Heyo. I'm Nodd, the youngest sibling of Winkinn and Blinkinn. Yeah I dunno why the double letters in our names either.
I'm a toon mouse! So you might see me carrying objects way bigger than me and pulling stuff out of thin air. I can take a lot of damage though that doesn't mean I enjoy it :p Given a little time I will pop back into shape from most any kind of fall, flattening, explosion, bludgeoning, etc. Just keep things like paint thinner away from me! o.o
I'm also a fursuiter though its not something I do often these days. Only ever been to a few cons: RMFC, DenFur and MMF. While suiting you might see me carrying my "anti-cat bat" which I use to bonk cat fursuiters with and anyone else that might consider me prey. Those who assume my species will get bonked too. I've been called a rat and a possum. I'm a mouse, dang nab it!
I occasionally write as well though that has become even less frequent than fursuiting. Most writing these days is in the form of RP, which I do on Tapestries Muck. Have given Second Life a try a few times over the years but its never really stuck. I guess I'm much more of an old school text-based role player.
If you wanna know more send me a message ^^
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