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BibleBun: Capricorn Ascending by Zivrshka
BibleBun: Capricorn Ascending
Achievement: 14,000 v:s
On March 9th of 2025 I reached 14,040 total submission views. The last submission in my gallery before hitting 14,000 v:s was *BibleBun: Capricorn Ascending*. At the time there were 169 visible submi...
1 day, 9 hrs ago
March 2025
Today is March 6th, 2025. It's time for another monthly update! ‌*Bits&Bobs* First things first, what are your thoughts on Mischievous Mistletoe Part IV? I feel the story has reached an important tur...
4 days, 15 hrs ago
February 2025
Today is February 4th, 2025. Time for another monthly update! ‌*Bits&Bobs* First things first, I missed the January deadline for Bits&Bobs The Mischievous Mistletoe Part IV, however, it has grown con...
1 month ago
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BibleBun: Capricorn Ascending by Zivrshka
BibleBun: Capricorn Ascending
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I first discovered the furry fandom sometime in the early 2000s, but I had remained on the sidelines until 2020. Prior to that I had created furry themed works but I had nothing to compare it to and so I was unsure if anyone would be interested in such works and it went unpublished.

I'll be focusing mainly on original characters, storylines, and concepts from previous works as well as more recent ones. Because I started making furry works before I was aware of the furry fandom, the art style and storylines may differ from what you might be used to. None the less I hope to find common ground with the furry fandom.

Here is some basic information about myself: I'm a 40 year old biologically male "boy" (not "man"), a homoromantic heterosexual, an atheist, a math educator, and an American. I value skepticism and rationality. I like mathematics, science, and philosophy. But don't get me wrong, on the flipside, I'm prone to whimsy and flights of fancy, I can be silly and irreverent, and I'm a romantic, idealist, and a sentimentalist at heart. My hobbies include various kinds of electronic and experimental music. I like programming, and coming up with stories and characters. I like drawing, have dabbled in music, and like making games.


My works on this site will focus mostly on original works and variations on a theme of what I'll call "male homoromanticism" (at least for the foreseeable future). Homoromanticism is NOT synonymous with homosexuality, homoeroticism, or homosociality, nor is it mutually exclusive with these categories either, it is simply independent of them. I define homoromanticism as strong and passionate feelings of romantic attachment to a member of the same sex that go beyond a simple desire for "friendship", seeking instead commitment, exclusivity, a return on such feelings and open admission and affirmation of them, and potentially the expression of such feelings through overt displays of affection that go beyond what is deemed acceptable in same sex friendships, yet do not have to entail a desire to "copulate with" or seek sexual gratification through, yet may include these elements provided they are NOT the driving force behind the romance but rather a consequence of the romance. Homoromanticism works under the assumptions that (1) romantic attraction is actually independent of sexual attraction, (2) romantic feelings can sometimes be stronger than sexual feelings, and (3) sometimes romantic feelings can influence sexual feelings rather than the more common assumption that sexual feelings influence romantic feelings. My works seek to deconstruct common notions about sexuality and sexual development, challenging strictly biological and sociological explanations in favor of a radical view of self-realization and personal meaning.

That being said, my art may occasionally involve females, though I tend to be more (sexually) attracted to males in furry art and females in real life, so there will probably be less of it overall than males (this is already quite noticable). I also have a harder time designing/conceptualizing interesting, appealing and varied female characters. None the less females will still show up in my works not infrequently (Kyaw for example, whose about as "fairy boy" as you could imagine, has 3 female cousins. They are easily my most interesting and indepth female characters). My works also not infrequently involve the trope of boys crushing on girls, but unlike most media this tends to not be the primary focus of the work.

Most of my art will tend to the chaste, and at the moment I only have 3 images featuring exposed genitals (strictly male). However, in the future I do plan to have at least some explicit art. It will probably tend to focus more on romantic aspects of sex, couples, and realistic/plausible over fantastical scenarios. Don't really care much for themes of rape, abuse (whether physical, mental or institutional), grooming, torture, gore, vore, puke, necrophilia, or coprophilia. Also I tend to prefer more equitable relationships instead of ones with a heavy power imbalance.

I'm going to be focusing mostly on drawing my own characters in their own situations but I may occasionally do fan art of "professional furry media" that I'm a fan of along with occasional OCs. This will not be a large focus however.

Main Series

Although I have many series that my art is related to, currently the main series I'm going to be focusing on developing is called "BTBF", short for "Better Than Best Friends". It tells the tragic story of two boys who were the best of best friends until they found themselves on divergent paths. Their friendship ended as suddenly as it began leaving our jilted protagonist to figure out what happened and why? There's more to it, but rather than explain it all here I've written a journal that serves as an entry point into the series:


Other Series

For a broad description of all my series, and their main characters, I written the following journal:


Fan Interaction

I'm fine with pms. I don't have any contact information but maybe I'll set up an email in the near future for private art sharing (pm doesn't have this feature -_-;).

I'm okay with fan art but I'd prefer it if it is not OOC and is consistent with the characters emotional/sexual orientation and doesn't involve any of the topics I'm not comfortable with. If you wanna couple them up with one of your characters then the rule is it has to at least be consistent with the character (as defined within the canon) in some hypothetical alternative continuity (most of my characters have their own lives, histories, and established relationships). In addition I'd like to know about any fan art created and be allowed to post it in my gallery. In exchange there will be the usual attribution and plug to your channel (my name for accounts).

Lastly in the future I will be open to commisions though I'm not set up for it right now and for the time being I wanna focus on my own works (that being said feel free to pm me and I might make an exception provided the commision isn't too time consuming). As long as it doesn't involve any of my characters I will probably be open to almost anything however if I find it particularly heinous I probably won't want to post it in my gallery. I will probably want credit regardless but there may be extreme cases where anonymity might be preferred, but it would be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Well that's about it for now, have fun


-- Zivrshka

Last Updated
2021.06.03.01:29 GMT
2021.05.09.03:09 GMT
2021.01.29.10:59 GMT
2020.11.17.05:37 GMT
2020.09.04.03:30 GMT
Links and Contact Details
6 months, 1 week ago
Same here! Glad you enjoyed ^^
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Thanks for the fave! Just so ya know, my stories show up a bit better on Ao3 if ya wanna continue reading MHO. (IB sadly eats the formatting) Of course you're more than welcome to continue enjoying it here as well. ^^
1 year, 10 months ago
Hey, How's it going?
2 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for watching!
( ᐢ (oo) ᐢ )
2 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the fave!
2 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the watch!
3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
took a momnt to check your stuff, i like where you're going with your comic and I'd like to see what comes of it
3 years, 9 months ago
Thankies for Watching <3
3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
Anytime, I like your art.
3 years, 10 months ago
Be careful with that bank bot, that's not a real person. Report the comments.
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