Just wanted to put out a reason my uploads have slowed down, its actually not due to my burnout, I got really sick over the previous weekend and still am now. Kinda hard to find the horny energy to ma...
As many of you probably noticed, at the time of being burnt out, over half my gallery disappeared for not providing 100% of all info. The problem is, a lot of these I cannot as its a lora I published ...
I've been doing this for longer than 6 months now. All starting from making things I like to make, I started with the most awful looking stuff that isn't even posted here. I grew, started liking my AI...
Heya, I'm new to uploads but I've been practicing AI for a very long time! Hoping to grow and start a community of fellow art lovers, especially Asriel/Ralsei ones :3
Feel free to reach out via DM, Discord, or Telegram! Love to talk to lovers of my art.
Also I have opened a discord for AI enthusiast or people that just like the art here: Its still a WIP but its nearly there, feel free to join! Taking requests from people that join! https://discord.gg/p6eqmwMyFq