A lot been going on and December always keeps me very busy but I been progressing with some preparations for projects and stories. This new year is probably not going to be easy for a lot stuff been ...
Cub Eternal #19 update will be posted this week. It includes new character, new zone, new monster and new scenes. Am considering on a change to the game and this will be decided by supporters of the ...
Am opening myself to do commissions again after so long because of an emergency in what am running against time. I had to take care of unexpected things and will be completely without money for food ...
Hello! I am Darki, a Furry Writer and maker of Interactive Stories.
I am just someone that try to bring happiness for all, specially who need it more ^w^
Well i like a lot stuff so thats why i love fav and comment lots. Almost like my job, i check constantly what´s new stuff in all inkbunny to lift the mood of the artists :3
Hi! hope you're having a great day :3 wanted to say thanks for the fav and keyword suggestions =3= and that i have been trying and enjoying your games over the week, amazing job there!!!
Hi! hope you're having a great day :3 wanted to say thanks for the fav and keyword suggestions =3= a