regularly search for submissions mentioning "AI" and when I see one without a tag, I add all the necessary tags and message the user, reminding them about the rules. I'm yet to see anyone responding negatively to such message.

There're other users who tag and/or report poorly tagged submissions. Overall, I'd say that 95% of AI-generated submissions are properly tagged, at least after a day. And those which are tagged after a delay, are usually posts from newbies with next to zero views.

I think it's pretty hard for a submission to get to the Popular page without proper tags. In case that happens, you can just tag it yourself, to help other blacklisters avoid the submission. Blacklists don't provide 100% guarantee, that's life.
1 year, 5 months ago
And what about when you inform said people of the rules and they still refuse to follow them? Cause that's the majority of cases so far with these people. There is no doubt that with many of them they are aware and actively choose to improperly tag their posts so they are less blacklisted. The current rules do not do enough and you cannot simply "block it" because its not required near heavily enough that they make it so you can do so. Block all the types of tags the rules expressly state they must contain and you'll still see tons of it spamming the front pages.
1 year, 5 months ago
Seconded, maybe its not into the topic from this journal, and those who talked about it locked the comments for some reason.
I Blocked AI stuff, but some people seems to sell that stuff, from what in my opinion should be unethical as artist i am.
Those who defend AI most are just lazy people who wants quality for free to the most, i just keep en Eye not only here, but DA, Pixiv as well, which is plagued from that artwork, some ready for sale.
1 year, 5 months ago
In every case, the pro-AI crowd are the same people who supported Dogecoin and NFTs. They are people who want popularity and money without doing any work to achieve it. They stamp and whine when "AI" stuff is banned, but they have no ground to stand on and with the legal measures being taken against the developers of the machines, such content is likely to be deemed wholly illegal eventually.
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Absolute W from IB here, thank you!!!
1 year, 5 months ago
Some stuff has been getting creepier, so glad this has happened.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you so much for your part in getting these scum off of the internet
1 year, 5 months ago
Certainly not a bad change- if a little softer even now than I'd prefer.

Always very much believed your fantasy fetishes, provided they exploit no one and harm no one, are fine. It's when they do that the book should be thrown, so hard. Removing the material is on one level good- sometimes, stuff's gotta go to the authorities when there's an active attempt at exploitation/harm.

I know that's a tough thing to navigate here and there- but it's something to keep in mind for a healthy community.
1 year, 5 months ago
Just missed my own timer to edit- take 'sometimes' and change it to 'always'. If the attempt is clear enough in any capacity to exploit/harm a RL minor, it should be done.
1 year, 5 months ago
For a moment I thought I was in trouble, glad I wasn't.

So I can keep #$%ing pokemons :)
1 year, 5 months ago
Good news al around, then.

Keep up the good work, IB.^_^
1 year, 5 months ago
I appreciate this so much, I was getting concerned with some profiles that were looking for illegal stuff
1 year, 5 months ago
Very good.
1 year, 5 months ago
Oh and that got me interested in donating, you should probably set up a subscribestar or similar for inkbunny, btw. I'm not super interested in directly using my bank to donate for it lmao
1 year, 5 months ago
I wanted to ask, previously MAP and pro-contact people have made up new terms or symbols to try and signal/hide their involvement with CSAM, will those new terms be equally covered by this TOS change? I expect the pedo and MAP groups on the site will try and rebrand to keep their network up, and hope you guys will equally strike down any new terms or symbols they might try and use.
1 year, 5 months ago

"includes overt or covert means to identify as a paedophile"

It's left intentionally vague in order to account for paradigm shifts when it comes to symbols or language.
1 year, 5 months ago
I haven't seen anything original for the past few years, only one people think is new are the constant use of these swirly triangles but are a recycle of a logo made by a short-lived NAMBLA rip off. Some coding MAPs use will change but everything around it will just be as subtle as those caption images where the dialog has "PEDO CUM" just plastered in all caps. Anyone e that actually cares about it will figure it out, especially if the map doesn't post any actual art.
1 year, 5 months ago
Will there be action against my account if another user posts something that is not allowed as a comment on a submission or journal? or will the comment simply be removed by staff, when reported or noticed, without further consequences to my account?
1 year, 5 months ago
Content posted by others on your profile will not result in action being taken against your account unless you are seen to have a history of interacting with said content.
We provide you with powerful self-moderation tools that you can use to curate the content others post on your profile.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you much for clarifying. I was concerned that malicious actors could spam inappropreate content on an account in an effort to get them banned.
1 year, 5 months ago
I hope that these thousand-plus overwhelmingly positive responses serve to recalibrate the reticence coming from those who delayed and toned-down this update.
1 year, 5 months ago
I hope not honestly.

I prefer a balanced admin team with each member of it having their own opinion and perspective on a certain subject. Such situation requires that a compensating middle ground have to be found that each admin is OK with it.

An admin team with a few "stubborn steering ones" and the rest with yes-nodders is more harmful for the community.
1 year, 5 months ago
This is unlikely; it's not really about what is popular, but what we want the site to be, and how to achieve that in practical terms. Many dislike such members - a few left over it - but we took action due to the high proportion of accounts where there was a risk of enabling illicit communications, which we found we could not practically police as we'd been trying to do.

Excluding controversial groups is often well-received, but it's a problem if one of your goals is to welcome everyone. The new policy attempts to let the minority remain but minimise the downsides. However, it meant we were no longer aligned with our stated values, so we had to admit that and refocus them to what was most important and what we could feasibly achieve.

This change may mean further changes as a side-effect, but it's more likely to be non-group-specific things like "we're not hosting non-furry-topic podcasts" on the grounds that they are not art/fiction.
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Casually sets up a lemonade & cupcake stand for those still debating/arguing/discussing around here

(can't remember the difference between the 3 atm; I'm still groggy. Bad zzz last night xwx)
1 year, 5 months ago
Bout time this was addressed. Its even worse on twatter.
1 year, 5 months ago
To be honest, I'm a little worried that it took this long, even if you've been thinking about it for a long time. This doesn't really seem like the kind of thing one would need to think about. Lusting after cub/loli/shota good, lusting after actual children bad. It shouldn't need a lot of deep thought.
1 year, 5 months ago
A step in the right direction, that's for sure. I'll admit I was hoping it would be possible to report content on this site, but I haven't found a way to do so; I have seen actual content on this site sexualizing, and showing sex acts performed on, toddlers. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to see that - whether the toddler in question is fully human, fully animal, or somewhere in between. While I'm all for not harassing or crucifying people for their thoughts, making art depicting sex with children is several steps beyond "thoughts".
1 year, 5 months ago
Scroll down to the bottom left of the page and look for "Support Tickets". You can create a ticket to report any illegal content you see. Due to the increased influx of tickets though it might take longer than usual to process, though.
1 year, 5 months ago
If you see any content that breaches the rules please file a support ticket.

Artwork depicting fictional animals (anthro or feral) of any age is fully permitted on this site.
Sexual Artwork depicting human characters is not.
Photography of real people or animals in sexual situations is not.
1 year, 5 months ago
I suppose that's my point; artwork depicting someone having sex with an anthropomorphic character - whether you consider it a humanized animal or an animalized human - where the character in question holds clearly human traits and is clearly intended to be specifically and deliberately underage, shouldn't be allowed, and shouldn't be considered "okay". To me, it seems a way to skirt the rules/law regarding paedophilia, and to be able to make pornographic content starring clearly underaged characters in a manner that is only sort of legal due to technicalities.
1 year, 5 months ago
yep, better go to FA, InkBunny is not your safe space ;)

use the keywords to block stuff that you dont like instead of impose ban stuff because you dont like it.
1 year, 5 months ago
No one said anything about a safe space... and there's a huge difference between asking for a safe space, and pointing out that graphic porn of children is not okay. Even if the children in question - infants, even, in some cases - are vaguely disguised as human/animal hybrids.
1 year, 5 months ago
Maybe you would be more comfortable on Furaffinity?
1 year, 5 months ago
It depends on exactly what content you have in mind, but the appropriate solution might be for you to block relevant keywords, such as 'cub' in Mature/Adult content. You can see the keywords that apply to a particular work by hovering over its thumbnail.
1 year, 5 months ago
I understand why the staff don't want to allow promotion of CSA but surely it's farcical to try to ban 'pedophilia' or 'pro pedophilia advocacy" from this site which we all know is known for cub porn?  It's basically equivalent to saying we allow depictions of sex acts involving fictional children but it's banned to say you enjoy such works.

I wonder if you think wider society will thank you for this or treat you any different to self confessed MAPs if any of you were exposed to public scrutiny?
1 year, 5 months ago
The term has a particular association in most people's minds with real-life human children, rather than fictional juvenile animals. The latter is within content we're established to host, while the former is not; likewise, its fans are not our intended community. The legal risk is also markedly different, because of the way the legal system treats humans differently to other animals.
1 year, 5 months ago
This is a darn shame to blanket ban an idea and identity because of the actions of others who abused the flag and identity to actively trade illegal shit.  This one one of the last places we could express our identity without fear of administrative persecution. What would happen if all of a sudden these traders of this media would don the nazi ot trans flag? Go after the people who are perusing this stuff on-site. some legitimately just want to combine our very immutable attraction and express it via the form of cub art so others don't feel so alone or judged. Some maps may conform to the policy, some may not. But just know that this change does absolutely not change the fact that many maps exist amongst you even if in secret. You can't kill an idea off, and the most righteous will find a way to express that one way or another.
1 year, 5 months ago
It is over dude, let it be. Pedos do not belong to any rational society, deal with it.
1 year, 5 months ago
Easy to say from a position of privilege, you're a fool if you think everyone like that just "deal with it" when it comes to something they didn't choose to be. This isnt the place for the debate so it's no point in even responding to your foolishness, but as they say "live to fight another day." A battle is won, the war wages on for equality, but until then...yay more cute "cub" art!
1 year, 5 months ago
And what would be my privilege, if I may ask? Being born without a mental disorder, perhaps? The "idea" you support revolves about fucking children, and your so called "identity" is about being proud of desiring to fuck children; you do not fight anything, there's no battle anywhere, and the war you're trying to fight is already lost for your side. Please proceed to go back to space to cry about struggling over a lost cause lol.
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't support open expression of paraphilias and it's not my place to decide whether or not non-contact paraphiles (self-identified or not) should have restrictions placed upon them, but I gotta point out the irony of somebody who self-inserts their OC into Averi Fiddleafox porn saying who can and cannot be a part of a rational society.
1 year, 5 months ago
You poor, deranged, confused creature who has no idea... Make me a favor and disappear from my sight heheh :P
1 year, 5 months ago
I know that Fiddleafox was cancelled for being racist, you drew porn of somebody's OC without their consent, and most people who like Averi are chronic 4channers, so if that's where your accusation of me being confused comes from, it's only half-true due to the nuanced discussions that can be had about Fiddleafox's actions and drawing OC porn. (Edit: you hypocritically ask people not to draw NSFW of your OC without permission.)

If you think my comment about not knowing what to do with non-contact pedophiles showed confusion, I GUESS. But in a 'rational society', we can't genocide or exile people who haven't committed, attempted to commit, or planned to commit a crime. George Orwell warned against this. As much of a safety concern having the disorder is in ANY capacity, not only do you lack the education or experience to make such a decision, but such a decision sets a dangerous precedent and makes the government even more powerful.
1 year, 5 months ago
Fiddleafox was cancelled by a lot of hatred and resentment filled motherfuckers, who swarmed over her just because they were an horde and all of the "evidence" -which is nowadays not very faithful after so long- presented by the psychotic who was obsessed with her just tickled the assholes of the angry mob in turn. You're nothing lol, just another ignorant idiot who throws shit at me for drawing HER FIRST R34 ever, while ignoring all these other hatred-driven "fanarts" that every fucker out there considers they have the right to draw, because "she was racist". Hahah, I didn't drew Averi's fanart because I hated her; I did because I loved her, and I appreciated the character lots, and I wanted to see erotic imagery of her. You idiot of course had no idea about this, and just oppened your asshole over it because you have no argument to confront me properly. This journal and the topic isn't about it at all, but because a roach like you had nothing else to try to attack me, you came out with it just to be ridiculed lol
And about my profile, you visibly missed the permanently placed "[PROFILE UNDER UPDATE]", that has been up for years by now; nowadays, I accept any fanart from anyone, as long as they can draw properly (This would leave you out of the equation hahah). Permission is global, only requirement*, is to actually know how to draw :p
The rest of your comment is super boring and I won't even bother to reply to it because you went from pedo, to Averi porn, to George Orwell whatever lolll. Won't give a 3 months old pro-pedo that much attention anyways, so don't even try :P
1 year, 5 months ago
You act extremely defensive over a playful roast, berate peoples' gifts, made an unrelated non-constructive comment about my artwork right after accusing me of derailing from the journal's topic, told me in an even longer post that mine is tl;dr, and acted confident that I'm 'pro-pedo' when all I said is that an internet person like you doesn't have the authority to reverse generations of civil rights activism, therapy reform, and reduced government control to punish people who haven't physically committed a crime. Regardless of your thoughts, that sets a dangerous precedent for how extremists and the government will treat other thoughtcriminals and it's a human rights violation. You're also not taking non-pedophiles who have P-OCD or one-off intrusive thoughts into account. We can't genocide or mass-exile people all willy-nilly.

And if you want to talk about the quality of one's art, yours has awkward proportions and anatomy (even for toon) & sameface.
1 year, 5 months ago
"I'm getting rekt, so I'll say I was just being playful..." loll. Try something bigger.
I'll pierce through all the uninteresting shit you spat, and go straight to the art part there, the part I care about. You're like, the last person from who I'd take criticism lol. I do not take criticism from decades old better artists than me, and you truly believe I'd take criticism from a three months old with two posts drawn with the computer mouse? Hahah, find a better argument, because you're not in the position of talking about anatomy and proportions, when you cannot even draw amogus eyes properly xD
Also I reccommend you to move this to PM's or my own page, if you intend to be more humilliated, because this journal wasn't intended for this lol
1 year, 5 months ago
Coward blocker lol
1 year, 5 months ago
I've seen enough chibi and toon art to know that you draw uncomfortably large heads on top of straw bodies and repetitive expressions that, more often than not, barely take the source material into account (if at all). You can't pass it off as avant-garde or experimental, either, because your art style is too traditional.

My point is not to say your art is bad or that you're less talented than me, because neither of those are true. But given how my untrained eye can recognize glaring flaws in your work, who are YOU to judge a gift somebody put hours of effort into? Plus, why are you keen to criticize others' works when you won't accept criticism for your own? From my first impression, you seem to lack self-awareness, situational awareness, introspection, and empathy.

And if you resent paraphiles to the point of thinking non-criminals should be systematically erased, that's common, as uncertainty is one of humanity's greatest fears. But everything else about you seems alien (aside from standing up for Fiddleafox, but I question if you truly respect her or simply want her to come back so you can have more fox art to consume).
1 year, 5 months ago
Woah, man... take it easy.
1 year, 5 months ago
Alot of judgements cast about a group of people you don't even know about. But hey ignorance is bliss, have a good day. Im not interested in a debate. this aint the place for it. Buhhhh bye.
1 year, 5 months ago
If it proves necessary to eliminate the trans flag from the site, so be it! 😼

I doubt that will happen, though, because the whole point of it is to uniquely identify a group so that their members can recognize one another.

Cub art is fine, you just can't say "oh, I also like the idea of having sex with human children" here because that tends to lead to people contacting one another through IB (or via contacts listed on it) with the goal of trading illicit content, without fear of being reported.
1 year, 5 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
If it proves necessary to eliminate the trans flag from the site, so be it! 😼

Mask off now! I don't know if you're intending to be playful or jocular here but either way this is quite an awful thing to say.

" GreenReaper wrote:
Cub art is fine, you just can't say "oh, I also like the idea of having sex with human children" here

Would I be in compliance if I say "I like the idea of having sex with animal children" and post a new flag that represents that attraction?
1 year, 5 months ago
Zoophilia isn't generally criminalized globally so while zoophiles are as disgusting as pedophiles, there's no legal reason to ban them off the site. If by animal children you mean fictional animal children, no one cares. Fictional characters, fictional problems.
1 year, 5 months ago
I heavily disagree with the framing that having the desire to do an action necessarily means that illicit activities follow. There is a lack of nuance here. But I will abide by the change because I like what the site has to offer with things unrelated to said symbolisms and people.
1 year, 5 months ago
MAP is not and never will be an identity. Pedos will never be accepted in society.
1 year, 5 months ago
An opinion like any other based in ignorance. it already is an identity, that unfortunately Ink bunny has decided to ban for the sake of those who abused the flag and identity for nefarious illegal purposes. You choosing not to recognize it is not their problem. Have a good day. =)
1 year, 5 months ago
Huh, i wasn't aware it was a problem.
Oh well, the only way it affects me is that i had to read the word "paedophile" spelled british way :)

A question though, if someone makes a post implying that another user is a pedophile, would that be against the rules and should it be reported by a third party? Like, for example i'm browsing the site and see someone's journal "look what this {user} said on twitter, he is definitely a pedo, beware". Should *I*, a passerby, report it?
1 year, 5 months ago
That sounds somewhat like a callout journal which are generally allowed unless they are encouraging people to harass the person in question. It is not the member themselves trying to identify as such, so it doesn't fall under this policy.
1 year, 5 months ago
Ah, i see, thanks!
1 year, 5 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
A callout journal which are generally allowed unless they are encouraging people to harass the person in question.

I think callout journals about a person which did not result in harassment (or other unpleasant experiences) of that same person, are unsurprisingly scarce.
1 year, 5 months ago
Perhaps so, but plenty of them are of the kind "don't do business with X" or "block X" rather than "go and hassle X", and that is the distinction we make.
1 year, 5 months ago
You might consider changing your stance on that. Pretending it's just that and not often a covert invitation to harassing is frankly hypocritical. "It's TECHNICALLY not for bullying others" is a weak argument. Look at the comment section right here, with all the people attacking, insulting and labeling others for simply voicing their disappointment or disagreement with a rule change.
And then there is a problem of carefully confirming that the accusations in those journals are even true, which i'm pretty sure (and sorry for doubting you if i'm wrong) you are too understaffed to properly do.

You are completely correct that IB is a furry site and isn't supposed to be a pedophile support forum, but i think it also isn't supposed to be a beware list.
1 year, 5 months ago
Absolutely reprehensible. You do not allow self-identification by those who are harmlessly expressing an extremely sensitive and disliked identity, but you are happy to allow your users to ruin lives by publicly shaming people with that identity? And I assume you won't waste time doing the work to confirm that such an allowed callout post is based in any fact? It's becoming clear what kind of site you want this to be, and it is one that is actively hostile to its own users.
1 year, 5 months ago
I agree with you in general.

Having for call-outs be okay "as long as they're true" is a slippery slope.

For example, would it really be okay to make call-out thread to out someone as gay?  What about a call-out thread that someone wears diapers or a call-out thread that someone likes cub art?

Sometimes it doesn't matter whether a call-out is true or false.  When it's a warning of danger or harm, a call-out could be warranted, otherwise it seems more like bullying, witch-hunting, or stalking.

That seems like it could open the door to bullying without more nuance.

I also agree with you on how you'd go about proving whether things are true or not.  False accusations are no joke.  If someone makes a callout that someone is a sexual predator, and it turns out to be false, what are the consequences for that?  (very high for the person being falsely accused).  Despite high consequences for the accused, people have been making false accusations very frequently.
1 year, 5 months ago
This is moreso an anonymous series of questions after reading the majority of this thread:

Are you allowed to create art where the word "pedo" is used completely within the confines of fiction? Some examples would be creating art where some cub uses the word in a bullying fashion towards another character or the viewer, or a comic about an anthro furry pedophile where they are specifically referred to as a "pedophile" and other terms in relation to it, with no ties to the real world.

To what extent is the MAP flag specifically not allowed? Is it allowed if it's used in a context that doesn't advocate for any ideaology, doesn't invite illegal activity or any kind of devious behavior?

Sorry, the wording was difficult for me to understand ^^
1 year, 5 months ago
I asked the first question earlier in the thread. The word is allowed, both in the art or story and as a tag.
What is not allowed is to make a statement on your profile saying "I am pedo, hit me up on "encrypted chat message of your choice""
The same goes for a journal that gets into the ethical or politcal aspects of advocating for it, because that is, by and large, the same thing. And as has been stated, Inkbunny is a furry art site, not a pedopolitics site
I think the second question is more of a case-by-case thing, like, if someones OC is flying that flag in a pic, then it would probably count as open advocacy? But if it features more like a background thing it wouldn't?
The sensible thing would probably to not use it at all I guess
1 year, 5 months ago
Oh sorry, I must've scrolled too quickly or something

I'm relieved in both cases, though I guess the only thing I could really think of being applicable of use of the MAP flag would be in the context of a raunchy joke, otherwise I don't see a way
1 year, 5 months ago
This is something we're going to have to work out through moderation decisions, but to take one example: if you say "this is my pedo sona" and/or it is your usericon, that might reasonably be considered identification as a paedophile.

Purely fictional comics where an in-universe character is incidentally called a pedo insultingly are less likely to be an issue, unless we see this being used as a way to covertly signal an identity, which is something we can ultimately look into (i.e. people saying "I liked your comic, here's my Signal" or prominent displays of the same from the poster on IB).
1 year, 5 months ago
Wow, lively discussion on this. For better, or worse, I'll throw my two bits in here. As I understand it, the policy is to prevent individuals from using Inkbunny as a platform to propagate illegal or abusive activity, or contribute to an environment that would be conducive to that sort of thing. I fully agree with keeping such influences out of this place. Inkbunny ought to be safe, comfortable, and fun, without having to worry about illegal goings on, or certain individuals behaving in a manipulative or abusive manner. There are certain words, phrases, and ideals that may invite harmful and/or undesireable elements wherever they appear, and the owners and operators are tasked with balancing freedom of expression, with the safety and well-being of the website and its users. I'm glad such a task on their shoulders, because that's not something I'd want to deal with...and why I personally appreciate their resolve in this matter. It doesn't appear to me as though they are "attacking" anyones sexual identity, but rather the bottom line is, that this is most definitely *not* the place to garner support, or request content for *real life* exploitation of *real life* minors.

...(Apologies in advance if I corrected too many spelling and grammatical errors, I try to leave a good number of those in to make things more interesting)...
1 year, 5 months ago
Incredibly based changed
1 year, 5 months ago
¿Are MAP furries safe with this change? According to "Who/What does this change primarily impact?" section, i think it's clear they are, but i would like to have a confirmation. I'm ok to ban content advocating for real CSA and intents for CP networking, that's a obligation to do and this type of content also puts MAP furs in risk, i'm just worried if my MAP furiends are safe with this change. ¿Is it ok to share content advocating for awareness of MAP people existence validity, and places for emotional support for them? ¿Will it still be allowed to come out as a non-contact MAP fur?
1 year, 5 months ago
It will not be OK to "come out", because the problem is that publicly advertising that you are a paedophile encourages other such people to talk to you about the topic, which may lead to the transfer of illicit content. Being "non-contact" doesn't affect the appeal of such content, nor is it something we have a way to verify.

We're not likely to come down on an established user for posting a pointer to useful resources, and we understand that people might be particularly inspired to do so now (we've seen a journal along these lines), but it must not start to become a way for random people to covertly identify as MAPs - and at the end of the day, Inkbunny's goal is to be a furry art site, not a paedophile support forum.
1 year, 5 months ago
So sorry, then i disagree with this part of the decision. First, this is assuming they are dangerous by assuming comming out as MAP will lead for sharing of illicit content. This isn't exactly true, as those willing to share this content instead will often make use of dogwhistles, especially as there aremany MAPs struggling against this type of content. Second also that InkBunny's messages are trackable. So as result, this policy will only bring silencing to this community, increase paranoia and possibly validate witch-hunting against common members of this community depending the way this policy is applied. You know what kind of thing this tisks to evolve. These decisions lacks consultings members of this community to build proper ways to prevent CSEM without silencing their community.
While i support the decision to describe limits for this advocacy by forbidding advovacy for real-life sexual acts with minors, i'm critical to this decision of forbidding furs from assuming their identities (more specifically, this identity), and i hope IB will not punish furs if they come out in other platforms or otger places.
1 year, 5 months ago
Imagen you joined a terrorist organisation and started shouting on the internet "Not all terrorists commit crimes!", You wouldn't be wrong, but Can you see the mind numbing stupidity here?

Couldn't help notice you watch Drew directly, He is known to me and others and if you are young then please stay away from him.  
1 year, 5 months ago
¿Are we talking about a identity or about a political organization? ¿Do you notice the false equivalence here?
I understand InkBunny's attempt to avoid CP networking, ¿but what proves the effectiness of this, and was there data showing that Inkbunny had issues regarding this type of content? That would require a deeper research to take conclusion, and this is a very recent subject, but instead it's most being taken over prejudicial assumptions.
1 year, 5 months ago
Not everyone uses children to voice act their cub rape videos, then goes around calling everyone in sight a pedo in hopes it will make themselves look better.  *snark*

When are you going to stop making accusations?
1 year, 5 months ago




Me: "If some moron goes on a rampage after watching the Joker movie, you blame the person -- not the movie."

BH: "So you support Hitler?"


^^^^^^ Kafka Trap.


^^^^^ Godwin's Law.
1 year, 5 months ago
IMAGINE ..... that you are on Reddit ~shudders~ ...... and there are two separate groups concerning BPD (borderline personality disorder) --- one group is made up of people who don't have BPD themselves, but the users there all swear that every person with BPD is straight up evil and is 100% guaranteed to be abusive to their relationship partners, and the other group --- is made up of actual people who have BPD and they're like "I'm not 100% evil, I just have a mental illness."

Which Reddit group do you believe more?
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank you! There is no room for "MAP pride" among decent people. Nobody should be proud to want to fuck children! Shame is healthy sometimes, it stops you from doing things you shouldn't!
1 year, 5 months ago
@HazzardSlime Nope, no one should be shamed by their sexuality, this includes MAPs. There's no such thing as healthy in self-denial and self-shaming, the only thing you will get is a depression.
1 year, 5 months ago
No one is saying pedophiles need to stop being pedophiles. What the ruling say is that pedophiles cannot publicly identify as such on IB as it promotes networking.
1 year, 5 months ago
MAP is NOT a sexuality.
1 year, 5 months ago
It literally is a sexuality. Just not a healthy one to practice.
1 year, 5 months ago
It’s not a sexual orientation, it’s a paraphilia one of the bad four where the subject of the attraction cannot consent.
1 year, 5 months ago
There are actually researchs proving the opposite, problem is that society is still not prepared to accept this and many researchers have to face reactions against their studies.
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
I have a recommendation or request that may be above and beyond for the staff here.  It seems like you have a real opportunity to help a whole bunch of people who are in need of professional mental help.  I'm not a programmer and I'm not sure this is possible... but if someone is banned, warned, or reprimanded, perhaps we can redirect them to mental health educational links?

It's undeniable that hurting people followed (hopefully) by prison is the only thing waiting for them.  

Maybe a "Why are we being the way that we are" statement, followed by "Here are a few resources." links, and a "It's not too late to make a change."

Yeah that might sound preachy.  But you don't need to engage after that.  You're not just saying "No, you're not welcome here".  You're saying "No, you're not welcome here, please go talk to somebody, we mean it."

There are a lot of people in this world who seriously just need someone who they trust to tell them what is going on, and what's going to happen, and what to do about it.  I'm not a professional or anything, I just know people who went and got help and got better. I also know a lot of people who've gone to prison as well.
1 year, 5 months ago
Imagine for a moment that this was any other mental illness ---- would we be treating the afflicted the same?

"Hey you, person with BPD, you suck. I read on some forum that ~ALL~ people with BPD are mean and abusive! I hate you, you filthy Borderline. Go take a ride in the wood chipper."

(This was a joke analogy, try not to take it too seriously or OUT OF CONTEXT).


1 year, 5 months ago
My interpretation of your response is that you're challenging me for trying to suggest that IB provide mental help links alongside actions to sanction and ban people.  These specific people who are being sanctioned and banned find literal children as viable sexual partners -And- are using IB as a tool to obtain child pornography.  

I'm sure there are gold-star pedophiles out there who are able to keep their urges in check.  And if they are able to keep their urgers in check, then those people are not who my post is directed at.  However, I hope that those people are able to find professional help in an attempt to mitigate those urges they feel.

Ultimately, I don't want people to have to live a life that's completely isolating.  I don't want anyone to feel like there is no help and no understanding for them.  I want people to feel okay in their skin.  But at the same time, that includes calling out bad actors on their actions.  When you condone any actions of any kind you're no better than those who cross the line themselves.  

Good luck.
1 year, 5 months ago
""""My interpretation of your response is that you're challenging me for trying to suggest that IB provide mental help links."""""

Re-Read my comment.....

(Or also read my other comments here).

I was saying that Mental Illnesses are like animals, and we treat them differently based purely on perception.

Like people who "pick & choose" which animals are cute enough to care about, and which animals are too ugly to care about.

That was the joke.

And for the record, I don't support throwing ~anyone~ into a Wood Chipper....

1 year, 5 months ago
As a CSA survivor good IB is stepping up. There are survivors who cope with their trauma with art, and having pedos/maps lurking in and invading our spaces puts minors, survivors and everyone at risk, and makes us extremely uncomfortable and feel not safe. Most pedos who come to the internet are pro contacts/abusers and very anti recovery. They’re not even seeking help for their paraphilias, most are just looking to prey on children. CSA and that trauma ruins the lives of survivors for the rest of our lives. Pedos either go get the help you need, or cancel your life subscriptions please.
1 year, 5 months ago
Thank God, I've seen to many good sites get shut down becouse of illegal content that's it breaks my hears at least with this it will filter out alot of people. And yo all those arguing about weather being a pedo is wrong, we are furries does it fucking matter? Humans are dumb and stupid, furries are superior race....joking but still pedophile isn't a choice and atheist 80% of pedophiles are rape victims, I wouldn't say I'm a pedophile becouse I'm not attracted to humans all that mutch but I do like cubs and that's do to being molested when I was younger, just saying yes pedophiles need help, but as soon as they touch a child they should be executed.
1 year, 5 months ago
Fuck the thought police.
1 year, 5 months ago
People making blank accounts and sharing encrypted message program addresses for the sharing of illegal pictures is not something that belongs on Inkbunny. The same goes for open debates about illegal subjects like this. Removing this from the site protects it, protects the users and protects the mods and the owner of the site.

It is very, very sensible to have these new rules. This is an art site for furry art.
1 year, 5 months ago
I find it rather amusing that the people speaking out against this policy change tend to be largely blank profiles with no engagements wherein the only customization is an avatar...
1 year, 5 months ago
From my experience, what people display in their profile, write about in their journals, and talk about both online and irl, is what they desire to receive in return, and contribute to whichever community or subculture they want to belong. If someone proclaims that they are a "gamer", for instance, then it follows that they would interact with others who also enjoy games, exchange information and media related to games, and join them in...well...playing games. Ergo, the same can be said for those who specify a sexual orientation or interest, (especially if they indicate their status as "available" or "open"). Maybe I'm not very imaginative or "woke", but I can't think any possible purpose someone would have in announcing to a bunch of strangers on a furry art website (often repeatedly and in detail), that they are, unequivocally, sexually attracted to flesh-and-blood children, other than to illicit some kind of interaction/support for literal, irl "man/child" "relationships".
1 year, 5 months ago
I hope your not one of those disgusting gamers, with your sick and twisted Nvidia 4090TI's and perverted Minecraft with ray tracing, Do you know how much damage you can do to people doing acts like a 360 no scope and your depraved m-m-m-multikill, I bet you even get something out of tea bagging n00bs and waiting for the Cyber Punk DLC.
Okay I'll admit it! I play farming simulator, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!    
1 year, 5 months ago
I think Nvidia is old enough to consent to haxstomping n00bs. Snapdragon processors may be somewhat young for that sort of thing, though, and only a depraved nutter could enjoy farming simulator. Normal people only engage moral, wholesome, family friendly titles (like Mortal Combat, God of War, Deadspace...) As for Minecraft...okay, I gotta admit, I've looked at some rule34 minecraft, and *may* have gotten a little excited (but only a little), what with all those acute angles and blocky pixels...
1 year, 5 months ago
So you openly admit your into gen 1 graphics cards!!! and so what if I like to plough fields and get my tools dirty, I'll report you to the FBI for kink shaming me! Bitch you aint seen right angles until your water cooled 6800XTU is playing flight simulator in 8k VR on a Pimax, not to mention No man sky 8k as well >:j ryzen 9 7950x, I'm a team red SLUT, Good for rendering my animations though.
1 year, 5 months ago
*sitting alone in the dark on a stained futon, while quietly playing an old 16-bit super nintendo rom using an emulator, a rickety metal General Electric fan in the background, as a single tear rolls down the cheek* You're just...misinterpreting me.
1 year, 5 months ago
Did you just assume his platform?
1 year, 5 months ago
so what if I did!? anyone that plays console is sub-human and should hand them self to the police. I bet your one of those wierdos that like to wii on each other!
1 year, 5 months ago
Boi I play roller coaster tycoon take that energy elsewhere >.>
1 year, 5 months ago
Seems like a completely reasonable policy decision to me. Keeping fantasy and reality separate is extremely important when it comes to such kinks
1 year, 5 months ago
Truly, from the entire community, thank you.
1 year, 5 months ago
I don't understand why so many people are arguing against this. Paedophilia is against the law in the USA where IB is based, therefore to ensure complete compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, IB must prevent any discussion about real life situations involving minors, cp, or any discussions of any other illegal sexual conduct or situations. It's not brain science.
1 year, 5 months ago
because there's people here that are literally into advocating for the normalization of pedophilia lol
" hjfduitloxtrds wrote:
I don't understand why so many people are arguing against this. Paedophilia is against the law in the USA where IB is based, therefore to ensure complete compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, IB must prevent any discussion about real life situations involving minors, cp, or any discussions of any other illegal sexual conduct or situations. It's not brain science.
1 year, 5 months ago
Advocating for it likely won't change things.  Real life children likely will continue to be protected from pedophiles. InkBunny needed to make it clear that advocating for such activities is illegal, and discussion of such activities or situations is not allowed. It's likely that at least some pedophiles had traumatic experiences in their past which led to their pedophilia , and should probably seek therapy, rather than trying to change the rules. They should go somewhere else to discuss this.
1 year, 5 months ago
i mean discussing things isn't illegal but situations could have and did happen where illegal activities were happening apparently because of them and that could have caused problems for ib if it continued the way it did.

the main problem with the rule change is that it's, to an extent, silencing people who just want to express an aspect of their sexuality through art and such and who wish to remain law-abiding. i think people are mainly discussing whether the benefits of the change outweigh it's costs or not.
1 year, 5 months ago
Who/What does this change primarily impact?

• Low-presence accounts which appear to exist primarily to network for illicit reasons

These are people we've seen more of in recent years, who seek to discuss and share illegal content off-site, and believe that Inkbunny is a convenient place to find like-minded individuals – advertising themselves more-or-less openly via username, profiles, icons, journals, comments and shouts.

Until now this was hard to justify acting on, unless the site itself was used for the distribution of illegal content; something few sought to do. Now it will no longer be acceptable for members to indicate that they're paedophiles, on the grounds that doing so encourages illicit communications on that topic.

• Members who openly solicit/advocate for sexual acts involving real-life children

A few members are proponents of the philosophical ideal that children should be able to have sex with adults, and look to bring this about through argument or other forms of advocacy. We don't seek to restrain their democratic ambitions, but we also don't want them abusing social features of our platform to promote real-life activity that is outlawed essentially everywhere – activity unrelated to our goals, that drives away a non-trivial number of fans – or to arrange events or groups for this purpose.

Will you ban these members?

As always, we will act in a graduated manner based on the severity of the problem and issue warnings, restrictions of account privileges – and yes, in some cases, bans – to the extent necessary. Many of our actions may not be visible, because we do not generally publish staff actions against members.

We have always tried to treat members as adults and allow users the autonomy to avoid things that they don't want to associate with. Likewise, avoiding staff action in this case should be possible for all, by not engaging in the kinds of advocacy and promotional/self-identifying activity described above.

It is specifically stated that users here to exchange art will not be targeted. Only users creating accounts for the sole purpose of discussing illegal acts will be banned or more likely given a warning first. Cub art is not against the rules, as it features fictional characters. I really don't see the problem here.
1 year, 5 months ago
" hjfduitloxtrds wrote:
[...] Cub art is not against the rules, as it features fictional characters. I really don't see the problem here.
not specifically cub art but rather such art with MAP themes that reflected that the artist/the commissioners/whoever were MAPs, generally through fictional characters. plenty seemed to be removed in spite of it being art; there was a lot more art tagged map before. i feel like i might be missing something with regards to this though, such as why it was removed - could've simply been pre-emptive by the artists.

there's also the general discussion of telling people to not talk about a part of themselves and whether or not that's a good or necessary thing for the site. i can see both sides tbh and consider it consider necessary at least in the short term until moderation or some other changes can deal with people identifying as MAPs doing illegal things on-site or offsite while leaving those who identify as MAPs but are using the site as intended alone.
1 year, 5 months ago
The issue with such art is that it indicates that the artist is a paedophile, which as mentioned in the journal acts as a signal for other paedophiles to network with them. The intent is not to prohibit every depiction of fictional paedophilia, but if you have your fursona waving a giant flag (or giving carefully coded variants of this), then yes, that might be a problem, because it refers to the RL person operating the account.
1 year, 5 months ago
For the record, Inkbunny isn't based in the USA, although many of its users are. But the laws in the UK and France are, if anything, relatively stricter.
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