This guy says it all rather nicely! When it comes to women and marriage, follow Joshua's answer from the movie War Games. "A strange game. The only winning move is... No...
Had someone ask if I was still around. The answer is "Yes." but not active. Got tired of all the hate and meanness I got, so I've just stopped posting here. I when I do art I don't post it here but ...
Incase you haven't heard, there are Spam comments going around wanting you to click a link. It's been said the links are loaded with viruses so don't click them, just delete the comment.
Hey Tosh. I know you said you'd be streaming tonight, but if you don't feel up to it, we won't mind. You're not a machine after all. Take as much time as you need.
Hey Tosh. I know you said you'd be streaming tonight, but if you don't feel up to it, we won't mind.