I started the year off with a bang, getting one thing done that i've been meaning to for ages. A new computer desk! Yay! ... only to fall at the first hurdle on day 1, with the fact my car couldn't...
When you go back to bed early morning, and pull up a blanket because it's quite a cool summer morning... and see a dark shape MoViNg in underneath it. Seems to have been a large house spider, likely ...
Funny question, considering I'll probably avoid cheking back to read any answers. Just felt like saying that I've been watching Blackadder lately, after digging in with some old classic Imperial Guar...
These are the tails of the Bait-er-Bat-I mean 'Flying Mouse Boy Wonder' in all his crime-fighting escapades! Helping to clean up the seedier underbelly of Furtropolis City!
Our young 'hero' is rescued by a mysterious wolf, who offers to train him as a sidekick! But his intentions soon become clear, and 'Proton Puppy' finds himself in even worse trouble than before!
The (mostly) mysterious "Mastapuppy", here, Migrating from FA because... well, this site just rocks! Although, I can also be found here: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mastapuppy (however, I haven't updated anything there in ages)
Species: Is artist a valid answer? No? What about EVIL SPACE ALIEN! (of Doom!) then? Although I do seem to have adopted a dalmatian fursona, although I tend to forget his spots when I sketch him... I'm 99% sure that's me in my user icon... or it could be an evil clone, floating in his tank, just waiting to escape and take over the world...!! Nah, I'm 67% sure it's just little ole me... or maybe 50%... 25%? ... >=P Gender: Boy, but that seems like a silly questio... oh right! You guys can't see me, huh? Silly me. =P Location: My private studio/office... and by that, I do of course mean my bedroom. Likes: Ok, lessee... Food, Juiceboxes, Video games, Music, Sci-fi and/or Fantasy movies... and I never knew until recently how much of a trekkie I am! Although the signs were unmistakable...
In addition to my drawings, and scribbles of madness, I expect to be finishing and uploading a story or two (or three), with words and everything! Maybe an accompanying picture or two...
I still have plans for some animation projects of my own... albeit a bit ambitious, but a guy's gotta dream, right? ^_^