Well it's time to use this journal in a useful way. Here's some links with music who'll help by putting a smile and some happiness on the faces to everybody ... To uplift my soul and spirit when I'm ...
This pool regroup my new sketches who have a color background... to change the monotony of the white sheet and also the experiments, methods and new skills in sketching that I put on paper...
Well it's here that I'm going to stack my stuff that I consider like painting and landscapes ... All of these are done using a mouse LOL ... Yup eat your hearts up tablets users XD
Hi! welcome to my li'l place on Inkbunny. I’m a shy French-speaking self-taught and still learning amateur artist. You’ll notice that I draw cubs and my drawings are mostly inspired from the Maple Town TV series ... 90% of all my stuff is here since the FA cub ban but I still have an active account there under the BJBear name. Also I do some landscape digitals painting to vary my salad ^^ When I have the time to draw, (I have a job) it’s mostly for the fun of it, not for money, it’s one of my hobbies.
Oh! and by the way, I don't doCOMMISSIONSorREQUESTS ... I'm sorry to disappoint some viewers but right now, I don't feel that I'm able to do this. My main goal for the moment is simply to have fun ... sorry.
To finish this li'l description of myself I'm a Gimp user (yup you'll have to deal with it, it's like that, I love that program and it's FREE damit!!!). As for my sketches I use the good old traditional way (pencil/eraser and paper) ^^ yeah ... I'm really old fashion XD
Thank you for visiting my li'l gallery.
A message to all my viewers: All my sketches are in my scraps an my colored pictures are in my gallery ...
I hope things get better for you! I was happy when I found your account as it reminded me of back when I first joined the furry fandom over a decade ago and I enjoyed seeing your content back then before the fa ban happened. *hugs*
I hope things get better for you! I was happy when I found your account as it reminded me of back wh