This has been on my mind for the past month or so I think. It's just that I haven't drawn any porn in ages, and it just doesn't have the same kick that it used to because I can barely find any time f...
Welp, since according to someone I sound like Karkat, so here ya go. |3 I feel as if I could've done better ;_; I might do another tryout and test some st...
So, yet again, here I find myself explaining why I've been. . . inactive. :'U *shot* Uhm, yeah |D I've been up north for the past week or so. :U (a place called Heber, Overgaard; I just call it up no...
Hai thur!~ :D The name's Keira, if you didn't already notice. XD I'll be posting what I usually post on my dA (which can be found here: C: Inkbunny is also a place I know I can go to for uploading my more mature pieces of art, and when I'm feeling naughty~ C'B
haha, ANNYYway. . . like I said before, you can find me on. . .
And for any other stuff like my Facebook, Skype, etc., those are for really close friends only :'U and if you're gonna add me as a contact on Skype, please notify me in any way telling me that you're "so-and-so" before doing so. I get scared when I receive random Skype requests 0.0 XD
Anything else I missed? Just ask! :'D I won't bite. . . . too hard CX<