This year certainly has been a year. A very tiring stressful obnoxious depressing yet weirdly productive in very niche ways year. My resolutions for this year were: * Get a job as a developer - Nope....
April Fools was fun and all, but now that's done. Back to adventure! One thing I've noticed with the last several projects I've worked on, including commissions (Hallelujah the drought is finally ove...
It's been one week since you looked at me Cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry Five days since you laughed at me saying Get that together come back and see me Three days since the living ro...
I am Raegal Thadius Boggart, the only Boggart (that I know of) in the entire fandom! Like my species suggests, I am a shape shifter. Keep in mind, however, that I am not a Harry Potter boggart. Riddikulous does not work on me ;3
I draw stuff and have been doing so for the last decade or so. Gimme dollars and I'll draw for you too!
Leave a shout if you like what you see! I don't bite unless you make me.