To all my Canadian friends. In light of friction between the US (my country) and Canada, I want to make a clear statement on somthing. I did not vote for Donald Trump nore do I support him and his ac...
RIP John Erwin. You gave life to my childhood hero He-Man. My bunny and I will definitely miss you.
A big thanks to those you send B-day wishes my way. Since from now until my next birthday is my 50th year, I do wwant to do something. Baring any unforeseen issues that would cost my a metric ass ton ...
About me I am a furry artist and fursuiter. I have known about the furry fandom since the early 90's and finally became an active part of the community in Oct. 2007. I had my ups and downs with furry. But that has never dampen my enthusiasm to be furry and contribute content to this unique fandom in the form of art.
My Fursonas Tamias the Chipmunk (Full Name Tamias Orenberg), is a clever chipmunk backed up by his cheeky wit. He is peace loving by nature with a complex personality shaped by a not fully understood past and a forgotten childhood. As the Cheiftain of the Chipmunk Kingdom he is faced with the daunting task of being the spiritual leader of the kingdom and being at the forefront of the battle to stave off increasing threats posed by a villainous organization known as the HSO. Tamias is every bit a chipmunk a specie that seems to fit my own personality. That alone make Tamias my primary fursona. As such he serves three functions. First and foremost he is my avatar embodying my online presence. Secondly he is my fursuit and primary roll play character, and third he is the starring character in the Chipmunk Kingdom storyline a pet project I have been tinkering with for many years. Here's a complete profile of Tamias
Bri the Raccoon (Full Name: Brian Hunter) is full of mischief and is the ubiquitous troublemaker who loves to play tricks and pranks on others. His sly and charismatic personality gets him into trouble as much as it gets him out of it. Like many raccoons, he wields strong empathic powers through his hands meaning he can sense the residual emotions instilled into any object he touches. In addition he can sense others' true feelings and emotions simply by touching them. Bri is a fun character I've toyed with for a number of years and I have voiced in an animation short featuring this character. Bri allot of fun to work with so he makes a very good choice as my secondary fursona.
Art Policy 1. Not Accepting Trade Art nor free art requests. Doing art IS MY LIVING!! 2. You will get rough sketches for Approval, Afterwards , money in hand paw first. Then you get finished art.