Art by Naru_Arai on FurAffinity
Ion and Zephyr were on their way to visit their friend Flint, who lived in the out skirts of the city with his tribe. The three of them had a dream to become Contract Hunters when they were older and the area where Flint and his tribe lived provided the perfect training ground the three of them thought, so every weekend, all of them would spend their time there to hone their skills. Ion and Zephyr, who lived in the city would make that long journey to the out skirts every Saturday morning and come back home late on Sunday, spending the night camping with Flint near his tribe's grounds, where his tribe's watchers could still keep an eye on the young boys in case there was any trouble. Ion and Zephyr would do little bit of parkour training while running out of the city, using the rooftops and the tops of merchant stalls as their route out. While Ion loved the jumping from building to building, Zephyr was a bit more apprehensive, he wasn't as good with parkour as Ion was and heck, Flint had them both beat when it came to this, being able to pull off some crazy maneuvers when he was with them, either in the city or out in the fields.
Zephyr also did have a fear of getting hurt and breaking something, especially after Ion once took a bad fall, smashing his arm and breaking both his legs, causing him to be in the hospital for a couple of weeks and in a wheelchair for a few months. But that didn't seam to phase Ion, as after he could walk again, he got right back up and continued to try and do the advance parkour, which Zephyr did admire him for, Ion's resilience and determination to keep going, even after suffering a very painful injury, something Zephyr feared that he could never do. Even though his heart raced and he got shaky every time he would do parkour, Zephyr powered through as he didn't want to be a burden of Ion and Flint and hold them back. Ion could seam to sense this, as when he and Zephyr would do their parkour together, Ion would keep it to lower rooftops, so if Zephyr would fail at something, he would not fall too far and get too hurt. Even if Ion would prefer to do the more advance stuff, the mental well being of his friend was more important to him and wanted to make sure Zephyr was feeling comfortable with what he was doing. Ion though would try to throw in a few more smaller advance things in their runs from time to time, to help build Zephyr's confidence, making sure to encourage him every time no matter the out come and helping him get back on his feet if he did fail.
This time during their run, Ion was able to convince Zephyr to attempt to jump down from the city border wall to the top of the market stalls that were set up from just outside the city and to continue to parkour across them instead of their usual of climbing down the wall and doing a running slalom through the market crowd. There was only one problem with jumping to the market stalls, they were a fair distance away from the city wall, still jump-able if done right but you had to be precise, not to mention the city wall was a great deal higher then the stalls as well. Ion told Zephyr they didn't have to do this if they didn't want to, but Zephyr kept on insisting to try it, even though he looked and sounded extremely nervous, but he wanted to prove something to himself and to Ion, that he was capable of doing advance maneuvers. Zephyr said he wanted to go first and after psyching himself up, with some help from Ion's genial encouragement, Zephyr believed he could do this and took that leap down. While in the air, a feeling of excitement filled Zephyr, he was going to do this, he was going to make it. But as he got closer to the stall, Zephyr felt he was going to be just short, he held out his arm, hoping to grab the ledge of the stall and while he did, the weight of Zephyr hanging off the side caused the stall to buckle, throwing him to the ground while the stall crushed the bushels of fruit it held.
Zephyr got up from the ground, dusting himself off as he felt a hand grab the back of his shirt. As he turned around, the man that grabbed him re-positioned himself to hold Zephyr tighter as he angrily yelled at the young boy about destroying his wares. Zephyr was frozen in fear as he continued to be yelled at in front a crowd of people before the shop keeper started to pull on him hardly, wanting to take Zephyr to the authorities. As he was being lead away by the shop keeper, out the side of his eye, Zephyr could see a quick shadow daunt across the stalls on the other side of the street before the shop keeper was suddenly pushed over and Zephyr could feel his hand being grabbed again as he was being quickly lead away again, this time through the crowd of people. As Zephyr regained his senses, he could see Ion was the one leading him away as the shopkeeper got up and started to give chase. Zephyr just tried to keep his feet moving, knowing Ion would find the best route slaloming through the crowd of people, he would just follow his lead. Knocking over a bunch of fruit baskets as they made their escape, Ion and Zephyr were too fast for the shopkeepers to keep up and they got away.
When they were in the clear, Ion turned his head towards Zephyr and cracked a small smile, before asking him cheekily "I thought you didn't like this kind of excitement" noting that they didn't have to jump down from the city wall. Before Zephyr could protest, Ion told him not to worry, he would always have his back and was proud of him for trying to be out of his comfort zone. At this moment in time, looking into Ion's eyes, Zephyr noticed something different, his heart was pounding but it was not because of what they just went through, it was something different about Ion. Sure he always felt better being around and with him, even though they didn't start out on the best of terms, him and Ion did become good friends once they got to know each other, especially with the help of Flint. But there was something different in this moment, Zephyr felt differently about Ion then he did before though he has been having these feeling about Ion for a little while now, Zephyr kept trying to push them aside when they were together but it was getting harder. Could this be love?, he thought, not knowing what to make of these feelings.
Ion suddenly stopped to Zephyr's surprise as Ion asked him what was wrong? Zephyr, tying not to blush tried to tell Ion that there was nothing wrong but he was quickly embraced by him. Zephyr was now full on blushing, enjoying the feel of Ion's arms around him as Ion asked him if he was sure? Zephyr re-composured himself before confirming to Ion that there was nothing wrong, to which Ion just said "ok then" as he dropped his embrace of Zephyr but not before giving him a nice little peck on the mouth, with their lips softly touching. Zephyr was stunned as he took his hand and touched the place where Ion kissed him, did Ion know his feelings?, Did Ion also have feelings for him as well? These thought continuously ran through Zephyr's mind as he didn't know how to react before he was snapped back to reality by a call from the distance. Ion was calling out to him, that Flint was waiting for them and they should get a move on. Zephyr ran to catch up as he hoped on their journey back the next day, he and Ion would get a chance to just talk about how they felt about each other, not knowing that this was the start of a long lasting relationship.
arctic fox
story in description
grey fox
4 years, 9 months ago
30 May 2020 14:14 CEST
Initial: ef3f62de9214d91ba156ed6f628ab03f
Full Size: 8d27b0751c0bf814e4b8681fc1f43e4a
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