Been a hot minute since I have been around. Dealt with a move to a better spot, getting settled in, but unfortunately lost my job in the process. So, while that little wrinkle in life gets sorted, I f...
TL;DR: Roomy and I are close to eviction and require help to catch up, or we are homeless within the next month or 2 due to work complications, covid and an all together shitty situation for anyone wh...
Hellos everyone fur and fur friendlies alike! Xan Kronas here and I am just your typical art Hoarder. :p I am not all that artistically gifted, but on occasion I may doodle something here or there or maybe even sing a song if the mood strikes. I am not all that great at what I do, but if you can stand the bleeding eyes and ears, Feel free to leave a comment on the pieces. I would greatly appreciate it. Feel free to poke the Folf on the accounts listed below for a chat if you like ot just leave me a message on my page. I love feedback or just random conversations :p Toodles for now!