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Release 73 - Paging, pools, and plenty more!

It's been a fun summer! While Inkbunny's administrators were busy adding content servers, our development team has been hard at work bringing you a better bunny, with improved Twitter support, paged views for shouts and journals, bulk pool management, and more:

* Fixed: Restored Twitter support - re-authentication is required. (Deployed in August as Release 72.)

* Changed: User pages now display up to three tweets, includes replies. Journals visible to the viewer can reduce this to one tweet. #Inkbunny tweets are filtered to avoid redundant notices.

* Added: A 'See All Shouts' page to see and mass-delete all shouts.

* Changed: The All Journals list is now paged; owners can mass-delete journals.

* Added: You can mass-assign submissions to a new or existing pool by going to your gallery view, ticking the submissions to add, and selecting "Add to new/existing pool" in the pull-down menu.

* Added: You can mass-remove submissions from a pool by clicking the pool name, ticking the submissions to remove, and selecting the option in the pull-down menu.

* Fixed: Watching and watched-by counts now decrease when a user is deleted. Existing watch counts have been adjusted to reflect the true number of watchers.

* Added: A note when someone is watching you, beneath 'watch/unwatch' on their user profile.

* Added: You can 'unfeature' your featured submission, causing your user page to feature your latest submission or favorite again.

* Changed: Requesting friendship warns if you're not watching the member. Some members thought friendship was equivalent to a watch, and expected notifications to arrive.

* Added: Five new logos by littlerager, Mindmusic, FunnyBox, [name]hybridkid[/name] and nelson88. Hover over the site mascot and click the arrows to try them out.

* Added: A warning to file a ticket for support matters when sending a PM to staff. Support tickets can be handled by the next available staffer - you might PM one who's on holiday!

* Added: Open Graph meta tags to help websites and apps display public content when linked to Inkbunny, such as titles, descriptions and images. We also tweaked meta tags and page descriptions.

* Changed: Twitter user icons are now loaded via our cache network. This is intended to preserve your privacy; as a bonus, it may also improve performance.

* Added: Internal content server management page, so staff can disable a cache or add a new one. (Can't access files or thumbnails? Try temporarily changing your content server and file a support ticket mentioning the one you were using before.)

* Fixed: Users are now automatically routed to the nearest available content server if theirs is disabled.

* Fixed: Browsing an empty pool no longer causes a redirection loop.

* Fixed: The Twitter widget no longer shows an empty tweet for new accounts or errors.

* Changed: The 'bright green' in some titles was difficult to see on bright backgrounds. We've replaced it with a darker green, and normalized some other styles in account settings.

We hope these changes make your Inkbunny experience a little more pleasant!
Viewed: 607 times
Added: 9 years, 6 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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9 years, 6 months ago
" * Added: A 'See All Shouts' page to see and mass-delete all shouts.


" Added: You can mass-assign submissions to a new or existing pool by going to your gallery view, ticking the submissions to add, and selecting "Add to new/existing pool" in the pull-down menu.

* Added: You can mass-remove submissions from a pool by clicking the pool name, ticking the submissions to remove, and selecting the option in the pull-down menu.


" * Added: A note when someone is watching you, beneath 'watch/unwatch' on their user profile.

Yes! This is great!

Your guys' changes never cease to please. Keep it up, dudes!

EDIT: Actually, quick question now that it comes to mind. Is there any chance of adding some content sorting options for organizing pools? Now that I can make pools very quickly I'd like them to just always list submissions in chronological order, but I can't seem to work out any kind of order to how it's added these.
9 years, 6 months ago
Meant to say automatic sorting options, sorry. Ran out of edit time right before I could type it.
9 years, 6 months ago
We'll add several bulk-options to reorder pools in their edit order page soon. Pools' management is high in our list of site improvements. Many people didn't use them because until now, the first hindrance was the need to add one by one from the submission's details.

But it's in the plans to add a submission to several pools at once, being able to reorder pools' elements more visually, etc!
9 years, 6 months ago
Right on. Looking forward to it!
9 years, 6 months ago
Inkbunny is the best art gallery ever :D
9 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for making this website better and better with each update! <3
9 years, 6 months ago
Lots of things I'm happy to see implemented!  Thanks for your continued excellence!
9 years, 6 months ago
Yay for more updates.
I love the idea of mass assign to pool and mass delete of journal.
9 years, 6 months ago
A lot of nice updates.
There is one thing that did come to my mind, though
Now that you changed the journal page in this way, it would be nice to be be able to set how many journals you want displayed at once in the journal view like some websites allow you to (5,10,25,50,100, all, etc), sometimes it's much more comfortable to browse through all the journals at once, especially if you want to word-search them, rather than have to browse 20 page of journals one by one, which can be very tedious when someone has a lot of journals.
Btw, this feature would also be appreciated for the number of pictures displayed per page in the gallery view.
9 years, 6 months ago
9 years, 6 months ago
9 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for all the hard work you guys. Next on the request list: mobile friendly version! IB looks awful in smartphones D:
9 years, 6 months ago
I'm working up to one of those - I had a candy bar, then a keyboard monstrosity, then nothing for a year. I'm usually close enough to a computer that I don't need one. Tempted by that Moto E w/LTE, though!

The irony is I had a summer placement for Motorola while in university; I bought a phone from them back when they still had visible antennas, and when I arrived I found everyone used Nokia handsets.

(Of course Motorola Mobility got sold to Google and then to Lenovo, so it's not quite the same.)
9 years, 6 months ago
I wouldn't mind helping with an app in my free, if the API allowed for posting of messages, submissions and journals :3~
Or you could just format the html so it looks purty on small screens. Either or :3

Also you don't need an actual device. Just an emulator, methinks
9 years, 6 months ago
Making a responsive design would be the way to go. I personally see the site well with iOS (always did), but it's true that things could be presented much better with a responsive layout that would take in consideration the screen's width and all.

But before that, we need to clean the current layout a lot! Fix the css, remove tables, etc, etc. Things we coders hate to do with a passion xD But... one day we'll have to!

The API allows posting of submissions right now, but doesn't let you post or see comments or journals, or shouts. Little by little we'll add more functions to it. We should actually work on it at the same time we do on the main site, but we didn't think people would be so interested in them! I'll add them to our wishlist so some day soon all of that functionality will be there :)
9 years, 6 months ago
Well, I am always interested in everything that improves the usability of an API! And having IB's API be able to work on journals and comments too would make it the best one I know of for Furry sites!

All that is needed in my opinion is a method to favorite something via an API command :3
9 years, 6 months ago
That shouldn't be hard to code, and same goes for journals. We'll try to get it ready soon since there's demand for it!
9 years, 6 months ago
Fantastic improvements, I'm super glad journals and shouts can be mass deleted now. I was planning to clear both of those soon, now it'll be a lot easier!
9 years, 6 months ago
Good newswork, everyone!
9 years, 6 months ago
You guys continue to kick everyone else's butts! :D
Thank you! :D
9 years, 6 months ago
Yay, progress! You all seem to excel at that endeavor!
9 years, 6 months ago
Here's my question: WHY CAN'T I SEE NEW SUMISSIONS?! All I get are broken image thumbnails. PLEASE tell me what's wrong!
9 years, 6 months ago
The limits on the cache server you were hitting stopped working, apparently due to a software bug, and it ran out of space to store new submissions. We're still trying to figure out why this occurs, but for the while we've lowered the limits on that particular cache to give us more buffer room in case it happens again before we do.
9 years, 6 months ago
Okay, I can see them now.
9 years, 6 months ago
When will the sales be working? :)
9 years, 6 months ago
Not any time soon, I'm afraid! The issue, as F-list also found recently, is that a significant portion of our members' content is unpalatable to card processors.

Like them, we value our wider mission over our ability to process sales. Unfortunately, this means that you'll have to look to a separate provider for that - though you're welcome to use our friends system to create subscriber-only accounts, as done by FriskyFerals. (NSFW)

As you can tell, we've been improving site infrastructure, and we do intend to work on improving your ability to promote your offers to other Inkbunny members – we've just had to move away from processing transactions. Bitcoin may change that, one day, but we're not there just yet.
9 years, 6 months ago
thanks a lot for that reply :)
9 years, 6 months ago
No problem! It might not be the answer you were hoping for, but we'd prefer to be honest and realistic about what we can achieve, rather than "string you along".
9 years, 6 months ago
And that sure is good. Kudos on that.
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