Please blacklist tags appropriately to keep yourself safe when viewing my gallery. Thank you!About Me
β¨Hello, world.β¨
My name’s Roy. I’m an artist and writer from the U S of A with an unprecedented amount of free time, but also a goal to be proud of who I am. I’m also just another gore artist you’ll probably find lurking about, ready to make some unsuspecting surprises.
The content that you will see in this gallery will be centered around sensitive topics such as but not limited to:
Cub/lolisho, gore, noncon, and feral
I do NOT support or condone these types of things to happen in real life and they are definitely not a representation of my IRL preferences or anything of the sort. Fiction and reality are two completely different things. I draw what helps me cope. Do not cross the line between pictures of cartoon animals and actual harmful content where real breathing people are harmed.
As such, do not enter this gallery if you're easily offended, but of course you'd most likely come here anyway. After all, curiosity always kills the cat.
Anyways, please enjoy the knots and remember not to take any of this seriously. (β βΏβ β β‘β βΏβ β‘β )
Please do not reupload my work anywhere else.