I got the game it pure awesome 40 CHAPTERS LONG im barely on 24 lol Also this my first game I got since I bought my 3DS here my friend code if you like to add me if you want to know my gaming a ...
Hey still here in Florida and doing my best working at the Disney for the time being so apologize the headshots request will be delayed in posting half are done rest are wip but when I return in Jan ...
Reason I ask after a month working for Disney, I regain my love and fan feeling to most of the Disney characters. But the one I going gaga for is Stitch ^^ the blue furry alien we know and love. I s...
Here you'll find art done by me alone showing my level and progress of doing CLEAN furry art this makes me happy and smile also proud when I draw as well taking my time on drawing furs.So please enjoy
*bows to you* Welcome and greetings my name Sync Solarios the sun dalmatian I hope you enjoy the art I recieve from many fun and famous artist around. Now about myself I'am a student at the moment earning my Bachelor degree in Antropology and Archeology as well. I have a interest history, ruins, civilizations and the past. I be doing my best to travel to learn more about our cute blue planet and along the way as a personal goal I want to see furries around the world. So I hope to see as many you guys out there I might visit your country sooner than you think. Next straight forward I'm gay hispanic fella if you want to know more about personally PM or IM me ok ^^ love ya all