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Farewell, Inkbunny

Just got my account back from a suspension that happened back in November, so that's where I've been. Doesn't matter why, it's just the usual pointless pettiness. Given time to reflect, alongside my partner's account here being outright deleted, principle and common sense dictate I go. Whatever passes for mainstream in this fandom has not been a place where I am welcome or where I belong for several years, so what's in it for me?

I wanted to try and change things or at least let other furs like myself know they weren't alone in all the insanity that has overtaken western culture and our subculture too, but really, what a daft idea that was. My only joy is in seeing the feedback from my drawings, which I don't have to share here anyway. I'm honestly just tired of it all, I'm too ill to fight with people either way. I've had enough of other peoples' spite and hatred, I don't need nor want it in my life. I no longer want to be part of places in this fandom that are swamped in ideological nonsense.

I'll leave my gallery up here for people who care about that sort of thing, but I won't be posting here anymore, I'm done. Thanks for the memories, truly, but I can't do this anymore. The loss of all the years I've put in. Fuck it. I have a telegram group and a Discord server where I'll be posting future art and where people can interact with me, the links are below.

Telegram: https://t.me/+YfhaP8TRcOBjMTJk

Discord: https://discord.gg/UqXAnZFg9P
Viewed: 887 times
Added: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Please don't leave 🙏🏼.
I care about you.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thanks for the message.

Take care of yourself!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
So long, and thanks for all the tickles!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
You still have a friend here
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I'm sorry to see ya go and its damn insulting how its been around here with that going on.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
You shouldn't be forced to feel like you're opinions don't matter, because they do.

I will miss you if you decide to leave, but I understand.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
C'mon bro, don't leave.  Don't give the haters the satisfaction of your submission.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I really hate to see you go, but I completely get why you would. Glad you're not deleting your gallery too, I always loved your art style :)
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I'm gonna miss him too. 😢
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I don't have telegram or discord unfortunately.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
nyoooooo Gotham deserves Batman 😿
1 month, 2 weeks ago
No way I can talk you out of it?
Well, then take care of yourself.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I wish you the best.

Though the trolls are out there, most of us will miss you.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Will you still visit me here on Inkbunny?
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I don't blame you at all tbh... I'll catch you on telegram for sure.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Been a fan of your work for so many years! It really sucks to see you go, but what's been going on with the fandom, it's understandable. Thanks for all the cute and sexy art you've given us!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
don't go man 😭, I love your cute and sexy art,
1 month, 2 weeks ago
My thoughts exactly
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Too bad you are leaving, your art has given me a lot of joy but you seem to have your reasons
Take care of yourself
I've joined your discord but i ussually don't talk much :)
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Was wondering where you went, I hate too see you go, hope leaving here brings nothing but good for you and your partner.

Take care of yourself man 🤍🤍🤍
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Once you end up on the ban wagon, you'll be perma banned or otherwise censored eventually.

Furs love to howl to the world about how tolerant they are, but like everyone who screams the loudest that they are tolerant, they are actually the least tolerant people to be found.

1 month, 2 weeks ago
Please Don't Leave Your art is awesome🥺
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Will miss seeing your uploads here but thank you for providing links so that we can stay in touch!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
The telegram link appears to be expired ;

That aside, a shame to see you go. I still appreciate and love the commissions you did for me~
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Please don't give up If you just leave all you're doing is just giving the haters what they want people like you in this site I really wish you don't have to leave
1 month, 2 weeks ago
well, that's unfortunate news.

"I no longer want to be part of places in this fandom that are swamped in ideological nonsense."

agreed...wish more places and people supported actual free speech instead of the restricted and controlled speech we still have across much of the internet.

all it takes is one wrong word and you get censored or banned. it's not free speech if you're punished for daring to say something someone disapproves of.

and that includes muh hate speech and gender ideology. the things that led to this ban in the first place. censorship and punishing people for daring to talk in the name of ideology and politics.
1 month, 1 week ago
This is not meant as a smart ass question but I'm curious - What makes you think the people who run this place owe you free speech? You and a lot of people here seem to think you are owed the right to say anything you want and them restricting you is an injustice. Why do you think that is? Why do you think they owe that too you?
1 month, 1 week ago
it's this thing called having rights. it's actually quite a GOOD thing to be able to speak freely and have opinions about whatever you want without being censored and banned for it.

and no, the concept of free speech actually isn't exclusive to governments.

it's not that i am owed the ability to speak freely. it's that, as a US citizen, i have a constitutional RIGHT to speak freely.

NO ONE has a RIGHT to censor and ban me for speaking. and yet, FAR too many people (probably you too) believe they do have a right to censor and ban people...treating the ability to speak at all as if it's a crime that must be punished.

if that precious ToS people worship as if it's the word of god so much said so, you wouldn't even be able to post that comment without being banned and censored.

it's all up to the owners of the website believing they're above the law and that they have a right to restrict, control, and punish speech they personally disapprove of.

it's anti-free speech, plain and simple.

edit: hell, on some websites like ars technica, a SINGLE FUCKING WORD regardless of context is grounds for a permaban.

t    y

i'm using this as an obvious example. this could be any word at all but no. it is grounds for permaban because MUH MOTHERFUCKING GENDER IDEOLOGY!

it's been damn near one full decade now. and everyone STILL has to dance on fucking eggshells out of outright FEAR of being punished for the CRIME of DARING to speak WORDS!

because apparently free speech is the most heinous crime to ever exist! and people like you dare question why i believe i have a RIGHT to speak freely! after YEARS of bans and censorship all because i say fucking WORDS! because i DARE say something someone PERSONALLY disapproves of and believes is a THOUGHT CRIME!

i hope, one day, that this anti-free speech censorship is made entirely ILLEGAL as it damn well SHOULD be!
3 weeks, 2 days ago
I can relate.  I was blocked by an artist that I really liked because he did an arc in one of his comics in which someone had created a list of "The 10 Most Unfuckable Girls in School".  A school administrator banned the list and banned anyone from reading it.  When I said that interferes with Free Speech, someone wanted to start an argument with me about it.  I remained calm, but later, I found I had been blocked by the artist and a number of his followers.  I was never given the opportunity to explain my feelings, but if he wants to lose followers just because of a belief in Free Speech, I guess I'll accept his decision.
1 month ago
Everyone should have free speech.  Arguing otherwise is objectively evil.  SIGH
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I got you on Telegram and Discord. I'm good.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
*hug* ... please dont leave
1 month, 2 weeks ago
ive heard the staff are super inactive and not even responding to donations inquiries (ignoring people trying to give them free money), And, i only follow like 150 artists and have seen 9 or 10 of them quit the site forever because of AI being allowed here.
i think its dark days ahead for inkbunny....
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Pretty largely done with the whole furry thing, myself, except for keeping up with a few artists on this site.  Furry is utterly dominated by narcissistic, abusive, manipulative and very stupid degenerates; the sane ones are a near-extinct minority at this point, driven away by the likes of said degenerates and their clueless, lying moderator enablers here.
1 month, 1 week ago
sad but true
1 month ago
Ok you are obviously not pretty largely done with the "furry thing" the most things that furrys do is follow furry accounts on furry websites and like furry porn and who you calling degenerate do you like any self-awareness at all?
1 month ago
1.  with the exclusion of; excluding; save; but:
  "They were all there except me."

1 month ago
Ok so you're still not largely done becuase you are still doing some massive furry things as I layed out. Giving me the definition of "except" really doesn't help your statement.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I don't have telegram of Discord, but I don't want to lose you.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
🎶Baby come back, yeah, you can blame it all on me
'Cause I was wrong, and I just can't live without you🎶
1 month, 1 week ago
You will be missed here roarey. I sometimes felt your opinions could be perhaps more abrasive then was nessasary to make the point, but the point itself was allways of great value to ne and meny others.

It is my hope the fandom will even out but will just have to wait and see... either way ill continue to enjoy your work were you post it. Thank you for trying to be a stone in the path of some truly poisonous ideology.
1 month, 1 week ago
I'm sorry to hear that it's gotten so bad for you. As others said, it makes sense: there's no need to make yourself miserable, fighting to prove your worthiness to a broader community. Please take care of yourself first, and be well! ❤️
1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 1 week ago
You're not alone, other accounts who aren't goose stepping in lockstep with the ideological mandates are getting punished too. Some peoples very livelihoods are being threatened, under the guise of their content being unacceptable even though it's the kind of thing that gets posted and encouraged on a daily basis on this site. They're obviously just exploiting the excuse of TOS violations to punish people who aren't sufficiently proclaiming themselves as being part of the outraged mob decrying the downfall of society and threatening self harm, because they're totally not cultists at all.

If they want to turn the website that's known across the entire internet as the kiddie porn place into an echo chamber of alt left extremism then they're welcome to it.
1 month, 1 week ago
What kind of things are people being punished for?
1 month, 1 week ago
I wish you all the best.
I quit posting here long ago for the exact same reasons so I feel ya.
Just a quick look at your comment section here should at least let you know that you have more than a few folks here that are willing to listen to a different opinion.
Again, I wish you all the best and know that you will be missed. I will miss you especially.
One more voice culled in the name of 'tolerance'.
1 month, 1 week ago
I'd say, please stay, read the tos and do your thing minding the rules. Some people seem to be in rather offended state currently but if they actually drive out people with different opinions it's a huge loss and will slowly destroy this website. There is already enough useless echo chambers in internet.
1 month, 1 week ago
minding the rules...ha!

maybe if the ToS of all kinds of websites and platforms all over the internet hadn't been weaponized with muh hate speech (means whatever the person handing out a ban wants it to mean) and gender ideology.

telling someone to mind the rules nowadays is the exact same as telling them to follow the very rules that get them banned in the first place.
1 month, 1 week ago
Well, user can choose to ignore rules they do not agree with and get in trouble. Why waste time and effort for that.
1 month, 1 week ago
yeah, and you can also follow the rules and get punished regardless!

fuck the rules and guidelines! they are entirely irrelevant if not enforced evenly across a website/platform. steam is a shining epitome of this fact. their fake support staff flat out refuse to help you if you get a ban even if you didn't violate any of steam's rules and guidelines because each dev/pub's individual rules and guidelines completely overrule steam's own platform rules and guidelines.

this is all complete and utter BS and EVERYONE knows it is! hardly anywhere on the internet enforces rules and guidelines evenly (if they do it correctly at all) website/platform wide.

abuse of power, rampant corruption, and political/ideological motivation is the NORM, not the exception on the internet.

if you don't toe the line, march in lockstep and adhere to "the message" you get banned and censored everywhere for the crime of speech.
1 month ago
I want to point out a couple things from IB's policy guidelines. You can find them all at the bottom of the page.

1: Inappropriate content includes, but is not limited to, material that breaks any relevant laws, defames or vilifies any person or group of people, is harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive or inflammatory.

2: Harassment and bullying is not tolerated here. We enable members to deal with trouble-makers directly. Members can delete comments on their own account and submissions, or ban offenders from their account, all without any intervention from moderators.

3: We reserve the right to refuse membership to anyone, at our sole discretion.

4: Most of all; have fun and don't take anything too seriously! We're all here to enjoy art. It's that simple. If it stops being fun then it's time to turn off the computer and do something else worthwhile.

We want this kind of behavior gone from IB. It isn't welcome here.

Nothing happened to Roarey. He's on Discord now and you can do everything there you used to do here, except harass and marginalize LGBT and progressive users over their political opinions (because he doesn't allow them there). And he can throw you out for being too progressive if he wants to, and that's fine because it's his channel.

One last thing... nobody's demanding you get in "lock step." Just stop stepping on other people.
1 month ago
"Harassment and bullying is not tolerated here."

that depends on your political leaning. everyone knows it is allowed and tolerated if leftists are the ones doing it. that's the case all across the internet.

"We want this kind of behavior gone from IB. It isn't welcome here."


"Nothing happened to Roarey."

yeah, he got banned here for opposing leftist ideology basically.

"He's on Discord now and you can do everything there you used to do here, except harass and marginalize LGBT and progressive users over their political opinions (because he doesn't allow them there)."

yeah, that applies to us lgb people as well. tq+ people can say and do anything they want including harassment and bullying all across the internet freely while anyone who dares oppose them or push back against it faces censorship and bans.

it is a completely 1-sided enforcement of rules and guidelines EVERYWHERE on the internet! pretty much no exception anywhere. bend the knee and submit, take the harassment and bullying without pushing back, or face punishment.

"One last thing... nobody's demanding you get in "lock step." Just stop stepping on other people."

that is EXACTLY what you're doing.

you don't have a right to dictate to me what i can or cannot say or do! you do not get to control me, you wannabe DICTATOR!

it's been a fucking decade of people trying as hard as they possibly can, while WEAPONIZING things like ToS's community rules and guidelines, and codes of conduct to silence and punish people like me and roarey for daring to push back against this ideology and leftist politics.

STAY IN LINE OR BE BANNED AND CENSORED is exactly what you are saying to and telling me to do.

this fucking ideologically and politically motivated banning and censorship needs to end.

doesn't matter if you're straight, lgb, a theist, or anything else. we literally have NO CHOICE except to go along with this tq+ ideology and leftist politics or else we face bans and censorship.

it is a COMPLETELY 1-sided enforcement of rules and guidelines because those who are a part of and who support and defend that ideology and politics are completely free to harass and bully and say ANYTHING they want to about us anywhere, any time, and face ZERO consequences for their actions while WE face punishment for refusing to take part in any of it.

you don't give a fuck about free speech or rules and guidelines being enforced fairly and website/platform wide. you just want me to stfu, get back in line, and stop dissenting.

i will never do that for you people! i will never stop resisting this ideology and leftist politics!
1 month ago
1: Do you disagree with me that IB's policy is not to tolerate harassment?
  or do you disagree that the definition of "harassment" is by the mods' determination?

As the operator of a private website, the mods could call anything harassment. They make the rules.

And if you don't think a significant number of users want him gone, then why is he gone? Why is he gone from FA? Why is he gone from Twitter? Why is he gone from Patreon?

Why did he just make this impassioned journal saying.. what was it... hang on..

" Whatever passes for mainstream in this fandom has not been a place where I am welcome or where I belong for several years, so what's in it for me?

2: Roarey was suspended and his suspension was lifted. He then left in a huff. That isn't "banned." You're making him out to be some kind of martyr because he happened to be away during Christmas and Thanksgiving and then popped in to say "smell you later."

3: Of course it's one-sided! IB pays the bills and does the work to run the site!

4: I do care about free speech. I'm not telling you to stop speaking. I'm just pointing out that you're saying silly things.

Free speech means that you can't be arrested by the police and charged for being a member on a furry website, or subscribing to a communist newsletter. It doesn't mean you get to say everything you want on someone else's website.

And I do agree with you that speech should be free. But that's a two-way street. Free gun ownership can't exist if people express "freedom" by firing in random directions. Free love can't exist if people express "freedom" with rape. And free speech can't exist if people believe hurting others is exercising their freedom.
1 month ago
"1: Do you disagree with me that IB's policy is not to tolerate harassment?
  or do you disagree that the definition of "harassment" is by the mods' determination?"

harassment and bullying is allowed if you're are a leftist or part of the tq+ ideology. it doesn't matter if i agree or disagree with IB's policy to not tolerate it because the simple fact is, it IS allowed IF you are of the correct political/ideological leaning.

the same goes largely everywhere across all websites/platforms and this has been the case for years.

"As the operator of a private website, the mods could call anything harassment. They make the rules."

it's a private company, it can do whatever it wants to do!
it's a private website, they can do whatever they want to do!

same stupid excuse/defense year after year after year. just another way of saying the rules and guidelines are irrelevant, you will be punished for any reason at any time at moderator and staff discretion and you have no say in the matter.

"And if you don't think a significant number of users want him gone, then why is he gone? Why is he gone from FA? Why is he gone from Twitter? Why is he gone from Patreon?"

politics and ideology on every single one of those websites.

i can say that from personal experience with FA, e621, steam, and a number of non-furry websites. because i also stand in direct opposition to these same exact politics and ideology.

actually, iirc roarey is extremely lucky he hasn't been arrested for the things he's said online given the extraordinarily bad situation the UK has been in for several years now in regards to censorship and thought policing.

a friend of mine also has to worry about that too. be careful you don't say too many no no words on the internet or the irl police might come marching up to your front door to haul you off for THOUGHT CRIMES!

"Why did he just make this impassioned journal saying.. what was it... hang on.."

politics and ideology...how many times must this be stated?

"Roarey was suspended and his suspension was lifted."

ok, my mistake there.

"3: Of course it's one-sided! IB pays the bills and does the work to run the site!"

NO! it is because... POLITICS AND IDEOLOGY! if you are a leftist and/or part of the tq+ ideology, you are allowed to say and do anything you want while those who push back face punishment.

that has been the case for years and continues to be the case.

tbph, i always thought i'd be the one to give up on this shit first, not roarey but here we are. maybe he can finally get some peace in his life and get away from this shit.

unfortunately for me, this shit continues to plague the things i like but, thankfully, is FINALLY on its way out thanks largely to trump. a kind of president that is nigh impossible to happen in modern politics actually happened and is finally changing things for the better.

i doubt it but maybe he can salvage some of the internet and save it from this leftist politics/tq+ ideology shit. maybe some shred of genuine free speech can return to the internet.
1 month ago
so if I'm reading you (and more words is more clarity), your thesis is that an unfair situation exists because all social media is punishing harassment and abuse by some users, and not others; and that the selection criteria are politics and ideology, right?

If that's the jist of it, then can you point out two cases in which the same act (harassment) occurred, and consequences were not meted out because one user was on the left and one on the right?

Or, can you just give an empirical example of the harassment/abusive speech that one might hear from the left?

For example, I hear this frequently: "There are only two genders." This is considered abusive speech by a huge share of the population because it marginalizes individuals, in addition to being factually incorrect. Anti-trans sentiment contributes to mental health problems, increased rates of suicide, workplace harassment, lost productivity, a greater burden on healthcare resources, lower wages, stagnation in development, all kinds of social detriments.

What is a similar statement from the left (not necessarily related to reproduction or gender) that causes a similar negative impact on society?
1 month ago
" stickyfox wrote:
For example, I hear this frequently: "There are only two genders." This is considered abusive speech by a huge share of the population because it marginalizes individuals, in addition to being factually incorrect.

Here you reveal that you yourself are an ideologically possessed leftioid, and demonstrate exactly the phenomenon being explained to you.  Unfortunately, I don't believe you are mentally capable of understanding this, or are so narcissistic you don't care and just get your kicks by hurting people by saying this crap.  Furry is filled with abusers just like you.

You use a lot of languge to make yourself seem reasonable, but every word you use is the bog-standard manipulative, frame-controlling, gaslighting bullshit people are getting increasingly sick of dealing with, to wit:

"Oh, you must do what we say, believe as we believe, and never, ever disagree, OR ELSE PEOPLE WILL GET HURT!  Do what we want or we will hurt you to protect the people we use as shields!  Oh heavens!"

Uh-huh.  People are tired of your hostage puppies.  You are a scumbag in nice-guy's clothing.  You are a vessel of evil pretending at goodness to oppress the people you hate.  You do not care about the people you claim to care about, you only want to use the as a social cudgel against your percieved enemies.  You are vile.

It's not worth having conversations with virulent cases like you, so I will not further engage, but feel free to flail around and make your feeble, predictable passive-aggressive attempts at defending yourself.
1 month ago

are you citing me as an example?

What's the harm, and who's the victim? Is it you? What did you feel when you read my comment, and why did it affect you like that? What's your context/life experience?

quintisian and I are having a grown-up conversation and you're welcome to join if you can get on the level. But I'm not addressing your insults or calling me an abuser. Harassment is the whole theme here. Don't contribute to it.
1 month ago
This is what happens. They cry victim, you ask to see the boo-boo so you can kiss it, and *poof* they're gone.
1 month ago
it's been a decade. i don't give a fuck what people say, i will never submit to the tyranny, dictatorship, and control of leftists.
1 month, 1 week ago
I joined your telegram and discord groups. I most likely follow your telegram group since that's my primary means of communications. Sorry to hear things are not going well for you in the fandom. But the situation is what it is. Even though I hold differing social and political viewpoints than yours, both my mate and I have encountered the same insanity you described. So you are doing the right thing as far as making the changes you are making. I've made similar changes as yours myself and I can tell you, its made being a furry enjoyable again. Plus my therapist is jumping with joy that the changes I made in my furry presence and other aspects of my life has made my own mental and emotional issues allot easier to manage and keep in control. Bottom line, the ultimate person you have to answer to at the end of the day is yourself. Get your own house in order, everything else becomes easier to deal with.
1 month, 1 week ago
so sorry to hear this Roarey :(

you and i had our differences, and i sometimes disapproved of your behavior

but nothing you said or did deserved any kind suspension

no disrespect to the IB staff, but i think they made a huge mistake here

very sorry to see you go, and i hope one day you change your mind

but thanks for the art, and thanks for leaving your gallery for us to enjoy
1 month, 1 week ago
The "stunning and brave" are actually quite fragile.
1 month, 1 week ago
Wherever you go, know you are loved for who you are ♥️
1 month, 1 week ago
Don't run away, that's what they want.
1 month ago
Hey everyone this guy is a zionist shill and a genocide denier that also follows a bunch of nazi and white supremacist accounts. It's also very weird for a guy that is so pro free speech has all the comments on his artwork are locked.
1 month ago
Roarey. Please come back 🙏🏼
2 weeks, 2 days ago
I honestly miss the OLD furry fandom, the one from the early 2000s.

That's the time period that ~I~ got into it. And from my perspective that was a much friendlier, much more sane fandom. Twitter & Tumblr didn't even exist yet, so we didn't have anyone pushing the idea that "such and such is PROBLEMATIC."

Nobody back in 2003 was screaming at people for drawing Yiffy Balto, Yiffy Scooby Doo, Yiffy Lion King etc etc etc. Nobody back in 2003 gave a flying fuck if you drew R34 of Tails, Klonoa, Buster Bunny, Kit Cloudkicker etc etc etc. None of that shit mattered. Everybody understood that it is FICTION and it cannot be equated to CSEM.

Okay, maybe the BURNED FURS were into all that "Purity Police" garbage, but those morons got LAUGHED OUT OF THE FANDOM. To my utter horror, the Burned Furs never really "went away" they just got younger and dumber and more vocal. "Current Year" Furry Fandom is ALL ABOUT that "thought crime purity cult" bullshit JUST LIKE the Burned Furs.

These stupid ass delusional Twits can't go five seconds without screaming at some artist for drawing something that nobody would have even cared about 20 or 30 years ago. Every debate and discourse about this stuff is STUPID. I don't CARE if some artist draws Two Pokemon screwing. Or a human and a Pokemon screwing. POKEMON AREN'T REAL.

THEY DON'T FUCKING EXIST, YOU TWITTER BRAIN-WORM INFECTED IDIOT. GO OUTSIDE AND TOUCH GRASS. You're really gunna sit there and say that an artist drawing Yiffy Pokemon Artwork or Writing Yiffy Pokemon Fan-Fic is the EXACT SAME THING as some moron screwing animals In Real Life? FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT SHIT, DUMBFUCK.

(you're okay, Roars).

That's a False Equivalence Fallacy and a Moral Equivalence Fallacy. That shit don't make no gawd-damn sense. And the Puritan Newbie Furs say "it doesn't matter if it isn't real, someone MIGHT go do it!" Yeah? Someone MIGHT watch a horror movie and go copy that IRL.

Someone MIGHT listen to a Slim Shady song or ICP song and go copy that IRL. So what do we do, Tipper Gore? Ban all the Music & Movies because of some hypothetical situation? Ban Breaking Bad and Beavis & Butthead and South Park because some idiot MIGHT try to copy it?

Yeah no, I am very much AGAINST that... I believe that people should take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, not go looking for shit to BLAME for their own stupid decisions.

People were doing this shit about Dungeons & Dragons back in the 80s and 90s, y'all are basically tryna pull the same shit. You're GIVING PEOPLE a "Twinkie Defense." (look it up, that was a thing) -- you're taking blame off the PERSON and putting it on "X"

DnD and Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest didn't MAKE anybody do ANYTHING. A tabletop RPG, a metal musician, a horror movie -- are NOT responsible for the actions of someone who was ALREADY clearly mentally ill in the first place.

Harmarist and Aogami and Wolfblade sure as shit didn't MAKE joe-shmoe furry decide to go out and SA their family members, or their pets. Blame the PERSON WHO DID THE CRIME, not some 2D Yiff Artist.


I ~hate~ what the "Current Year" fandom has turned into. People have lost their ability to separate FICTION from Real Life. People are on a NON-STOP WITCH HUNT against Artists and Fan-Fic Writers, trying to get them doxxed or get them booted off their Social Media Platforms because they drew something that upset some delusional doofus wanna-be Fiction Cop who shouldn't have even been looking at it in the first place.....

If you're not 18+ -- I'm sorry but YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE LOOKING AT FURRY STUFF TO BEGIN WITH. If you're not 18+ -- YOU do not belong on Fchan, FurAffinity, E621 or InkBunny. And if you run into Yiffy Art on Twitter, sorry that happened but you got a BLOCK BUTTON FOR A REASON.Try using the BLOCK BUTTON instead of writing a 10 page diatribe on why that artist is evil and it's THEIR fault and not YOURS that you saw their Yiffy Fan Art of Tails and Sonic Yiffing.... LOL LOL LOL....
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