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Cache network engaged - Bad Dragon sponsors U.S. cache node

Inkbunny's main server is in Europe – the Netherlands, to be precise. As noted in our donation drive Q&A, this limited access speeds for many of our members in North and South America, Asia, and Oceania.

As such, we're glad to announce that fantasy adult toy maker Bad Dragon has generously offered to sponsor a public-content cache at IOFlood in Phoenix, Arizona. This joins our secondary server provided by Inkbunny donors as the first two components of our international cache network, activated this week.

Update: Due to restrictions on bandwidth from the USA to Oceania. we've added a self-funded node for members in Australia and New Zealand, many of whom have provided generous donations over the years.

What hardware/bandwidth are we talking about?

Bad Dragon have provided a VPS with two Intel E3-1240 v2 cores, 4GB RAM, 1Gbps bandwidth linked to two of IOFlood's four providers, 50GB SSD and 50GB hard disk – enough to cache three days of access.

In Australia we have one 2.4Ghz core, 1GB RAM, 1Gbps connection (400GB/month), and 20GB SSD.

What benefits does this bring?

Access times for non-private files and thumbnails should be significantly lower for over half our members:

Seattle: 177ms → 40ms
Dallas: 122ms → 40ms
San Jose: 153ms → 20ms
Los Angeles: 145ms → 10ms
Sydney: 350ms → 184ms 1ms
Tokyo: 265ms → 115ms

Test for yourself: compare 'ping us.ib.metapix.net' with 'ping nl.ib.metapix.net' – a lower time is better!

The caches also have ten times our main server bandwidth, allowing for burst traffic and future expansion.

Caching improves performance for all members by freeing up main server RAM and reducing disk access. Each cache takes 15-60% of the load, depending on time of day; the main server is left with just ~25%.

We've also cut ~0.5kb of cookies per image request, particularly helping mobile and DSL users. Finally, with more bandwidth closer to our members, it may be feasible to offer higher-resolution images on-page.

What cache node am I going to hit?

We estimate your location based on your IP address, and direct you to the node which should provide the best performance for your location. If you're in Europe, Africa, or the Middle East, your requests should go to the Netherlands. If you're in East Asia, South America, or Oceania, you'll hit Arizona. Update: Australian and New Zealand users now have their very own low-latency cache funded by our donors.

In North America, traffic is split at the 76th meridian west: east of Baltimore to the Netherlands; west of Philadelphia and Ottawa to Arizona. Asian traffic splits at the 89th meridian east: India and Nepal to the Netherlands; China, Bhutan and Bangladesh to Arizona. Our database isn't perfect, but should be close. You can tell which server you're using by looking at the footer of each page.

If what we've picked doesn't work, you can override it. For example, if you experience congestion with the USA cache, try the alternate (usually slower) route, or the Netherlands cache. In most cases, you should leave it on "auto"; even if there's no improvement yet, we may add better options for you in the future.

Won't this decrease my privacy/security?

If you were good before, you should be good now. All transfers continue to be encrypted with HTTPS. Scripts, style sheets and private/hidden files are not delivered via our caches; nor are messages, journals, shouts and other HTML content. Your login details and cookies only go to our main server.

Will third-party programs still work?

Programs using the Submission Details API should work fine. Those using a static prefix with the Search API won't hit the cache, but will still work. If you're using a tool to download, ask its developer if you need an upgrade. (Developers, please note: the session ID should only be passed in requests for private files. We've also added file links to the search API which you can use for single-file submissions.)

I'm using AT&T/Time Warner/Verizon, and now Inkbunny is super-slow in the evenings…

While a closer server is usually faster, some ISPs allow congestion to build up – seeking to charge you for Internet access, and websites' ISPs to access you. This may lead to lower speeds at some times, although this varies based on location and most members are unlikely to experience traffic issues.

If you do, try the alternate route to our USA cache. Failing that, call your ISP to tell them you're switching because they want to charge service providers to send data to you. You can also file an FCC complaint if you're in the USA, and/or consider getting a VPN - especially useful if your ISP is spying on your surfing. The Netherlands cache should also work, and at least should be no slower than Inkbunny was before.

I'm hitting the Netherlands cache and content isn't loading; what's up?

Your computer may be trying to use IPv6 when it can't. We're not taking away IPv4 support, but if your computer is misconfigured, it may ignore that. Switching to the main server should temporarily fix this, but we'll be enabling IPv6 support for that in a future revision, so you need to fix it on your end.

I want to sponsor a cache, too!

Drop us a line – we're still far from Asia, South America and Oceania, and there's room for improvement in North America. Our CPU, storage and bandwidth needs are modest; uptime and configurability matter.

I want to know more…

Our development journal covers technical differences between the caches – other than that, ask below!
Viewed: 1,591 times
Added: 9 years, 10 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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9 years, 10 months ago
...Excuse me a moment while I go firebomb the local AT&T offices...
9 years, 10 months ago
Don't even joke about that thing in public D:
9 years, 10 months ago
i'm sorry, i can't think about Inkbunny and BadDragon without thinking about a
ride-able fleshlight being sold there.
9 years, 10 months ago
Would that be such a bad thing? Perhaps an ""Inkbunny Editions" range?
9 years, 10 months ago
definitely not  a bad thing
9 years, 10 months ago
You're not the only one.
9 years, 10 months ago
Well, clearly Jeffy's tongue would—
What am I doing, this is supposed to be a thread about servers X)

But yeah, Bad Dragon®. It's surprising how many ways they work to make us happy! I'll leave it at thanking them for that =D
9 years, 10 months ago
9 years, 10 months ago
You could use Snowball the Deer colored jeffy orange or kevin white.

It's the closest thing they have to a humpable bunny butt.
9 years, 10 months ago
Awesome! More cache is always good. Does anything change for developers?
9 years, 10 months ago
We've added file links to the Search API to help developers access the first file in a submission via an appropriate URL; other URLs may no longer have "inkbunny.net" at the front, but you shouldn't have assumed that anyway. Other than that, programs should access the main server as normal.
9 years, 10 months ago
I have never seen any lag on Inkbunny, either while I was in the US or in Europe.

Pages always load instantly.

It seems like that money could have been better spent improving the existing infrastructure.

Adding more infrastructure adds administrative overhead and cost over time.

GreenReaper is already sitting aside by himself at conventions typing SQL commands into terminals to keep things running as it is...
9 years, 10 months ago
If you're thinking of Califur, I was migrating WikiFur and Flayrah to a new server. It's annoying, but it doesn't happen more than once every few years. :-)

I'm glad you've had a good experience to date! I'd personally noticed a difference in content delivery between, say, Inkbunny and Fur Affinity while in Texas – although there were several back-end and database issues impacting performance as well, which it made sense to solve first.

You're right about the administrative load, and this was something I strongly considered before deciding to go down this path. You can see the arguments against it in our donation drive Q&A. But we were starting to encounter issues. You see that 80Mbit spike yesterday? That's from one person. It was a legitimate bulk download; but a few days ago it would have caused congestion for other users - both network-wise, and through increased disk activity. We want to allow fast downloads, but we also don't want them interrupting other people. Now, that goal is far easier to achieve.

Bandwidth has been getting a lot cheaper, but because of the way our host (like many others) works on a "sales loss-leader" basis, it cost less to provision a new server with 1GBps and 100TB/month than to upgrade the network connection on our main server. As it happened, our existing on-site backup was running out of space - in other words, this was an opportunity to improve our existing infrastructure. We just used the server we were getting to mildly daze two furs with one stone. :-)

As for the U.S. cache, we're not paying for it, so the only concrete cost is administration. I suspect it isn't too expensive for Bad Dragon, either. IOFlood hasn't offered VPSes since 2011, but they may have had some hanging around.

For Inkbunny's team members, creating and deploying two quite different nginx configurations was a very useful learning experience, one which I expect to apply to other websites. And now that we have a cache system, we can scale beyond two servers as and when required, with far less additional effort.
9 years, 10 months ago
Your experience does not define everyone else's.
9 years, 10 months ago
Woohoo, yet more improvement to our glorious home!
9 years, 10 months ago
9 years, 10 months ago
May it be stable as possible, man. We've had a good history with them, what with stuff generally not going down. I trust Inkbunny will be just as well served!
9 years, 10 months ago
I had good ping early well never tested it but everything was loading all fine, but atm im getting 175 - 195 ping, currently switched back to main server and it's loading.

Time Warner sucks assssssss :/
9 years, 10 months ago
The alternate route to the U.S. server might be better (or worse), depending on your ISP's connectivity. Worth trying! (It's us-alt.ib.metapix.net if you want to see how it pings.)
9 years, 10 months ago
I tested earlier and it wasn't loading images but seems to be working now on the alt US, ping is also under 100ms.

I guess ill just change servers when until I don't need to anymore lol
9 years, 10 months ago
Our data suggests that the regular route to the Arizona server is better in almost all circumstances, which makes sense as that provider is 10Gbps rather than 2Gbps. So, if you're looking for a default, that would probably be it - but if we add another U.S. cache, it'd be worth trying that. The time to test is in the middle of the evening, U.S. time, as if you're seeing congestion that's when it tends to peak.
9 years, 10 months ago
Will keep that in mind, thanks for the assistance.
9 years, 9 months ago
Just an FYI for you, I am donating a Eastern Canadian cache server, you can test that out at qc.ib.metapix.net for ping, its the Quebec server in the settings page!
will be posting official news about it in soonish (maybe today even?)

It should be setup right now so clients are automatically connecting to it if they fit the defined regions, but if you happen to be outside of those and think you get better ping to that data center, give it a shot and see what happens :P
9 years, 10 months ago
Yay, awesome! :) What does "non-private files and thumbnails" mean? I.e., what's considered "private"? I assume mature/adult art that requires a login to view is still non-private, since I'm getting those from the US cache.
9 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, the "no-guest" setting and rating-block does not restrict raw content access via the URL, although we do block embedding on other sites via a referrer-check.

We considered splitting up work based on guest or adult-content status and then decided that unless a cache asked for that, it probably wasn't worth doing - and if they did, they probably weren't someone we wanted to work with anyway (if nothing else, it's what we most need to be cached, as it is popular).
9 years, 10 months ago
If you have AT&T and have no other ISP to switch to in your area (yay 'Merica), I'd suggest Private Internet Access (PIV) for a VPN. They're cheap, fast, reliable, and they don't log anything.
9 years, 10 months ago
I've noticed suggestions have stopped appearing in my emails, this have any connection or did I mess up on my end?
9 years, 10 months ago
This appears to be is an unrelated issue - Microsoft (Hotmail/Live/Outlook) has been dropping our email from Monday. We're not at all sure why, but we've asked them and we hope that they will fix it soon. You are welcome to ask them as well!
9 years, 10 months ago
Ahhh ok, thanks =)
9 years, 10 months ago
I feel uncomfortable about Inkbunny accepting sponsorship from Bad Dragon. Its leadership has recently faced some very serious allegations. I really didn't expect to see Inkbunny accept donations from somebody like that, I'm a bit gutted to be honest.
9 years, 10 months ago
We appreciate some have reservations over Bad Dragon's business, or their staff, or the jurisdiction in which they reside; just as some are uncomfortable with Inkbunny's content, its members, or those running it. This is one reason we structured this feature in such a way that you are free to choose whether to use it, and that private data is not held by this cache.

At the end of the day, we're here to help artists showcase their work, and we felt it'd be inappropriate to turn down a significant improvement to our service which our donors would otherwise have to pay for.

Now that we've deployed a cache of this type, it should be far easier to deploy others. We'll continue to seek out partners for cache sponsorship - some of whom you may be more comfortable with!
9 years, 10 months ago
They've received allegations again or is this about them selling their defective toys at full retail price since 2014? --> http://minivoice.tumblr.com/post/92778941209/not-sure-.... or their horrible attitude towards furries in general? (such as outright stealing artwork/logos and etc.) --> http://cannedcowboy.tumblr.com/post/100369483616/final...

On one hand I can understand since they are a company that sell sex toys, on the other hand they shouldn't have to treat the fandom like this, so seeing them fund Inkbunny's new server just sorta fills me with mixed feelings.
9 years, 10 months ago
I refer to allegations of sexual assault by the owner of the company against a friend of mine. I've never had any experience of the products that the company produces, I can make no comment there. This is what I refer to...  https://inkbunny.net/journalview.php?id=171283
9 years, 10 months ago
I hope this doesn't eventually lead to BD ads everywhere. I'm getting sick of how obnoxious they are as a business.
9 years, 10 months ago
All Bad Dragon asked for was public recognition of their support, which we've implemented as a footer mention and link when you're using their sponsored server. We felt this was reasonable and proportionate considering the nature of their contribution.
9 years, 10 months ago
That's fair. I'm glad you guys are getting some support. I'm just getting hella skeptical about anything in the fandom these days with everything going so corporate and business-y and how it's ruining the fact that we're supposed to be a community, not a market. That's a whole other topic though.
9 years, 10 months ago
I must admit, your current icon makes me wonder whether you are complicit in this trend! :-)
9 years, 10 months ago
Ahahaha. Being fancy and professional does not mean I want money or to have money be a major governing force in making community decisions~ I just miss the good old days when everyone was treated mostly equally and now we've got all this exclusivity bs with patreon and adspace spamming on furaffinity and now BD is making an art website to try and "compete" like it's some kind of marketplace. We're supposed to be a community where people are free to share and talk to each other without having to sift through ads and ych auctions and patreon exclusive content and all of this money-related nonsense.
9 years, 10 months ago
I'd say we are in a marketplace, albeit one more of site philosophies than finances. Each furry art site offers unique features, and attracts a unique community.

For example, Fur Affinity is supported by significant levels of advertising, which its artists presumably find valuable (or they would not pay for it). We believe there's value in a site which lacks this, which attracts a different community.

A well-performing marketplace has something for everyone. Perhaps Bad Dragon feels they can fill an unmet need, and I'll be interested to see what their offering is.

As for money, it's just an token of value. Our donors feel that our service has value - in return for their donations, we undertake to provide that service (using the services of others), and provide recognition for their contribution.

Bad Dragon is led by furry fans, who value Inkbunny and are willing to help us by offering a service which they can access at a lower cost than we can due to economies of scale. In turn, we can provide what they want - improved service for them and their customers, and recognition of their contribution to the community. Rather than a sponsor icon, they get a link, but the principle is the same.

Over time, furry fandom has become something which you can make a living out of. This has had great benefits for the quality and availability of material such as furry art, fursuits, and adult toys. The cost is increasing commercialization, but there is still plenty of "community" out there - and to be honest, the best artists have always required payment for their work. We've gotten to the point where it is feasible for great works to be paid for by large number of people, and I think that is something to celebrate, despite the cost.
9 years, 10 months ago
I've drawn parallels from a community like this to a community like theatre houses. Money is always involved in anything for anything to be produced and that's fair.

What I don't enjoy is how it becomes a battle for who can make more money and that's not what a community is. It becomes a case where you're using fans and community members as a means to make money for the sake of making money and I think that's what ruins the community. I'm an artist myself and I like taking commissions but at least I make sure everyone can see it.

I'm not claiming that everybody is going this way, but there's an awful lot of big names that charge a lot more money than they need for the sake of making more money and not for the sake of giving back to the community, and that's why I think it's changing the community into something that's a lot less inclusive for people who can't afford to take part as much. Just because people want to be paid too much and there are people who are willing to pay doesn't make it right for the rest of us.
9 years, 10 months ago
" Just because people want to be paid too much and there are people who are willing to pay doesn't make it right for the rest of us.
Doesn't it? What is "too much"? Who gets to decide that? What happens if some artists don't agree? :-)

Besides, supply follows demand. If a few can get away with making a lot of money, it won't be long before others try to do the same, but at a lower price. You may have to change who you associate with, but you will never be short of artists to follow and collaborate with.

(I've also seen complaints from some artists that they get paid "too little", that they can't make minimum wage… but why should they, if people are willing to do the same for less - or better, for the same price? If you can't make a living doing what you love, that just means you have a hobby, not that the system is broken.)

The community of "artists who are making money" has increased because the tools for making so have been democratized - just as shared art galleries like Yerf, the VCL, and later Fur Affinity, SoFurry, Inkbunny and Weasyl democratized the personal art gallery. And just as this helped fuel an explosion of artistic creativity, so, too we'll see an explosion in ways to fund art projects through the use of Patreon, Kickstarter and the like - which I suspect will lead to more and better furry art being created, because it means more people can devote more of their time to projects which are of value to others.

In my experience, furries are pretty good at adapting technologies to the needs and sensibilities of the community. I don't want to highlight specific artists, but I see some doing interesting things with Patreon beyond the classic "pay for things I was already doing" model. Indeed, the old "pay-site" model has been rendered obsolete; now you can pay to support not only the artist you like, but the specific work you like.

Some of these experiments may work; some will be rejected by the community and fail - but if they have value (providing a greater good to a greater number), they will endure. I think this is a good thing regardless of whether some get rich. After all, they will only do so if they deliver value to the community - and as standards rise, that will lead to a lot of free work beforehand, which you will see on sites like Inkbunny.

This completely ignores the people who do do this as a hobby and have no intention of making any money. I don't think those people are going to go away, either; though it may be increasingly hard for them to "keep up" as furry art becomes more professional.
9 years, 10 months ago
That's exactly what I mean though. I don't think this is the right place to make something such as this "professional" because it pushes away people who are attempting to be here for a community experience. To expect people to walk in with a packed wallet just to participate is insane. It's creating an exclusive club for members with money and that's not what a community is.

If things like this progress then it'll turn out to be like miniature paysites everywhere and the social aspect of it will either cease to exist or go somewhere else, in which case if the community side of it sparks up again I'll have no problem staying and drawing content and improving while keeping my art free to view. It isn't fair to have people be expected to be paid $6000 monthly to draw half-ass coloured sketches every so often that only those people can view. Mind you, actual concept artists who pay a lot of money for professional training don't get paid that much to draw what they -don't- want. That's what's absurd about all of this to me. It's not that I get to decide how much anybody is worth making, but using the real world as a model and comparing the talent of artists like Feng Zhu who probably didn't even get paid that much while at his job before creating an institution to professionally train people who also won't get paid that much; I don't believe it's fair for me to run a patreon and charge stupid thousands of dollars for my "hard work" that I half-ass to get paid regularly.

I'm not saying everybody does this, but there are multiples who are popular that abuse this system and that's what's ruining the experience for everyone else. I can only say that it saddens me that people buy into it just because it's porn.

I understand that artists work hard and deserve to get paid. I take commissions, myself. I think Patreon is fantastic as a concept but the amount of people abusing it to make a living doing almost nothing is sickening. To go back on my theatre community model, there are a number of people who do theatre for a living, but it's not an exclusive club and most of the time money is made from dinners and whatnot as opposed to the productions themselves. People can attend rehearsals and talk about it and join in and learn and not have to pay a penny because it isn't an exclusive club.

It's like if I were to walk up to a theatre house and people stop me at the door and say "If you want to come in you have to pay me monthly to be here and to experience the centerpiece of the community." That, to me, is why it ruins a community.

I digress, this isn't really the place to be having such a political argument, and you're right to disagree with me. I just feel like it'd be nice to see artists be a little more selfless every so often.
9 years, 10 months ago
In before masses of ads every freaking where. :(
9 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, that's not gonna happen. We simply don't need them! Our donors have been very generous.
9 years, 10 months ago
Screw IMVU! We've got Bad Dragon ;D!
9 years, 10 months ago
We've got the fandom, and Bad Dragon is part of that. A crowd is more sustainable than a company. :-)

That said, we're grateful BD stepped up; it pushed us to do things we might not otherwise have done.
9 years, 10 months ago
then it looks like belgium has a great ping to :)  did with 2 and great results :D

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=11.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=11.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=11.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=56 time=11.4 ms

Pinging inkbunny.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=54

and i see we use 10 hops and still that speed ,,, great one :D keep it up
9 years, 10 months ago
Looks like you're almost three times closer than I am! :-)
9 years, 10 months ago
im from belgium :) the leaseweb server is in the netherlands :) and if i check the location its even in 200km range :D

9 years, 8 months ago
I live in the Netherlands so i have no idea what people are talking about :D
9 years, 8 months ago
While you will not access these servers, they still provide a small benefit - the removal of the U.S. and Australian load means that your requests to the Netherlands cache are served faster. Disks can only work so fast, even when you have four of them. :-)
9 years, 8 months ago
cool i liv i belgium and a inkbunny server is in nederland nice :D
9 years, 6 months ago
How in the bloody hell is it legal for Inkbunny to host content in Australia?
9 years, 6 months ago
We don't host content involving human or essentially human characters in sexual situations, including cartoon depictions, which have been the focus of legal issues with such content in Australia. We forbid adult photographic/movie content, which might be subject to ACMA. We are also an adult-only site.

If you are nevertheless uncomfortable using this cache, you're welcome to select another in your account settings; for example, Tokyo, Arizona or the Netherlands. All caches use HTTPS.
9 years, 6 months ago
if you scroll down to section 473.1 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/cca1... of that you can see that federally the definition is apart from ambiguous includes depictions.

"material includes any film, printed matter, electronic data or any other thing of any kind (including any computer image or other depiction)" in Crimes Amendment (Child Pornography) Act 2004 No 95

there was a NSW specific article also since the node is in Sydney but I can't find it that further defined "other depiction" to include stories or pictures of any character whom is or appears to be under the age of 18 and may be used to "groom or otherwise coerce a child" is considered child exploitation material (see: child porn)
9 years, 6 months ago
also; https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=752730

strapping some fur onto a character doesn't hold up in court (no bad vibes toward HornyBunny but it IS cp here)

shit, just search for maggie simpson on this site in general
9 years, 6 months ago
We'll see if it holds up in court if and when it is tested; to my knowledge, it has not.

We do prohibit mere neko-style additions. This is harder to judge within stories, but my personal idea of an anthropomorphic "golden-furred fox" would be something like this.
9 years, 6 months ago
I believe you're talking about this law. It is our belief that a clearly non-human animal cannot be considered to legally represent a "person" (just as a drawing of a real gorilla would not), and hence cannot be a "child". We are willing to defend that belief in court, if necessary – though of course we hope that the DPP would use its discretion to focus on abuse instead.

To access an Inkbunny submission page containing sexually mature or adult content, a person must agree to access such material, which includes an agreement that they are an adult. All pages, even those General-rated, contain a tag indicating that they are adult-only, which should prohibit access to children whose Internet access is being properly filtered.
9 years, 6 months ago
Would be an interesting case to be sure but yeah, someone high profile would have to basically get caught with actual cp along with the furry kind for a crackdown
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