1 Asriel and Monster kid from Undetale- This comic is about half way done with ai assist helping me greatly 2 Gumball x Chichi- Is progressing really slow but starting up again 3 Gabriel x Damien (OCs...
I was collaborating in a comic featuring Asriel and Monster Kid the artist had gotten to the sketching of all pages sadly after my discord got hacked like 3 times I lost the contact of said artist.
Just a quick update Veemon's Happy Day prequel, Monodramon's Choas is still on hiatus. And back to having no artist for a sequel comic. A solo mlp comic is slowly in the work but I can't gaurentee it ...
Gallus begins to struggle Sandbar offers to join him in a break but in wanting to help keep up when Gallus says hes a claws-on learner, so Sandbar complies.
A very nostalgic memory has gotten me curiously wondering if you perhaps know anything about why Leroy decided to leave his Discord Ohana. Is LeroytheAliengamer (aka MrUwUBoy) still healthy and happily active within the Lilo and Stitch community these days? What has happened to Leroy's legacy, and his Lilo and Stitch Discord community since 2020?
A very nostalgic memory has gotten me curiously wondering if you perhaps know anything about why Ler