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Release 71 - Cache, cache, baby! [+ Twitter images/widget, +fav/profile hiding]

This release has something for everyone! As usual, we've bolded the most important parts.

Beta Release 71

* Added: A database-driven content-distribution network, directing requests for non-private content and site images to user-selectable cache nodes in the USA (sponsored by Bad Dragon), the Netherlands and Australia (funded by Inkbunny donors). This significantly improved access times for most members, reduced main server traffic by 75%, and increased peak bandwidth 30 times (to 3.1Gbps). Members on the U.S./Canada East Coast note: your nearest cache is the Netherlands; the USA cache is in Arizona. Bulk downloaders may wish to use an account targeting the Netherlands cache for best performance. Those experiencing ISP congestion could try the alternative U.S. route, then the Netherlands cache.

* Fixed: The user profile Twitter widget makes a triumphant return after a complete rewrite. Account authentication is required.

* Added: Tweeted submissions can now include an image. By default, this is a small thumbnail; it can be set to the full image, or no image. Private content defaults to no image.

* Added: You can now filter +favs displayed on your profile page by rating and hide your profile from guests and search engines.

* Added: Search supports the '-' prefix to exclude keywords, e.g. "m/m -fox". This feature currently applies only to keywords, and may not work as expected when other search methods are enabled.

* Added: Two new backgrounds by ZUdragon and Lando.

* Added: Many new mascot banners from Inkbunny members - username visible on hover.

* Changed: Non-private content is now routed via new domains {us/nl/au}.ib.metapix.net. This cuts 0.5Kb of traffic per image/thumbnail and prevents caches from being able to access your account.

* API change: The Search API contains cache-compliant file URLs for the first file in each submission.

* API change: The Submission API now has a twitter_image_pref parameter.

* Changed: Published non-private files are backed up as they are accessed, as a consequence of our new cache architecture. Other files will continue to be backed up nightly.

* Changed: Maximum uploaded profile icons increased to 100.

* Changed: Maximum number of images included via BBCode increased to 250 per text section.

* Fixed: Internal support for IPv6. Site-wide roll-out will come after addressing issues with IP ranges. IPv6 is also enabled on non-USA caches - if you're not seeing content, test your IPv6 connectivity; you may need to fix it, prefer IPv4, or stop using it (Windows / Linux / OSX).

* Fixed: Better checking for unwanted URL schemes in BBCode URL tags. Inkbunny thanks momiji for disclosing this issue.

* Added: Patreon, Tumblr and Pixiv as contact types.

* Changed: Contact details in your user profile can be modified without reloading the page.

* Changed: Google Talk is now XMPP in contact types, and the Google+ icon has been updated.

* Changed: Contact details and quicklinks - e.g. fa!, da!, sf!, w! - now use HTTPS.

* Changed: Links to various sites supporting HTTPS have been converted to them.

* Added: DKIM email signatures and DMARC rejection policies to help mail servers reject invalid email claiming to be from inkbunny.net.

* Changed: Site email is now marked as auto-generated to discourage auto-replies per RFC 3834.

* Changed: Various emails come from noreply@inkbunny.net to avoid inadvertent flooding of staff email.

* Fixed: Journals list no longer visible after user deletion.

* Fixed: Inconsistent rid and pool ID triggers a new search rather than displaying cached results.

* Changed: Submission page prompts for "Sex/Gender" keywords per our minimum required keywords.

* Changed: Clarify note about user-initiated account removal in line with privacy policy.

* Added: Sponsor icons now shown in journal and submission titles (beside user name).

* Changed: General content advice text is now to "No naked breasts or genitals, sex, or violence" to avoid ambiguity with definition of "nudity". The buttocks are not "genitals", but an work focusing on the anal region may require an Adult rating for sexual themes.

* Fixed: '+' character now permitted in advertised stream URLs.

* Fixed: Broken FA links in descriptions imported by FA to IB

* Changed: To protect users from the potential of payment providers hunting artists selling adult material, we no longer offer direct donation links. Members are invited to PM the artist to donate.

* Fixed: AlertPay renamed to Payza.

* Changed: Per-connection bandwith limits removed.

* Added: Add note to suggest that users file a ticket to request a username change rather than auto-remove their account (which doesn't help).

* Changed: Snappier front-page guest introduction which doesn't refer to Inkbunny's old sales system or imply that we're only for professionals (and which fits in a search snippet).

* Changed: User un-ban cooldown changed to six hours.

* Fixed: Re-banning someone who was scheduled to be unbanned from your account cancels the unban

* Changed: Embedded flash objects have script access removed. (Site cookies were already no-script.)

* Changed: Search bots blocked from search page; they can use our XML sitemaps for content discovery.

* Changed: Upload timeout changed to 30 seconds to help those with poor upload speed.

Other significant changes since the last code release:

* The main server was funded until 2018, thanks to our generous donors.

* Site storage was upgraded 50%, to 3TB (technical details).

* 'Popular' now shows/selects from top-180 submissions, up from 120. We're considering +fav/watch as a metric for a new section to identify worthwhile works which are unlikely to show up in 'popular'.

* Our Redbubble store was updated with new merchandise, and now features the highest-scoring runner-up entries from our T-shirt competition.

* Issues with Hotmail/Live/Outlook email addresses were resolved. If you were having trouble activating an account or resetting your password, please retry.

* Cox network/upload issues were resolved.

We hope you enjoy this release as much as we did bringing it to you!

Viewed: 1,823 times
Added: 9 years, 10 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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9 years, 10 months ago
Nice, nice, nice!

I'm curious about the cache network.  Does it still maintain session encryption (SSL?  TLS?  Magic Transdimensional Space Cake?), or are images transferred in the clear?  In either case, is that any different than how the site operated before?

Thanks a bunch for all your hard work, guys!  This site is a gem, and I absolutely love the admin team for all the blood, sweat and tears that goes into making InkBunny such a wonderful community.  <3
9 years, 10 months ago
This is answered in the linked cache network journal and its technical counterpart, but the short answer is that yes, it's still sent over TLS; if anything it should be more secure because it's no longer sending cookies for non-private image requests. SSL test reports for our caches: NL - US - AU
9 years, 10 months ago
* Changed: Upload timeout changed to 30 seconds to help those with poor upload speed.

Woo~~ <3
9 years, 10 months ago
whoa too much stuff to read.  just give me it in a nutshell
9 years, 10 months ago
Read the bold bits! That's why we bolded them. :-)
9 years, 10 months ago
i could not really understand alot of them besides 2 backrounds and mascots
9 years, 10 months ago
Inkbunny should now be faster for most of our members, has better integration with Twitter, and you now have more control over what appears on your profile page, as well as several new contact type options - plus, you can exclude things from search.
9 years, 10 months ago
hmmm. i never had a problem with the speed of this website before. im not sure if i will notice any speed difference since my router is in my room. i use Ethernet for my consoles
9 years, 10 months ago
For you, there shouldn't be much difference because you're served by a cache that is in the same place as our main server. In theory you could now download ten times as fast; in practice, your Internet connection probably doesn't go that fast.
9 years, 10 months ago
hmm, i dont know much about internet servers but aint cache an image displayed but not the real thing? i remember on google search it shows a cache of stuff but not the real sites
9 years, 10 months ago
Google Image Search shows a low-resolution copy. Our caches have an exact copy of the files present on the main server, because it gets them from the main server when they are first requested.
9 years, 10 months ago
reminds me of the time a site was down and i could get a cache to it but it was not the real website. so which i clicked it basically what happened was it took me to the page that was down
9 years, 10 months ago
Yes. If Inkbunny's main server is slow or down, you should still be able to get to cached images if you have the link; but you might not be able to load the page that the link is on. (Note that Inkbunny is not a backup system - you should retain a copy of all submissions.)
9 years, 10 months ago
so your saying that if ink bunny goes down i can still look at the pictures?
9 years, 10 months ago
If just our main server goes down temporarily, existing links to images (not pages which images are on) may still work. This is not something to rely on, and it is not the purpose of having the caches, which is to improve performance by bringing files closer to you.
9 years, 10 months ago
i think i get it
9 years, 10 months ago
I was all excited for the fav hiding feature... Then I realized it works based off mature/adult/pg instead of by stars.
9 years, 10 months ago
Why would it be based on stars? o_o They are intended to show how much you like a work.

The intention of this feature was to stop people being worried about +faving work of a certain rating, not to highlight particular works that you really like. Keyword blocking might also be possible in the future.

Visitors can sort your +favs by star rating if they really want to know how much you liked particular work; or, you could use BBCode to embed thumbnails on your profile, or mention particular works.
9 years, 10 months ago
The point was being able to fave the image so the artist knows I like it, without having to broadcast that publicly to everyone on the site. With stars you can do that, with the maturity rating you can't. I have a huge selection of things I like, but I don't want everyone who looks at my profile to see them all.
9 years, 10 months ago
That's a reasonable thing to want, but we wouldn't use existing star ratings to determine which works were hidden; it'd be more likely to be represented in the UI by a checkbox or a separate set of stars, and it would set a flag on the specific +fav. We have this in our request database, but it was not implemented in this revision.
9 years, 10 months ago
" GreenReaper wrote:
Why would it be based on stars? o_o They are intended to show how much you like a work.

Perhaps if you fave your guilty pleasures with one star and want to secretly give the artist's work a fave without letting everyone know you like it?
9 years, 10 months ago
Well, we'd rather separate those, because otherwise it could be misunderstood by them as you liking an image, but not as much as another image which you weren't so guilty about. :-) The basic concept of having a "hidden +fav" is good, it just needs a separate indicator.
9 years, 10 months ago
Yes, a hidden fave would be nice. Hmm. Maybe add a different bar with dark stars and the label "Secret Fave" or something, I dunno.
9 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, that's basically our line of thinking at this point - perhaps the option appears on mouseover to avoid clutter.
9 years, 10 months ago
I would kindly ask you guys to avoid the fancy mouse over mechanics. For anyone surfing on a mobile device it's not very friendly.
9 years, 10 months ago
Oooh can we submit mascot art somewhere for the logo? :D
9 years, 10 months ago
File a support ticket with a link to your artwork, ideally on a transparent background, and we will consider it for inclusion in a future revision!
9 years, 10 months ago
Thanks! Any suggested image dimensions?
9 years, 10 months ago
I'd suggest just using whatever you are most comfortable with, bearing in mind that we will be reducing it to about 175px high max, at least in this version of the site - tiny details may not be visible at that size.
9 years, 10 months ago
Okie, thanks!
9 years, 10 months ago
near the end ""* Fixed: Re-banning someone who was scheduled to be unbanned from your acocunt cancels the unban""

Account is misspelled
9 years, 10 months ago
Good thing we have your eagle canine eyes to catch it!
9 years, 10 months ago
I just wanted to say, I am thoroughly impressed. I can't think of anywhere else with such incredible leadership that goes above and beyond expectations and requirements
9 years, 10 months ago
With all these mascots and backgrounds to choose from, I recommend a menu/gallery to view and select from rather than cycling through them one at a time.
9 years, 10 months ago
" MystBunny wrote:
With all these mascots and backgrounds to choose from, I recommend a menu/gallery to view and select from rather than cycling through them one at a time.

Yo Green, I second this. Small menu, dropdown icon, or (maybe, but unlikely) a scroll menu for these would be nice.
9 years, 10 months ago
Not a bad idea - we're certainly getting to the point where it can take a while to cycle through them - and while that can be fun in itself, it could get annoying if you're looking for a particular one.
9 years, 10 months ago
Now that's the kind of update I like to see. Not too dramatic, clear and to-the-point, and not making drastic changes when you don't have to.

Guess I'll be doing a profile-update and I'll make a journal or send you a note if something comes up.
9 years, 10 months ago
Now THIS is how you update a site! Great work as always!
9 years, 10 months ago
Ah yes, Question. Does having my browser cache completely disabled (And yes, I know how to do that, I explicitly added a line to the code to do so) in ANY WAY affect my browsing experience? I have it disabled because I have, like, the smallest hard drive known to man or something.
9 years, 10 months ago
Unless there is a race condition, thing should still work. This caching is on our end, not yours, although we tell you to cache it as well. In theory it should even be about 40% faster than a few weeks ago. But it'll be slower than it should be; Inkbunny (like other sites) is not optimized for a zero-sized local cache.
9 years, 10 months ago
If you have some ram to spare, you can use a RamDisk to store the browser cache. It would be temporary, so it will not use any disk
But, if you have a small disk, i don't think you could have too much ram, ¿right? :/
9 years, 10 months ago
That's what I was thinking, too. Besides, it's usually best to have a disk-based cache and let the operating system manage which bits of it are also cached in memory, rather than override it by reserving memory. As a bonus, when the power goes out - or you restart - the cache remains! Inkbunny's US and AU caches work like this; ~5% of their files are automatically cached in RAM.
9 years, 10 months ago
Except I only have a 16GB SSD and 4GB of RAM, running Ubuntu MATE.

MATE's a pretty dang lightweight desktop, too, but Chromium INSISTS on eating my RAM like a bag of chips.

I only have, what, 4GB of disk space left, if even? Caches ain't small.
9 years, 10 months ago
You mean, you have 4GB of wasted space! :-D

Chrome is kind of a RAM hog, I've noticed. Firefox got a lot of crap for being bloated, but if you run without plugins they do well.
9 years, 10 months ago
Well, I find Firefox to be annoying, really. With chrome, I can have the tab bar and "title bar" be the same bar, but on Firefox, I have to have the tabs UNDER the titlebar with the minimize, maximize, and close buttons and it's just... NO. I prefer Chrome's interface.

Also note, I'm using CHROMIUM, not CHROME. Yeah, I know, there's not much of a difference, but it's still worth noting.

Wasn't hemorrhaging RAM two weeks ago...
9 years, 10 months ago
That's not how recent versions of Firefox work on recent versions of Windows - it's integrated into/as the titlebar. Don't know if it works like that on all OSes.
9 years, 10 months ago
Not on Ubuntu, or any other Linux distro I've used for a LOOOOOOOONG time.
9 years, 10 months ago
Excellent job.:3 Specially because I just got a Twitter.x3
9 years, 10 months ago
Oh maaaan, the hidden favs thing is a huge plus. Fantastic update! You guys always know how to make using this site more pleasant.

Actually, I'm curious: have you considered the possibility of making a "friends-only" viewing option for favorites? I.E favorites are hidden to the general public, but anyone on your friends list might be able to see everything you've faved despite the typical rating filter you have set to public-facing users. This would be contingent on the notion that people on your friends list are people you consider more trustworthy to share the submissions you've favorited with, but I don't think it's a terrible qualifier (same logic as private submissions, anyway).

Thanks for continuing to make this the best furry site I've ever been on. You guys rock.
9 years, 10 months ago
We hadn't considered that, but we will certainly consider it for the future!
9 years, 10 months ago
Please do.
9 years, 10 months ago
Good idea. =)
9 years, 10 months ago
Wow, thanks a lot for doing all of this - I wish other sites were this proactive.

The '-' thing in searches is definitely a great feature :D

[also props to lando/rudragon, those backgrounds are beautiful]
9 years, 10 months ago
" Changed: General content advice text is now to "No naked breasts or genitals, sex, or violence" to avoid ambiguity with definition of "nudity". The buttocks are not "genitals", but an work focusing on the anal region may require an Adult rating for sexual themes.

While I support this change, I'm feel that the "naked breast" should be further clarified as to what exactly constitutes "naked breasts," as well as to which sex it applies. I have seen artwork depicting characters with breasts (male, female, herm, et cetera) without any clothing on their chests that does not constitute a Mature or Adult rating as it is currently defined. Would such pieces be required to have their rating changed?
9 years, 10 months ago
While both sexes technically have breasts, the implication is that they have to be noticeable and detailed in some respect, which in most cases will mean that they are female (or herm, etc.). If we're seeing uncovered nipples, a Mature rating is likely to be appropriate. Furry characters are, almost by definition, furry; non-detailed raised chest areas are not a concern even if they are clearly not covered.

It's hard to talk in generalities, as that is not how our moderation process works - this new guideline comes from past moderation decisions. At this level, we'd consider whether it would be appropriate for someone who had not agreed to any higher rating to see the submission. If you feel that any particular work has an inappropriately low rating (by this definition or others), you're welcome to file a ticket.
9 years, 10 months ago
I always mean to comment saying how awesome it is you guys put in all this work, and how insanely informative your journals are.

Some really great changes and fixes here. Also loving the new backgrounds.
9 years, 10 months ago
OMG. a change-log on a website?

ands its proper and very detailed as well?

AND most of the changes are very good fixes and updates??

holy crap now I see just how bad FA has been compared to this site. you guys put a ton of work into Inkbunny to keep it running smooth and improve the website.

to be honest your change-log is more detailed than some videogames ive seen as well.

9 years, 10 months ago
I worked for a video game company for a while! Usually the team was too tired by the time we had built a build and tested it to do a super job at release notes; it was more "we fixed some stuff, added some other things, tell us what broke!" Inkbunny is a little more relaxed in that respect - most of the time. :-)
9 years, 10 months ago
Now if FA can do even 1% of this, I'll be surprised.
9 years, 10 months ago
To be completely and absolutely fair, FA already has some of these new features we've just added! x'D
9 years, 10 months ago
I guess I mean in a timely manner. IB has a ton of features FA does not and IB keeps adding to it, making the user experiences much better. FA has hardly changed in my 8 years there.
9 years, 10 months ago
So does that mean Bad Dragon gathered some influence in the future of InkBunny? A cache server inclusive traffic isn't free as sunlight and windwaves. What did Bad Dragon got for in exchange? |=(:3

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to dick around but I'm getting kinda concerned in how much 3rd party websites got involved with (or better said, rely on) Bad Dragon. ATM the involvement of Bad Dragon isn't clearly visible at the frontside of those sites, but who says it won't change in the future?
9 years, 10 months ago
There's really no involvement whatsover, beyond the fact we're all in the same thing here: providing the community with services. They've done the same thing many other donors did, but instead of giving us money, they directly gave us a VPS server to use indefinetly. And yeah, in return of nothing.

If you take a look at the cache's FAQ it's all explained there: That server gave us the idea of building the distributed content servers. No personal information is being given to any third party. Those caches only store the images and nothing else, so the site's experience is faster for most users.

So in short, no, they didn't gather some influence. They just made a donation in the shape of a server for us to use, and we figured out a nice way to put it into use. If one day they can't keep us giving us that service, nothing will change. The system will be ready to welcome the extra traffic again, or we'll just try to find another VPS for the americas, like we recently did for Australia.

Why we mention Bad Dragon in the footer for the Cache Content Server? Well, because that service is being provided by them alone. If another donor want to provide us with other vps to keep on distributing content or want to pay one from their own pocket, we will also mention them alone for that service in particular! :) For the main server, the NL Cache and the Australian VPS, it's been a collective effort by all the donors. It's everybody's money at a whole that we used to make all the servers run for the next three years, and you can see all of them in the donors' page!
9 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the dark-clouds-cleanup info |=(:3
9 years, 10 months ago
Bad Dragon asked only for credit for their contribution, which we provided here and in the footer when you are using their cache. It made sense for them to contribute in this way because they have access to services at a low cost that'd cost us ~$40/month, the main issue being the ~7TB/month transfer.

We're mindful of the concerns you voiced; that's one reason we structured their involvement to provide a meaningful benefit to us at a relatively low cost to them, with no private data sharing, and in such a way that it could be terminated by either party in a matter of hours without great disruption.

While some websites do not mention their involvement, we felt it appropriate to let you know exactly what's happening, and made it so that you can easily can switch to using (say) the Netherlands cache in your account settings if you prefer not to use their service.
9 years, 8 months ago
Thanks, I'm using the NL Cache server atm.

Also metapix.net has interesting text on parking page |=(;3
9 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, I never quite got around to finishing that project! There's a few alternatives here, though.

Figured I might as well reuse the domain, since I had it for a bit anyway.
9 years, 10 months ago
Damn, huge update. :O Thanks for all the hard work, guys. ^_^

I think this one update is more than FA has seen in a decade. XD
9 years, 10 months ago
9 years, 10 months ago
Thank you all for the amazing work you do.
9 years, 10 months ago
To protect users from the potential of payment providers hunting artists selling adult material, we no longer offer direct donation links. Members are invited to PM the artist to donate.

Has this ever happened to your knowledge, or is this merely a plausible scenario you're preemptively addressing? It would be most regrettable if PayPal has started seeking out smut artists just to punish them.

Anyway, again, an excellent series of improvements and explanations of such. Thanks, Greenreaper and team!
9 years, 10 months ago
I might be the only person facing this issue, but ever since the move to using metapix.net every other submission doesn't load or takes forever to do so .3.
9 years, 10 months ago
As noted in the main CDN journal, we've found that some U.S. networks are congested at times, so please check in your account settings that you are being directed to our U.S. content cache, and then try the alternative route to the U.S. cache, and if that doesn't work, the Netherlands cache.
9 years, 10 months ago
okay! :3
9 years, 10 months ago
We've also been figuring out exactly how much disk space we can use before it complains and stops saving new images; it's possible that this caused a temporary issue on your end. Unfortunately this can be hard to distinguish from congestion. I would still suggest trying the above, if it happens to you again. The Netherlands cache doesn't face this particular issue because it doesn't work in the same way and has 3TB of disk to play with.
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