Welcome to all the folks from FurAffinity too! nvn It's been nice seeing familiar faces pop up here. A busy birdy as ever (still a hamster too~!) *GDQ * (Games Done Quick - the speedrunning marathon...
Hey! I spent a while creating a new Gallery Pool called *Multiple Art Piece Posts:* https://inkbunny.net/poolview_process.php?pool_id=71210 Most might know it's often that I submit a lot of my lat...
It's already that one week full of video game speedruns, so this week I'll be a bit inactive, but you can probably catch me on Twitch here until the end of Saturday if we don't switch to Discord: htt...
Love and support for all genders, transgender included! :3 Hope everyone finds happiness and respects one another regardless of who we are. Don't be hateful or negative - stay kind, make friends with different people and learn!
Please only interact if you're 18+. Keep adult places safe for adults by not interacting with us, or at least our mature artwork. Thank you.
Hey I'm sorry.. I'm just having a rough time and it appeared on my front page so i decided to read it and got a bit too in deep forgetting its all fiction. I'm just worried about whats been going on recently and I'm worried about the kids of the future.. again I'm sorry about the comments and if you want i can delete them. (I'll probably stay away from the cub stories so i don't get overly sensitive again)
Hey I'm sorry.. I'm just having a rough time and it appeared on my front page so i decided to read i
I just want to thank you for the last journal, I'm not from the United States but I've spent 16 horrible years (literally half my life) being forced to live with a racist homophobe who is incapable of respecting anything or anyone, this can't be called living, it's the main reason why I can't stop being depressed and frustrated, all countries are full of idiots, I'm sorry that was voted to the one who should be in jail and not like president of nothing.
I just want to thank you for the last journal, I'm not from the United States but I've spent 16 horr