TL;DR below, but you're missing some comedy gold if you do... at least, I think I'm funny. 8D
Don't think I've posted this before, BECAUSE IT'S SO HORRIBLY INCOMPLETE!!! The horror! D8
Heh. Just found it while randomly digging through my hard drive. You know, I am weirdly proud of this... possibly because it harkens back from THE TIME BEFORE MY TABLET!1!11!! Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUnnnn! D8
The otter was going to be a cameo of a friend's character... I dunno what happened to keep me from finishing it. Perhaps I could pick up where I left off and...? Ugh... sudden... overwhelming... laziness... can't ... lift... arms... so... lazy... D8
Hmm. So, what to do, what to do? I could pick up where I left the Flying Mouse Boy Wonder as well... think there's a rough version of the next page of that one too... somewhere... though with that one I could totally just do what I did on page one, Bait Mouse Begins, with the phrase "When Last We Met Our Hero...", heh heh. Don't they do that in real comics anyway? Sometimes the change in art-style is REALLY obvious too... rofl.
Decisions, decisions... hmm. I'd probably be better off starting over from scratch, though... maybe I could come up with a better premise than I had originally, for both of them... hmmmmmmmmmmm... food for thought. 83
I'll get back to you on that. Got work tomorrow, and family came back today... so I just had most of the week with the place to myself and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. N-O-T-H-I-N-G-! Gawd was it boring. Heck, I didn't even play video games! Ugh, but midday television is depressing, man. Guh. Some of those old sitcoms are still VERY funny, but... GUH. Why was I even watching it? It's like I was deliberately avoiding work... like that second hand TV/display cabinet mum bought me so I'd move some of my LEGO out of my room and all...
Me, though... I kinda just wanna build a massive hangar out of LEGO in the main middle section... already measured the space approximately in LEGO studs and bricks/plates... just don't know how or where to start. So... much... work... ugh... effort... Oddly, though, there's ALWAYS a point at work where I have a sudden urge to go home and play with my LEGO. Seriously. The problem is that the feeling doesn't last until the end of my shift. No, by that time i HATE THE WORLD and want to burn the earth, pretty much. But that's customer service for you, heh hehe... OH CRAP! I totally forgot... in March I'll have to start doing checkout work... CHECKOUT WORK!!1!!!1111!!!! As if I don't get enough of customers in the Deli already... D8 ... not just me though. We're over budget or something, apparently, and the idea is to keep the money in the store, or whatever. Grargh, I just wanna build my awesome LEGO space station hangar base thing, but more often than not I just end up coming home and feeling like I want to just curl into a ball in the corner and scream... or cry... or... go on a rampage in a videogame... but the videogames are no help, you just get stuck in their little looping gameplay until you reach that point where you realise continuing the game is pointless, and then wonder why you didn't stop playing an hour or two later... only to keep playing anyway... O_o
At least it's a relatively short shift tomorrow... ok, 5 hours... not counting my 1-hour lunch break in the middle where there's NOTHING to do. Ugh. Although, not long after starting my job, we had a family trip to the bowling alley... and I started getting this crazy idea about going bowling during my lunch breaks... is that completely crazy or what? I even tested one time how long it would take to get there from work. I think it was 5 or 7 minutes? So, how long does a game of bowling take? Yes, because I am too much of a nervous introvert to actually DO it anyway.
Ok, why am I still typing? Nobody's gonna read all that... except maybe me, later, to try and figure out what the hell I was thinking. lol.
Anyway, PLEASE ENJOY! this incomplete "masterpiece" (hurr hurr, mastur-piece...? lawl 83 ), and I hope you find some amusement from my hasty scribbles and dialogue that seemed funny at the time...
I know I still find it amusing. XD
Also, what do you think was going to happen next? Oh, you'll never guess, heheh, and will just have to tune in next time to find out! ^_^
Though, any interesting ideas in your guesses are welcome! They might prove useful/inspiring. And throw me some constructive criticism while you're at it, guys!