Alright, I admit that I largely created this because I didn't want to miss the January deadline for a submission and this was the quickest and easiest thing I could come up with.
Chippie noted that the character looked like Gene, and I found it so cute I couldn't resist drawing Gene in the pose. Given his love of his Eevee plushie it also seems fitting that it's pokemon themed.
Because I am old school I changed the DS to an old school gameboy, with a game cart of Pokemon Red or Blue (you decide!).
I asked Chippie if Gene would ever wear something like this and Chippie emphatically told me "never".
Well I still couldn't resist the opportunity to see Gene dressed up so cute ^_^;
Normally I'm not into the whole diaper and toddlercub stuff, I prefer to focus on the joys of early childhood from 4 to 10, a time when you have all the perks of being a kid but greater personal autonomy and most importantly the opportunity for meaningful friendships with those your own age. However I can certainly see the appeal, and there is definitely a lot of comfort to be had in the paraphernalia of toddlerhood. Lot's of soft materials and soft pastel colors.
Gene looks quite comfortable with himself staying entertained with a Pokemon cart, a binkie and a sippy, and a comfortable (and clean) diaper. He's still got his signature backwards baseball cap, and I think the cut-off gloves work well with his street-punk-lite aesthetic.
Now on to the "story". Maybe this is just Gene as a Toddler. Surely, despite Chippies protests, there must have been a time when Gene was young enough to wear diapers. Gene kind of looks toddler proportioned here anyway, even though these should be close to his normal proportions.
However I propose a more amusing possibility. Gene was headed to whichever grade he's suppose to be in, but somehow walked into a nursery school instead. Despite his insistence he wasn't a toddler, the teachers just thought he was being difficult and set him up in a comfy corner with a sippy bottle and a binkie, and Gene decided that this was better than having to go to class today so decided to just make himself comfortable. If his friends found out he'd never live this down, but hey, as long as no one found out, Gene had to admit, being a toddler wasn't so bad. And no one could judge him for snuggling with his Eevee plushie here!
An alternative story: Perhaps Gene decided to debase himself to make a little extra money appearing in a diaper commercial. However during one of his breaks he realizes that being a toddler ain't so bad, and sets himself up with a binkie and a bottle, his favorite eevee plushie, and a pokemon cart. He's enjoying himself. And hey, his friends will never know, so it's all good!
Welp that's the story! Which version do you like best? Chippie will insist it's non-canon, but it's all in fun. Consider me a big fan and this as a playful homage.
So there! That's my January Submission! Hope you like it!
If we go with the latter two scenarios, especially the second, I find it amusing that he doesn’t mind the diaper so long as his friends don’t find out about it.
If we go with the latter two scenarios, especially the second, I find it amusing that he doesn’t min