I'm Richard Simba. Why Simba? Because I created this account so fast and I didn't want to think about how this account will be looking. Yeah, I created this account, because I love adult pictures for my pleasure and my favorite artists everytime surprise with something new. Recently I started create a pictures too, because I was fascinated to something do for myself. Naaah I'm not from USA, or Canada or some huge country. I live in the Czech Republic... yeah. Actually I'm gay, but I don't tell it to anyone, because I'm very careful and shy to tell it to my family. I prefer mostly gay pictures especially from Disney. Honestly, I don't feel like an artist. They are far better, I'm just a little fish that somehow does something for its own good. If I get some idea, I'll draw something, but this is not my priority. I live nice life, I make a dubbing like a hobby, I have a job in the cinema and when I don't have any idea, or mood so isn't my target to draw that I must. I draw it, when I have a taste to draw or perfect idea. :)
I would like to thank you for 200 watchers. It's my huge pleasure! <3
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