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Why I feel 99% of women are straight up garbage.

This guy says it all rather nicely!


When it comes to women and marriage, follow Joshua's answer from the movie War Games.
"A strange game. The only winning move is... Not to play."
Women have decided to design this social shit show, so now that the rules that they have put in place are there, play the game their way. Remember, they wanted this!
Viewed: 198 times
Added: 3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
It's at the point now where I'm strongly considering looking into finding a woman who was raised Amish who no longer wishes to remain Amish.
3 years, 6 months ago
That's why after 2 failed marriages and many failed relatoinships, I have remained single and not been actively looking for a mate. first one left me and claimed I had raped and abused her, which was a lie, and the second was a total bitch who wanted nothing but to be in control of my life, my money, everything. I refuse to get married again, I'm scared to date women cause to me after all the failed relationships, all women are the same, They don't want to be faithful, they want everything their way, and they want al your money.
3 years, 6 months ago
Your second marriage carries echoes of my first girlfriend.
3 years, 6 months ago
Back in the 80s, I'll admit I was a dog in dating several girls at the same time but in the end I invested time, emotion and money to the one I would marry. She was full of issues and problems but they were not of her fault, these were problems that friends and family threw at her to deal with it when they would not. Also, she's a Black Albino and I am a Puerto Rican - many of our friends and family kept throwing at us how things would not work out because of being a mixed race couple in the 80's. After 7 years of dating, we eventually married. It only lasted 6months. It is not what you think we had a loving relationship and dealt with the problems friends and family kept throwing on us. In that time, we adopted a couple of girls as she was having trouble conceiving. Then that day happened, I wont go into details, but she went to visit a former friend and ex who was on leave from the military. He got jealous when she told him I married her and freaked out, attacked her and killed her.

I because a widow and a single dad of a couple young girls. Dating for me at the time was impossible. Those who I managed  date basically told me, "Oh, since they are adopted, send them back to the adoption agency." Oh Hell No! I ended my dating career at that point until the girls were a bit older and could take care of themselves better. But basically more of the same thing. I was making high 6 figures writing video games, and women dated me because I drive a fancy car, wore suits, able t buy them things and give them money and was well presented, but when they find out about my girls they would throw "It's either us or them!" I would reply - "Then never call me again." Oh the yelling and screeching! It was like I threw holy water at a demon. "You owe me!" "You're nothing without me!" "You will never get far in life without me!" Blah Blah Blah Blah...

Like what the fuck? I am as as the Italians would say, "A Self-Made Man." My success is not based on what she had between her legs.

Thing is, everywhere I go, women are like this. Many years later, and my girls have grown up into successful career women, the women in my area still think of me as something lower than trash. But somehow they discovered that I had a large stash of cash and they began approaching me for dates and companionship. I look at them and say "Go screw yourselves."

What's funny - is when my girls gather together to visit me. When they come, the boys their age, the sons of these bitch-ass women that gave me a hard time of dating and now are trying to date me, try to hit on my girls. That is when they pull out their work IDs and tell them off "You have a college degree? Do you even have a High School Diploma? NO? then you are not in my league - as you see I'm a (doctor, lawyer, computer consultant, etc.), now get out of my way or I'll spray you with mace." WTF - 25+ year old men with no education and no job prospect.

But yes, modern women are nothing but trash, overly entitled.thinking that what they have between their legs is something of value. it is not, especially if it's been used like a treadmill in a gym. A woman wants a guy like me, she better have something to offer me other than what she has between her legs because like I tell them, "If I want sex, I can get it from some Park Avenue Whore at a way cheaper price than what date we would have." The thing is, they do not get it. They really don't get it.
3 years, 6 months ago
99% of EVERYTHING is garbage
3 years, 6 months ago
Sadly I tend to agree with that statement.
3 years, 6 months ago
I'm not gonna click that.  I presume it's another red-pill video.  All women only want assholes, are money-grubbers, et cetera.  Lemme sit you down and tell you what women reaaaaaally want in a partner.

Self-confidence.  That's it.

Of course, there are other things (like "doesn't want to stab me"), but that's the biggie.  Therein lies the problem.  Assholes have self-confidence in spades.  Many women think they can change the guy for the better, but that rarely works out.

Now, self-confidence doesn't mean you have to be a cleft-chinned macho alpha sigma blah blah blah.  It does mean that you need to respect yourself.  Plenty of non-tall non-wealthy non-bodybuilder men have found female partners.  I know homeless men who have female partners.  It's not about the Benjamins.  It's about being supportive, about treating her as a person -- and about knowing what you want, saying so, and accepting that the answer might not be the one you want.  It's a give-and-take.

(And if what you want is to get laid, there are plenty o' guys who'd love to suck your dick.  Just sayin'.)
3 years, 6 months ago
I did click the link.. aand it is.  Watching it was a weird and uncomfortable experience and a lesson in understanding how people can so easily get absorbed in this stuff.
3 years, 6 months ago
Then by all means, feel free to believe whatever you want to believe. Your shaming language won't work on me. I'm not gonna return to the plantation.
3 years, 6 months ago
Oh I'm shaming you?  That's interesting, given I didn't address any of your opinions, just how uncomfortable the video made me!  Heck, here I thought I showed your opinion a little value by giving the link the benefit of the doubt!  How silly of me.
3 years, 6 months ago
Well your comment surely didn't come off as respectful to me. In the end it really doesn't matter, I'm not playing the game anymore.
3 years, 6 months ago
What a shame :c it's very sad to see people go down that path..
3 years, 6 months ago
What's so sad about it? Women claim they don't need men all the time and we are listening. Now we are walking away. Congratulations, they got what they wanted.
I'm not hurting anyone, I am now just taking care of myself. I now have more time to do what I want and I don't have to listen to a bunch of bitching over how I spend too much time at work or that she doesn't have the newest smartphone or whatever.
It's actually been rather peaceful and relaxing. So I don't see how it's sad at all.
3 years, 6 months ago
Yet women choose the asshole that beats them and fucks their friends time and time again.
I have plenty of self confidence thank you very much, lack of self confidence isn't the issue. (If you had watched the video you'd know this.)

What the biggest issue is is that laws are set up to treat the man as a sperm donor and an ATM.
Getting laid is easy. There are plenty of whores that'll fuck you for far less than 18+ years of child support and a life time of alamony payments.

Your idea that women only want self confidence is dead wrong.
Women have a huge list of demands when it comes to men. Must be 6+ feet tall, make 6 figure income, have a 6 pack of abs, own a hous, car, ect... But if a guy says, I want a woman that isn't a bitch, attempts to take care of herself, and is loyal, suddenly we're an asshole for not just accepting her as she is.

I don't intend to change your mind, just like how you won't change mine. I have delt with too many self entitled, lying, cheating, gold digging cunts to see them any other way. They never start out like that, but they always end up like this. I just don't play their stupid game anymore so good news for the other guys... More backstabbing gals for everyone else.
3 years, 6 months ago
And yet they don't.  Some women are assholes, sure.  Some of every group are assholes, including men.  But being angry at an entire group because --

Okay, look.  I know I'm not going to convince you.  Providing conflicting evidence to people makes them hold onto their beliefs even tighter.  It's human nature.  But I still want you to know there are other options besides the road you're heading down.  You won't listen to me now, but I hope that someday you'll reflect on things and want to give it more thought.  If you ever do, check out this link.  Like I said, it's not something you'll want to read right now,  but keep it in mind.

Take care.
3 years, 6 months ago
I am fully aware that not every woman is a waste of skin, but enough of them are. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. Yes there are bad men too but you wanna know what the difference is?
When a man is a prick other men call him out on it. When a woman is a prick white knights and other women applaud her for it. Her bad behavior is viewed as, "being a strong independent woman".
A woman can be strong and independent without being an insufferable cunt to other people.

I read your article and it's a nice bit of white knight indoctrine for folks that believe that women can do no wrong. I never claim to know everything about women so that part is out. (Also why I am done playing their stupid games. Hard to win at a game when the rules are either unclear or changing constantly.) I treat them the same way I treat anyone I meet in person, use my best manners and try to find something in common. This works for anywhere from a week to a couple months then their fake appearance fall away. Suddenly she's rude, disrespectful, and acting like it's her way or no way. No compromises no middle ground.

Also I am not an Incel, dating women and getting sex isn't an impossibility for me. To me a woman should be MORE than someone to have sex with. She should be someone I can count on when the chips are down and when everything feels like it's falling apart. And when she feeling down, it should be my job to be there for her and let her know that she isn't facing whatever it is alone. Today's woman is not any of that. So I'm done.
3 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, your mind's made up.  Can't say I didn't try.  Take care.
2 years, 5 months ago
"When a woman is a prick, White Knights and other women applaud her for it"
What reality do you live in? I've never seen that. I am constantly seeing bitchy women get called out for their behavior, including by other women.
2 years, 5 months ago
It happens a lot more than you are willing to admit.
Experiments have been done where they had actors playing as a toxic couple. (Feel free to look them up on youtube
If the woman is getting treated poorly a majority of folks come out of the wood work to the woman's aid.
When the man is treated poorly the majority of folks either laugh or think the man deserved it.
I live in the real world. You may have seen a woman get called out but I assure you, that is the exception not the rule.
3 years, 6 months ago
I've been in this headspace before and I hated it. I somehow managed to get myself out of it primarily because I felt it was very illogical to set the basis for half of the human population off of a negative experience with a single of its members. Though I don't impose that logical evaluation onto others.

The government should only be involved in civil unions. Marriage is more of a religious thing and so it should be a separate thing. Marriage and civil union should be mutually exclusive. In my opinion. Doesn't solve problems but it can alleviate some problems.

I think it's unwise to wholly attribute the corruption of the family and divorce court as a conspiracy brought on by women to rob men of their money, when for the most part it is evening out. This is a state-by-state basis in the US. However, in some states some federal positions are in-part funded by child support and alimony when paid to the state and distributed to the state by the federal agencies. It's a wonder why in those circumstances they try to maximize the amounts to the woman, especially when the woman is the presumed parent.

There are also instances where attorneys take advantage of the situation (typically on the side of the woman since most laws are bias in the direction, though things are changing) and even go beyond what the party or parties desire to gain from the divorce or custody arrangement.

I definitely understand the mindset, but I think it is a result of an overpowering desire to solve a problem, and picking the easier problem to solve. On its own that's not a bad thing. It's very utilitarian. What's bad is turning the easy problem into the scapegoat and suggesting that it solves the harder problems. That line of thinking is poisonous and inhibiting.

That line of thinking is showing up in a lot of topics these days.
3 years, 6 months ago
The issue is that laws and courts see men as little more than a piggy bank to shake and extract funds. Women have become so entitled and selfish that ANY woman can simply point her finger and claim rape or any other manner of accusations and the man's life is ruined before he even has his day in court.

Also, I am not basing my judgements off of the actions of only one woman. I've dated several women in my age catagory and they always start out pleasant, but after anywhere from a few weeks to a few months their true colors bleed through and I have to break it off. Rude, self entitled, lying, sneaking around, back stabbing, the list goes on. I'm done playing the game. If you want to play by all means do but count me out.

As for the "Not all women are like that" statement. Of course that is true but enough of them are. During world war 2 not all Germans were on board with the Nazis party either. If the good women of the world fail to reign in the bad ones or even call out the bad ones then what does that tell you? It tells me that the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
3 years, 6 months ago
Just so you know, not all women are like that. In fact, your experience goes almost exactly counter to mine.

I've only been with five women. None of them wanted a fancy date (dinner & theater, not even KFC and a movie). Four of them treated sex as an opportunity to trade pleasure for pleasure.

I met the fifth in the middle of a sex drought that lasted nearly two years. She wasn't especially good looking (not ugly, just ordinary). But she was fun to talk to. She hosted a monthly book club in her apartment, and I started going. Again, no money, just people getting together to talk about whatever book was the topic that month.

And we gradually became friends. And then more than friends, and I proposed to her, and I've been with her for more than 50 years. Yes, I partly supported her -- she had a job, but I made a lot more so I contributed more to our partnership. Plus she did housework and other stuff that made it an even trade, regardless of sex. And she was enthusiastic about sex (still is). When I had to retire, she partly supported me for a few years.

It's been a fun 50 years, and I wouldn't give up a day of it.
3 years, 6 months ago
I should add, if you're just looking to "get laid," your best path is probably to pay for it. From web pages I've seen, massage parlors can be as low as $40. One webpage recommended Korean parlors. (Full disclosure: I've never used one.) For a more complete experience, you could look up GFE on the web, although this often runs several hundred $$. (ditto)

If you don't want to pay, don't offer to date her. Just ask if she's interested. (Singles bars are possible, I guess. Or Tinder.) (again ditto)

Richard Feynman, in his book Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman said that he had success with B-girls, of all things. But he never bought them a drink until after they had answered the question, "Will you have sex with me tonight." Then he often got it for free. Another vote for the direct approach.

3 years, 6 months ago
Wasn't looking for a cheap fuck, was looking for a life partner. The woman isn't in front of me nor behind me, she should be beside me.

I am glad that you found a nice gal to spend your final years with, really I am glad or you. However I am done playing this sadistic fucking game and I am trying to spare others from getting tangled up in the same sadistic shit show that women have laid out.
3 years, 6 months ago
I'll give other people the same advice I gave a former sex partner who had had four unsuccessful marriages: instead of going for love first, look for friendship. Then if you find that friendship growing into love, you may have a suitable long-term partner.

But, sure, if you've given up, go on with your life. Lots of people get through life without ever finding a lifemate.
3 years, 6 months ago
Isn't that what dating is supposed to be? Getting to know the person before getting more involved with that person. I don't go on a first date looking to get laid, I do it to see if she's got anything in common with me.
At my age there really isn't a lot of options to just bump into someone. Public gatherings have been cancelled and a lot of social functions have also been put on hold. So all that is really left is the dating app which is chalk full of the most awful women ever to walk the earth.
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
Everyone's experience is different, of course.
My first wife was garbage. My second marriage only lasted eight months, but we stayed friends as we went separate ways.
My third was the charm, we have been together for twenty years now.

In between those, I also had relationships that ended in total catastrophe, including a case of finding out the woman I was madly in love with was a total sick fuck.

There was also a woman who was not a girlfriend or wife, but my greatest friend and only trusted advisor for many years. She earned the title of "life partner" better than any relationship I ever had, despite being much older than me. She was like a mother figure and all her friends believed I was her son for real. In the end, she was very sick and I had to experience watching her health decline and eventually witness her death. I miss her so much...
3 years, 6 months ago
Glad you found someone that treats you well. It's just too bad you had to get divorced twice before finding her. To me that is just way too expensive. Attorney fees, court fees, paying alamony for the rest of her life and/or child support for kids you had no hand in creating isn't worth the risk in my opinion.
3 years, 6 months ago
Alimony and most other costs can be dealt with by a prenuptial agreement. But not child support. If you father a child, you're stuck. And in California, where I live, a child born during a marriage is legally the husband's, regardless of blood tests, DNA, etc. (As RAH famously noted in Stranger in a Strange Land).

But by the same token, alimony isn't for life any more, in most US states. It's for a few years. The old assumption -- that a woman can't earn her own living -- is gone. Instead, it's supposed to be support to help her transition to working for a living. I just looked it up:  a relative is getting divorced and may have to pay spousal support for 2 or 3 years.
3 years, 6 months ago
Actually, women get awarded child support for having children from a previous marriage or even when the woman commits rape. (True stories BTW!) If you think the family court system is fair and just let me inform you that it is anything but that.
Women getting awarded child support for sperm jacking isn't a rare thing either, there are women that will do all sorts of unethical things to fleece a guy, and the number is rising. Women get a free pass when it comes to family court. No proof, just her word.
I've been through this legal meat grinder and it was shocking to find that all she had to do is say I beat her and our daughter... And it was up to me to prove it never happened. Luckily I was able to get the neighbors to put in writing that I wasn't doing that but that still didn't change the courts mind. I dunno where you are in the world but here in the USA the accuser needs to provide proof of a crime. (Police report, hospital visit, photos of injuries, ect.) But that isn't the case in family court.

When a woman can simply point a finger and make accusations without proof and ruin a man's life that just isn't worth it.

As for alamony, no it goes a lot longer than a year or two. Look at Bill Gates divorce. She's getting paid for life. And no, it isn't just her getting lifetime payments. Look at any high profile divorce and the woman is getting paid for life 95% of the time.
Yes women have equal rights, (unless you speak to a feminist then they'll tell you they are oppressed.) But most women won't take any responsibility that go with those rights.
3 years, 6 months ago
I know a woman that attempted to get me for child support and we didn't do the deed nor was she in the position to 'spermjack' me.  She kept the poor child covered in blankets and wouldn't let anyone see it (later found out it was a her).
I finally told them I couldn't be the father because I was still a virgin.  The woman's father suddenly said "Welp that's good enough for me.... no one sane would admit that and I don't care to have a crazy in the family.   She tried several times later to get me to start paying child support in the name of 'helping her out'
3 years, 6 months ago
That's almost never heard of, where the man's word is taken as proof positive. In most cases the man has a limited time (90 days) to get a paternity test done and submit it showing he isn't the father of else he's on the hook for child support regardless if the child is his or not.
What part of the world are you in?
3 years, 6 months ago
like I said, he thought I was crazy for saying I never had sex.  I had offered to do a DNA test if they paid for it.
The woman's father finally wanted to see his granddaughter and noticed his lily white girl... had a half black child, the baby was already getting darker and already had the slightly wider nose.  I'm not nearly that dark and my nose is narrow.  He interrogated his daughter and found out she had two black bfs but didn't want her dad to kill either of them.  So she picked out a guy at a bar she thought she could tag figuring I might get black out drunk and wouldn't fight it.  I was a Designated Driver so stone sober all night.  He believed me enough to not go after me without proof... but the baby was proof enough at a month old and getting the father's traits.
I haven't heard from either of them since that day on my porch.
3 years, 3 months ago
" JackDesert wrote:
I know a woman that attempted to get me for child support and we didn't do the deed nor was she in the position to 'spermjack' me...

In NYS, you do not need to have had sex with the woman to be taken to family court for child support and "Palimony." All she need to prove is that she moved in with HER child, you supported them by providing food, shelter, and other things a man would give to his family, and when she get up and leaves, she can claim that she needs child support from you even though he is  not your genetically made child.

NYS is stupid, and will be more so with a woman governor.
3 years, 3 months ago
Thankfully she never set foot in my house nor did I do anything but warn her about a guy getting creepy near her drink.
We chatted, exchanged information since I had interest in dating her sometime.... and she then turned around and used it to try getting me on the hook.
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