Character Sheet for Raegal Thadius Boggart
Character Description
A Shapeshifting goofball who loves and loves to be loved.
Raegal's a bit of a benign prankster (i.e. he'll pull tricks on people, but the tricks themselves are generally harmless) with an uncanny level of intelligence. He's generally shy around those he is unfamiliar with. He can be difficult to understand because of his eccentric behavior. Generally friendly unless angered.
Raegal loves all things artistic. He collects sketchbooks and other art supplies and hoards them in an as-of-yet unknown location. He likes soft, fuzzy things. He dislikes killjoys and overly serious folk.
Raegal was born 300 years ago out of leftover spite and hatred that had previously coalesced into a demon in a ruined library that was scene to a horrific massacre. Said library was on a planet far from earth. He is a runt boggart and has three older siblings who loathe and despise him, although Raegal only encounters them on extremely rare occasions. Despite his history, Raegal is an extreme optimist with a vast knowledge of ancient history gained while he was sealed for 100 years within the library where he was born.
His 'father' is a demon known as Arkon. Purely malevolent. Hates absolutely everything including his 'children'.
His brothers and sister whom I have yet to name. (more like I forgot their names)
And lastly, his best friend Alan Schwarzberg, a.k.a. "Dragon Man", a renowned Treasure Hunter.
Outer space, bitches. Same universe as the Metroid games, but the story of Raegal and his kin -rarely- overlaps with details from Metroid history. (Units of measurement, important factions, and some technology carry over from Metroid to Raegal's story)
Dark gray fur (nearly black) with blank white ovular eyes. Jet Black 'draconic' wings optional. Black fox tail with white tip. White pads on soles of feet. Three fingers and opposable thumb on hands, three round clawless toes on feet. Usually has a "=3" expression on his face with one or both of his fangs showing. His face ends in a maw with a small white nose. Ears are fox-like, but are same color as fur. He is generally short (about 2ft tall) and slightly pudgy.
Generally doesn't wear clothes, but when he does, he prefers a black overcoat with a black shirt featuring his typical '=3' expression in white, black boots, black pants, and either a black top hat or a fedora with a white feather. (He's a fancy dresser)
May or may not have wings depending on if he's flying.