Hey everyone! I wanted to take a moment to explain how my Patreon works for those who are curious or considering joining. My Patreon helps provide me with a stable income while offering rewards that s...
Since i have staked my claim here on inkbunny now for several months i have thought more about my art and life and what direction i want to go with it as well as some other random musings. I'm going ...
My names not rad lizer it’s just my FA handle, please just call me Cosmo My fursona is my gabumon, Cosmo. And I have a shoutmon Ollie and some additional characters. I love chatting but i have bad social anxiety. it takes a while for me to warm up to strangers.
I’m not interested in friends for only RP or gaming. I do enjoy discussing lewd stuff and teasing but only from people I know.
While I am a furry and I have my kinks that’s just part of who I am. I’m just a person like anybody else and I’d prefer to be treated that way. I’ve always found the way some people treat artists or other creatives as higher beings to be a bit off putting. I don’t crave power and avoid those that seek it.
That being said my interests are pretty basic I’m into art, mainly illustration, comics, painting and animation and films. I love storytelling and figurative art. Anything creative is interesting to me though.
Lastly, I am a pretty low energy and a bit blunt If this is a problem let me know I’m always willing to accommodate and meet people halfway.
“Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” -Camus