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Rabbit Opening Gift Box (by Cottage of Colors)
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GUEST COMIC: GreenHamster

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Lore (by Veronica Skunkette)
Well... seems I managed to draw a (real) comic this month after all. :3

Has my mojo suddenly returned? Will it be business as usual here at IceAgeChippy's?

No, I still hate drawing ...but by damn-it, I paid $50 for these pencils so I'm gonna feature them! D: D: D:

...but I'm getting ahead of myself. *ahem*

Seems the wolf mom (who has a name, but I missed its intended reveal, so it'll have to wait for a new opportunity) is cooking a *Thanksgiving feast, for which Mae is impatient. Let's see what happens...

*belated, yes, but I felt bad for leaving the wolves out of the last Thanksgiving scribble :P

MAE: "Is it done yet?"

WOLFMOM (checking oven): "Not yet!"


MAE: "Is it done yet?"

WOLFMOM (stirring pan): "Not yet!"


MAE: "Is it done yet!?"

WOLFMOM: (glazing turkey ...or baked popple? Hm!): "Not yet!"


LUPE: "Dinner's ready. Mom wants us at the table"

MAE (engaged in a game): "Not yet!"

Well then... :P

Believe it or not, I started this comic on Thanksgiving Day ...and only finished it this afternoon (like only a few hours ago, as of writing).
I'd just sorta picked on it here and there, fairly convinced I wouldn't finish it.
Normally a scribble like this takes only a couple hours or so, but I really couldn't motivate myself to bother for more than a few minutes at a time. I'm 'lucky' I finished this comic at all, and 'luckier' still that I didn't turn the art to confetti after finishing it. :P


The featured pencils are long-ferruled ad pencils for 'Atmore's Phila Mince Meat & Plum Pudding' (unknown manufacturer).

The blue one is just the standard version, whereas the white one is the anniversary edition, celebrating the 75 years of the Atmore product,

"1842 Seventy-fifth Anniversary 1917"

So, we know when these pencils (or at least the white ones) were made, albeit the long ferrules themselves would indicate these pencils were from the early 20th century.
Still, it's very nice to have an actual date on an antique pencil---that sort of thing rarely ever happens.:3

Both the blue and the white pencils have hexagonal barrels, though there was an errant pencil in the lot: a black pencil with a round barrel, advertising the same product.
Said pencil somehow lost its ferrule, though a previous owner was at least kind enough to sharpen it for me (I used that black pencil to **sign this comic).

**the pencil used to draw this comic was one of those hand-painted Soviet 'Birchwood' pencils featured here: https://inkbunny.net/s/2423163 (but I digress)

The expense of $50 mentioned at the beginning paid for a dozen each of the blue and the white pencils, along with their original bander rolls. Also in the lot was a handful of (mostly) junk pencils and an antique wooden box to keep it all in (so not TOO bad a deal).

See the featured pencils here: https://sta.sh/022s9mfvlgch

The actual lot (the Dixon was nothing to get excited about ...I'm not even sure where I've put it lol): https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/60-vintage-adver...

The bander rolls read,

"Specially prepared for
Warranted good quality



As for the box, it was originally intended to store an unspecified number of 'Geyser Fountain Syringes' ...Nice!

So what's mince meat and what's special about Atmore's?

'mince meat'

1 chiefly British - a mixture of currants, raisins, sugar, apples, candied citrus peel, spices, and suet, typically baked in a pie

2 minced meat


Atmore's was simply a very well-known canned mince meat (and plum pudding, apparently).
The actual company was 'Atmore & Son' though I couldn't find much about it beyond their promotional material (the company doesn't seem to exist anymore).

Atmore promoted their mince meat product via trading cards and post cards.

Samples: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Atmore%27s_...

While digging around looking though scans of Atmore cards, I came across this funny ad: https://sta.sh/01dts3umbdd9

It was revealed to me that the character looks like Alfred E. Neuman ...and it does (it really, really does! lol). ^^

More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_E._Neuman#Genesis

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll do everything I can to have at least one comic for Christmas.

male 1,134,690, female 1,023,555, cub 256,667, wolf 185,166, male/female 90,140, girl 87,482, comic 81,464, boy 76,358, sketch 59,515, m 28,598, f 24,076, cartoon 21,616, traditional 20,601, mare 18,982, food 9,107, pencil 4,970, wolves 4,947, cooking 3,632, kids 3,531, 2023 3,240, dinner 955, thanksgiving 774, cook 403, lupe 311, trailer wolves 13, atmores 1, mince meat 1, plum pudding 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 7 months, 1 week ago
Rating: General

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7 months, 1 week ago
Sounds like the story of our server upgrade. 😼
7 months, 1 week ago
That was quick! lol

Yeah, I see the message flashing up there. The timer ran out an age ago, so I thought to proceed forth with this upload and see what happens.
7 months, 1 week ago
This sort of thing happens, ever so often hehe
7 months, 1 week ago
Indeed. :3
7 months, 1 week ago
Reminds me of a lot of things, but the first thing that came to mind was the song "Cats in the Cradle".

Every kid's luck... nothing is ready when you are and the moment that you are busying yourself with something is when it's finally ready.

I would be fast on your part Mae... we all know how Wolfmom can be :3
7 months, 1 week ago
Oh so true! D:
7 months, 1 week ago
She got tired of waiting; and now she is in the middle of a intense match in Fortnite. 😁
7 months, 1 week ago
7 months, 1 week ago
Nice, back to the good quality of normal. See Thanksgiving wasn't on the same level as this. That looked  very rushed
7 months, 1 week ago
From god-awful to just plain bad! :D
7 months, 1 week ago
Whaaa,haaaa!That happened in my house too during my childhood!Love this!^^
7 months ago
lol I'm glad you like! :D
7 months, 1 week ago
Payback! >:3
7 months ago
7 months ago
Your comic is very true!
When did the difference in ferrule length happen?
Depending on how old these pencils are, are you sure these are clay + graphite and not plumbum?
That 75th anniversary pencil-- was that one produced in 1917 or just commemorating?
Mince[d] meat... For some reason I've always identified it as a real meat product. Glad I was wrong.
Lastly, it is a kindergarten photo of Alfred E Neuman! (Thought of this BEFORE I read your comment, so you are 115% correct!)
7 months ago
I'm unsure exactly when the change occurred. I know these were still a thing through most (if not all of) the 1920s. All the pencils I've been able to reliably trace back to the 1930s have had normal ferrules (with exception given to slim or skinny pencils, which almost always have long ferrules).

I cannot prove the pencil was made in 1917, though I wouldn't guess they'd print these for too long after.

Again, it's hard to date pencils. Sometimes you find clues, like on the pencil featured here: https://inkbunny.net/s/2806626 For legal reasons, that pencil couldn't've been printed after 1923 (Coca-Cola sued over the name, and won).

Well, so far as I know, though the use of 'lead' is referring to the grapite core, I don't think actual lead was ever used in pencil making, save for the paint (you don't want to chew a vintage pencil lol ...and certainly don't eat this one: https://inkbunny.net/s/2267297 OH MY!)

Mince meat doesn't sound appealing to me, though I'd eat that plum pudding in a second! :9

7 months ago
Cute! Aren't your comics set during the 80's?
7 months ago
7 months ago
Okay, handheld video games were really crappy back then. :-)
7 months ago
7 months ago
I really know nothing of your collection, so I'd no idea you would have something that classic. Though it's uncertain, it's poaaible that pencil was made over 100 years ago. This is where I make a joke that you should "sharpen it and count the rings".

Chero-Cola. Not surprised Coke sued, but I wonder what it is about the name that would allow them to win that argument.

Thought that I'd read that lead was unsed in pencils, maybe a couple centuries ago, but looking it up again it was always graphite. If I don't constantly keep my mental records up-to-date, the virus is gonna win.

Funny for a pencil sporting uranium to be advertising gasoline. Like a Rider wagon advertising a dragster! I'd never thought you could safely own depleted uranium. That's awesome.

Mince meat sounds (a bit) like charoset, which is nuts + apples + pears and add a small amount of wine. But put me down for the plum pudding too!
7 months ago
lol I have pencils that go almost as far back as the 1870s or so.
That gives me an image of a pencil tree, or perhaps a crop of pencils growing from the ground like little asparagus spears. :3

Wine I'm certainly down with, too. ;)

I was kinda hoping you were a pencil person. ^^
7 months ago
yeah thats pretty much me to lol.
"is it done yet?" no. "how bout now?" no. "now?" no.
"its ready!" "let me finish this level! im fighting a boss!"
7 months ago
7 months ago
I don't suppose I'm any more of a pencil fan than the average bumble, but I do use them in drawing, and I enjoyed most of David Rees' book How To Sharpen Pencilsm where I learned to make a gold pencil last much longer.
The pencils you include with your images are fascinating to see. I respect a fan of any trade, and I'm sure a true pencil fanatic will find you.
7 months ago
I think
likes pencils, but he's never shared any with me.

How to make a gold pencil last longer ...why is this not taught in schools? How can we say to the faces of our children that we love them and want a bright future for them when we send them out into the world without any preparation for when life throws a gold pencil at them? It's horrible (thank God for David Rees)! D:

(that feeling when you use 'them' four times in one sentence lol)

I'm glad you like. :3
7 months ago
Sadly, unlike you and other pencil collectors, mine are scattered hither and thither so finding them is truly akin to digging for treasure, though I should also point out that they're safe and secure just that when I mention having one I start to look for them then get distracted by a shiny object and forget. I will try to be more attentive to these things in the future. :)
6 months, 4 weeks ago
7 months ago
They're such a cute dysfunctional family, I always enjoy seeing them. Hope they and you had a good Thanksgiving and a restful weekend.

The embossing on those pencils is top notch especially if they used actual gold foil. Wish they did that more instead of just rolling a strip of plastic around the wood. There's nothing wrong with that per say but the old style just looked classier.
And though I'm not a fan of mincemeat I have gotten to like fruitcake especially with coffee late at night. Hoping to have some this season. :)
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I'm glad you like. :3

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