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Release 76 - Huge thumbs, 4K/QHD upgrades, gallery timeline & improved image processing

2015 was a busy year: over 210,000 submissions - a  ~15% increase - and 55,000 new members. +Favs increased by 22%, to 6.4 million, while submissions rate rose 8% - we now host 1,000,000 files!

But a new year calls for new upgrades… so what have we been working on?

First off, we've added a gallery timeline to submission headers and drag'n'drop pool re-ordering. Pools now stack horizontally, and we've increased maximum upload size to 36MB.

Next: you laughed at 75px, sniffed at 120px… even 200px wasn't enough! Now, gaze in awe at Inkbunny's 300px 'huge' thumbnails, selectable at the top of galleries and search results. Give it a go!

We can't recommend huge thumbnails for slow/metered connections - they're only lightly compressed and take ~4x the bandwidth of 'large' thumbs - but the layout should work on a wide range of screens. (Posting custom thumbs? We strongly recommend use of the 300px size, at least for new work.)

Speaking of size, our backgrounds have had a 4K/UHD upgrade, with increased resolution/detail and better scaling for users of screen-spanning, simultaneous windows, high-DPI mode, or zooming. Not checked out the top-right switcher recently? Now's a good time! HD or less? No problem… we pick the best you can use out of 24+ sizes, from 4096x2160 (or more) down to 320x480; all in high quality.

Now… as much as we love the scenery, it isn't the main reason people visit Inkbunny - and it wouldn't be fair to artists to offer UHD backgrounds without UHD foregrounds, would it? Say hello to wide mode, which shows the full image on-page. You paid for that bandwidth; we're using it!

If using normal view, click once to fit window width. You can click again to fit it onscreen - or select wide as your default. Middle-click or ctrl-click to open the image in a new tab. Since it's the original file, you can also drag it to your desktop or right-click to save to disk. The user interface for this feature is still a work in progress, but we wanted to get it into your hands to try out.

Like huge thumbs, this isn't for tightly-capped connections; but it can look great on widescreen displays and tablets. If you've not been posting your work in high resolution, now might be a good time to start!

Is that it? Not a bit! We've improved image resizing quality and thumbnail handling:

* We now use a Lanczos-filtered linear colorspace when resizing.
  This should significantly improve the fidelity of all resized images.
  Medium thumbnail and user icon unsharp masking is also applied within this space.
* BBCode thumbnail widgets now respect your original/custom thumbnail preference.
* Custom JPG thumbnails within the relevant dimensions are no longer regenerated.
  We suggest JPG quality 85 with 4:4:4 floating point chroma subsampling.
  In Photoshop this is "Save For Web: quality 60" or "High - 8" quality.
* We now generate all thumbnails from the original-sized file to avoid artefacts.
* We improved fidelity when scaling transparent GIF thumbnails and converting to JPG,
  and use a white background for the resize operation, rather than a black one.
We cut redundant database queries and made many other optimizations:

* If there's no custom thumbnail, we load the original thumbnail directly rather than a via symlink,
  shrinking the database and freeing 2.7 million inodes and cache duplicates.
* We eliminated small thumbnails entirely, cutting upload time by a second.
  [smallthumb], [smallpool] and pool display now use resized medium-size thumbs.
* Removed repeated calculation/storage of your text-version time zone, used in account settings.
* Minimized and cached maintenance, e-commerce, account signup and keywords suggestion status.
* Removed indexes on watches, notice receipt, submission counts and icon file deletion times.
* Added an index to speed up searching for old names when a userpage is accessed.
* Massively sped up shout deletion by optimizing shout notification count update queries.
* Improved submission post/update performance by pre-calculating the list of already-notified users.
* Improved per-session and per-IP tracking of temporary search result tables.
  This let us increase the validity period for visitors, and keeps database size consistent.
* Reduced the amount of data retrieved when identifying relevant keywords in a gallery/search.
* Cached selection of examples for the BBCode help page; pool is required to be 100% G-rated.
* Eliminated duplicate information in background/sizing cookies, and added sanity checks.
* Convert submission count recalculation to database trigger and split for gallery/scraps.
* Enable GPU rendering and separate background layer with transform: translateZ(0) on webkit.
* Eliminated custom/original thumb flag in favour of testing presence of thumb dimensions.
* Improved efficiency of user stats trigger by updating only on deleted or visible status change.
* Select prefetch and prerender target from the currently-browsed pool.

We've condensed page elements to show more of your content above the fold:

* Removed "owner options" text to cut one line from the submissions header.
* Combined owner gallery item selection block with status icons.
* Removed donation link on submissions and userpages. Nice idea, but a poor use of space.
* Removed redundant gallery/scraps link from submission view.
* Reduced page descriptors, search links, and keywords to one line each.
* Condensed pool header BBCode display.
* Removed duplicate old names on account page.
* Adjusted positioning of staff/donor icons on userpage.

Other UI changes include:

* New mascot banners by Delicious, hanage1, [name]Novus6[/name], thekzx and NioFloofArtist.
* Add clickable left-right arrows buttons to pools.
* Add invert button for owner gallery view selections.
* Increase visibility of bottom paginator and thumbnail size/original/custom switcher.
* Limit number of pools displayed by default on a submission.
* Name and link selected background submission in site footer and selector.
* Fix pre-calculated width of grey expandable gallery header.
* Links navigating within a multi-page pool move the view to the top of the picture block.
* Pool length is now limited to 60 characters to avoid container overflow.
* Eliminate horizontal scrollbar at minimum width (~1024px).
* Add Piczel as a suggested streaming option.
* BBCode pool widgets are no longer in reverse order.
* Force fixed table layout for PMs to prevent long strings breaking the table.
* Increase size of user page links.
* Add display section to account settings for thumbnail and widescreen settings.
* Clarify that "displaying blocked submissions" is about blocking thumbnails.
* Inform user when an account is refusing PMs, rather than imply a block.
* Rename "suggested submissions" to "suggested for you" - it's based on favorites by those you watch.
* Change "Reply" input box title to "New Comment" to avert top-level 'replying'.
* Add link and form to create new pool in pools list.
* Add owner links to pool management options on the pools list.
* Make empty pools visible to the owner on their user page.
* Move suggested submissions activity type to "Activity by Others" column.
* Remove "Digital for sale" from Popular page.
* Add "Show Custom Thumbnails" as option to Account Settings page.
* Reword content server explanation.
* Give concrete examples of dimensions accepted for upload.
* Explain re-ordering on first-time publication for bulk submissions upload.
* Bold max custom thumbnail size and remove duplicate mention of pixels.
* Standardize opacity CSS; remove prefixed border-radius, opacity and outline rules.
* Don't blank the reply box if cancel is clicked, to avoid losing a reply.
* Cut horizontal rule above submission details if there's no description or edit link.
* Don't allow widesceen gallery width to be set below 960px.
* Add back button to keyword suggestion history page.
* Cut footer social icon opacity to 70% and add LinkedIn.
* Used improved opacity setting function for autosuggest fade-in/out.
* Link to pool gallery in pool name in pool assign view, and tweak colours.

Social/contact/metadata updates:

* Fixed Twitter/Facebook cards and generate a reasonable description from profiles.
* Only generate the page title/og:title once.
* Use huge-size thumbnail for metadata image and provide dimensions.
* Added rel="author" markup to provide semantic indication of authorship
* Added rel="me" on contact details to aid identity consolidation.
* Removed rel="nofollow" on contact details, since they're created by the page owner.
* Added YouTube channel as profile contact method and converted existing channels.
* Removed TinyURL tweet link munging.

Miscellaneous fixes/tweaks:

* Excluded expensive-to-generate search pages via robots.txt. Bots should use sitemaps or the API.
* Allow members to delete staff shouts and comments, unless marked as indelible.
* Enabled OpenSearch, allowing you to add Inkbunny to your search box.
* Converted Piwik stats script load to relative path; eliminate path variable.
* Titles of submissions not available to the viewer are no longer displayed.
* Fixed description/story username search for members with userid >= 10.
* Fixed BBCode interpretation of bracketed phrases starting with 'Schema.org[/url] WebSite and Organization markup.
* Add Pingit to donation options.
* API: only output [non]custom thumbnail URL/dimensions if each is present.
* Warn staff when fsync is off for testing.
* Don't assume we have results for certain queries, decreasing PHP error logging by 12x.
* Use display:none for +fav icon preload rather than offscreen elements.
* Improved cross-browser compatibility with JS style setting functions.
* Use $ instead of document.getElementById where possible.
* Fixed directory creation when replacing a thumbnail in a public submission.
* API: Add friends_only status per submission in search results.
* Always set a referer for the last error message, even if it's blank.
* Cut redundant window. references in JS.
* Make staff PM username configurable and ensure consistent sorting in PM list.

Infrastructure highlights:

* Inkbunny's database is now replicated to our secondary server.
  In the event of catastrophic main server hardware faults we have a ~200ms-old copy in another room.
* Upgraded database to PostgreSQL 9.5 and enabled WAL compression.
* Reduced filesystem objects by 35% through thumbnail and symlink optimizations.
* Converted database layers to using Unix domain sockets for communication with PHP.
* Enabled HPACK HTTP/2 header compression in nginx.
* Expanded Quebec cache catchment area and enabled it for screen-sized files.
* Switched the Phillipines to the Tokyo cache due to intermittent connectivity to Singapore.
* Cut addition of duplicate Strict-Transport-Security header on cached files.
* Added S.M.A.R.T. data to our internal monitoring graphs.

As you can imagine, with so many changes there'll be a few kinks to work out, and we'll be listening closely to your feedback over the coming days. Please file a support ticket if you see anything amiss! And as always, many thanks to our donors, cache sponsors and volunteers for their continued support.
Viewed: 4,650 times
Added: 9 years, 1 month ago
Site News Item: yes
Commenting Locked
9 years, 1 month ago
We already know of the following issues:
* On-click scaling popups may not show in the right place on some versions of Chrome/Safari.
* Huge thumbnails are missing for some animated GIFs - fixed.
* Huge custom thumbs moved to private go missing - fixed for future moves, repaired with 200px thumbs.
* A wide image does not extend to the right margin on Safari (iPad 2).
* Time-related issues for some with streams and notifications - re-login to fix.
* Black border or no background on old versions of Firefox - upgrade to a newer version to fix for now.
* White background on iPhone 3G/iPod Touch (2nd gen.) and some older Androids (try Chrome if available).
* Prerender wasn't working properly for without a pool - fixed.
* Character sheets were showing HTML entities in the edit fields - fixed.
* Ringing noticeable on some high-contrast straight edges - fixed for new/reupload.
* White backgrounds on old versions of IE - fixed.
9 years, 1 month ago
Wow, that is a lot of updates. I'm excited to try out the new wide mode view, and I think it's going to make some of my wider width pictures look a lot better. Hopefully a lot of users will set it as default :P
9 years, 1 month ago
It definitely depends on the image. For some works, on some displays, wide mode will lead to the image being too tall. That's why we made it so that if you click again on a wide image, it scrolls to fits entirely within your view. Or, you can stick to normal and click when widescreen makes sense.

We're still experimenting with the best way to present original-sized images, but we'd got to the point where we it made sense to show you what we'd done so far. We think it's a better alternative for some landscape images and comics than the way browsers tend to show them - either 'fit' or '1:1 zoom', without a widescreen option.
9 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for choosing the Pokemon-themed mascot drawing. This is going to be a great year for this fandom's 20th anniversary.
Pokemon 20th Anniversary Inkbunny Logo by NioFloofArtist

The new updates seem clean as far as I can see, although the pool interface might require a little getting used to on my end.
9 years, 1 month ago
oh man what a great idea, now I want to do one with lopunny or similar XD
9 years, 1 month ago
And for those of you that may not have a super wide display setup, I'd like to say that the backgrounds definitely do scale up.

Have a peek. This one's work safe. :)
9 years, 1 month ago
That's huge!
Also I didn't even know that background or mascot were options, shows what I know...!
9 years, 1 month ago
I mentioned some issues I had with the new submissions page layout on Twitter before, which I know Salmy and GreenReaper took note of. Are those notes on the record, or do I need to submit them as a ticket? I really don't think having the gallery navigation at the top of the submission is a good idea. It is very jarring and disorienting.

made an interesting mockup of a placement for the gallery navigation section that is much more sensible and clearly distinguishes it from the pool navigation under it. You'd probably want to restore the submission titlebar back to what it was before as well; it's strange not being able to go to the artist's userpage immediately just by clicking their icon next to the submission title.
I think if you guys considered something a little more along those lines it'd be more familiar to people who use these gallery sites and are used to a particular unspoken consistency of design between them as far as core functionality goes.

I also want to note that the site has been a lot laggier on my phone (Samsung Galaxy Note 4 running in the latest version of Chrome) ever since the latest update. In fact, it is the first time I have felt since upgrading my phone that it's felt slow at all. Very odd.
9 years, 1 month ago
We've been keeping an eye on all the journals posted recently, as well as feedback received through other channels. As always, you're welcome to submit a ticket with your suggestions, with the understanding that any immediate changes are likely to be targeted fixes, not major revamps - to be frank, our development staff needs a break! :-)

Not quite sure what you mean by the icon comment, as you can go to the artist's userpage by clicking the iconby the submission title. It's just directly above it now, rather than directly to the left of it.

Our content servers in your area are under increased strain, both because of the release (which results in the need to download and replace a lot of new files), the fact that larger files are being served more frequently, and because one of our sponsored caches is currently out of action. Original-sized files are being shipped to you from the Netherlands until it's back. We expect traffic to stabilize in a few days. Edit: The cache is coming back online now, though it'll take a while to warm up with the new files.

If there is a performance problem beyond that period we can take a look at it, but we'd need to know the pages on which it occurs, whether wide mode vs. normal or huge thumb vs. large had an impact, what happens if you turn off the background image, etc.
9 years, 1 month ago
Sorry, I must not have been clear. When I say "laggier" I don't mean in the sense that the page is taking a while to load, but that it is actually slowing down my browser and phone significantly just trying to navigate the website. I'll click on a submission and it might take 6-8 seconds before the screen will actually update with the new page; I'll just be scrolling around on the remnants of the last page I was on until it decides to finally process it. I will often touch one part of the page and it will register that I've touched on a completely different area. It's very erratic. I had zero problems with anything on the site on my phone with the last version of the site, so I'm not quite sure what's responsible.
9 years, 1 month ago
It'd be good to know the information above above, then - what your various image settings are and whether changing them helps, and whether it's better with the solid grey background. Probably best to file a ticket so we can track it properly.
9 years, 1 month ago
Same thing here actually.  The page is constantly crashing if I type too much, and the text itself has like a 6 second delay if I'm trying to type. And just general laggy stuff.
9 years, 1 month ago
Are you using Chrome as well, or another browser; and what device? We know of an issue with Firefox Mobile, but Chrome was fine on our (admittedly limited) test pool.
8 years, 10 months ago
We believe we have resolved this with a hotfix, and we've reported the bug to Mozilla.
8 years, 10 months ago
Firefox for Android and possibly other mobile browsers have real problems with large amounts of drop-shadow. We've added in a fix for them for now and a bug has been filed.
9 years, 1 month ago
...i love this site. period. :)
9 years, 1 month ago
And we luv you guuuuys! ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
Why do you need a referrer header to change thumbnail size?

9 years, 1 month ago
The lack of a valid referrer is not a normal situation. It can indicate that the request did not come from the user as they browsed Inkbunny, but may have been constructed in some fashion by someone who managed to divert them to another website, possibly while using another attack against the site.

I believe this kind of check was first added when I managed to change Starling's background to Equestria through a LiveJournal post which embedded an image link, way back at the start of 2010. Obviously, the most important factor there is the validity of the token (also added at that time); referrer and GET vs. POST checks are a defense-in-depth.

We also use referrer tracking to improve our preload system, both for specific page accesses - detecting the direction of gallery navigation - and to determine e.g. to preload Latest when people hit the front page. If your concern is privacy, you may wish to use your browser's do-not-track feature, which will opt you out of the latter record-keeping.
9 years, 1 month ago
I never send a referrer header but I only see this error when changing thumbnail size.
9 years, 1 month ago
There are a few other places we check for that, too, but this is one of the more obvious ones. We'll consider permitting a purely blank referrer in those situations for a future release, as the token should provide sufficient protection.
9 years, 1 month ago
So cool to see my name in an update.

Thanks again for adding it!
9 years, 1 month ago
Thanks to you for letting us use it! <3
9 years, 1 month ago
Missing feature wise IB is now perfect. I really can't think of anything more that would be needed.
9 years, 1 month ago
Oh, we have lots more in the oven! Sites improve constantly, and we pick ideas here and there, plus the ones we have! What we don't have is much time =c
9 years, 1 month ago
9 years, 1 month ago
So swag! By LtSmiley by Salmy
9 years, 1 month ago
Super update!
9 years, 1 month ago
Yup yup!
9 years, 1 month ago
i swear you guys are the best <3
9 years, 1 month ago
Nuuu, you are! Totally worth working for this community ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
Wish IB progress is better and better
9 years, 1 month ago
We try! ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
" Now, gaze in awe at Inkbunny's 300px 'huge' thumbnails, selectable at the top of galleries and search results.
* We eliminated small thumbnails entirely, cutting upload time by a second.
  [smallthumb], [smallpool] and pool display now use resized medium-size thumbs.

If the old medium and large are now the new small and medium, thus making huge the new large, why not rename them "small", "medium", and "large" to avoid the anomaly of medium not being in the middle?
9 years, 1 month ago
We considered that, but didn't want to sell huge thumbnails short! Plus, we'd have had to rename everything and wipe our many caches, or else risk confusing our dev team both now and in the future… which is not a situation you want to be in when, say, creating, moving or deleting files.

It's bad enough that non-custom 'huge' thumbs are in fact the 'preview' files showing on your userpage - though on the plus side it meant we could add the feature without a significant increase in storage. (This release was focused around the idea of doing far more with the resources we already had.)
9 years, 1 month ago
Thus, if you need to reimplement something akin to small thumbnails in the future, you'd have the category all ready to go.
9 years, 1 month ago
This is a HUUUGE update.
9 years, 1 month ago
9 years, 1 month ago
Jesus don't you guys EVER SLEEP!?
also DAMN! Thanks for making this
STILL one of the best sites there is! :D
9 years, 1 month ago
Technically, being situated pretty much around the globe, there's not a minute in the day that a dev wasn't doing something somewhere!
9 years, 1 month ago
This is all super neat, and a huge list of improvements, thank you for working super hard on this site and the awesome support team too! But could someone please look into fixing
's Inkbunny submission downloader? I can't get hold of the original creator of it anymore, sadly.
That thing was super useful and I think the layout change made it stop working. I know next to nothing about scripting, but it's probably just fixing so it can display properly again. I'm willing to offer some sort of  bounty for fixing it too, depending on the amount of work it needs.
9 years, 1 month ago
The author is still using the site, so perhaps they will provide an update in due course - assuming they have time free, of course; it's like requesting art. Maybe they could even convert it to use our API?

Failing that, there are alternatives, though they may not provide the functionality you're looking for.
9 years, 1 month ago
Thank you, sadly, none of those provide what I'm looking for. I haven't been able to reach Humbird0 for probably half a year now, I've tried his email address as well. I've offered compensation too, I don't expect anyone to do this work for free. His plugin provided a single button download on the submission page, assorted into automatic folder for images I manually wanted to save.
9 years ago

Here's a new version of the add-on.
I had to wait until I had a day off from work.
9 years ago
Oh wow, super duper thanks!
9 years ago
Praise be! My thanks to you for the update as well, as I find it essential. :)

I had tried to figure it out on my own, since you had the source code available, but I was struggling to figure it out.
9 years, 1 month ago
Awesome! Can't wait to try it out!
9 years, 1 month ago
Hope you enjoy! ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
I admit I am still not most happy with the lack of end-user options regarding some of these updates.
9 years, 1 month ago
As noted, several of these new features are a work in progress. We have your feedback open, as well everyone else's, and we'll be considering it all for future updates. Our developers are volunteers, and run other areas of the site, so we can't guarantee a specific date, but we try to publish revisions regularly.

To address the issue of options: it might seem easy to have a checkbox to "make it work like before". As a practical matter, that means testing and maintaining that code - it has a cost in time and other resources, just like providing plantigrade and digitigrade versions of every piece of art would.

That doesn't mean we can't do something similar for a particular feature, once we know what people want - indeed, we have many options - just that we don't automatically do it for every change we make.

Also: the Quebec cache is back in operation, so you should find the performance issue you mentioned in your journal is resolved soon. If not, send us a ticket!
9 years, 1 month ago
Holy moly that's a lot of stuff I don't understand. *applauds*

9 years, 1 month ago
Haha, no worries. The important thing is that you enjoy the new things we added and that you don't find any annoyances in the way!
9 years, 1 month ago
Awesome! And to think that the other furry site is still stuck in 1997 LOL!
9 years, 1 month ago
Hey, History is important too!
9 years, 1 month ago
are there plans to streamline the submission process more? going through four pages sometimes makes it a pain especially with having to upload multiple images in one submission one by one
9 years, 1 month ago
You don't have to do that; you can upload a ZIP file with all the images. There's a link at the top if you're editing an existing submission, too. You need the same privilege you use to upload multiple submissions, which I've added to your account. (If anyone else needs it, feel free to ask).

Your general point about improving submission workflow is accepted - it could always be better - and we are open to specific suggestions as to how to improve things; it was just not a focus of this release.
9 years, 1 month ago
Looking good, guys.  :)
9 years, 1 month ago
Thank you :D
9 years, 1 month ago
No problem.  :)
9 years, 1 month ago
Quite a lot of improvements. Kudos to the staff. =)
9 years, 1 month ago
Thank you very muuuch! ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
Nice icon too, btw. =3
9 years ago
Thanks! :D it's by applepup ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
Y a pesar de todo esto, ¿Aún no pueden añadir más idiomas a la web de una vez?
9 years, 1 month ago
Hacer un sitio multiidioma supone muchisimo trabajo del que desgraciadamente no disponemos :c sin embargo, como sabras, puedes navegar por IB desde chrome diciendole 'traducir esta pagina' y automaticamente te la presentara en español. Obviamente no es la mejor solucion, pero al menos es algo!
9 years, 1 month ago
9 years, 1 month ago
9 years, 1 month ago
So many updates, you guys have really outdone yourselves!  I do wish to raise one concern, however.

Is there any way to disable the "download" button that's in the middle of pictures?  Unfortunately having that button there makes it easier for well.. art thieves to thief x.x
9 years, 1 month ago
Have you read the IB Philosophy?
9 years, 1 month ago
That wouldn't fix anything, it is bad UX and would make it harder for fans to store their fave images on their device.
The image still has to be downloaded to your computer in order to be displayed. Using an extension would easily let anyone grab the file from the cache or by other means. As for art thieves, just report/call them out when you believe someone has stolen something from you.
9 years, 1 month ago
Unfortunately, thieves that do that will know that they can click, right-click, etc, to get the image, not just because of the download button! =C
9 years, 1 month ago
Well some thieves don't know about the whole right click thing, so.. I just felt like I wanted to point the button concern out ^^;

(I don't get why you guys are replying to my comment XD not bothered by it or anything just wondering "why?" ha)
9 years, 1 month ago
We try to respond to everyone! It's the least we can do xD

The download button was there from the very beginning, though! :o
9 years, 1 month ago
oh really?? I don't recall it always being there o.o

so strange..
9 years, 1 month ago
good thing I started uploading huge thumbnails recently  @w@;

I noticed that the unsharp masking in the resize algorithm messes with thin, regular lines in things like typography.  Check out this for an example!  (Compare it to IrfanView's Lanczos resize here.)  I would prefer just plain Lanczos filtering as an option, as that's what I use when downsizing my images for preparing to upload here.  However, that might only be a nitpick...

One day, I hope you guys can restore a point-of-sale system @w@
9 years, 1 month ago
We only apply unsharp masking to medium thumbnails and user icons; the 'ringing' effect you're seeing on that direct white and black contrast is most likely due to the choice of a three-lobed Lacronz filter.

Every filter has its drawbacks - some may cause ringing but are better at preserving fine detail against moiré effects. However, most of the images we host are not of this type - it is more common with photography. Meanwhile, some such as your own do have sharp colour transitions; so we're trying out a two-lobe Lacronz instead to see if that decreases the ringing while retaining sufficient detail. If it does, we'll probably apply that as a hotfix in the coming days, as it's a relatively trivial code change.

As for point-of-sale… due to the nature of much of our hosted content, which we don't intend to change, it may be tricky for us (like F-list) to maintain a viable merchant relationship with payment processors. We do hope to improve the ability of our members to promote offers and the like to their watchers, but we are unlikely to handle the actual transactions any time soon.
9 years ago
Have you guys ever looked into the payment options that are more commonly found on adult sites, such as epoch, or ccbill? I know epoch allows for paypal transaction, and ccbill I think is more for credit cards. I don't know how well that would work for donations, but it might allow you to bring back the sales at least.
9 years ago
CCBill is mentioned in the F-list link I just provided. I fear we'd face similar issues.

As for Epoch… they work with the same people. Even if it did work out, it'd probably work better if we were bigger. Their fee starts at 15% (+$500/year for card registration) and only starts go down (slowly) once you're processing at least $5000/week. Judging by past performance, even relative to our current size, we'd struggle to reach that level.
9 years ago
I had a feeling ccbill would be an issue, but if Epoch can work I would look into it.

I know it's expensive, but I think it would really help some artists who are having to go to places like Patreon. If there was a way to offset the fees for the site, I think most artists would be okay with the 15% loss to be able to use the system again. It would also be great if it could be used to handle donations, but I doubt that would work due to the nature of the payment system. Even if we could just get a stripped down version that doesn't include cards (just paypal types of transactions).

Unfortunately, I know nothing about these systems. I can't offer any real ideas, or suggestions. I'd just really like to see that feature return. It really added to the site.
9 years, 1 month ago
A lot of really great updates! I'm continually quite happy I made this place my home.
9 years, 1 month ago
It's great to hear that, thank you! ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, after using the new viewing options, this is rad, I'm very happy with this update. =D
9 years, 1 month ago
Very neat, I was used to click on the pic in order to open in a new tab so to view and download full size. It will be a lil inconvenient for me for a while but it's okay since the link is still there. I appreciate keeping the quality of uploaded artwork as faithful as possible since this is one thing I love about Inkbunny and hate about other websites.

And I know I am a bit nagging here but are there any plans to support HTML5 sandboxed content? I'd like to be able to publish some HTML5 animations and games on IB at some point.
9 years, 1 month ago
You should be able to middle-click or ctrl-click in most browsers to get a new tab with the image in (some support alt-click for download). If that doesn't work for you, let us know what you'd prefer and we'll consider it for future revisions. Edit: There were legitimate issues - should be fixed now, though!

We've had several requests to support HTML5 content, and it is on our list of "things we'd like to do". Some of the security issues in early browser sandbox implementations have been concerning, but ultimately it's not likely to be worse than Flash if we do it right.
9 years, 1 month ago
9 years ago
It's all the great artists' merit, who let us use them!
9 years, 1 month ago
Is there an option to switch the whole folder/gallery/whatnot views back to being under the image itself like how it was before the update?
9 years, 1 month ago
It wasn't like that before the update - we didn't have the full gallery represented at all, only the pools. We're considering feedback on this feature, and what you suggest may become an option in the future.
9 years, 1 month ago
Ah, my apology for the assumption of such.  But yes, the ability to switch back to having the listings for pools and such being under the submission would be rather lovely.

I'll get used to having to middle click to open the image in a new tab, because I kind of like being able to make it nice and wide if I so wish by left clicking. ^_^
9 years, 1 month ago
Addendum to my previous comment: center clicking the image just mimicks the behaviour of a left click in Chrome version 48.0.2564.116 .  What's the trick for getting it to open in a new tab without having to scroll down to the download link?
9 years, 1 month ago
Shift-click will open in a new window, ctrl-click in a new tab, and alt-click will download.
Update: Center-click should now open in a new tab as well, like before.
9 years, 1 month ago
Still wanting some kind of "mascot playlist" feature to be able to select which IB mascots for it to cycle through on each page visit. :3  I think GR said it was being considered or worked on or something.
9 years ago
It is in our to-do list, yeah! But... so many things to do and so little time! ;__;
9 years, 1 month ago
Awesome! I'm so psyched to see that not only is the site growing, but that you guys are taking community input to improve the site instead of rightfully just basking in the glow of the already awesome site that exists. You have got to be one of the best web staffs EVAR!

Btw, I'm currently training to receive my A+ certification. If there is ever anything a can utilize my skills towards the site for, doesn't hesitate to ask.

Thanks for the improvements and the love. ^_^
9 years ago
Thanks for all your love too! :D And a good way to train your skills would be doing something with our API ^^
9 years ago
Sure. Could I get a link to what you use? I'll get familiar.
9 years ago
You have all the info and documentation here :D
9 years, 1 month ago
You guys work wicked hard to make this site great. These are some awesome updates, and I know a lot of hard work and planning went into them.
9 years ago
Thank you! :D We're very glad some of you actually know how much work behind the scenes this all takes ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
This is great!  But I gotta say I'm disappointed there's no customization available for the header of the site and the palette.  Unfortunately, it's the biggest reason my friends don't like looking at my Inkbunny links.
9 years ago
The reason why there's no customization for the head is so users can have a solid UI experience and to organize it according to their tastes, not to the rest's. But I guess that letting people use different color palettes would make sense! Although it'd be a nightmare to work with, tho. We'd have to consider tons of colors and combinations for each update!
9 years ago
The biggest complaints I hear from people is that the green is too hard on the eyes and the buttons up top being all tilted and such looks too childish.
9 years ago
We've already been retouching the 'bright green' lately, and yeah, we know some people find the general style a bit too 'childish', but hey, we like to be different! ^^ Unfortunately, it's impossible to please everybody!
9 years, 1 month ago
Wow, such resolution!

Maybe one day higher res PM/donor/ icons, etc., and higher res avatar icons instead of the resized ones (to compensate for UI scaling)? :)

Edit: And maybe a bit pedantic, but when navigating between pages, the background flashes as it re-sizes between the page having scroll-bars and not. It's pretty jarring. Although I don't remember noticing it before?
9 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, we're looking into the resizing issue now that we've reproduced it here; it might cause excessive CPU usage, and if it leads to loading two different-sized backgrounds that's a problem as well. One of our developers has a few ideas on how to solve it, but sleep comes first. :-) [Update: it was fixed!]
9 years, 1 month ago
Awesome :) Loving the changes so far.
9 years, 1 month ago
I spotted a typo - If using normal view, click once to to fit window width. You can click again to fit it onscreen -
Notice the extra "to"
9 years ago
Hmmm, was this fixed already? Don't seem to be able to reproduce it..
9 years ago
It was a typo in the journal, but it has been corrected.
9 years, 1 month ago
lmao x3 cool!
9 years ago
9 years, 1 month ago
The gray background looks great at 4K! LOL!
I look forward to seeing this site at a higher-than 1080p size when my new Surface tablet arrives next week. Still not 4K, but better than my desktop monitor.
9 years ago
Grey background was the trickiest one to adapt! xD
9 years, 1 month ago
I like this cause my HD images are massive in size so this is all good to me.
9 years ago
Good! ^^
9 years, 1 month ago
So can I finally upload my low-color PNGs in proper quality settings or do I need to artificially inflate the filesize still?
9 years, 1 month ago
If an 8-bit PNG fails on upload, you'll have to reupload as a 24-bit PNG. This happens because ImageMagick stopped reducing the number of colours to match the input format, even when told to preserve that format. Resizing an image can make it have far more colours than it started with due to interpolation, so if it has more than 256 at that point, it falls over.

We don't want to remove the possibility for resized images to be 8-bit, so we'll need to write code to retry as 24-bit or force it to 8-bit if the conversion fails. It can be done, it just didn't make this release.
9 years, 1 month ago
again I am consistently happy and surprised how well this site is maintained and upgraded o.o I wish this was the standard for other furry sites.
9 years ago
Well, a lot of people paid to keep the site going, so the staff felt we should do our part. :-)
9 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the dedicated work :D
9 years ago
Thanks for your help in keeping the disks spinning! It'd be hard to serve any files if they didn't exist.
9 years ago
Huge thumbnails look amazing on my jumbo phone. Usually I pan around looking at all the icons but now it's all on one scroll. Great work y'all <3
9 years ago
Thank you! ^^
9 years ago
Created a support ticked of a bug I found. Characters such as ', ", and & insert bugged character codes into character sheet descriptions. Stuff like &amp and &#quot. To reproduce, create a character sheet... edit it, put some stuff in with apostrophes and ampersands, save, then edit again.
9 years ago
Yes, we fixed that one yesterday, per the support ticket. :-)
9 years ago
Yeah, thank you very much. Helps out a ton! I accidentally posted before I checked my notifications, sorry about that.
9 years ago
wow.. such a lot of things  XD

anyway, congratulations to IB team!!  =D

the best furry community in my opinion  >_>
9 years ago
You all make it be the best! ^^
9 years ago
Aww thanks  X3

wait... Salmy?!  OH GOD the Admin replied me!!!     *3*

9 years ago
Oh, gosh xD *hugs!* See why you make the best community? :D
9 years ago
*hugs* awww  thankie  <3
9 years ago
Everything else is ok, but I wish you hadn't changed the Max Preview method. Before, one could preview and save normally with the medium preset, and click max to open and save in a new tab if desired. Now, everything must be viewed WIDE all the time to save as wide, or else it is saved as medium if that is your preset. Now you have to changed your preset every single time you want to save as wide/fullsize.
9 years ago
Hi Round. That shouldn't actually be the case. There's a link below reduced images for the full version. If you're using a third-party extension to download the image, look for an update for that extension.

If you are manually saving the file and prefer to do it by right-clicking on the image, you should save the link target if that option is available, rather than saving the file that is on the screen. Alternatively, click the image once, and that will load the full version onto the page, which you can then save.
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