Since i have staked my claim here on inkbunny now for several months i have thought more about my art and life and what direction i want to go with it as well as some other random musings.
I'm going to keep trying to learn and pick up everything i can. It's a good distraction at the very least,
for those of you who are new to my page/content a bit about me.
I'm a live in caregiver for my grandpa, he's 98 and nobody else is able to fill that role for him so i am trying to do right by him and help him out in his final years. though for every give there is take and i have uprooted myself to be here for him, i don't have any friends nearby (let alone furries) or a social circle here and there is absolutely nothing to do in this town so i bury myself in my work.
i have some personal projects i am working on (that sci fi comic with the fish dude you see every now and then) that i am whittling at but i am a slow writer and a bit of a perfectionist. so it is slow going.
i want to be fiscally stable, so that i can support myself with my work, i am very thrifty but i still worry if i am making enough to "make it" and that eats at me a bit as i hate to be a burden on others.
my social anxiety is still there but its not nearly as bad as it used to be. but i still struggle with impostor syndrome and i still have trust issues with strangers (its hard for me to open up to people) as i by default expect them to use me and dump me when i am no longer of use or convenient for them.
often time i ruminate on all my failed "friendships" that puttered out when neither of us had anything to say to one another and i felt i was just being either too clingy or too distant and it washes over me like a wave of regret, but you cant change the past so i try to not let it get me.
anyway i just wanted to share what was on my mind and be a little more open about how i feel since i tend to keep my feelings private and to myself! this is not a cry for help just wanted to vent a bit.
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3 months, 3 weeks ago
26 Nov 2024 01:22 CET