Que *...* *queue? Really? Am I real?* q *Queq! Queque?!? oops. How do I tapp?* [Backspace] *Looks up and down several times to make sure I'm on stable ground before I jump.* ue -----Queue---...
They should make a gameshow that is literally just the Price is Right, but instead of cost you are asked about the nutritional information of food. It would be horrifying.
This my first time watching it in probably 10-15 years! There was so much going on! WOW. The characters were so good! The main characters felt very well flushed out. They interplanetary off each oth...
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James | Male | 24 | Pretty Dang Gay | Illinois
Preface: Dispite his name, this man is not actually to be pitied; you will only play into his humiliation kink.
Hi! My name is James! I've been I have an unhealthy obsession with man smell, big boys, feet, and cubs, as well as a wide swath of BDSM and morally dubious content. Seriously, though-- proceed with caution, because I am a tiny, horny amphibian of high kinkitude. Lots'a fetish stuff here. There is little I shy away from drawing, but I do have preferences. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *I love drawing: Feet, Rape, Musk, Cub, and Bondage.
*I will not draw: Scat; Exceptionally Bloody Gore; and Public Figures, Their Symbols, or Close Representations of Them.
*This gallery is 95% gay stuff. Usually, I will only draw women, girls, and otherwise feminine characters when commissioned to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That being said-- I do try to keep things (relatively) tasteful, but some of it is very nasty! Be sure to update your blacklist, and do not harass any of my commissioners or anyone else. It is my intent as an artist to bring joy and pleasure, especially using unconventional methods. It is not my intent to purposefully offend anyone or bring harm onto others.
On a lighter note, always feel free to be horny in the comments! You can refer to me as James (the artist's name) or as Sal (my sona). But, when an art piece features a character that I have permission to draw under specific guidelines, please try to be mindful of the owner's preferences and sensibilities before leaving an explicit comment. As much as I love crude comments, I do not want my commissioners to be made uncomfortable.
DM's asking to chat will likely be ignored. It isn't you, I just run into too many people to interact with everyone! Just imagine that I said hello back!