“Be here now.” - Ram Dass It’s OK to not always know how to make your point in a conversation, even one that seems important. One positive thought is more powerful than 10,000 negative thoughts. E...
“The lessons you learn through failure are useful at building success through other means.” - Chris Boden Don’t say you disagree with a statement just because you disagree with that statement; have ...
Zwolf here. Middle aged Canadian kidfur. Twelve year old kidfur, in fact my name means "12 years old" in German.
I am: Furry (obviously!) Therian: has a spiritual connection to an animal (wolves in my case) https://therian-guide.com/index.php/1-home.html Transpecies: I feel that I am a wolf in a human's body Kidfur: sometimes feel like I'm a tween (around 12yo--see below)
Thanks for watches, faves, etc: I appreciate them, but do not expect them, and am unlikely to thank others for them (nothing personal).
Friend requests: If you decide to send me one, that's great, and I'll likely accept it, but FYI, I have no private content.
Character Info: Grey wolf cub Male, age 8-14, usually about 12 Wears overalls and a t-shirt, barepawed plantigrade Canine or human uncut genitals Likes chatting, hanging out, ERP (cyberyiff)