Happy new year everyone, it was a pretty productive year, hope the new one will be even better. I hope I didn't annoy you too much this year, but hey, nobody's perfect :)
I draw, write, and do many other things. I draw, animate, write stories, write code/program, make music, play with 3d, I create a wide range of arts. I don't like to limit myself when it comes to art. I have an ambition to become good at everything. I enjoy making art which combines other arts, like making games.
I love cute things, weird things, slimy monsters, plants. I like to surpass expectations, be it good or bad. (Approach with caution. If you're squeamish, I suggest blocking everything which you don't want to see by using filter tags, because I sometimes draw, write, and make very extreme things... don't tell me I didn't warn you) I enjoy a bunch of bdsm-y things, torture related.
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I love to mix cute with weird and slimy. I love science fiction and fantasy.
I draw a lot of cute things. I do pretty much any sort of fetish. But I usually don't like permanent character death and I don't like mind control.
Most of the things I draw don't turn me on. I have some very fucked up fetishes which I sometimes draw.
If anyone wants a copy of Sphere of Desire I have what I believe is the latest version Supremekitten did, all I ask is a little info about a feature I can't figure out, which is surprising because I figured the rest of the game out, can you fight anything in the dungeons? It seems like no matter what button I press the enemies just walk away, it says there's loot in there but there's no chests or loot or anything so I'm guessing I have to fight the slimes and stuff but how? No button I press does anything, I waited to check it out because I was busy "playing" with my furry friends, and I don't think I can ask Supreme personally if they're not watching these comments
If anyone wants a copy of Sphere of Desire I have what I believe is the latest version Supremekitten