-------EDIT------ FUN FACT! While I was drawing that 'tablet' trinket, I couldn't remember if it had 6 buttons or 8, so I just drew 6... While I was using the very same tablet...
Hmm... if I did this... I think my trinkets would be, Tablet, Tablet, Tablet, Tablet (Wacom, Acer, Apple, Samsung)
I have a serious tablet problem. But hey, I can access windows, android and iOS, and I've got a wacom tablet for my PC and my windows tablet, so not so bad. Even though the iPad and Galaxy note pro also have pens.... Oh delicious electronic pens.
Hmm... if I did this... I think my trinkets would be, Tablet, Tablet, Tablet, Tablet (Wacom, Acer,
Pickles the Bard, supporting his dungeon crew with high group morale-ity. On par with Evil Math Wizard, who positively adds to group MORE-ality. Unlike Pious Priest class, who preaches on and on about group morality. There. Triple rhyme on company dime to pass the time. Posted here for all to see.
Pickles the Bard, supporting his dungeon crew with high group morale-ity. On par with Evil Math Wiza