can we do furry protest to this websites in the usa laws there no anti laws to be furry we live in the usa it the land of free speech and free idea please ...
Sowie Dish Isha Lates Cousin Kitty Kats.... Buh Nos Hasings Any Nets Ishnts Nos Funz. =/ Wells Mes Just Wanted Tos Tanks Yous Shows Vewy Mush Fur Da watchies And Shtuffs.... Ifs Mes Hads A Gweds Innawebs Mes Woulds Adds Yous Ons SL.... Buh I's Dun Has Innanets.... Sowie. Mush Loves Doe, Hee.... =^-^.=
Sowie Dish Isha Lates Cousin Kitty Kats.... Buh Nos Hasings Any Nets Ishnts Nos Funz. =/ Wells Mes